I Agnostic Aggression at ()pitim. 8pm 3am. l’ree. Weekly. A tiiglit ol. luck the \y \tein ptiiik.

I Audio Tourism at l’iyo Bar (‘ltih 0pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly. Start the weekend oll' nice and early with a \election ol‘ hreakx. RxB and urban ll‘ilL‘l\\ lt'om (i-Mac and (ieorge.

I Born to Be Wide at the Street.

9pm lain. l‘ree. l8 Atig. liorlnightly .\lu\ic llltllhll') \ocial club that ttlllh to bring muxox. journale promoterx. record \llop worker\ and lllll\lclltlt\ together. With a \aried \oundtrack l'roin \ariotix ltltltl\lt‘_\ hodx iticlttdiitg l’attl .Nl\lllll (lnyerleith (iallery l and John .\lcNally tedinhurghl‘extiyalx.co.ukl.

I Bounce at l’o Na Na. l lptn 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Student night down l’o Na Na get\ the place jumpin' witli llx mix ol- hip hop. tn'han. Rth and (ll'lllle promox. I CC Blooms at (‘(‘ Blooinx.

10.30pm 3am. l-"ree. Weekly. 'l‘rip the light lantaxtic to lli-NR(i dance action and pop hitx at thix ey er popular gay bar. I Cheeky Thursdays! at Berlin Bierhaux. ‘lptn 3am. l-ree het‘ore 10.30pm; £3 hel'ore midnight; £4 alter. IS Atig. Fortnightly. Some ol lidinhurgh‘x tinext [Us for the hext in R&B rhythmx. hip hop and dancehall alongxitle houxe heat\ and big party anthemx.

I Club Olum at ('aharet Voltaire. ltlpm 5am. £9. ll tk IS Atig. Seyen ltottl'\ ol the hext high yoltage. tw Ned rock. hux/ing gtiitarx. heat\ and hootleg maxh-upx. 'I‘ on the l‘ringe bring you llll\ cltth-meetx-gig amalgam of liy e hands and DJ \killx. l‘irxt out the block SllllN ol ll‘lhl. Motormark and l.()\\ Leader go liy e with a 1)] \et lroni (Sllx .\latcliho\ B- Line l)i\a\ter t ll .-\llgl. lllc l'olloyyttlg week ( IS Augi 'l'ittix (iein. l)ata l’anik to ho mud to he Bio and Stttalktt .\lolol are the liye act\ with DJ action lt'otti Ailidli Lennon (Sonx tk Daughtero ax well ax ('luh ()ltini rexident l)irty Marc and in-houxe dancerx the Suicide (iirlx. I El Barrio at lil Barrio. ltlpni 3am. l-ree. Weekly. Latin. chart and party with l)J\ .\layo. Sanehe/ & l’api and their \lamming 'lequila \election.

I Espionage at lixpionage. | lptti 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. Miller and .\lata llari pt‘exenl [)1 Day id (‘raig with tlte \lllotllll \otind\ ol' Rtkll.

I The Establishment at (1 9pm 5am.

l‘ree. Weekly. limhraeing the \pirit ol’ the l-‘ringe with comedy. muxic. datice and hurlexqtie ilcl'tl\\ liy e lloorx. l’lenty ol l).l action. ol~ ctltll'\c. lrom 7ll\ to indie. it\ well ttx liye rock. late night comedy \howcaxex and a daxh ol' caharet. .-\\ they \a) '\\elcome to the other") to 5'.

I Funked Up at Stthway (’ow gate. llpiii 5am. l‘ree. l l Atig. l'p arid coining l).l\ get lunketl tip with thix new night (it llll\ll maxhed house. trance. techno and clttlt c‘l;t\\tc‘\.

I Genetic at (‘itrux ('luh. llptii 3am. l‘ree hel‘ore l l..5llpllll £3 alter. Weekly Still a mighty popular \oiree that \ltoyyczt\e\ alternatiye. indie and lo-~li. No \(noking at the hat. mind.

I Graffiti at .\ledina. ltlpin 3am. £2 hel‘ore midnight; £3 alter. Weekly. The backroom residentx lrom Stereotype and Detected iii the llothc (.\la\ter ('aird and KippSi take oy er .\ledina. \pinning their unique ttll\ ol' dixco. l'unk. win and kitxeh retro clit\\lc\.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge.

ltlpin 3am. £3. Weekly. (‘laxxic dartce anthemx and l'unky \ocal ltotlxc lt'otii H". I Our House at l‘aith. I lpm 3am. £3 hel'ore midnight; £4 alter (£2). Weekly.


Homage to all things house lt'om the earliext day'\ to the biggest eltih hitx ol today

The Snatch Social at the Liqtiid Room. I 1pm 3am. £5. Weekly. llarry :\ilt\\yot'lli (AKA l'ormer Perrier Best Newcomer (iarth (‘ruikshanki and Tap Water Award winner 'l‘ony ('arter mix it up at thi\ cheeky eaharet-ctim-dixco. Bahex and 'l‘rendy Wendy (monthly rexident) \tipply hip hop and funky tunes. The rabble rotisers that are the (‘tihan Brothers \w‘ing hy thix week for their only l‘extiyal show of 3005 ( l8 Aug l. (‘heck w w w..\natchsoeial.eom for more into. I Test at Rlil) Vodka (‘ltih l()pm 5am. l‘ree. l l Aug. Intelligent electro. break and techno form the Physicist. Kid lll. (‘ohald and guexts. I Vaudeville Cabaret Club at the Bongo ('luh. lll.5ll[)lll 5am. £5 £9.50. Weekly. linihraeing dissident caharet with a (litxll of Berlin glamour. l’ttt‘is intimacy and ('hicago \petikt';i\ie.\. ('ircux. theatre. music. l-'e.stiy;il highlights and hurlexque all combine l'or your entertainntent with a jail. gypsy. carniyal and tw ixted pop soundtrack. l’lux the ()ne ()‘(‘lock (’luh l’rom Iani onwardx. I Vitamin at Rlil) Vodka ('ltth. ltlpm 5am. l-tee before I lpin; £2 alter. IS Aug. ('ai. lilectro Rik and Baldo play t'unky tech-houxe lor the lllit\\c\.

Chart & Party

I City at (‘ityz lidinhtirgh. lllpm 3am. £5 £4. Weekly. (ll) is open C\ L‘l') 'lliurxday with a (iii\ of pop. dance. Rth and funk. anything to get you on the dancelloor.

I Vinyl at .\l;t\\;t. Split 5am. l't'ee. Weekly. ('ommercial chart and dance cotirtexy of Paul l'tinkxter. plus drinkx promox aplenty tor thoxe who want to start the weekend laxhionahly early.


I Access at the Honey eomh. Ne\t date 2o Aug.

I Audio Tourism at l’iy‘o Bar (‘luh 0pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly. Digging deep

ittto their \y ell—\tocked ho\e\ l'ot‘ llottt‘x of

cool cutx with a tranxatlantic houxe l'layotir.

I CC Blooms at (‘(‘ lilooltlx.

10.30pm 3am. Free. Weekly. See 'l‘hu. I Cult at l’o Na Na. lllpm 3am. £3.50 hel‘ore l lpni: £5 alter. Weekly [)1 Nikki and l'riendx dig tip the yery hext in l'unk. dixco. Rtle liotixe. kilxcli c‘l;l\\lc\ and party jtlllh at llti\ cool dancelloor llltl\ll- tip.

Diggin’ Deeper at the Bongo (‘ttih lt).3()pm 5am. £5 helore midnight: £7 alter (£4 members). I: Aug. 'I‘he l)igl)eep :\ll.\l;tl‘\ rock the party with their eclectic hrew ol liltltk‘. hip hop, reggae. heats. tttoy iex and more. settling into their new home with liye acts Atnplilico. lloo\et‘lt\li and [)1 lift I’eachex. Plus the ll\ll£tl \‘ltl\ and other tw ixted heatx.

I Dogma at Sttidio Z-l. l().3()pm 5am. £9 (£7 tnemherxi. l‘) Aug. llard. underground techno ol' the highext order with their annual l-‘estiyal round-up of the hext homegrown techno Scotland hax to oll'er. 'l'hree liy e acts w ill take to the \tage Stick 430. l.Rl)(i and Baxx lnyaderx plux guest l)J\ and the rexidetitx lor a no ttottxcllsc lL‘clllio

\ltoyy caxe.

I El Barrio at lil Barrio. l()pm 3am. l‘ree. \Veekly. See Tho.

I The Establishment at ('.

0pm 5am. l‘ree. Weekly. See 'l‘hti.

I Evol at the Liqtiid Room.

l()..i()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. lidinhurgh'x longest running indie night. With the tixtial mix of the hext current and elaxsic alternatiye. croxsoy'er tune\. it'\ art inxtitution already.

I Four Corners at the Bongo (’luh. Next date lo Aug.

I Friday Funk at .\l;t\\;t. lllpltl 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. New night dowti Maxxa

lB Atitj I/‘(ltifi

playing pop. dixco. R&B. funk and house with regular special gtlcxlx.

I Guitar Mania at ()pium. 8pm 3am. liree. Weekly. 'I‘wo nightx ot‘ the hext in guitar sounds (with liy e acto.

I Henry’s Late Nights at llenry ‘\ Jan (‘ellatx midnight 3am. £8. Weekly. 'l'op qttality ja// and UL from llenry '\ Ja/l ('ellar. Through the l'cxt the (iooyedigga/ e\perience take oy er the late night \L‘\.\i(iti\ on Friday \. w itlt a soul ja/I l'unk \eyen-piece led by \a\- man Martin Kerxhaw and the \octtl\ ol 'l‘ony King.

I Late Nite Jazz/Funk/Dance at the Jan Bar. lll.5(lpttl 3am. l‘ree before

I l.3()pin; £5 alter. Weekly. New l'unk- tilled night featuring Iiy e handy and lolx of dancing.

I Manga at lloneycomh. l lpni 5am. £l() (£8 ttlL‘llllk‘l'Sl. l‘) Aug. Scotland'x premier drtnn tk ll£t\\ \e\\lott w ith the one and only Bad (‘ompany producer [)1 Fresh (Breakheat Kaoxi. They play alongxide regularx (i-Mac. DJ Kid. .\l(‘ ll]. l’rolisee. l)l Belieye tttltl Silyer Stoi'ic. For more info check w w w.cluh» mangaeotik.

I Mocha Rocka! at Berlin Bierhaux. Ne\t date Io Aug.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. ltlpm 3am. £5. Weekly. l‘unked tip yocal houxe and dance cl;i\\ic\ lrom Sley ie (E and (‘alluni Murray.

I Pangea at Rlil) \‘odka (‘ltih

9pm 5am. £5. l2 Aug. l‘irxt birthday party 1t\ [)1 Kid \lcpx up to the plate in ltt\ role ax \peeial gtiext tor [lll\ drum & haxx. hip hop and meet art \ltowdow n. Support tronr rexidentx ('tixh'l'. Special lid. l’rolexxor l‘rexh and .\l(' 'l‘rouhla on the mic. ()n \ite graphic art lor \ale t'rom lekt. 1/} and Mary (‘ontrary

I Pins 8. Needles at Rl-Ll) Vodka (’luh. ‘lpin 5am. l’ree. l‘) Aug. .\lontlily l'eaxt ol' itchy -glitchy tech-liouxe from Matthew llart-\\'il\on. K.\l(i and Paul Bendorix with a \pecial gue\t the.

I Planet Earth at (‘itrux (‘ltth l().3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. \ltixic lrom I970 through to IUX‘) or. in other \yord\. a healthy doxe ol' punk. new waye. new romantic and electro pop.

I Pop Fiction at (‘ityz lidinhtirgli. lt).3()pm 3am. £(i. Weekly. 'l'rendy Wendy and regular gllcxlx (inc Betty l‘ordi lay dowti the coolext blend of pop. l'unk. \(llll. dixco. Rth hip hop and lloll\c with a real xenxe ol‘ lun. Antl Pleaxe note they hay e moy ed to a qmnking new \enue juxt tip the road l'roni their old haunt. l’lenty ot' drinkx promm on otter an' all.

I Pure at the Venue. Ne\l date In Aug. I React v UTI at the Venue.

ltHllpin 5am. £thc. l2 Aug. ’l‘eclino \how down ax the two underground cluhx go head to head.

I Shake Your Rumpa at Rl-Ll) \‘odka ('luh. Next date 3 Sep.

I Solescience at ('aharct Voltaire. llptii 5am. £5. l2 Atig. Dedicated to bringing the hext ol' underground lltlll\c. digital dixco and trackheatl \olll ax l'L‘\l(lClll\ Nick Ytiil and Rob \lathie are

joined by local lad Neil Bethune. \yllo\

heen \quirreled away it] liix \ttldio l-ot‘ moxt ol the paxt year and llll\ will he the lirxt puhlic ottting tor hix tlehtit releaxe \o e\pect \onie ‘(leep'n'humpy llolhc gl'()(l\L‘\

I Solid Steel: Ninja Tune present Keep in Time at the Bongo ('luh. llpiii 5am. £l() (joint \creening and club ticket £l4.‘)5i. l‘) Aug. Solid Steel. Ninja Tune and the .‘ylirrorlmll \trand ol the lidinhurgli International l’ilni liextiyal all

join l'orce\ l'or thix iinmenxe multimedia

cltih e\perience. 'l'herc'x a \ereening at the (’ameo of Ninja 'l'une'x new ttioy ie Keep in lime (5.l5pmi followed by an e\clti\i\e l).l l‘ood liye \otindtracking lo the tar otit Monkeex’ nioy ie l/t’tltl ( Bongo 0 l lpmi. ‘l‘lien liall' ot' the Ninja ’l'une roxter went to he in town lor \olllc honext to gootlnexx \hit hot cltih action lrom

It’s their only Festival show this year as

Havana’s filthy all-singing, all-dancing four-man cavalcade, the Cuban Brothers, return to their spiritual home of Snatch. Although they tend to be more at home on the screens of MTV or the stage at Manumission or Homelands, they can never resist a trip back each August. Clubbing meets comedy in the worst possible taste

(and all the better for it). Snatch (I! (lit) l.l(]t//(/ Room,

t‘l/lug, ll/)/l), l‘:'>..