
Wsual Art

I EDINBURGH ART FESTIVAL l'ttttl Sun I Sep Illllt'\ \at} \ LL'Ik'I‘lJllItll til the Mtpllal-x ‘-l\ll.li .tl't tonttttuntl}. tntolxtug met 3 L'.tlit'l|t'\ ll|\llllllltill\ and .tlllxl led Hl'.‘.tlll\.tllttll\ tlLItt\\ the tit} I'Hl lttll ll\llllL‘\. we we.“ edtnbutghattlexttx.tl or:

Public Galleries


3 Market Stteel. ‘3" “Ni \lon Sat lilatn Spttt. Sun noon Spin

View from the Inside l’nttl Sun 3| (It'l I‘lt‘t' I)l\ut\t'l Iltt\\ .tlll\l\ teptexettted ttt tlte (‘ttt \ll ('entte\ tollet ttott h.t\ e e\ploted llte notld ol the tntettot lntludex \xotk b_\ \lbetto Mortott'o l-( 'll ('addell attd \\ tlltatu (illllt'\

Beyond Appearances l lllll Sun 2% Sep ('tttated b} .ttt lllxlttlltlll lltll llate. llll\ e\|nbtttott e\p|ote\ tlte \l_\ll\llt‘ tlll.tllllL'\ .tttd lltetttaln tltatat'tettxltt \ lltat tll\llllf_'lll\li Seotttxh tnodettt .tttd eontetnpotat} painting

Hand, Heart and Soul I ttttl Sun 2% Sep .\latot e\htbttton e\plottng tlte .tll\ and t‘l;tll\ tttoxentent ttt Seolland ltottt INN” ll) l‘) i‘)


32 IS ('oekbtttn Slteet. :3” l3le 'lue Sal ttoott 5pm l'tee

The Comic Book Project t'ttul Sal l5 Sep. .\ unique pt'oteet ptodueed tn :ISSUt'Ittllttll \\ tlh the .Il';t\L'l'\L' ‘l'heatte. I'Illll attd Hook I't‘\ll\;ll\ attned at e\plot‘tng tlte t'elattonxlttp between perlottnanee and \ l\ll.tl at‘t. 'l’he ('ollet‘ttxe \\ Ill \hon an e\htbttton ol \xot’k b} arttxtx tneludtng .\datn |)ant. Brian |)e\\an attd .loltn llegle). attd perlortnanee b} l)oug l-txltbone,


7‘ Iit‘llttl'tl Road. ()Z-I (illlll lllalll 5pm Picasso on Paper l'nttl Sun 23 Sep. .-\ tnaior e\htbttton ol l’tt';t\\tt\ patnttngx attd tlt‘;t\\ittg\. oeeup} tng tlte ettttre top lloot‘ ol tlte l)ean (taller). attd ranging lt‘otn tlte eteltittgx ol tlte earl} I‘lllllx. through hix pt'e-nar ettbtxt \\tll’l\\ to Ill\ \t'\ll;tll_\ charged later _\L';Il‘\. Run tn eoniunetion \\ ith tlte l’tt mm: l'll't't/ it uh I’ttuttnt e\liibilion at the National .\ltl\t'lllll ol Seotland



74 l.attri\ton l’laee. 33! (illllll. .\lon Illtl Illatn Spin; l‘ri Illatn 4pm; Sat

ltlatn 3pm.

No More Stars Sat 4 :\ug Sun U Sep. l’olat‘eap prexentx l7 tntet‘nattonal. extablixhed. etnet'ging attd ne\\ arttxtx. Warhol in Film Sat 4 .'\ll:_' Stttt ‘) Sep. .\ \eriex ol \et'eentngx e\plot'ing \Varhol'x einetnatte \tot‘k. tneludtng doeutnentar} lootage ol~ hix Me.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 23 l'nton Street. 55“ 34“). line Sal Illatn opnt. l-‘ree.

William Kentridge Prints t'ttul Sat 3 Sep. Solo e\hibition ol pl'lllh b} tlte internationall) -;teel.titned Sottth .-\lt‘tean :tl'lhl.


45 Market Street. 235 2383. Mon Sat llattt bptn; Stttt ttoott 5pm .

Alex Hartley 0... l'nttl Stttt II (M. l’ree. 'l‘hix e\hibttion begin\ on tlte UlllSItIL‘. on [he I£I\'iltlk‘ ol' lIIC I‘l‘llllllldl‘kt‘l ('taller} \\hielt llartle}. an enthuxiaxtie elitnber. \\i|l elad ttt an image ol‘ ilxell‘. marked \\ ith routex up the l'aeade tltat he has elitnbed ax preparation tor the e\hibition. lnxtde the gallet‘}. llartle} \ photographx e\atnine the relationxhip an indi\ idttal ean hax e \\ ith arehiteetut'e. See t'e\ ie\\. page “I.


The Hound. (‘24 blot). .\lon \Ved & lit‘i Stttt ltlatn 5pm; ’l‘hu lllatn "pin.

Andy Warhol: A Celebration of Lite . . . and Death S.tt~1 \u: Sun ()et. antu 5pm LS I‘Jtt llnx .tllll‘lllttth e\htbttton ol around 3H” noth I\ tlte lil\l tttatot \IIH\\ tn Stotland to e\.ttntne “.tl'llttl-x \ktilk .teltt\\ .t \kltle lallfJL‘ ttl \ttbtetlx. lIlL'lllCS attd tnedta ' H William Blake Sat 4 \ug Sun 4 \m. lHant ‘pttt ltee “oth on papet b} one ol the tumt gtlted and tttlluenttal ol all totttattln .tlll\l\ llu\ e\htbtlton ll.t\ been planned to telebtale the Isltth autmetxat} ol the arttxt\ btttlt

I NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘hatttbeh Slteel. 24” I’lt't'

Anna King I ttttl Sun 3.\ ( M l tee Ithpllt'tl b} te\t\. ttttetnattonall) l't‘lltMl‘tt'tl .tlll\l Ktng et'eatex te\ttle\. paper. l;t[‘t'\ll'lt'\ and \eulptute Picasso: Fired with Passion l'ttttl Sun 3S ( )et \ neul} eteated e\lttbtuon ol l’te.t\\o\ eetatnn \. tnetaluotk and lithograph). ltotn tlte pettod W4" W.“ \xhen lte \\.t\ \\Hll\lll_L‘ .tt \.tll.tllll\ ttt \ttlllllt'lll I tanee Run ttt eontuttelton

\\ till I’m mw on lit/it I at the Dean (iallet).

4433 Want *ptn

I THE QUEEN’S GALLERY l’alaee ol llol}roodhott\e. 55b 5 It)“. I).ti|_\ 0.30am (tpttt. U. Want Iptn . t5 tL-l.5tlt. Amazing Rare Things: The Art of Natural History in the Age of Discovery l'ttttl Stttt lo Sep. £5 tltee L450; l;|lllll} tteket (lit. ('ut'ated b) the l<o_\al (‘olleetton ttt eollaboration \\ tlh Stt' l)a\td :\ltenborou_«_th. llll\ e\lttbttton bt‘tng\ together tlte \xot'k ol lour gll'll\l\ Leonardo da \'tnet. ('awiano dal l’o//o. :\le\andet' .\l;tl'\ll‘.tl. .\lat'ia Sib} Ila .\let‘ian and \lark (‘ate\b_\ “hm hm e ltelped shape eotttetnporar} underxtandtng ol' lhe natural \Htlltl.


ln\et‘lett|t Ro\\. 553 ilfiil. 'ltte Stttt lllant 5.30pm.

Two Voices l'ntil Stttt l4 ()et. ltnagex ol the garden portra}ed lt‘otn botlt bltttd attd \iglited pet‘xpeelnex. created h} RUSIliI \Itlt‘KL‘ll/lt‘ tllltl Rt‘lk‘t‘t'tt .\l;tt‘l'. William Eggleston - Portraits 1974 l'ntil Stttt l4 ()et. .-\ eolleetton ol llL'“ printx l't'ont tlte 'lalher ol' eolour photograph} ' depiettng lil'e itt .\letnphi\. 'l‘ennexxee.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'l‘he .\lound. 225 007 l. .\lon Sat

Illatn 5pm; Sttn noon Spin. Recycled Lives: Ian McCulloch Sat 4 .-\ttg Sun 3t) Sep. .~\ eurated e\hibitton l'rotn the \tudto ol Ian .\le('u||oeh tnot the lieho attd tlte Hunnynen lronttnant. looking at the de\eloptnent and reworking ol t'eeurrtng lllt‘lllL‘\ in a career \panning 4t) _\ear\. Nl \‘J St K )V.’


“5 Bellord Road. (\34 (Still Hail} Illatn Spin.

Richard Long: Walking and Marking l’ntil Sttn 3| ()et. at t L-lt. .-\

ntatot' ne\\ e\hibttton ol tlte \xork ol otte

ol the great ligurex ol' eontetnporat'} Hrtttxlt art. ’l‘lux e\htbttion \\ tll leature a number ol neu \ite—xpeetlie \Htl‘IxS.


l Qtlt‘t‘ll Sll‘CL‘l. (C4 (CHI). \Ittll “Cd 6'. Hi Stttt Illatn 5pm; ’l‘hu lllatn "put. The Naked Portrait l'ttttl Sun 2 Sep. Us tt'4t. lluge. neu. bold and llllltt\;tll\ e e\lnbition e\plortng the llldll} “an ttt \xhielt artixtx ha\ e tlramt. painted. printed. \eulpted and photographed tlte naked bod}. Bringing together around It)” e\atnple\ from Will» to the prexent da}. tlte eolleetion tneludex \torltx b} ligon Sehiele. l.uetan Freud. l)tane \rbux and Iraq Iztnin. and leature\

Microbo St 80130: Complementary

Milan-based designers and

illustrators Microbo and 80130 exhibit their new drawings. paintings and prints at Analogue. The artists have shown independently and collaborated on exhibitions and installations extensively across Europe. USA, Australia and Japan. Both artists take inspiration from graffiti and urban life. creating compositions where Microbo‘s ‘complex. organic doodles float amongst 80130’5 zombie armies.‘

I z't/a’otpa). In :2 Aug 0.1. no:

l.tllltttl\ \lllt‘h \ueh ax \lat‘tl} n \lont’oe. Rudoll \ut‘e}e\ and John I.ennon. Painting in Crayons t'ttttl Sun to Sep. l:\hibttion lttL'll\\lllf._' on with ttt paxlelx lt'otn llte gallet} \ pet‘tnanent eolleetton. ranging lt'otn lSth eentut} \\ttl’l\\ like Maurice ()ttenttn de la 'l'out‘K I’I'tttt t' ('ltttr/t'x lat/tum! Slttttl'l (IT-LSD lo .IUIIII I$}l'nt‘.\ \llttl} HI lll\ \tllt‘. the aeelattned tlt’ll'L'SS. It/t/tt ,Stt Ill/III] tltlttlt.


33 ('oekburn Street. ()3: (CW).

Ilatn (tptn.

John Stezaker l'nttl Stttt 2S (M. John Ste/aket‘ ix laxeinated b} the pouet‘ ol llllttgt‘\ and quextionx the :ttllhol'il} ol pietut‘e\ lottnd in bookx. tnaga/tnex. poxteartb and ette_\elopedta\ b} dtt'eetl} intet'xening lll their \ltllll»

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'ni\er\it} ol‘ lidinbttrgh. Sottth lit‘tdge. b5” 33“). Tue Sat lilatn Spin.

David Batchelor: Unplugged l'ttttl Sat 3‘) Sep. Bext known l'ot' Ill\ ltgltt inxlallationx attd nork on eolout‘ llteot'}. ;tl‘li\l and author l)a\td Batehelor \lltt\\\ a MC“ \ite-xpeeilie lll\l;tll;tllttll tnade lot lalbot Riee (iallet‘) \ \axt alriutn \pat‘e.



75/79 ('utnberland Street. 553 ‘35:. Wed Sat llatn (tptn. l'ree. Michael Craik: Razed to the Ground l'ntil 'I‘hu St) Aug. ('ratlx\ \tork loeuxex on geotnett'ie x) \lL'lll\ \\ itltitt at'ehileetut'e. l'ot' llll\ e\htbttton he llax tle\elttped a lieu \el'Ie\ ol otl pttlllllllgx on alutninitttn. e\plortng repeating pattern\ that ll;t\ e been e\panded lt'otn arehiteetural detatlx.


SH 'l‘htale Street. North liast l.ane. 225 2H9} Wed Sat llatn (iplll.

Pattern Recognition l'ttttl Sat 1 Sep. llideko lnoue tJapant and l‘t'tde thken t.\'or\t.a_\ t eollaborate on an L'\lllhlllHll \xhieh both arti\t\ prepared lor b} researehing tnetnoriex ol their grandparents. lnoue tranxlated old photographie inl‘ortnation into eolour Ditlllllll:_‘\. and in rexponxe Kl}l\l\en produced a \erie\ ol' \ tdeo attd photographie \xorkx. lomel} bawd on the lllClllttrlL‘\ attd [riltlllltilh xhe ha~ reeeix ed lrottt the prex IHU\ generationx ol her lttlllll}.

I CORN EXCHANGE GALLERY (‘onxttlutton Stteet. Sol WHH \\ed Sal llatn 4 Wptu l'tee

Chong-Bin Park .0. l lllll lllll ‘) (\tlt‘ Seulptute. photoetapln .tttd petlottuant'e ltottt llte South l\oteatt atttxt. \xhoxe \xotk e\plote\ the ellett ottt \ut'toundtuj.) t’tllllllt' and ettxtt'otttttent See te\ lt'\\. page


ll (holieltl Stlttate. 33S 'I ll) ltte ltt llattt (tpttt; Sat tttmtt Spttt

Nathan Coley l ttttl Sat l‘ Sep Itttnet l’t‘t/e \Itttlllhlt'tl .tlll\l lot It)” '. \xltme \xork t'\;ll|l|llt‘\ hon tlte \.lltlt‘\ ol a \oetet_\ ate tellet'ted tit and delettttttted b} ll\ btttll t'll\ ttotttttettt


25 II;t\\lllUl'll\;tlt'. *‘l 44%) \lott Sat Hiatn Spin.

Magazine 07 Sat 4 Stttt .7!» .\ut.' .-\nnual \lltm ol \totk b} met 3“ .Illl\l\ reprexenttng llte L‘Hlllt'lllpttldl} Stotttxlt \eulptut'e «the. HE l“


(t ('arltott 'lettat e. SW) 4-1-1l ltte Sat Illatn 5pm.

Visit Little Sparta l ttttl I'll ll \ut'. lpttt. £3”. :\l'll\l and poet Ian llattttltott l'tnla} \ Ill\lttll ol \kttl'tl\. \ettlplttte and idea\ tttto a garden a\ gallet} tutked aua} iii the l’entland IIIll\ littxex lea\e lt'otn the lngleb} (tal|et_\ .tt lpttt t'\t'l} Wednexda}. ('onlael l'totta l‘oulet ott (IT—75 4()(t ‘) ‘75 ()I littlmt' lt)\\lt'l

(H btttttet‘ttet.ettttt lot ttekeh

Rachel Whiteread and Robert Burns’ breakfast table I lllll Sat ‘1 .-\ug. \t'“ \kttllk lt‘otn Ratltel \Vllllt'lt'dtl

I TOTAL KUNST @ FOREST illrtxto l’laee. 23!) 45 W ttoott lllpttt Shame on You l'ttttl I‘ll <.-\ttg RL’LL‘III photograph} graduate l’htltp liu e \\ Ill be ehopptng up Itlx degree \Iltl“ into a eollage attd getting [ltt\\L'l\

b} to help hint. l/‘Bl 2w l ,E 0 Bl? I WASPS STUDIOS

I’atriothall Sllltllnx. 4x llattttltott l’laee. Stoekbrtdge. 325 IZH‘).

Bona Fide Sat 4 Sat 25 Aug. l-ree. A group \htm ol \tork b} \l\ (trll\l\ lrtilll

Seotland and (ieorgta. .t .. 7‘ /.'.