

I Alter Ego .il l’o Na Na llpttt 3am £5 t£ii Wu'kl} ‘l lttlrxda} night lll;l\lt up trout l)J l)l\t'l\L'. pla}ing a gunn- splitting wlct'tiori ol llltttlt'l'lt arid k'i.l\\lk indic. rock. diwo. Rik”. hip hop. hootlch and liink} houw,

I A Basement Boogie at Bt-ilm Hicrhaux llpui 3am l‘r'cc \Vcckl} lnliuiatc r‘cxidt'nt'} trout thc 'lrouhlt' l)J\. pla}irig out clult clavrcx. clutro. p lunk. \oul. hip hop. hr‘cak\. \}lllll pop and niorc.

I Chocolate Kiss at \lawr.

lllprri iaru. £3 tlru-i \Vt't'kl} \t-u night lle'hllljJ olt \xith I'L'Nltlt‘lll l),l loll} 'I .'\"l. (Mairihoi pla}ing oirt thc hut in Kit“. Motown and urban.

I Club Vague at .lll\i lllL' 'lonit'. midnight 5am. £l(i. \Vcckl}. \ight ol caharct. hurlcxtiuc. liw lllllSIL'. acr'ral \llllllx. [Us and glamour t‘lull‘ arid ‘littV \lltt\\\ through tlic l‘cxtnal i.

I Gettoblast! at thc Bongo ('lult. llprn 3aur £5, 2 .\ug. ,i\ ncu nrglit ol truc ltip hop 'l'hc l'unk and lirp hop \pllllllll}: r‘t'gularx art- _|ttlllL‘tl tor lilL' launch h} Rllk'illt‘ Rulltonc tor a

slum (aw \cl arid tht' l’x} tho Sltlw hrcakdancc L'rcu.

3:: I Fly Spitfires at ('ahar’ct Voltalrt'. llpnt 5am. £5 l£il. 2 x\ug. More liw lllkilt' action lroui thc original and hut. 'l‘ltt‘) ttt‘t' tolllt'tl it) Makt' \ltttlt‘l it llL'\\ outlit l'rom l‘it'klc l’uhlic'x l.c\\i\ (ialc. Part of 'I‘ on I/lr' l'ringr'.

I Lic It at ('itrux ('luh. ll.3llpm 3am. l'rcc below I lpm; £5 t£3i altcr. chkl}. Rock. indic arid rctro i'ctiut'xtx night “ith in Adam.

I Red Residents at Red. ltlpni 5am. l‘rcc liclorc | lpm; £2 al'tt‘r. 2 Aug. Fortnightly liclcctic ini\ ol clcclro. hip hop and dixco.

I Red Star Institute at Rcd.

lllpm 5am. l‘rcv hctorc I lpm; £2 altcr. ‘) Aug. l‘ortnightl}. 'l‘lic hcxt tip-and- coming local Mix and \'J. ‘l'hix night giwx amalcurx the chanu' to \pin in ll'ttlll ol' thcir Pk‘t'l'S.

I The Shuffle Club at thc Spicch (iardcn. ll.~l5pm l.45ani. £l() t£Sl. chkl}. Dancchall nta}hcrn and caharct. I Souled Out at ()pal l.oungc.

lllpm 3am. l-‘rcc lictor‘c midnight; £3 al'tcr. chkl}. l‘roni disco to .\'orthcrn Soul. (iarcth Soinntcn illc artd l’ra/cr McGIinchQ l'ullil )ttlll‘ ttccdx adding a dash of hoth as thc ttigltt goc\ on.

I Spies in The Wires at (‘aharci Voltairc. llprit 5am. £4 t£3t. ‘) .-\ug. iliilL' ll\L‘ gig/club L‘t‘tt\\tt\cl' L‘UltltlttlL‘\ “ith a DJ ‘('la\h ol thc ’l‘itanx' \pccial a\ UL l‘roin l{\o|. Dogtooth. thc ligg and lloho slug it out.

=21 Vaudeville/The One O’Clock Gun Club at thc Bongo (‘Iuh

lll.3(lpm 5am. £8.50 £0.50

t£7.5t) £8.5(li hcl'orc lant; £5 al'tci. ‘) Aug. Vaudm illc cmhracm dixxidcnt caharct u ith a daxh ol' Bcrliii glantour. l’arix intimat‘) and ('hicago \pcakcaxiu. L‘ll‘L‘lh. thcatrc. music and lttlt‘lquuc. 'l‘hc night incorporatcx thc ()nc ()‘('|ock (iun (‘Itih tt'r‘oin larni and tour hal) hours ol‘ crosxowr club arttit‘x. lcaturing liw handx 'l‘hc l.o\\ \iil‘l'x t5 .-\ug t. Ka/oo l-‘unk ()i'clicxtra to .-\ug t. 'l‘ltc Nukes t7 Aug i. l'rhan Voodoo Machinc t8 .-\ugt and ’l‘hc Rult'ncxx (0 .-\ug i. Scc prm icu. pagc 75. I Wobby at Sttrdio 24. |tl.3(lpm 3am. £5 (£4). 2 .-\ug. llardcorc. hrcakcorc. industrial and noixc.

I Yin-Yang at Shanghai. ltlpm 3am. £0 (£3). \Vcckl}. \cu \\ cckl} night ol clcctro houxc. soaring \ot‘alx and soulful grooxcx l‘rorn llugg} and ('raig Smith.

Online Booking Book Festival www.edbookiesi.oo.u<

Fringe lntemational Festival Film Festival


As you can see from the accompanying picture, full-on house night Luver has gone for a distinctly Scottish theme this

month. ‘We felt this theme was more than appropriate for the Festival and really gives the capital’s clubbers a chance to show all the visitors how we club in Scotland,’ explains promoter Davie. So kilts, tartan and Braveheart face-paints at the ready then.

I The [mt/iii Room. 9%) (356.1. J Aug, H)..’i()/ini--:3ani_ 51.3151] trio/721mm,».

Edinburgh Fridays


I Badaboom at .\la\\a. lllpni 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. 'l'hc lk‘\l in coinrncrcial RikB and urban licks \\llll gucxlx lr'out l.\lra artd Radio I thing in lortitightl},

I Club Vague at Jll\l the ionic. midnight 5am £l(i. \\'cckl_\. Scc Tim.

I Cult at l’o .\'a \a. lllpm 3anr £2.50 hclorc llpm; £5 altcr. \Vcckl}. [)1 Nikki and lricndx dig up the \cr} but in lunk. dixco. Rik“. lttttht‘. kll~t‘lt L'lil\\l£'\ and part) tamx at thix cool dancctloor maxh» up.

:33 Dogtooth at llcnr‘} \ (‘cllar Bar. llpm 3am. £5. 3 .-\ug. \cu cluh pla}ing indic. raw. clt‘ctr‘o and BC“ “aw \\ rtli clcctro-ptmcr-r‘ockcr Sportxda} Mcgaphonc iaka Hugh l'l'tt\ll Inc.

I Eruptor at Studio 2-1. llt3llpnt 5am. £5. 3 .-\ug, Banging hardcore tcchno. trihal hcatx and gahha tor thow \\ ho Iikc that \ort ot~ thing.

I Evol at the liquid Room.

lll.3llpm 5am. £5. \Vcckl}. lidrnhurgli'x lonng running indic night. \\'ith lilL' u~ual llll\ of thc but currcnt and clawt‘ altcrnatixc. cr'oxxoxcr lungs. iixol'x an nNrtution.

I 4 Corners at the Bongo (‘liilw

llpiii 3am. £3 hctorc midnight; £5 attcr: 3 .\ug. .\lonthl_\. Big Bcat and l)cparturc Loungc loin torch to unlca~h thc might} Four ('orncrx tor the but in dancctloor tal/ arid global groom-x.

3}: Freqbeat at Rcd, lllprn 5am. l-rcc hct‘orc I lpm; £4 at'tcr'. 3 .-\ug. lilcctro bcatx and hrcakx t'rom \pccial guc~t Jakc ()nc tRcd Snappcri'ltx )B i.


I JakN at Studio 24. Ill.3()pni 5am. ltrt‘c. 3 :\tlg. Ruidcntx l)r\L'l'\L' l‘rcqticrtcit‘x p|a_\ out tcchno in all ll\ l'orinx.

I Lulu at l.ulu. Spin 3am. l-rcc hclorc llpm; £7 attcr. \Vcckl}. Soul. houxc. lunk. clcctro-drxt'o and ham lrout thc Irkcx ol (iarcth Sommcnillc. lxla Bligc. thc Blond l‘laxh and l)ann_\ lbnrtcnt.

I Maestoso at Shanghai. ‘lpnt 3am. £3. \Vcckl}, ('luh (lawn. chart anthcutx. dirt} hoin and tihL‘H l'rom I)J l‘rona.

I Misfits at the llixc. llprn 3am. £2 \Vcckl}. lndic. clu‘tro. ptiiik. rock arid r'ctro \\ ith hargairt \ll'lllk\ and regular gig tickct grwauap. ('hcck \xuu.mixlitxiirilriit‘.w.trk tor niorc rnlo.

I Planet Earth at ('itriix (‘liih

lll.3(lpnt 3am. l'rcc lit-tort- llpitt. £5 altcr. \Vcckl}. Mum~ trorii l‘Fh through to l‘lS‘l. In othcr \tordx. a hcaltlt} doxc ol punk. ncu \iaw. ricu roinantn~ and L‘lcctro-pop tnou \\ rtlt addcd ‘Iltx l.

I The Shuffle Club at lltt‘ Spit-gcl (iardcn. ll,~l5prn l.45am. £lll i£.\'i. \Vt'L‘kl). SCL‘ 'l‘llll.

3:: Tokyoblu at lzgo. l lpm 3am. £>< hctorc midnight; £l2 i£ltti attcr. 3.-\ug, 'l'hc l.l\L' llouw SL'\\Ittlt\ rcturn lo lllL‘lr original lionic. \Hill a lull ll\L' hand

wrx ing tip thc llllel hoth and dccp gt‘oo\c\ ax thc} rcach thcrr tit'th birthday Scc prcx icu. pagc "5

>31 Trouble at ('aliarci \oliairc.

l lpm 3am. £(i i£5 l. 3 .-\ug. 'l‘hc 'l‘rouhlc l)J~ arid .\l(' Ratt} B hmt "l‘hc Scouw ('onncctrori' ax thc_\ \tclcoutc up their l'ricnd\ trom Lucrpool'x Bolllllt)llllc «Nick thc (ircck. limkar and Alcx 'Slippch Sv cent} i tor the Usual rnclangc

ol .ill thc good thing\ trout thc \\orld ol tau‘. tatt' groow. houxt‘. \lto l‘cal dtxto.

clcgtro and grunt-

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Afterdark at t‘aliaici \ollatlt‘

llprn 5am £ltti£\I .1 \ug lunkx t'lcttro houxt' and t“ ixtcd ttxlt trout lk'\l\ik'lll\ \k'll liartlm. .l.tllllll\ and licu \lorri\

I Clash! at lx’t‘d lllprn 5am l lk'k‘ lx'lott‘ llput. L 3 attcr \M'ckl} \it'k \l\ \ pla_\rng out clt'ttro. atid dmo. Baltnnoit' and part} trat’kx

I Club Vague .ll .ltlxt lllt' lonit midnight 5am £lh \\t't'kl\ St't' lliti

I Fish Fry at the .la// Bar l lpru 3am l'lk'k' lwlott' ll 3llpiri. £5 altt'r 1 \ug \t’itllhll ta/l. lurik. will and l atin ltalldx torn Itlx l rik l)'\ ikiug and \xtioho). llll\ \wck the} ‘it- roincd hx l’\lllt‘l \hark torni \itlllt‘ ilt'll‘lt' llartt‘otk llhplh'd :‘lttit\t'\

I 60-00 at Studio 2-3 llpru 5am £5 .1 \ug lluHah ll~\ hatk Suingiug Nix garagc. \oul. uiod. will, no“ “an: out and \lk'.l/_\ hut-rung ax it'xrdt'nh lall l’aul Rohinxon and \ngux \ (io (io return

I Liquid Soul at l’o \a \a Illprri iam £3 ltclort‘ l lpui. £ti .llik'l \\t't'kl_\ (it'l doun call) tor llll\ torixixtt-rith tapat ll_\ rctio dixt'o and tunk_\ houxc night, It'aturing l’o\ ouii Mark B on thy dcth lll\lll_L‘ (Limit and hang up to datt- lunkx houxc tor thow lll lilL' knou

I Lulu at I ulu .Spm 3am l'rt'c lwloit'

l lplll. £" .tllt‘l. \Vt't'kl) \t‘t‘ ill

:3: Luvely at thc l nitrid Room

I“. illplll 5am £l 31£ll lllk'llll‘t‘l\l l .-\ug. .\ \aut‘} \oirt'c ot lull on. drixrrig illlll\k' lllll\lL’ \iith lk'\ltik'lll\ l’oriiiii} Kat. llcan \t‘ulon. (ir'urn Stout and Jon l'.d\\.ttd\. Join the [inch lartart :\llll_\ lor lllt'll l'cxtixal part} ol hllh. llighlaiidt-rx and tartan trio lootic t'olourx Plk'.l\k'l IOhm at Shanghai ‘lpni 3am to .1 .'\ug, l'ortnrghtl} llouxc and \otll lucllt'd night lr‘om lain (ill‘Mtll t lok_\ohlui

I 100% Dynamite al lllt‘ Bongo ( 'Iiih llpm 5am, £4 liclort' midnight; £ti .lllt'l 4 .‘\ug. lht' Soul Ja// Rccordx Sound Sptcni l\ hack once again tor .lllttlllt'l C\t'lll‘\lltll through rcggat'. \oul. \ka. lurik. danu'hall. ltrp hop. roots and iiinglt' lt'x l)t'co_\ Ro} and l).chd(i lll lllL' main room urth lilt' ()rangc St ho_\\ taking k'lllt‘ ol

I Retribution at Studio 2-1 Ilpm 5am £5. \VL'L'H}. Rt‘ll'llttllltttl l.tkt‘\ lilL' [tlat‘t' ol thc .\ll\\lttll hut \llll pla_\\ thv hut lll rot‘k. inctal. altcrnatiw and track lrom the dark \rdc all iirglit long.

I The Shuffle Club at thc Spicggl (iardcn, ll,45pni l -15am £|tt t£Hi \Vcckl}. SL‘L‘ 'l‘ltll.

I /Slashdot. at thc ill\t'. llt “lpm iarn l'rcc ltclort' midnight; £5 altcr. \Vcckl) |)rum ik haw. clcctro. tct'hno and hrt-akx lorm \ttlltL' ot the liL'Sl lt.tlltC\ L'\L'l to grau' thc \khcclx ol \tccl lll lailrrthurgh ax l).l\ tr'oni thc llixL'S ol Split. Baxx Sandman: .\langa. Dogma. (lhxu'nc and Atu'xx man thc main l'oollt

I Tease Age at (‘rtrux ('luh llpiii iain l'rcc hclorc l l3llpnr; £(i altcr, \Vu'kl} 'l'hix llltllL‘ stalwart tilSilL'\ up t'it-r'}tliiri_~,' trout \uinging (illx llll\ to hagg} Manght'xtcr la\t'\ ;t\ Hell it\ a llti\l ol gurrcnt .Vlll; chart hothcrcrx with DJ .\lonkcc Micki-c. ladinhurgh'x longt-xt continuall} running llltllL‘ night

I Trashed at ('r‘ru. lllprn iain. £X_ ll Aug. \cu ga} ~lrrcnd|_\ club night on a boat rnoorcd on lhc Shorc lll l.cith l’op. goiriiricrcial houxc. hoin L‘l;t\\l£'\ and clcctro trout “ix lack lt. Shin Bo} l'at. John l’lcaxcd \Vinirriin and Morgan.

I 2 Much 2 Mix at ('it} Nightclub

l lpm 3am. £3 i£4 l, \Vcckl}. \cv. Saturda} nightcr at ('it} ax DJ Dan llll‘kL‘x up thc hL‘xl in tunk} houw. RAB. tllSUt. indrc and hip hop.

Edinburgh Sundays


I All Back to Mine at (lpal Loungc. lllprn 3am. l‘rcc hclorc midnight; £3 al'tcr. chkl}. lidinhurgh'x but DJx dig in