. pERFORMANCE ARTGROUP I Parrot Suite. l lailes l lotel. till l)rarnaSttitlio. They are Tuncm“(-mmmmm : l lpm. l’ertor‘ttiing ll\ e \tillbe preparingtheir('hristmas ; pdummm(“mu ' : Vince and the VelocetteSn Rock (‘abaretandareinterestedin |.-(,unminhmmc.“31 3331,6351 l 'n' Roll group lrom l)oncaster. anyone \\ hououldlike to help (“1m Mckm‘ncny ML.L.I\L.Wr_\ : wed Billie tor tnrglitly “ester out \Vlllt costumes. lighting. i \Vednesdtn 7,3(lhm. All Poets. Hail“ “NI” “I "\“fiuumm I 3min. "wimggncmIt“: Further ' arm“. mugcmlw dunwrwnd I (‘omntittee Meeting. "23le Hi i Intormationtror11\\'lll‘.»\.2ll i other Pcrlormet‘s interested in . theRep ( ‘ouncil ( )itices. { llailesland Place. 031 4423063. ' \hurmu MU“ an. “damn. “‘ ilnllc‘slttlitl l’l.lc‘e. ()lisc‘t'yc‘fl 0 .\ltisselburgh. _ I ducmj \teleome to take part in the I Ni.‘ .Vl l (L‘Xl 344). DIIITCL‘ Please Prim your ad helm" in BLOCK CAPITALS With one ! o NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE43 discussions and. Il lZilL‘l't‘\lCtl. ? i’,\PlU\lUll (‘ommunity Dance word in caCh hox_'1‘c]cph0nc numbers count as a single : [huh SUCH. lidmmnthlml 1 min the Committee. ' l’rograltime. \Vetls < ltl.3llam word. UNDERLINE any words you want in BOLD. i 551305“). \yillbe runningan i wed153 “‘0 """'l'3—'llll.\ “NU "duh(Encr‘fllcl'cFll“l} Send with Postal Order or (‘heque (payable toTHE LIST j .»\rts()pportunity Week in r Haunt-owl --\~~~vwmn “W?” 'l‘”.‘_ ' "3‘ "' E "P"? LTD) _ pleasc writc “)ur name and addeS on thc back _ I (kmhu. yd meumnw (,1 \ Nh 5 Elt‘litl( omnuttee Meeting; (Nth loin elllgllttil‘n'fi.\t)\l -~- '- ~ " ~ ' . 4 and talks for \oun 1 1CD ale ~‘“l‘m ”‘ 1h“ Rk‘l“ “Ullk'll Plllwlaltlun sclasscsatter Classified Ad Dept. [HE [.151 LTD. 14 High Street. 5 I . _?-l l (m N H. “I imp H .H _ , \Chml. Phunc [mman 4 . s - r, (m er the age ot l.‘ l interested Ill '“ ‘l' L "'1‘ M“ u hdmbumh LHI “RE. 031 558 119-. 1 llic'til'hiillt‘l media in Scotland mcmcm “"5"” WV“ ""“""“"t'("" NAME totlaj. l-‘ttlldetailstromtlie 5 Olsnelléndumlqnwlwmth 5 “LOW'ANS “0395"?” I \‘clhulmw ideas around that theme oi COMMUNITY CENTRE lxllh. PHONE I DAY EVES I o WESTER HAILES FESTIVAL Interested m lit-loin};organising MC") “Cd 7--“”P'" “0'” 15 4 -\- t the merit. in rm rted toattend. i (’01- NC“ tlélllt‘k‘rvmtl ADDRESS [Airs‘igfifliilgvuig[if“in ",3. . 'l'hg rum ulK th .mm group Bits nuisicians uanted. beginners ; Said: A Roe-l». ‘n‘ Roll late-mug and Pieces meets etery Mon and “eleome. l’hone .lohn (ireen. t [or mer- l4s starts at "pm in the 3 inc. ofillpm til the “ester I hots 3754 or Andy l-'iillis. (Ml 33-1 llarles lxtlueation (‘entre 35]“. SECTION _ _, g. e NO. or ISSL'ES TICK IF BOX 5:: ' ,. m I M‘ ( ()5! NO' WANT ED Desperate?! No money? Fora 0 Acting Coac ; I great businessopportunity ' pupils for audition { contact Jules (‘ranfield on preparation etc. singly or in ' 07963321 (eyes) now! groups. ()31 225 1987. j o ‘The Complete Guide to TU|T|0N L 0 German Tuition by lAlDS' [iveryone's doubts . . , i experienced teacher £5 per i about recognising. [. Gegma?)1ll"("37n£;£m'vc . hour. Tel Gerry 336 7643. Stuffing-Ins U_\'0'<l||itl (“D-5 :9? "Uj ‘H d , o ViollnTultion ContactJan ansueredo ourmedical . .0 n W 0““ PM"0 Karclfiscicnnes Gardens, . isolumm. Ugo turtion. all grades to LRAM ' Edinburgh 6683501 For 0m“ use 0m.“ iMEl)ll-‘A( "l‘ PO Box 324 standard. Theory/chamber . French Tu'mon bi ' Dept (L) (ilasgow ( i4] 4R0 experienced finalyycar g All advertisements must be pre-paid l bushel! Share your expertise ; StUdcm' T6193] 5570919 with the rest ofus. . flew" Tumon? PHOTOGRAPHY Advertisingin Tuition costs Pml'ppe' 031 229 5275' publicityThwmcal‘ 1 I aslittleas 20p per word. , ACCOMMODAT ( “bum . . : EDINBURGH 0 Vegetarian Cooking and Fas(t Procfessional Service. i (.“cring Service For ‘itv ‘entre Studio. . A . . ' Ring; [an or Martin 0n . . private Parties and . Functions. Phone Maudie, All tree 0i charge. 041 221 2502 i 031 225 5211. 20 words max. 0 'I‘ranscendental I Meditation Free . U w . Introductory lalk. First I ° wamed for M'SS‘On funds- . . Wednesday each month. ? TUITION : used postage stamps (With a Dateline Works! Many 3pm. 4 Wm Nwmumn ; margin).c1garette coupons. thousands or happy couples 5 plum 668 W.) ; Hal Charge U P" emW- trading stamps. Co-op nationwide are proot of our ; s 25 words m“ stamps. tea stamps. success. Free details; . . : lemonade bottles. gifts for Dateline Computer Dating, ' Ams' takes Sle'Catcnng bingo prizes. Mr William Dept. (351), 25 Abingdon , SUCSlS- Beautiflll ESkdalC- l Cameron‘ Chancellor Road, London Long. short lCtS. ' Street. 334 0414. Holy Mass 1011. i ' l offered for allbenefactors. . ' ..Meet Penme-thnmgh : 0 Guy 25 seeks rewarding. : ° someone has that Piccc "f ' Slngles magazme’ ()rdcr . l temporary. possibly musical the jigsaw/back copy of [he 2 from nen'sagents. or send £1 5 .0h - - Flat charge £3 per box no. 3mm, you‘ve been _ to 23 Abingdon Road. E limo“ 667 H94 2 Tel nos not accepted, searching for. Let them [Pn‘k’n W8 “A” n i i i 30 wow: max. Sem1.display know in Articles Wanted. l £3 percolumn ; 0 Drawing Classes Beginners ' Have V0“ 3 Wong l .SITUATIONS WANTEDi and Advanced 031 447 6975. 00mmilmenll9 '00?" "9W3? ! 0 Student Nurse Seeks 1 0 Mathematics Tuition "warms?" ";§r:;"7°l'°' l - . . - offered to all levels. For ' V8 '93 ' ° i second 10b “3 Baby Sine" details 031 ssn ssn3. Are V0" ruthless” accu'ale?

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52 l tie l is! .3 ll‘i )c‘ilil‘el' Printed by Dunfermline Press (A. Romanes & Son Ltd). Pitreavie Business Park. Dunfermline. Fife. tel. 0383 728201