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I Someone wanted to help

.odd jobs. \Vailahle for [fit . 1' “1; 11d .1 l' , x” I is Lill‘ tiL Ltingfil i

i l-lllL'r\-iC\V Lln'y time. BOX N0 pcoplc‘ algo organisation. design and Inunuklclun. I Respectable gentleman i 5“”- : “WWW 'F‘C'lldc 3 several small items 61 part time student. needs , conservation. nature and i I Help requued by jowcucry phone mt on (m place to live. Ring Ken ()41 . . history. BOX N05953:. l [luhlishing company to SSo-llio (eve). 439343. ; ~ .. - . - . _ o ' L istrihute .Amb'l'ous "Lr‘lm‘m‘r 'Ans "l'emaled WW" 1.. 1. . .. . _ s l IVegetarian Cale will. - e O . (Drmn .md [)mecm.”.\. . ‘H. . , cal Lts catalogues. ham 2 U' .0 "mlstseek t c t « _ ,rcquirct ormnnan ~ C _ . P . sown room ctchwkc Cf witive . i . . - . ,- B-L-lperhour A) ly’with 0 Opuqmuummhk'\h” ,nhlg ccnmil Edinburgh 3“ ~ L‘ E-r‘“ Udlkfi-‘l’uumu m ; S.‘ I: . . ' lp ' new venture in West l'litltil n, r , . ~ assignments. Absolutely community arts. - ~’\ “‘05- l‘m-‘Ll-l ~ , . . - ~ at. LspLLittll} Dublin I “h. 1' Hwnk ‘n l . .A - i . ' Tcm )lcdcm P'irk (ilasgtm. \ egctarian Strum. PhoneAhmmmn an it cut LLI t L . atministration.with H. ili. I: I - n ; cookingSkillsmwnnul~ 6694469. “'“l‘h‘mc I)””1~’“‘-‘”””~‘1 munusmm‘m CXPCY'L‘HCC' ‘“ '"gmn‘ “N [“nh'dn' . l’honel‘hi‘isoii(Hi ‘Hli 3250-15.‘ ext Mill (day). Anything considered. 9448 i - - .... . . Phtin ~03 229(700. ' ' aSdpa,""§?,pa:?t?'7"5“. I 5*Der'enced'reelance . E Lu“; .d l I 2 SALES MANAGER IWanted Resident s u ion to icrartist s himmwlresearch“.5“.ka as I ll ema e( 3) I v . lb, 1‘ . . Willi \‘lL‘W to sharing costs Oppm.mmm.\ m dc“ L. seeks any tvpe ol‘work. I C “W I‘mkmg ll” 11 l .dm 8 "Tusm‘im h,” and idws‘ l’hoiie \l'iri-itm (m (,67 casual or full time. Really Humil- C'WrgCllCimd i “may suturd‘w 'l'fe'hl‘ Edinburgh (ilasgow. 'l‘el 463”. desperate. (‘ontact A. Organised PCW’” ‘0 l “l7"_‘“‘.rk°‘ E‘Siuhhxhnmu‘ 031447 2s2ti. _ Maxwell. 23 l)rur}‘ Lane “WWW dcvclvnmg the c“ “‘1 l‘"”“‘l”‘f~’“‘ . I Gentleman (45) “Hum”? Court. ('alderwood. liast “dwnl‘lng and Jim blue“ mammal ‘Thle? proless'onals “Wk part time. needs paid work. Kinmdc (Hugmm. circulation sales of (“mum \ll‘lcnnc l lw‘lll W081l‘.l](l(llingU\Vllill. . ()ualil‘ied llN('engiiieer. , (‘eiitral Scotland‘s “"0312” 1338' 1hr“bull‘mm‘“mlhmmél Handyman. domestic. I Hel'ab'e udupmmc‘ leadinuartsand - room required. Rinuil-ll 357 - - i' . i ' , practicalwoman(2-1).seeks a lUnemployed? \\oultl_\ou . \ any! ling. {ins lxen ()lilHl . . _ , . entertainments -. - 3722 alter (ipm. 439 34:“. Interesting. lucrative. liVC-lii "rim!in MW I“ ht 1‘ CYCIC “‘Ck‘l‘il'“? o . pmmnn, P A. wok S, H _ ~‘ I. i and ormcsscngci. ll so. I Male wants large room I Responsrble primary housekeeper. whatever. tl'rltll;r}:l9[.‘l"l“ 0” please reply stating (ilasgoyv \\ est land. \‘l ill I teacher(SS) seeks new. ('m-mwumry. phmw l ‘15“ 0 I '5 “SUV I experience (Many) to Box assist Willi housekeeping. career. Skills. iiioiiVatiiig. Janine ("1031 3330136, ' l N0 5331-

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The List 22 Jan ~1l"eli 1988 47