GREAT GLASGOW BOOK BONANZA: SEETHURS 12: KIDS. Glasgow's response tothe London BookTrust‘s recentpronouncementol doom onthe literacy otthe nextgeneration was not. thanktully. to organisea conlerence. Instead. the Great Glasgow Book Bonanza will erupt inthe McLellan Galleriesin Sauchiehall Street12—16 May.

Akaleidoscopic event. the Bonanza otters a wide range otactivitiestorkids— painting. storytelling. dressing-up in period costume and lots otauthors talking abouttheirbooks— andan evening of discussionlorparents and teachers. sponsored bythe Times Educational Supplement.

The organisers otthe eventchoseto concentrate on children'sbooks because. says Lorraine Fannin. Administratorotthe Scottish Publisher's Association. ‘it seemed the mosturgentneed.‘ ltyou don‘tencourage childrento read. you don‘tgeta literate. reading public in the nextgeneration.‘The Bonanzatheretore aimsto promotereading asa desirable activity as wellas promoting individual authors andtheirbooks.

Hopes are hightoran audience ol15.000 and books sales in the region of £15,000. ‘Whatwe wantis childrento realisethat books are niceto own.and parentstorealisethat itis no more costly to buy a book thanto entertaintheir children with videos and toys.’ said Lorraine Fannin. She expectsteachers and otheryouth workersto gain tromthe exhibitions and exchange ot ideas. and dismissesthe importance of tightening education budgets: ‘Books are not solelyboughttor institutions with public money. lwould quarrel with the ideathatwhen you can't buy booksthere's nopoint in displaying them. It's like saying. don'tdisplay cream cakes because you can‘tbuy them all.‘

The voluntary committee who have organisedthe Bonanza hopethatitwill become an every-other -year event. alternating withthe Edinburgh Book Festival. ‘ln absolutely no wayis itacompetitive thing.‘said Lorraine Fannin. ‘Scotland'stoo smalltorthat.‘ Furtherintormation onthe Bonanza is availabletrom BookTrust Scotland. 15a Lynedoch Street. Glasgow GB 6EF. Telephone 041 332 0391. (Julie Morrice)

Spin; Wed -1 and Sat at ipm and Spm L5 ( L35“) mL-mhcr‘x; LMLM nun~mcmhcrx Druid th‘altr: ( ~mmpany tr'wm Ireland in a [In h). l‘l;llll\ .\Ip( rumrxrxx ‘.‘.!llL'll

ltk‘llSL'\ Hll a :‘

rrrrrpr‘l \‘rtllllr'llll‘rdI)r"flt§}1;ll\lllll tactur‘. L‘llalIL'llfglllt: the

threat mt redundant} SL'L‘ I’ancl.

I The Big Picture Ncu .-\thcnactlm I hcatrc. RSAXII). Mun 3 Sat H Mrrn l. I uc 3. \Vr‘d 4. In h at 5. 15pm; 'I'hurx 5 at 3pm Ulll_\ '. Sat a at Rpmand

5 15pm, Sec Mun I,

I Visiting Company'l run ‘I‘hcatr‘c. Inc 3 Sun S.

l 1pm. LMLI )mcmlwrx. L4 nun-members. lhc \xltt} plauxrruht and actress Marcella l'\.lll\ll m a tutu-v. nman \llrr\\_ intr'uducmu a kaleidrrscnpcritdrtlcrcnt character's. IBomeoandJuliet (‘rauturd Ihcatrc I no 3 Sat “. 7.3llpm; Wed ‘1 and Sat at 3pm and

“.31 (pm L‘ ( L3 l. lr‘mha I hcatr‘L' ( ~rrmpan} man adwnturnus pruductrun mt Shakcxpcarbxclavrg. wt in pro-rmrrlutmnar} (‘uha and pcrlnr med rising; L‘IIISSIL‘III Spanish guitar and .»\tru-(‘uhan drumming. Soc I’ancl. IThe Straw Chairman IIaIl. Inc 3 Sat 7 fipm: Sat " at 3pm and “pm. L5 (LINN. .~\ lwautrtnl. [ML-ligand ultcnx'crx tunn_\ play In Suc ( ilmcr. r'cxnlnnuaruund the \trangc talc HI lad} Rachel mt ( rr anuc. exiled Ull the ISItlllkI (it St Krlda lll the l7th L‘L‘nturv .~\ \cnxrtrw pr'rrductnrn lr'rrm the Iidinlnrruh It‘mcrxu 'I hL‘atIL‘ \\ 1th \rrlIlL‘ excellent pcrtur marrow I The Celtic Story l’ax rlrrirr 'l'hcatr'c. I-mm Mun 3 thrnuuhuut Mash-st ( nut Suns). “.RHpm. Sec \lnn

IThe LastSuppeerrclrr-ll 'I'llL‘;rtr'c.'Iit1c3 Sat

7 15pm: Sat " at 3pm and 15pm. L5 ( L'ZSH). 'l he Wrestling; Srhrml in a c‘rr-pr‘uductnrn \th IUlltlrlllS Rmal ( 'rurr‘t and IL‘n‘L‘xtcr Ilaymar kc! m a new plat IN} Ilrmar'd Ilttl lxcl'. SL‘L' I);IIIL‘I. ISeleco'sOedipus2The MealWitha BigSpirit l)rama ( ~cntrc. Ingram SIIL‘L'I, 55: 55:“. I NC 3 Sat Spin. Sat alw

"’ .‘tlpm. Strathclydc

'Ihcatr'r- (iruup rum tur‘r‘cx \\ lIIl Shadrm S}l1dlr‘atctu pl'cwrtt a hr rut and hlrmd} Iraucd} \Hlll all the mural

panache that Shadrm

S} ndicatc Il\ll;tll_\ In in}; trr IllL'lr'\llr)\\\. I)II‘L‘L‘IL'LI and


\IL‘SlflllL'xl l‘_\ ,Ix‘ll I’t‘l‘k'. lllll\lL‘l‘_\ -\drrarr.lrrhn\trrn llmthul uhrrm \Krllle‘xlr‘ll the rr-r‘r'nl prudrrttrnnnt [Mar 54.7.1 at (hr-L rtr/L'nx'

I hcalrr'l ll‘llllzik‘l


IAWee Homelrom Home ('harrdlu Sludrw. I{\.\.\II) IllL‘‘.tl\\ ml 1 I‘r‘m Dir: ‘llr l‘l.tlll\ .\Ip('r\nncllarnl \Irr‘hacl \Iarra dangg and \rn: IIIL'll \\.r\ Illlr‘lltilla (ilaxymx mcmur}.

\Id wrim'll rxlwurn‘} un huh-rt \xrlh.\larrara\\ llKa llaxhl‘ar‘lx \twr \ ml lwmy Inuuuhl upmth

«in the HM Irranzia

lr'nL-mr‘nl grlx \\ high IL‘lltI\lH\IlLIL‘ rnlrvr‘hghy and l\ll\\'ll, \L'\\’IIII\'IC\\. drru'lrrr (rum \Iulurpu l’xk'k‘[‘\ up a rrrllrr‘krrru page IHII‘rL L'llxl

I Cheri and Five Ruckert Songs [he Surllrxh l‘IaIlL'I

Studru. lrrr~ 3 \\ cd ll 3t Ipm. Sat " at lfillpm

and .lllpm. L <“(LN


IThe Cedron Quartet

(Argentina) l IL'nH \Mmrl llIL' “.lll\l \\ L'tl 1.II UM L1 ()trar lc‘l HI \ru’alx. tillllar \ rwla and


the handr'urmarr -\r:'cnlrmanappurdnrnl. l‘la_\ mnxn‘ mxr‘rrcd In traditrruial Impular mqu (it \:.'\‘rrlrri.r ('urrldlx~ urn' rrl llrr‘ rnuwgal lllLIllIlljllISUI thrxwar'x \l.r\lL‘\I

IGustav Fenyo(piano).rrrtl PhilipHill (oboe) lx‘rlwlwlr-

I’alar'r‘ V ltlpm. L1 (LI \l'll \IXISIL'IW Itrahm» IIK‘CIIIIHL‘IIJIILl



I The Brass Band rt \.\r lllr'all'; l{t\\.ll

L.‘ L1 .“l'l. 31 L1 r; L3

a HIP!”

(LII I-u'cptrunall} skilled. ctturtlcxxh lunatic \\rndplan-rxtrumNnr'th .\mcrn‘a. the hit (it a ton

I drnhuruh I'cxtnalx the Man llrulhcrxnl thuSllx. SL‘L‘ ( lalthL‘I I NC.“

IThe Happy End .\lclwx.rrt\ \Irmdtntrc. timan Irmn l Iall Spm. L; ( L: *lll. (irarlt amalyamrrt \IlL‘L'I\\l\L' (a/xand aurlprmrnuxn’.an m gr rum L'r'rmn}; I‘L‘LI\I (it a I‘alld Ill.l\\.lL‘L'tI\. \ur‘alx, [‘L'rr'uxxnrn.dnul‘lc haw. aucur‘dlnrl L‘IL'. SL'L‘ I‘dllk'l.

IJali Musa Jawara(Atrica) I Iurd l'w ( ‘r‘rrlrc ((‘alc l. lllpm. L3 filltLlj‘rll. ()rrgmally tr'nm ( iurnca. \cht .‘\II rL'a. r'umcx pmxrlih tln~ mmt Iwanlrlnl mnxn‘lrrlw heard at \Iaylwt \lLNlllL'llSlllL!lltlllllrlll} and \uhtlc rhx IIIllIS and

thrwrrnuxut .lalr.\1u\a.

SLEEPAND RElNCABNATlON . . . FROM AN EMPTY LAND:SEE THURSS. DANGEArare opportunityto see Buto.the revolutionaryJapanese dancelorm developedthis century. inthe work ol Natsu Nakajima. one ot Japan'sleading Buto dancers. Five years ago she

.. b;- 5*? astoundedEdrnburgh

Festival audiences with her protoundlymoving pertormance.The Garden. Now she comes to Glasgow Maytestwrth hercompany Muteki-Sha and a new work. Trained byalounderot Buto. she is one of the very few women choreographers.and

anyone who saw another ol

this rare breed. Carlotta Ikeda. at lastyear's Maytest. will knowthat Buto's unique. slow-moving style is one ol the most movingtormsottheatre today. (LindsayJohn).

4 City


Edinburgh Dundee Glasgow Aberdeen

to London







18 I'hclfrxll‘lApr'rl- 1: WIN "