Aliee Krrge. 9‘) minx. Bar -room hum Rourke lrndx' arttxtie mxpiratron tn the demon drink. but htx dixetnet‘} h} a prexttgrotrx literary maga/ine and the temptationon \xealth rt otterx rx to threaten hix relationxhip \xrth telltm aleoholie l)tttta\x a}.

('aleulattng e\eretxe Ill extxtentrahxt xt\ le haxed on the atrtolmigraplneal ixrtttngxot etrlt author ('har Iex llnkoxxxkr. here energetically imperxonated h} a game Mickey Rourke (ilaxgtm (ll-"l IBroadcastNewstlilrtamext Bltltllx\ [8. 1087) William I ltrrt. lloll_\ llunter Albert Brookx. l3] rntnx lltrrt ix loni (irunrek . a hlandh ehar‘rxmatre prexenter it hoxe taee rx htx lorttrne. Brookx rx Aaron Altman. a hard-edged llC\\ xhotrnd u ho xtill retarnx a helrel in the paramounex ot a xtorvxeontent rather than llx prexentatron. llttnter' ix the work-olixexxed .lane ( ring. a high-ll} rng prodtreer tor n hetu een her rexpeet tor Aaron and her ltrxt tor'lont.

llrghl} entertaining romantte eomedx xet agarnxt a eonx inerting exoked mrlrerr ot teleuxion network neux prodtretron and a generation ol aeltrex'erx \\ hoxe pr r\ ate and protexxronal \\ orldx .lL‘lxlitlu ledge no hotrndar'iex. l-axt-paeed. tarereal. hi'llllitnll} aeted mm a xl} earneo trorn .laek Nreholxon ax a re\ ered netixor k anehorman l’rohahl} the hext matrtxtream American eorrteth \ otr'll xee thtxyear l-.drnlitrrgh: l'lllllllttlle‘ ICabarett 1.x)(liutxt4oxxe. t'x. l‘)"2)l r/a Mtnellr..loel ( ire) . Mrehael \ or lx. l_‘~1 mm. In dixineh deeadent earh .itlx'

llard-ttp tar mer Mr Serateh ( l ltrxton) gtx ex in to the \x tlex of the l)e\ il. but a lamoux lawyer xtepx in to .xa\ e hrm trorn damnation

:\lxt) know it ax I'lrr’ lh’l‘llxlilrl Ihmre/ ll't'lnrr'r. thrx memorable New l~ngland \erxton ol l-auxt ix told through a lelrettottx hart age ot ernernatre teehntqtrex and lienet'itx lrom a teteh} periormanee trom lltrxton Snr at htx moxt tremendoux axtlre rmpeetrnrotrxagrarian (ilaxgotx: (ll-"l I Badlands l l5) ('I‘L‘l'etlee \lahelx. l .S. Ill—73) .\lartrn Sheen. Stxx} Spaeelx ‘l-l rnrnx .-\ young girl and her garhage eolleetor hot it rertd lea\ e a trail of murder aeroxx the Arnerrean .\ltd\\ ext l iterate. heatrtrttrll} ttrdgedandrmprexxrxeh per tor'nted xttrdx oi xmall town torpor and \otrthltrl rehellron (ilaxgtm. (ill I Barllyt [M l Bat hel Seltt'nedet . l '5. WV) \lteke} Rourke. l-aye Dtrnaxxax .

I This section aims to provide a review at every tilm to be seen in central Scotland over the next iortnight. For programme times see individual cinema listings.

(U)- Universal. suitable lorall ages.

(PG) - Parental Guidance suggested as some scenes may be unsuitable tor younger children.

(15) - No one under the age ol1Sadmitted. (18)- No one underlhe age 01 taadmitted.

<2 New Release.

I All That Money Can Buy t l’( r l t \\ tllrartt Dieterle. l .S. 1941 l \\ alter lltrxton. .lamex(‘rarg. l'dxxard Arnold lllhrnrnx

Berlin xrnger Salt} lltmlex \xrmxthern at the notorrotrx Kit Kat lx'ltih. eneourtterx the hegrnnrngx ol' \a/rxm and xharex her pretty l' nghxh ho) trtend \\ rth a gax hatm‘

St) ltxh and Ill\ igor atrrtg Broad“ at rntrxreal ltll tied ( )xear xx inningerneniatre landmark l'drnhtrrgh.(ameo ICops and Robbersd’tiimana \lonreellt. ltalx. l‘l*ll 'loto_ Aldo l'ahr r/r. \\ tllram ’l trlitix lilo minx l’arto: l-‘rlmltouxe'x ltaltan eornedx xeaxon. thrx ttlm rrngx a xplendrd ehange on theeon and rohherx theme \\ hen deteeln e lloltr m. (l'al‘t l/l‘l tleeltlex it i in In [tap a PlL‘lx‘ptlL‘kL‘l. l‘xpt‘xlltll It‘ltll. In lltxl ingratratrng hrmxelt xx ith htx larnrlx l he two men heeome tr rendx. and llottonr rx genuine-h rnox ed ht tlte tannh ‘x plight rr‘ the poxert} trap Slx \lllel xatrre ax \tellax tuo lrne eomedranx at \xork (rlaxgovt. (ll-'l lidinlittrgh. l'rlrnltotrxe I ‘Crocodile‘ Dundee II t l’( . )r lnhrt ("or hell. :\tl\ll.tll.t. l‘lhxl Paul I logan. lrnda Kil/Itl\\\l\|. .loltrt .\ler|lon lllrnrnx .\'ot enlrrel\ unupeeled xetrtrel hax l lugattx Dundee retraetng htx xtepx ltutl‘. Manhattan to the .'\tl\\lL‘ l‘thll to proteet hrxgrtltrrend tournaltxt ko/lmxxlxt limit the unxxanted attentionx ot a gang ot ('olomliran drug peddlatx

.-\ lame xerrpt and l logan xeatatonre trrtderpla_ungmar thrxantrpodean eornedx -ad\ enttrre to the e\lettl that \\ l‘. r' \\ tll undoubtedly he one ot the _\e.rr 'xmw' protttalile r‘eleaxex trntorltrnatelx .rlxoli.r~ to go do“ n ax one ot the rnoxt tedrotrx (ilaxgtm (annon ( lat l'x\l|lll Road. (arrrtorr Sauelireliall Street. ( iroxxenor


Knox (Tom Berenger) is persuaded to be his trail guide and becomes devoted to the chase when their quarry kidnaps his girltriend Sarah (Kirstie Alley). Panting and wheezing his way behind the younger man. Stantin will not give in without a light. As they climb every mountain. encountera bear. munch on rodents and cuddle in the snow. a mutual respect develops beiore they return to the city streets and a lethal climax on Stantin‘s territory.

At the heart at this lrequently retitled thriller is another buddylilm where the wary urban dweller and the taciturn backwoods loner wind up the best at pals. Unlortunately. neitheriigure is well enough deiined to break out at their conspicuous stereotypes. Whilst Poitier is physically impressive tor a man in his sixties, some oithe subtle authority at his screen presence has been replaced by a tendency to mug and overexploit the humour in their relationship.

Director Roger Spotiswoode. who made the outstanding Under Fire. seems rather wasted on this

Deadly Pursuit (15) (Roger Spotiswoode. US. 1987) Sidney Poitier. Tom Berenger. Kirstie Alley. 110 mins. Apart lrom the top drawer cast and an expressive use at natural locations. Deadly Pursuit could pass as any cut-above-the-average television movie thriller; its plot runs along well-worn rails. the characterisation is cardboard thin and the level oi invention mundane. Nevertheless. there is some entertainment value ham 3 lamiliarlormula in lull ilight including the pleasure at Sidney Poitier’s company alter a lengthy screen absence.

Poitier plays ageing FBI action man Warren Stantin who watches. powerless to intervene. as a hostage is shot dead by a homocidal maniac. Feeling personally responsible lor the death. he determines to bring the dangerous critter to justice. The slenderly established trail leads to the remote mountains on the Canadian border where a city slicker‘s impressive credentials are practically worthless. Grizzled scout Jonathan

bread-and-butter iare but he makes exemplary use at an atmospheric San Francisco and the awesome ruggedness ot the mountain trail. Everyone combines tor a brave attempt to uplift an everyday exercise in thrills and spills but it's a hard struggle.

i l l l

V‘“ ' 9.":- A J

particularly against a conventional plot

with some major narrative liabilities.

not the least oi which is explaining why

any sensible homicidal maniac would choose a hazardous mountaineering expedition as a reasonable escape route. (Allan Hunter)

T h. --,_-___ -3 l'hel ixtx‘ .‘l .luh 10.x.x13