NEIilIl‘lANT'S, lttlhian 51., Edinburgh. l'iya la tlil'l't'rt'nt't'.’ l'ita \t'flttt'lt’ttll’Sl \tm and rt'l'rt'sltinfllt uniquv, _\t'flm'it’mt’s tillers mutit' Brazilian and ltltltttlt’sltttl dishes alanfl uith t'litSSlt' t'ttttllttt’ttlitl l'art', murninfl and alteration

t'nll‘t’t’s all in a t'alm Hutttlt .-lttlt’t‘lt'ittl svttinfl'.

llut it it’s an impetuaus t'tt'nina’ in Singapore tau'rt' alter, tau ttt‘t’ in lltt' nmné plitt't’. tl-‘ur that you ltmt' to 20 (Ian nstairs tn lllt’ t'cllar bar, it hare you’ll also lintl litt', ttp-lt'tttpt) [all and suinfl' .\ltttttlit)S tu Saturdays). :ltttl standing at the bar there are always mm or tn a m'll-ltntm n regulars llampltt'll’s 7tl/-antl lllt' l'armitlaltlt' Htt'lla :lrtais, lmth an tap ul't'uurse.

Le (Iafe Noir. \Vaverley (lentre. Edinburgh. \\ lien you‘ve got a good idea. slit'k \sitlt it and this is preeisely yshat has happened iii the nets (Ial'e \oir in \Vayerley \larket for it is an exaet (‘opy ol~ the highly sueeessl'ul (late \oir in Queen Street. (Llasgoyy. ()nee again ~kilt'ul use has been made of “hue lilt's. eontrasting green paintyyork and gleaming brass and the overall mood is bustling: eomiyialz eomineingly Parisian. |.e (late .\oir entertains extremely \arietl clientele and ("Us- tomer~ enjoy eol‘i’ee and eroissants. ('()l(l bullet lare. table (l‘ltote (“hit-h ehanges daily) or a la ('arte menus. True sopltistieatex ysill appreeiate the \sell ('lltht'll nine list and the ready ayail-

ability of Stella \l'luis.