War and Blam Blam Y.C.l¥;irrnxxl;iml.Z-14 (ralltxxxgalc <5: Mulls 7.3“pm 1.5 L4

tatlx aria; i( .tl‘lll 't xltlilx' t't\ll‘.t‘ tntwmx xxith Slittitimct'xtitutixaltunxlnrthtxtntir. xx high I\ Ill xiippntt tit anar‘x‘hN gruup. ('qux xx.” l'll\ll_\ . lll\ pcrxnnal hank lmlancc xxnn'l hax L' l‘L'L'lI llpwl ll} lhc lL‘L'L‘llH laxll lx' lL‘lL‘;t\L‘\ SL'x‘tllltllx . thL-rc arc lttll all that mam llc'll tn tm‘lx againxt Ill llll\ part «it lit Haiti. and lhitxllx xutclx


muticx world he l.ll\L'xl lt‘l “mic-thing more

ptixitix ;- than x‘llllx‘lxlllf; l‘llx‘lx\ lht'utigh

\lll‘l‘lc'\ \xll‘tlt‘\\\ Ill l t‘lltlt‘l! :\nx xxax.

Illx‘\ .tl\1‘\L‘L’lll tn he tittitnixtng tnSttiaxh

thr- l’txll lax. xx liix'h \L'L‘llh altngcthct' llltllt'

\xt‘llll\\llllL‘ lllattt' ltlam' \( alw haxc'a \triglcwiit |tl\l llt‘\\ . thx- l‘l illtarillx llllL‘tI. R'lllxlxl‘.l\llll‘.! Hailitx~ and the Iltitnlx \nuclx ll i~ nit l‘tixxx taco Rt‘x‘thlN and lllx‘ll l‘lx'\\ [‘lll‘lt‘ l\ l.ll\c'll Hi .1 \\\t‘\‘llt‘ \lli‘]" \ ll!‘ \i‘xli‘tll‘l.\t\tlll ltll‘t' illlldx’llll}; icqnitlx‘tiitipanx IllIL'lC\l

I 1000 Violins‘mtlihe ThaIIBSRtmlltilu. “3 Sam lllx‘llJll \ttccl “I lllllll \ lt‘llll\ .llL‘ l‘.lx lx xxilh a no“ \t‘L .lll\l

Xxx; lll itlpin

\x ht» tct‘laxcx thc man nitx‘c don t ihx'xl lxx primwtx'i lam ( ‘an lc ax I lit” irixlic \latti l’clltixx \\ ill llu'x \llll he ax giiiixl ’( it» altinuaritl limlwtit .-\ml lhc lll.tllL‘\ll.t\L' lwcti gather in}; .l latut- ll\t‘ lulluxx Ill): lll Sx'iillatixl xxliiqlt \titx'lx \px‘llxtc'x‘iit‘xl x'nmpaiix llllx'lt.‘\l \tx’ ll \lltllllxl I Horse Straw l\ll‘.Ht‘/lx'l\ ‘3('lxilc Stir-ct INHW‘ ltit lhc iicxx -\lll\ x'll.tlll\ ( 'iiixaixl. xx lllx’ll

:[llll \ltctnmxnxcxxiun

lL‘.lll!'x‘\tlllx‘Hl ( il.t\_|,1tl\\ Ix l‘x'\l ll\c' l‘;tlltl\. .llt‘llgt xxith t‘lllc‘! tl'\L'I\x' .itliax'tiutixltlxc .luhriiiit' lit-attic .tlltl Rullin: luv .llltl thx' .lotx th‘x‘Utlx‘xl l l\ll

IBurden Blues Breakersl .r lam-u: 1* luxStitx'l ‘_‘l “‘11 ‘lptti l'lx‘x'



IIfldenlulltlJUSl TheJob Stitllltlx‘llc'x'lx l{t‘x'l\( lith. \ L‘llllL'. ( 'alliiti Ruaxl. >5" .‘ll‘i‘ " ‘xllprti. 2.1 5H. llx'axx metal

I Texas Breaklast Mum~ Hm. \ rum l.t Stu-ct.)le I 'lix' _-\ltcttixuin l‘tcc Mitch lightct twitch than \t‘ll ming L'xpx‘x‘l lmttia I\\U gtiitat l‘ltlx'\ tuck ottxtip RL‘lllllll\x‘L‘lll til Rx ( l‘lle'I Ill [‘l.t\x'\ (lt't‘kl\lllll

IThe Dan BlockerExperience l’lcwrxaltnti llall. \ lx'lt‘llJ \ttcx‘l. If" 3-\lh tl allot ‘lptn (t‘llllllx arixl \\L’\lx‘lll. tntiggticiti x'llL'x'lx

IThe Peristalsis Brothersr llst'i \cgox‘iaiitx. l t‘llll;tll Strut-t. 335011 ‘\ “pm IlL‘L' \\ llll halt lllL'll lim- utmntuur SCI .tgalll. Illlix \L'l\ .tlc‘ l.llll‘c'l llaltl Itl ptx'xltx‘t \\ lll appeal Ill thx‘ itiixlalglx‘. thtittgh

I Bluelinger \liixix~ Hm. Victoria Short. 23“ l ~llh Ll altcr ‘lpm lIlllL‘\. rnx'lx'n'rnll. I The Last Detail I t‘ltl I).tllllL‘\ . \\ ext l‘nit. 33” 1‘-ll ll'pm ltcc

MONDAY 8 Glasgow

ISale Houses! a l.lIIlk'IL'.lgl'1l\SIIL'CI. Ell -1\»111 “pm IIL't‘


I Just Add Water \ x‘llllx‘_( .tllt‘l‘. Ruaxl. 55‘ 31V} \xtitlix pup

IThe Volunteers< 'atirix \lan‘x, \Iuttzitigxixlx‘ Ruatl. 11" l-1\-1 \ Illpm I'tcc Rumlcmx

ICharlie andJim's Band l’tx‘wtxalltin llitllt \ lx'lt‘!l.i \le'x‘l. 3:“ “.\l(x ‘) ‘xllprn I'ICC

I Surprise Band \Ilhlx linx. \ tx‘tut ia Short. 3.?" I ‘llN " ‘Ilpm ltcc

[KEELE- Glasgow

I Moon liar l ll\L‘llll‘t'tll}_'. l" l’ill Sltcx‘t. 3331111 l'll‘lll llL‘x‘ ('.'\.\('l'l I II)

\ iiti'll haxc tn xxatt in wc llll\\\tlllll\\llllL‘ I‘lllltl.\\l!t‘.t!x‘.tlll.tx'llllillL‘xt‘lxlx‘tllill‘ull} IIIlL‘lL'\I

IThe Narodniksl a lillllt‘lc'. 1‘ l-nx

SIICCI.::l 1\1-1 “th11 INT .-\x lat ax l knnxx . withing: tuxlnxxithlhc

lahcl til the xamc name.

I Bobby Wishart l Ialt Bar. llxll\\'mullanxlx Rnatl. ‘33 Ill“ ‘lpm l lL‘L‘

lung rlllllllll}: rcxidcncx . xx hich tx-u‘ntlx rcccix ed a laxnut .ihlc tcx ix'xx in th' (i/uexg'rm‘ Hr’ru/rl'


IWillyLogant‘annxKlan~.\1ornmg~ulx~ Rnaxl. 4-1“ NM. 5’ .Illpm. I‘lx‘x' Accurate and xcr‘xatilccmcr-xctxiun

singer guitarist Roxixlcnx'x.

I Boo Hadley \txixic linx. Vix‘lxi: ta \‘rm-i. 321i l‘llx 9pm l-rcc.

I Rootsie Blues Trio l’r‘L‘\x‘l x .tlltlll l lall. \ix‘lntiaSlru-t. 231x351h “willpm live I King Biscuit Blues \L‘gtlx’l.tlll\.l Hillian Sltc‘cl..‘:5(\3l3 ‘lpm live

I Bon Ton Boulez l .md Hamlcx . \\ x‘xl l’urtill‘lJMl lllpm lim-

WEDNESDAY 10 Glasgow

I Lost Weekend l i\\. \Ix \lillx'! \ttct't 35W lllptii l-rcc Rccx'ixcxl manx laxniirahlc or lllll\ xx itl:


thx-it tlx‘hut gigs. and au- IllL'lL‘ltllC attracting rx'x‘titxlx'miipatix llllk‘lt'\l liix‘ixlt'nlallx . lhcx arc uric ul thicc l‘Ltlltl\ ti 1 xhaix~ a name xx ith a llilx'l'x Ull lhx' (‘uttitiitittxitix‘ liaxx l’lL‘x‘x‘\ .lll‘lllll. lhx' t‘lllL‘l\ hcinu Rich and .latttx'\ (ilaxguxx tn ( )c‘ltihx‘l‘

I First Dewl a lama-ix: l‘ l m \licx‘t..‘.‘l 15—1»! 0pm I'tcc

\uclairnxttihc attracting: tx'x‘uttlx'titttpanx lllIL‘lL'\l xxhtch [‘ltll‘;ll‘l\ lllx‘.tl‘.\lllx‘\

xx htiplax

I Naitan l lall Bat. lhll\\mullazixlx Rudd. “I III“ ‘lpm l'lCL‘


I Bananas \IlhlL' Hm. \mm 1.. Slicx'l. .T.‘H l‘l|\ :\ltix‘aii. ltitik .tlltl xiiiixlux'un til ].t// Soc panel

I The Bivvy Bag Band ( 'aiiiix \Iati \ \ltlllllll}:\ltlk‘ Rnatl. 4-1" !«1\-l \ illpm l'icc

I The Bootsie Tootsie Band I or ll l ).n tilx‘x. \\x'xll’xirt.23‘l~1‘~~ll. lllpni llL'x‘

THURSDAY 11 Glasgow

I Tantara Blade l lalt Bat. llxti\\'ruitllaiixlx Ruaxl. ‘33 llel ‘lpm l‘lx‘L‘ .-\ l‘.llltlx\t‘llll hear in}; ;tlltllllL‘ll llltllL‘\lll;1lx‘.SC\ on Xllittlcvll Shame l\ in lhc xhupx. llt\x\ Hm

I marry ME I a lttrllL‘IL‘. I; I'll\ SllL'x‘l._‘_‘l 4844 ‘lpm l-rcc

Another l.a 'l'anict'c hanxl xx till a ll ulx axxtiil name. \x llIL'll lllll\l xiitclx lw .tlllitc'ltllg lllIL'lL‘\l limit the .-\& R mu». that xiuiic'xl \\ ct \\ cl “(-1. lhc Big l)l\ll ;llltl manx tlIllL'l\


I Joe Strummer and Latino Rockabilly War. One Style .tlltl 0i Polloi t «mix-ix xx x‘xl ltlllx'lii\\ l’tchctlxtifl unimunitx i’lllllll‘dx‘lx 1 anti pull tax pinup) Soc |‘.lllx‘l I Colorado attxl Ad Lib ()llL‘L'll \ l lall. \iitilli (ilk‘l lx SIICL'I. (\(1\.:»1<(i [)1 uuxupgn

illpin L1. Scullatitl\ lupx‘utitiltx .llltl

xx L‘\lCl n hatitl. originallx 1mm Suthct l1|lltl haxc hx'cn oiling lni ll xcarxnnxx t‘laxctl at the \\ cttihlc'x ('uiitittx l‘L'\ll\ al .tlltl hax c xxtlrl the trip gtntip .l\\.tlxl \x‘xcn lllllL‘\ ill I tuxx 1mm the mcmhcrx lll IllL' Hr lll\ll (nunttx \luxix‘ .»\\wx‘iatinti

I Steel Chain \t‘llttc. ( ~alltin inaxl . 5“ WW Promising local hand. \Illl xx ithnut .l x‘tititt.ixt.xlx'xpttc ptcxlictititixntlix-rxxixc

I Billy Jones 1 list 'il ma 1).” tilcx \x N l’txrt.3_“l-1.‘~-ll lllpm I'm~ Autumn im'k ill lull.

I Los Suprem08(‘aimx Mail \. \lxir'tiingxixlc Rtiaxl. ~14" l~1\~1 \ Illprii l-t’cc chixlcncx.

I The Brothers l’tcxctxattnri llall. \igtni l.t Sticcl._‘3h 3N1!» ‘lptn l-rx'c Rx-xixlx'nx'x

I Nightlile is listed as a diary lirst by day(in this section each 01 the two particular days 01 the lortnight are treated as one). then by city and then by venue Special Club nights are listed undertheirclub nametollowed by theirvenue. A separate venue list tollowsthe

diarylistings. with addresses and phone f numbers. NBlnorderto be as accurateas possible. onlythose discos ableto contirm

their prices and days are listed in the diary. The venue list may be consulted tormore nightlite locations but check with venue Please send inlormation ten days belore pubhcahon

l’\l \

{\l \lllxlx lll\ .llltl :‘ilx'\l\I‘lll\

i[\l)‘| llt'xlx'llllll\ i\ | liinttaiiictx

l\lax.ii| lni [‘l l\.tlx' hum-in xxll.llllll|_L'lll\



IThe Alhambra It \\.tlL'lltltlSllL'L'lezll IIt‘ll 5pm mitltiiuhl l'lL'c Rt‘\ltlL'llIl).l xxiththclatcxtwumlx

IThe Batcaveai llx‘llH \ltilxax.

llpni 3 :ll‘llll. L4 l’tmiiigxctx popular wl'mtulxl hattllx \lllllll\lllt.1 haxcxuu tiixtix‘ul Illx‘ll \tll‘llx‘ .ttle’llhlll}: x'atiiparun' IBennetsllpm I “Lilli L.‘ \l.iiii|x(iax xxithlli \R(illlll\lx ICleopatras 1H mam 3 \t‘lttltl\ ICottonClubllpm i lllatti 1‘ Special tltitikxprtxmutiniititulilcaxlil'ttxlax

I Delerium at llll l’ati \llcx.

lll .‘llpni 1am. LT *tlxxithtixlxct l ptmrit lltlII\L‘.Stllll.llltl llipllnp IDiscoViva 1H xtipm 3.1m U SH lllL'

fxl lpm LI l)|\x‘tl



Dixon \‘ixa l1t)tl\Ctll\C01|l lull xxxirig. l ligh cricrgx ttink and chart xtxuntlxxxitli pct'smialitx l)Je

IFollies lll31lpm 3.31l;irii.U,5|l, (‘hat'l-hascxltlixc‘uxntiiixlx. lNDHN ll

I Fury Murry's l lpm .‘\.31l.iiii.l.3.,<tl. lurik on l‘rltlltx\ at l titxx‘.xxith RdLIltl ('lxxlc I).l chun xx hu adds a touch 1 it J.t.’/. I Hard Rock Carle at the \t‘llllL‘. ltlpin till latc 135”. Inc itiiixtcaiitltltxcu

I Hollywood Studios lllpm 3am Unit. ()x ct .‘l Home xlixcn. xx ith ll\L' achch 1'} other xx cclx

IJoe Paparazzi 11pm .130. L‘ 1. ‘l Ia'tl ( )n‘

l‘itxlaxx A \lltlllt'\ll\t‘lllllllL’llIL‘\'.'ll1L‘.tltl t)llL‘l

IKnightsbridge SW1 llpn: ‘.3ll;itii.t)xct‘ ll night at tho ncxxcxt cltih lll (Llaxgtixx, |.\'I)| [N H

IMadisons lllJllpm 3am lexilhticlxul (heroic midnight) .»\ltct alax-utl Maxlixtntx arc hack in NW urimxc. IMaytair l lpm 1.1m. U Sit (1m 3.x iitghlxlixcu.

I Mardi Gras lll .‘llpm 7“ .Illaiti, Uxxtii‘. tickcthhalt (Il'llll\'\[ll'tlllltllltllhihxxull. IPalomino Club"pzii :Jlll, L4 lam» mutide

I Panama Jax ill-15pm 3. Swirl and mixed chart lllll\lL‘ xxith tcxixlx-izt l).lx. lummx .‘\Illt'ltl'll Raymond l)axrcn

I Pzazz lti mpm % \t)lllltl\.

I Raffles Ill 3” .litlll Ll l)l\;tl-.i‘tlt!xl\ xxith l).l. Ruxlxlx Stx-xxatt.

I Reggae Club at lhx‘ l'llllt'lltlll \tiitg. Rimltnpx lllpm Sam U

Want. L3 51'.


H \lixcxl





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