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l Kids aims to provide into about events in

and around Edinburgh and Glasgowlor children and young people. Please send details not later than 10 days belore


1 Activities and Fun

I 800K TRUST 15a I,_\ nedoeli Street. 333 (6‘)]

Children‘s Book olthe Year1988 1 "mil 1" Sept The last ol the ehildi'eii's autliorsto meet eliildreri during the Book 'I‘rusl's ttlllillill sltou ol L'IIIILII'L‘IT.S liitiik‘s. (\L'L‘ I‘\llll‘llltlll\ helim iis Anne Fine. \s holis es in I'diiibuigh. She is ill talk about her

ieeeiit . ehaiaetei lul book. ( 'r'rmimi'.

\Irmmii .‘IIIi/ \Ii-on 15 September. 3pm. admission 35p. See res ie\s

I THE BRIGGAIT ( lsde Street. ItL‘lsL'iS

IIUIII ( iL'IiIi'L‘pL‘ilL‘L'. I43 Stoekst L‘Il Rtliltl.

SSISSS" E Grand Autumn Fling loSeplembei'. "pm 2am. kids Ll . adults L4. .-\ marathon

es eiiiiig ol luii tor the laiiiils . organised bs

l’aierits loi' Sun l\ al. \\ ith .\Ir Boom. Ian

I uibitt puppets. the ( i.llll\illlIL‘l'SGL‘llltIll

Hand and Ian \Valker' l'olk.


l)oek. L“) SSFS l ‘iitil ZoSeptember. ( )peri

eseis das. Illant one hour belore dtisk. L5

.itltllls. L~1SltltlL'lIl\. ():\I’\. I 'IIJIIs, {2.5” kids aged5 “nears. tree tor the underFs. ()iiee inside. all esents are li'ee

Irresistible tor ehildreii ot all ages. See

das-bs-das aeti\itesinthe(iarden l-esti\al I)l.ll'\

IHAGGS CASTLE lllllSl :\iidr'e\ssl)ri\e.

l’ollokshields. -13“2"35 Saturday Activities I s e rs Saturday. _ 15pm l'tee no booking. Ilaggs' regular.

Saturdas alteinooii .tL‘Il\ ities loi ehildren. 1 Suitable age range en en iii bi'aekets.

17Septemberlleialdis i" IZi

24 SeplemberVietoiian I'.lliL‘l'litllllllClli\

(h ‘lj

g l SCOTTISH BALLET 3M \Vesi l’rinees Siieei..‘~.‘~l 2031 ; JuniorContemporary Classestzxers

liiesdas o "pm. until I" l)ee. L1 .50. ( )peii to anyone. is hates er standard. aged





Annual Art Competition 31 Septeirtber‘ :3 ()etober Srnee the beginning ot the eentuis the gallei) hasimited selioolehildreri to eonie into the building during the holidass and drass This is the SJtli year it has taken plaee. and medal stinner's' work is on Shit“

I lid I.) llL‘tIiielt Street . 35.: “30]

Children'sBooks ol the Year 1988 t 'ntil l 7 September. Monday—Friday ltlam—(ipm. Sat noon-74pm. The Book ’i‘rust'saiintial and \ers Weleome exhibition ot llL‘\\ ehildreii‘s books. .-\s in pi'e\ ious s ears. author and eritie .lulia Iieelesliare is the seleetor. and has chosen 322 titles trom around 5000 ehildr'en‘s books published betsseert April IUST and Mareh l‘lS‘S. Some original art isork lrom illustratorsot ehildren'sbooks is alsoon s ie\s. ('opiesol the exhibition eatalogue are as ailable limit the venue. £3.95. See also .-\eti\ ities and l‘tin.


I GFT Rose Street. 3.“: “535

The Unotticial Bugs Bunny Bio t t ' l 20 September l()etober. bpm. Kids Ll . 1“. adults L35“. l’ai't iii a season ol animated lilms. Res ie\\ ol' Bugs Bunny ’sillustrious eai'eer \s itli seenes lrom elassies including Rub/i1!Seasoning. Rub/)1! (it .Sr'i'r/le. and [iii/Ii (or litres.


I CUMBERNAULD THEATRE “23o 733887 Kids Stutt: eliildren's Saturday s slioss sstart at 1.15pm. and are suitable lorehildreii aged 5 I.‘ sears (‘hildr'eri Ll.adults


Little Klaus and Big Klaus 17 September. l’as'la's Puppets.

Magic 80!) 2-1 September.



Jimmy Fleming Puppet Magic l7

September. l.3llpm. kids 75p. adults Ll .Sl l.

Sand in yourSannies tSSejiieiiilier. I.3llririi. kids 75p. adultsil .Sll. Knoekabout eomeds on an unusual holiday camp with the Raskolnikoll' 'I‘heatre (‘ompany

I I'llnnesltin. 34S .‘Illlll. .I-IL'lsL‘i\llf\l IZoZZ‘JS.

Walt Disney's World on Ice t 'niil is September. I'.\er} da} "Rtlpm. plus-1pm 'i'liurs 15 Sun lh‘aiid Ipm. Sat l'Xk Stiri IS L‘) resets ed. L~.5Ilttltt‘e‘se‘r\ ed. (‘hildt'en {I otl’eertain perlorniariees. l)isiie_\ land on iee. 'I‘liese pertor‘mers. \s hi are putting in an iee-rink speeially tor the oeeasion. hase toured the isorld \s itli this shots ol I)isiies eharaeters. Mieke} Mouse is liost.and will be paving tribute to Donald Duck. 5” this _\ear and leading man in l35 liInis. l’liito. [)umbo. l’irioeehio. Snoss \Vhite el al \s ill alsobe there to join in the eelebrations.


Mermaid Summer, Mollie Hunter (Hamish Hamilton £6.95): A Pack ot Liars, Anne Fine (Hamish Hamilton £7.50); Crummy Mummy and Me. Anne Fine (Marilyn Malin Books £5.50): Maisie, Aileen Paterson (The Amaising Publishing House £2.95).

An exciting mix of books tor children by Scottish authors this summer. Two writers lrom Edinburgh. Anne Fine and Aileen Paterson, and Mollie Hunter lrom lnverness.

Mermaid Summer by Mollie Hunter was published to coincide with the unveiling of a portrait of Mollie by Elizabeth Blackadder at the National Portrait Gallery. It is a wonderlul book, lull of magical yet very real suspense. I could not put it down and when l tinatly did linish it I felt deeply envious of those young peOple tor whose age group it is directed. lwished l was in the ten year plus category and Mermaid Summer was still on my shell waiting to be read. lwould most certainly recommend it to those parents who have an interest, and indeed the time. to become involved in their children‘s Hterature.

Two to be enjoyed by Anne Fine. A Pack of Liars and Crummy Mummy And Me. Icould envisage twelve to lilteen

yearolds imagining themselvesto be the characters in A Pack ol Liars; it is always tun to have a story that evolves around lite at secondary school which is almostauthentic butnotquite.

Crummy, Mummy and Me is lora slightly youngerage group. Children who open a book whose lirst line is ‘I don‘t think my mum‘s lit to be a parent, really I don‘t' will wantto read on. I hastily add that the cover illustration shows a happy looking punk mother with blue hair and Minna, a very sensible, disapproving looking daughterol ten in herschool unitorm. Gran is on Minna‘s side and demands that her daughter grows up and ‘stops ambling around this estate looking like something that tell all the wall at the Gallery at Modern Art.‘ A smashing read and verylunny.

Since when have Valvona and Crolla started selling children‘s books? Answer, since last Friday when a very new publisher, The Amaising Publishing House, heralded the return at Maisie. There are lour new adventures in a very dillerent format but just as delightlul as previous stories: Maisie‘s Festival Adventure, Maisie Goes to School, Maisie and the Posties and the Valvona And Crolla connection, Maisie and the Space

3 Alien.

Our intrepid little cat takes Meeno lrom Pulto to ‘. . . that nice shop in Leith that sells all kinds ol loreign tood, there’s a delicious smell ol coltee and salami and lresh bread and the cat serving behind the counter was serenading the queue.‘

There is a delightlul illustration ol the interior ol this, one of the best shops in Edinburgh and this edition is piled high on the counter, and selling well. All the old lriends appear in the new stories, Mrs McKitty, Granny and Archie and co. There is a glossary at the end at each book giving translations ol words like perjink, tablet, sit-ooterie and play piece tor those unaccustomed to the Scots tongue.

Once again the bus journey from Trinity to Morningside takes on a new meaning lor children. Recommended tor three year olds and upwards, and a must lor the expatriate Scottish child. I would love to think at Maisie intiltrating across the border (ol course she has been to London in a previous era).

Welcome back Maisie, we‘re thrilled to see you again. (Honorah Perry) Valvona and Crolla can be lound at Elm Row, Leith Walk, Edinburgh.




()ur penguins have mtiiielied their way through around 7()() raw fish a day for 75 years. Amazingly, it’s still their favourite dish.

The penguins parade at 2.3(lpiii every day in summer) and to eelehrate our 75th Anniversary we’re planning lots of other speeial events. (‘ome along and see for yourself. I

Like our penguins‘beaks, we’re open every day of the year. - j.



.. 7 ,.. - .-._\\ K: o as, '2'“ j tun/rem .37 . . ' I . I . I a " “~ in " " elf? I'.(Illll)tll'gli /.oo. ( orstorphine Road. l-(n- (Mij phmu. (jgpfly 9] l 1_ NW .

I \

26 The list lo— 2‘) September 1988