L me" I




Publisher Robin Hodge. Editor Alice Bain. Associate Editors Sarah Hemming. Allan Hunter. Editorial Assistants Simon Bayly. Andrew Burnet. l Alastair Mabbott. Ross Parsons. Design Simon Esterson. Advertising a Circulation Jess Barrow, Paul Kinnes. Sheila Maclean. Accounts Georgette Renwick. Typesetting Jo Kennedy. Hewer Text Production Editor Paul Keir. Production Co-ordinator Mark Fisher. Publishing Assistant Susan Mackenzie. Art Alice Bain. Ross Parsons. Books Kristina Woolnough. Alan Taylor. Classical Music (‘aroI Main. Dance Simon Bayly Diary Iain Grant. Film Allan Hunter. Trevor Johnston. Andrew Burnet. Folk/Jazz Norman Chalmers. Food Lucy Bailey. Sally Stewart. Kids Rene Taylor. Music Preview Kenny Mathieson. Nightlile Andy Crabb. Stuart Raiker. Colin Steven. Open Andrew Burnet. Radio Allan Brown. Rock (Edinburgh) Alastair Mabbott. Rock (Glasgow) John Williamson. Sport Mike Wilson. Television I Alastair Mabbott. Theatre Sarah Hemming. Mark Fisher. Travel Kristina Woolnough Competitions Mark Fisher. Camera Edinburgh Make-up Services. Cover Design Paul Keir.

} Cab Calloway.

; Drawing by

| James Logan.

V £3! 1 Photograph by ~ lPeterTainsh.

" : See Jazz

" Festival

" f Specialand

I PavementArt

i leature.

Published by The List Ltd. HEAD OFFICE:

14 High Street. Edinburgh Eill ITE. 031 5581191.


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52 St Enoch Square. Glasgow GI 4AA.

041 221 9689.

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5 8 CARMEN MAURA ' . LINDSAY KEMP As Pedro Almodovar s Kennedy Wilson looks

acclaimed film Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown opens in Edinburgh. Juliana Mercurio meets its star. an actress headed for

back on the choreographic king of camp’s colourful career. and previews his seasonal revival of A Midsummer Night’s

' ' ' Dream. International recognition. 6 9 PAVEMENT ART JAZZ FESTIVAL SPECIAL

With a sultry summer well under way. Stewart Hennessey reports on the temporary masterpieces of Sauehiehall Street and Princes Street. and talks to some ofthe chalky- palmed grand masters.

Eight pages on Scotland‘s jazz event of the year. with previews, complete listings and features on Steven Williamson (p10). John Surman(p11). Michael Brecker (p12) and Astor Piazzolla (p13).


' See Rock Listings


:ART ................................... ..56 ;CABAnEr ............................ ..32 I CLASSICAL MUSIC ................. .. 32 'DANCE ............................... ..33 ; FILMINDEX ......................... .. 22 I FILM LISTINGS ..................... .. 27 IFDLK ................................. ..41 jJAzz .................................. ..43 ’IUDS .................................. ..53 l NIGHTLIFE ........................... .. 49 I OPEN ................................. ..55 I RADIO ................................ .. 53 Inocx ................................. ..44 I SPORT ............................... ..54

THEATRE ............ u- .............. ..29 Irv ..................................... ..52

! Throwing Muses Thurs 29 Duoon’s Halt, Edinburgh.


THE 150th ROYAL HIGHLAND SHOW Paul Thomas on agriculture. the environment and the milk in his coffee.

“a 72 TRAVEL

"‘ fl»

t )7 BOOKS

3 I Richard Rayner. !

. I i I- .. l


Dim sum

Guy ilindley in Israel.

73 Classified

Jobs. travel. romance.

76 Competitions Bacardi and Greenpeace.

The List 16— 29June 19891