

I Ellie List lslo‘oklno let a talented, quick-

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' ' ' ' _' .' organised.preparedtoworlillexllile sp r .mt. mm.- l ASSISTANT coox hours and ableto copewltli pressure of : r murmr E l r . ,ll . deadlines, Full-time “03' b330d III "X' " H" - witrw: r: r '1'. 'r :r‘ t ' Garter: lthh v'x‘tr'r:-~:':;- l’lli

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" r":~’, rr ‘r f r‘r'trrr'rrr'r/ lix r} :1 1131118! 19%), S C O I I S l The Smttisli Sports (‘ount‘il (EAS)

. % WELFARE STATE (ltllt‘dtllllil House, South (lylc

lNTERNAllOHAL icrrrnrmrgrr rarirz emu. 1‘91. 031 :rr7 7200 require a

c») "“ -, “LASGOW 1990 'f'Eil-I sr‘r r'r'r‘rsrr srrorri‘s (‘()L'.\'(‘IL

' 1 PROJECT irE“Jl-‘.l.l‘r!‘l>.'r'. <l‘rrlt’l‘ r.\; srrr'r‘mxrr

Sponsorship Assistant to the Development Director 3 "i ""lw’ ~ ' “A50 ARTIST/ Scottish Opera rs anticrrrgrtrrig :; rwarttm lea.» Eglll l rt

Seasons An OLrtgorrig and llllll‘ri‘llSlEl‘,’ .v",lr:l‘l v l l)l'l"*.rrl" l iS needed to arrange sponsor ll Llf) w. ‘llll r. x rtriurr I

and on tour, and h, m; lowlwwrl M w I W V M W day-tojday rmm'llg “l ‘1 (lt‘lhllllflr‘rrr rlrll? hirrmrrwl l l in at. target of overfBO0,00r’) W {H‘warw “HUM r a a ., , ,0, .r climate. There rs secretarial turf,» rrrr .rr l r computerised (larzr malt-m

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x Pt chlxrt

If you are over 25 and have l_3>,l)r:l It (luv it? sponsorship/the perforrrrrng Art!) or tr reluwrsi lrrrlrl W WM ‘. MMWWMD f please write (there are Ho zipplrrtirtrrrrr irerrsr‘w .'.vrtlr r .l {KN { I, I" 0

CV. and quotrng your Cerr‘rrrit billtll‘, to l A I“ H mm

tllfill .dr: (l'ttl Glits‘QUV.’

Applications and full CV by Saturday, 22nd

. July, to Ruari McNeil, Scottish Opera Administrator, Glas— 39 Elmbank Crescent

_ gow Project, 75A I Glasgow 624W MAKE REOFVOIIR P

Barbara Lynch Development Director

The closing date is 26th July 1989 inburgh EH3 6RN. SUBSCRIBE ORDER v i GetyourLrstoyoostandplanyour Placearegularorderwrthyournearest * r t TheLislrsavarlaolelrom TTI Y TH nrghilrle overhrerrklaar Copres are newsaqen SCO SH 0U senloullosubscrrbers bylrrstclass allqood newsagentsrn Central H‘tlllll‘L‘K postevcry second Thorsoayarrd should Scotland andanewrssue should bern - reachyouearlyonFrrday crty shops every second Thursday . Costrncludrnqpmland packinqu lsome oullyrnq areas maynothave " ' “i -' .__.._..-.r:.. .' Y°8lor50rssuvs t‘l‘aloerrssuesor copies untilFrrdayl . “.'1h.‘l““dll“l"“\‘l“l”" l‘” ll“ mmmmm rérmrzlw, National \Vurl;<hup l‘rrirrr “mm. ‘i.:.‘...E.!E.'.'Js.G.I.mE- ..

5" To THELlSTStlBSlillll’llthS To MY NEWSAGENT “FROM BAGS TOlllCI-IES! Join the list's Street


Salary £8,000 to £9,000

14 High Street

Edinburuhtill HE Pleasercserve lOrmC‘Unllllurlht’r notrceacopyoleachnewissueol

l’leasesenomethenrrxtSU' T5' 12‘ THELlSTmaqazrnC

iseller team during the Wriwimliim mm a cheque postal order payable to Name ' lheLrletd lort‘TB‘ 5‘15“ t‘8' Address Deloleasaoplrcahlu Lively and energetic people required from 10 August. Bing.Susan on 4 0315581191 Note to newsaoenls The LlSl

Postcode l'l.!QdIlfl8|§{llSllthlBUlUllSllllUV l

A r‘N"M801'85\V"(ll(‘\.lil' r J

r'rrL ram 14 Troll inst/65

For full job description viritc L‘llklll‘lll‘rl :r .‘\.-\E’ to Carolyn Lappin General Manager Scottish Youth Theatre Old Athenaum Theatre 179 Buchanan Street Glasgow Gt 2J2



Closing date for applications: l‘irltld} ll .\rr;,;rr<t WW