Graeme Murray Gallery

Work by the dutch artist, Pieter Laurens Mol, can be seen at the Graeme Murray, in the exhibition ‘The Sanguine Surrender: A Tribute to Mars.’ Using sculpture, photography, drawings and mixed media works, Mol constructs a conceptual narrative which has at its centre a meditation on war, peace and Mars- both the planet and the god of war. Playing with ideas suggested by the mythical attributes of the god warrior— strength, power, averter of evil, protector of agriculture and the representative of the strength of nature in its productions and births- he combines this with visual qualities ol the planet—dead, red, berelt oi Ille— to create‘works which dely definition but suggest meaning only in relation to the disparate elements which he


The installation ‘Angles ot Incidence’ comprises nine rusting steel tubes enclosed or defended by steel spikes, torn linen, broken bottles, dried flowers and steel shavings. Images of industrial decay and pastoral simplicity, violence and Iiielessness come together to lorm visual analogies tor modern times which are discussed within a context which is cosmological and eclectic. The material at weapons iron, steel becomes the decaying larm implement, the sterility of Mars evokes comparisons with the possible death at Earth through war. Mars may be celebrated but it is a matter at choice as to what this may reler to; Moi persuades us of this ambiguity through the creation of visually compelling objects. (Lorna J. Waite)

support of its appeal fund. Theircollection houses 10.000 prints, a large slide collection and a growing number offilms and videos but more importantly it is the invaluable collater of Scotland‘s oral history, which with the aid of the money raised by the appeal fund. they hope to make more accessible to the public.

I OLO ST PAUL'S CHURCH Jeffrey Street. Mom-Sat 10am--~lpm.

Princes, Priests and People. 1689-4989 Mon 14 AuguSat 2 Sept. An exhibition celebrating St Paul‘s tercentenary.

I SCOTTISH RECORD OFFICE West Register llouse. Charlotte Square. 556 6585 Mom-Fri 9am--4.30pm.

Strange Revolutions: Scotland 1688--89 Until Fri 22 Sept.

Friends 01 Liberty Until Fri 22 Sept. Written records dating back to the time of


For exhibition details, see listings page

Opening Hours: Monday-Saturday 10.50550

Admission Free

569 Gallery is subsidised by the Scottish Arts (louncil and the (lily of Edinburgh District Council

the French Revolution record its cffectson Scottish society and politics. The display concentrates on the period from

1789-- 1830. a time ofgreat political unrest in this country, which had the ruling classes terrified that events here would follow a similar course to those in France. I TALBOT RICE ART GALLERY ()id College. University of Edinburgh. South Bridge. 6671011.Mon--Sat 10am--5pm. Treasures of the University Library Until Wed 1 Nov. Spanningthe entire 200years since the founding of the Old College and its Library the exhibition consists of ancient books. manuscripts and architectural drawings from the dustiest shelves ofthe University Library.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Chambers Street. 225 7534. Mom-Sal 10am--5pm; Sun 2--Spm.

Wealth cl a Nation Until 31 December. A major exhibition of the wealth. intrinsic and otherwise that Scotland holds in its museums. Many of the items are currently poorly housed and part of the reason for the show is to drum up support for the construction of new buildings for the museum on Chambers Street.

Revolution: in Science Until 10 Oct. A look at the major scientific discoveries ofthe last 200 years with the chance to try out the odd experiment yourself.

I SCOTTISH AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM Ingliston. Mon--Fri 10am--5pm. Agriculture still plays an important role in Scotland‘s culture and this museum looks at the old trades and skills ofthe countryside.

The Sword and the Plough A special exhibition which explores the changes brought by two World Wars and their effect on the communities and the landscape.




The List 11 17 August 198‘) 59