
I THIRD EYE CENTRE 350 Sauchiehall Street. 332 7521. Tue—Sat mam—5.30pm. Sun 2—5.30pm.

S.|. Witkiewicz: Photographs 2 Sept—7 Oct. The first exhibition outside his native country is to contemmorate the 50th anniversary of the death of this bizarre Pole, whose exploits include playwriting. painting. dabbling in hallucinogenic drugs and demonology as well as his photography. The photographs exhibited here range from his early landscapes ofthe Tatra Mountains to his later staged scenarios in the 1920s and 30s.

Through Photography 2 Sept—7 ()ct. A quintet of artists working in Scotland who all use photography in an experimental manner. The photographers featured are ()ladelc Bamgboye. Lorna Bates. Mathew Dalziel. Brian Jenkins and Vaughan Judge.

I THE TRAMWAY ()Id Museum of Transport. Albert Drive. 423 9527. Mon-Sat l0.30am—6.30pm.

There will be no exhibitions in Sept as theatrical shows are taking centre stage until the beginningofOct.

I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 28 King Street. 552 4813. Mon—Sat noon—6pm.

Reversal olSlogans Until 31 Aug. Anopen exhibition organised as part of the Festival at Plagiarism. Artists are invited to submit work that subverts the images normally associated with advertising slogans. Rubertus Hess 1—30 Sept. The Berlin artist presents some of his sculptures made from objects collected on his recent travels round Scotland.

I TRON THEATRE 63 Trongate. 552 3748. Davy Brown: Recent Paintings Until 14 Sept. Abstract acrylics from this widely exhibited Glasgow-trained artist.

I WASPS 26 King Street. 5520564. Mon—Fri 9am—5pm.

A shop. exhibition space and resource centre with information on work by all WASPS artists. Slide library and information about how to commission work.

Andrea Kuster and Toni Wirthmueller Until 18 Sept. Andrea will be displaying images from her recent travels around Scotland on the theme ofour landscapes and religious architecture. Whilst Toni‘s prints and paintings involve romantic imagery and abstract landscapes.


I ANDREW GRANT GALLERY Iidinburgh College of Art. 2 I.auriston Place. 22‘) 931 l. Mon—~ Sat 1tL-5pin.

Paintings by Five Colourists ot the 305 t not 2 Sept. William I Iardy presents work by Majel Davidson. John McNairn. Alexander (iraham Monro RSW and Edward ()verton-Jones. There is alsoa retrospective exhibition of Donald MacKenzie’s etchings.


THIRD EYE CENTRE GLASGOW S.l. Witkiewicz: Photographs


Scottish Connection, Cramond Sculpture Centre

Delinition as to what is the Scottish Connection is ditticult in light of the variety oi approaches adopted by the sculptors whose work torms the exhibition. Connected with Scotland eitherthrough residence, training or birth, the sculptors (Judith Allan, William Brotherston, Ludovic Boden, Jim Buckley, Douglas Cocker, Ben Coode-Adams, John Doubleday. Ron Haseldon, Tracy McKenna, Bruce McLean, John Newling and Jake Tilson) illustrate a diversity of approaches which escape categorisation within a homogeneous tradition. Despite problems caused by the Scottish weather, and the tact that the exhibition was originally commissioned tor a site in Essex, an interesting symbiosis between the varied topography of woodland and expanses of grass at Cramond and the lorm ot the work is achieved. For example, Tracy McKenna uses

of Iidinburgh. Dept of Architecture. 20 Chambers Street. 667 101 1 ext 4544.

An exhibition at the (iallery will be arranged shortly.

I ARTIS 26 ( iaylield Square. 5567546. Mon--I"ri 2--6pm.

Adam Aaronson and Joseph Urie tJntit 6 Sept. As well as the permanent collection of Scottish work there is an exhibition of glass by Aaronson and paintings by L'rie. I ASSEMBLY ROOMS 54 (‘ieorge Street. 226 2428. Mon-Sun 10am - midnight. Punch at the Fringe tintil 2 Sept. A small but amusing exhibition 01 Punch

illustrations by Ken I’yne. Steve Wey. Ray

Lowry. Tony Ilusband and Matt.

Dazzle Until Sat 2 Sept. An impressive collection of jewellery from 50 contemporary British and European jewellers.

Atterthe Fall L'ntil 2 Sept. A displayof cotton T-shirts. hand painted by two local artists.

I BOURNE FINE ART 4 Dundas Street. 557 4050. Mon—Fri 10am—6pm. Sat 10am-1pm.

Cadell t0 Eardley Until 1 Sept. Covering similar ground to the (iallery of Modern Art. though on a much smaller scale. this exhibition of Scottish paintings spans 50 years. from 1‘)00~ 1950.

The next exhibition will be in October.

I BYZANTIUM Victoria Street. 225 1768. Mon—Sat Warn—5.30pm.

Contemporary Scottish Artists limit 31 Sept. A collection of paintings and prints.

I CALTON GALLERY 10 Royal Terrace. 556 1010. .‘vton-Iiri 10am—6pm: Sat 10am—1pm.

Edinburgh and its Story Until 2 Sept. An exhibition ot‘44 oil paintings and 261ine drawings by the illustratorJ Ayton Symington. (Mon—Sat 10am—6pm).

After the Festival there will be a collection

processes of nature rainlatl, light, leaves—to intluence her simple steel constructions, Linings. Judith Allen's Looking For A Ritual borrows from the ideas at ritual, tradition and magic which surround the maypole to create a circle or pagan-like totems reminiscent ot scarecrows. The obsolescence inherent in the madness of consumption is questioned by the rusting junk heap East Village Vendor oi Jake Tilson. Assembled parts at New York telephone boxes, tridges and cookers become the all-purpose, useless commodity.

Work by Marion Coutts is also present as part at the Artists Development Programme. A large, distressed grass print made by tiles of slate in the lorm at an overhead jetplane, captures in physical form the frequent, invasive flights over Cramond which signal the dominance oi the machine over nature. Coutts' work benefits by being conceived as site-specific. (Lorna J. Waite)

of 19th and early 20th century British and European paintings on show.

I CALTON HILL East [ind of Princes Street. Everyday.

A View From the Hill L'ntil 2 Sept. Edinburgh‘s most spectacular venue. surrounded by sea and city. has been used in the past as a creative space with great success. This year. as part of the ‘l lolland at the Festival' project. eight Dutch artists have set tip sculptural works in an innovative collection. using the space to match their individual styles.

I CALTON STUDIOS 24 Calton Road. 556 7066. Everyday I lam-4am.

Nancy Henderson-New Works On Paper linti12 Sept. The first major exhibition for this Iidinburgh artist who produces abstract work in paint. charcoal and ink. based on the human form.

I CENTRAL LIBRARY (ieorge IV' Bridge. 22.5 5584. Mon—Fri 9am- 8.30pm; Sat 9am— 1 pm.

Student work Until 30 Sept. A displayol work by the students of the 369 ( iallery education programme is on in the Fine Art Department.

Women Working Together 1 15 Sept. An exhibition of photographs ofwomen working in eo-operative and community enterprises.

I CITY ART CENTRE 2 Market Street. 225 2424 ext 6650. Mon— Sat 10am-6pm. Licensed cafe. [D].

When We Were Young t'ntil 9 Sept. An exhibition oisculpture. painting and drawings taken from public and private collections that examines the portrayal of children and childhood in British art since the I880s. thouin very tnuch from a middle class perspective.

Munch and Photography and Munch as a Photographertfntit 16Sept.

This exhibition looks at Munch'sown

photography and examines the effect of photography on his work as a painter. though ultitnately the exhibition is dominated by his powerful. highly-charged paintings and lithographs. The next exhibition will be of Raytnond Mason‘s sculpture and drawings. I CITY CAFE 1‘) Blair St. 2200125. Mon—Sat noon—1am; Sun noon 2.30pm & b.3(1—11pm. Gavin Evans The City Cafe has recently installed a permanent collection of twenty photographs commissioned front ' professional photographer. (iavin 12y ans. based on the theme of lidinburgh people. Amongst other projects Iivans has previost worked for The Cut and Scotland on Sunday. I 471‘ ( iL‘tit‘gL‘ Street. 220 1305. Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm. AGIass Quintet t not 2 Sept. Contemporary studio glass front live artists. New Glass and Ceramics t) 23 Sept, work by Tessa Clcgg. Anthony Stern and Berenicc Alcock. I COLLECTIVE GALLERY 166 1 ligli Street. 2201260.'1'uc«Sat 12.30 5.30pm on The Beaten Track t 'ntit 2 Sept. An innovative exhibition of New ('anadian Art. organised as an exchange betw cert the Collective (iallery and the Parallel (iallcriesot’Canada. New work by Janice McNab A graduate o1 Edinburgh Art College. .‘ylc.\'ab's paintings and drawings in oil and charcoal are based on personal imagery. I CRAMOND SCULPTURE CENTRE Moray Ilouse College. Cramond Road North. 3126001 ext 272. Sun Sat 10am~nightta11 Buses to Cramond 41 and 18. Scottish Connection tfntit 3n Sept. An exhibition of contemporary Scottish sculpture featuring around 22 works including purple terrazzo heads. painted paper horses and huge steel arcs. I ECLECTIC INTERIORS 23 Royal Circus. 0620840858 livery day 11am 6pm. Eclectic Interiors t‘nttt 13 Sept. Imaginative ideas in contemporary art and furnishings. including ceramics. sculpture. carvings. hand painted turniture and kilim-covered stools. I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ARTI.auriston Place. 229931 1. livery day 10am 5pm. All exhibitions at the college run until .1 Sept unless otherwise stated. Robin Phillipson £1.50(Lli..-\1thottgh I’hillipsoii's paintings would be more suited to a 19th century audience. this isan important retrospective ol his work. Marion Thomson Recent paintings. Carol Taylor Recent wood engravings. Alistair Mack and Friends Paintings by eight artists. Edinburgh Post-Graduate Work A chance to see sortie ol' the newest Scottish art. Farwetl to Hot Metal New spapcr printingot photography tor the l‘inancial 'l inies before Wapping. I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ( icorge Square. bf)“ 1011. Mon» Fri 9am 5pm. Scottish Bestiary t ‘nut 30 Sept. Poems by (ieorgc Mckay Brown. each accompanied by illustrations lrom Scottish artists including John Bellany. Bruce M;th .can andJune Redt'ern. I ENGLISH SPEAKING UNION 23 Atholl Crescent. 22‘) 1528. Mon -Sat Illam 4.30pm. Scottish Art 89 I ’ntil 2 Sept. Around 50 contemporary Scottish artists have been invited tosubmit work to thisexhibition The gallery will be closed until the Christmas watercolour exhibition opens in December. I FILMHOUSE I.othian Road. 226 2688. Mon -Sat noon- 1 1pm; Sttn 6,30 Ilptn. 30 Years of Cuban Cinema t 'nul 14 Sept, All original screen prints. these pow erlttl posters illustrate the importance ol film in Cuba as a medium tor fostering pride in thecountry'sachieycnients The exhibition marks the 30111 anniversary ot the revolution and the formation ot ICAIC. the government funded tilni

The List I ~ I4September108061