other liyc outsiders are still. ol course. in with a lighting chance ol winning the {Zillllllljackpot The winner will be announced on 3o ()ctober. whereupon sales ligures alone w ill keep the writers‘ colters lull.

I Edinburgh‘s Waterstone‘s Bookshop is hayinganothergo at organisinga literary dinner. It is scheduled tor S Noyeinber and will star l)orothy l)unnett. Robin Day and Bernard l.cyin. Iintrancc tickets are likely to cost around £35. and the yenuc. the Physicians llall. Queen Street. is booked and awaits literary bibs and tuckers.

I Scottish Book Fortnight: 1 ()ct 4 Noy. Now an annual lixture. SBI’ continues to proyide a promotional peg tor Scottish books. publishers and authors. This year‘s eyents turn the pages olcycry genre. style and subiect-niatter. while the number ol' books launched during the lortnight is decidedly creeping upwards.

The t'ollowing lists cart only hope to be selcctiy'c. l5or tull details ol‘eyents arottnd Scotland. pick up a copy ot the tree eight page tabloid ‘Book News'. which is to be distributed through bookshops and libraries. Otherwise. contact the Scottish

Book MarketingUroup at 25a South

\Vest Ihistlc Street l.ane. lidinburgh (1)312255795l.


BookTrust Scotland ( 15a l.ynetloch Street “41 332 H391 ) are exhibiting sixty titles in an exhibition called ‘Ihc Best ot’Scottish‘ lrom ltlam~~5pm tor the duration oi SBI“. Startield it new collection ot science tiction stories by Scottiin authors. will be launched at Sherratt 8:

I lughes (45 SH I’rinces Square H4] :31 W60) on Saturday 3] October at noon. I‘ree.

Short stories ( and the countless Volumes olScottish ones that haye been published this year) will be the subiect ol a discussion between Moira Burgess. .lohn l.inklater and Iidw in Morgan at Book 'l'rust Scotland (see aboy‘e ) on Tuesday 24 October at b.3llpnt. Tickets £3 . (unwaged Ll ).

Allan Massie reads lrom his latest noy'el .-\ ()ucstion ol loyalties at

John Smith'sbookshop(5" St Vincent Street tl4l 321 “4‘2 ) on \Vednesday 35 ( )ctober at opm. l-‘ree.

Sorley MacLean and Iain Crichton Smith read troin their poems which appear in The Best ol Scottish l’oetry at I lillhcad library ( 34S lfiy'rcs Road ill] 3%) 7223) on Wednesday 35 October at "pm. Tickets £2.5ll. EDINBURGH

.-\ reading by Sorley MacLean and Norman MacCaig lrom l‘lit' Htwm/ Seoul's/i l’Ht’l/‘l' at l'hin‘s bookshop (53 5‘) South Bridge H31 5% ($43) on 'l'uesday 24 ( )ctober at 7pm. I-‘ree.

Glyn Satterley whose photographic book llTIM/ltl/H/S topped the Scottish bestseller lists. giy’es Lt slide presentation at the (lunch ol' Scotland Bookshop ( l l‘) ( icorge Streetll31225 3:39) on Wednesday :5 ( )ctober at Titllpnt. I-ree.


I Goldwyn A. Scott Berg ( I lainish Ilamilton £10.05) l luge door-stopperota biography. recounting the lite and cinematic times ol the ultimate poor—bily-niakes-good l lollywood



IThe Surprise olBurning \lichael l)oanc ( \linery a L45”) licguiling it predictable-stiunding tale ol war photo-iournalist in search ol his


SHERRNT Come and meet SHERRATT ANNA BLAIR H U C H E S author of 'I‘E/l AI]. I'M/SS (fth.\'.S"l‘().\'.s H U G H E S

signing copies of her new book

SEED CORN (Shepheard—\Valwyn £3.95) a collection of short stories set in Scotland, Malaysia and the USA,

on Thursday '26 October from 1-2pm at Sherratt 8; Hughes, 45—50 Princes Square, (ilasgow. Telephone (HI 221 9650 to reserve copies


unknown lather.

I Collected Poems ( icorgc .‘ytaeBeili ((‘cntury l lutchinson No.95) Scottish-born poet‘s powerl'ul poems in a rc-yamped collection.

I The Fitzrovians l liigli l)ayid (Sceptre {4.99) :\ history ot Bohemianisin around Soho. with ctdice-drinkingand chat.

I The Frigate Bird Alistair (‘ainpbcll ( I leinemann Reed £5.95) Another in the l’acilic \Vritcrs Series. this one a short t'irst noyel. which mixes liuropean neurosis and l’olynesian myth.

I The Shadow Lines .'\mitay ( ilioslt (Black Swan UH”) Slow. measured tale ot lamin doings in India and l.ondon.

I Mosquitoes William l’aulkner ll’icador ( ‘lassics L5H”) liarly and unusual comic noy el lrom the Nobel and l’ulit/cr pri/e-wiiiner describes with satirical sharpness a cultural cruise on a yacht.


I A Season in the West I’icrs I’aul Read ( l’an £3.09) linglish rose takes on (‘/cch writer and dissident -losel‘ Birek. as Read tackles money. class. Values. the clash ot‘ cultures and ey'erything. I’accd and absorbing.

I Middlepost .-\nthony Sher ( Sceptre £4.99) l’owert'ul t'irst noyel l'rom actor Sher takes an outpost in South Alrica as its subiect.


I Antaeus: Journals. Notebooks & Diaries lid Daniel l lalpern ((‘ollins

I laryill LS3)? ) ( ~elcbration ot‘ the journal as a prose genre includes \'.S. \aipaul'scongo Riy'erlournal. despatchcs lroin l’atil Bow Ies in ’l'angicr. Ipdna ( )'llrien on cocklights in Mexico and a whole liost ol'otlicl's l \lailer. Spender. l.awrcnce l)urrell among them).

I Prize Writing litl .‘ylai-iy ll ( mil (Sceptre L3H”) In the count-down to the 2 1 st llil'llltltty' ol the book pri/c to end all book pri/es. the Booker l’ri/e. this publication contains new and old work trom preyious winners. introduced and edited by the l’ri/e‘s administrator.



HUGHES Sherratt & Hughes 45—50 Princes Square Glasgow

Tel ()41 2

invites you to attend a launch party to celebrate the publication of ;


(Orkney I’ress £10.95)



Saturday 21 October at 12.00

Orcadian Refreshments


21 9650


the l l‘sl l“ lot)ctobcr l‘tSW75