
I New Music Group of Scotland RSAMD. 8pm. £4.50 (£2.50). Directed by Edward Harper with Aleksey Martynov as tenor. the ensemble perform Shostakovich‘s Viola Sonata. Dmitriyev‘s The Voices of Violins. Bardanashvili's Trio in Memory ofBizet and Denisov's Hommage a Pierre.


I Clnzano Tron Theatre. 7.30pm. £5 (£4) (£2.50) (£2). See Fri 10.


I Pelrushlta, The Prisoners a Divertissemenls from the Repertoire olthe Kirov Ballet Theatre Royal. 7.15pm. £3—£25. See Thur 16. Writing I Critics' Forum Third Eye Centre Studio Theatre. 8—10pm. £3.50 (£2.50). Over the next two weekends readings and discussions will take place in one of the largest Soviet literary events held in the UK. New Writingfrom the Soviet Union will consist of readings given by Russian literary figures. many of whom have never visited Britain before. followed by an English translation or discussions with simultaneous translation. Writing in the Soviet Union is highly political and many writers suffered heavy censorship before glasnost. The event kicks offwith an assessment of current Soviet writing by two distinguished literary critics. Vladimir Lakshin and Igor Zolotussky.



I Peltarslty Percussion

; Ensemble RSAMD. 8pm.

l Mark Pckarsky. an important figure in the development of contemporary Soviet music. the country‘s first percussion ensemble perform works by Artyomov. Denisov, Suslin. Gubaidulina and Martynov.


I Cinzano Tron Theatre. 7.30pm. £5 (£4) (£2.50) (£2). See Fri 10.


& Divertissemen s from the Repertoire of the Kirov Ballet Theatre Royal.

2. 15pm and 7.15pm. £3—£25. See Thur 16. Writing

I Prose Writers: Readings and Discussion Third Eye Centre Studio Theatre. 2.30—4.30pm. £3.50 (£2.50). The featured writers are Sergei Kaledin. whose first published work deals with social outcasts in Moscow. Vladimir Makanin. the successful novelist. film director and screen writer and Mikhail Zhvanetsky. whose satirical sketches were kept underground in the form ofcassette recordings until they were recently published.

I Guitar Poet Third Eye Centre Studio Theatre. 8—9pm. £3.50 (£2.50). The recital of poetry accompanied by the guitar became a popular form of dissident culture in the Sixties. Aleksandr Dolsky. actor and guitar poet. made his first record in 1980.

I Scottish and Soviet Poets and Writers Third Eye Centre Studio Theatre. 9.30—10.30pm. New Beginnings“ visitors are joined by Glasgow poets

- £4.50(£2.50). Directed by

l 1

Edwin Morgan and Tom Leonard.



I Coffee Concert RSAMD. Noon. £3.50 (£2). The violinist Oleg Kagan is accompanied by distinguished pianist and composer. Vasily Lobanov. who has written a Sonata especially for this concert. They will also

. perform Schnittke‘s

I Sonata No 2 and

I Petrushlta, Th! Prisoners Q

' Shostakovicli 's Sonata 0})


I Instrumental Theatre RSAMD. 8pm. £4.50

(£2.50). The Pekarsky Percussion Ensemble

~ bringtheirvital.energetic

style to the concert

platform performing

works by Raskatov, Shoot. Korndorfand Ekimovsky.


I Cinzano Tron Theatre. 7.30pm. £5 (£4) (£2.50) (£2). See Fri 10.


I Ukrainian State Dance Company Theatre Royal. 5pm (£4—£13.50): 8pm (£4.50—£15).Co-founder of the company. Pavel Virsky. brought his knowledge ofclassical technique to traditional

, Ukrainian folk dance

resulting in a unique blend of ballet and folk dance. This programme includes

3 some ofhisoriginal 3 works.

' Writing

I Poets: Readings and Discussion Third Eye Centre Studio Theatre. 2.30—4.30pm. Gennadiy Aygi reads his non-conformist poetry. Tatyana Bek reads her lyrical poetry and Oleg Chukhontsev. recites from his latest volume. By Wind and Ashes.

Vilnisus Children’s Theatre: The Guiding Light, a Fairy Tale About Solled Linen. (Run ended).

My companion at the Tron for the British premiere of The Guiding Light was a six year-old, much attached to Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats. Not an obvious preparation for a play performed in the original Lithuanian with only half a dozen props, and none oi the razzmatazz, special effects and spectacle frequently used in performances aimed at children.

Kids Theatre has to grasp an attention span theatre directors believe to be no greaterthan thirty seconds. The six year old's view? ‘It was great.’ And it there were any doubts, the absorbed silence of youngsters, on the sort of afternoon out that can easily become a scam, showed the company's ability to hold their Glasgow audience. All the



more impressive that they were able to do so after three days and nights on trains travelling from Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, to Glasgow

Younger members olthe audience particularly liked Dainius Kazlavslias’ snuffling and sniflling dog. There are probably a number of school corridors now being roamed by ‘dogs’ who picked up a few tricks at the performance. The young actors, trained by professionals, presented a charming allegory of the transition to adulthood with all its excitement, disappointments and the inevitable end of innocence. Both the play and the response oi the watching youngsters showed that the abstract world of ideas and morals can be communicated in quite subtle ways - kids don’t need to be thwacked over the skull with a message. (Helen Roberts)

MONDAY 20 Music

I Vasily Lobanov RSAMD. 8pm. £4.50 (£2.50). Performing his own solo piece and works by Chemberdzhio. Ustvolskaya and Berinsky. Lobanov- displays impressive prowess at the piano.


I Games lorTeenagers (iFT.1.30pm.£2(£1.20); 6pm. £2.70 (£1 .70/£1 .20). Prolific film music composer Lepo Sumera will be present at the earlier performance of Leida Laius and Arvo lho‘s study of life in an orphanage. examining the emotional turmoil created by separation from mostly alcoholic or delinquent parents.

TUESDAY 21 Theatre

I Cinzano Tron Theatre. 7.30pm. £5 (£4) (£2.50) (£2). See Fri 10.


I Birdwatcher (EFT. 8pm. £2.70(£1.70/£l.20). One ofthc highlights ofthc New Beginnings cinema season is this feature by Estonian cameraman- turned-director Arvo lho. which looks at the relationship between a student ornithologist and a forester on one ofthe northern islands and the way it breaches differences in age. attitudes and nationality.

WEDNESDAY 22 Theatre

I Cinzano Tron Theatre. 7.30pm. £5 (£4) (£2.50) (£2). See Fri 10.


I The Snoggle or Green Blood Crawfurd Theatre. 1.30pm. £1. Aimedat

7— 12 year olds. this is a large-scale adaptation ofa 1.B. Priestley short story that makes use ofmaskcd actors and delicate marionettcs. It is a combination of fairy tale. science fiction and defective story.


I Nest in the Wind GFT 6pm. £2.70(£1.70/£1.20). British premiere of Olav Neuland's 1980 Estonian film looking at the experiences of a remote farming family in the post-war years as the impact of Soviatization on such rural communities exacerbates the tensions between the central bureaucracy and the remaining nationalist partisans.


I Susan Bradshaw

l l

RSAMD. 1.15pm. Free. Having embraced the work of many Soviet composers Bradshaw premiers Smirnov‘s Seven Angels of William Blake in a programme which includes works by Fisova, Lobanov and Part.

I Slrathclyde Schools Symphony Orchestra RSAMD. 7.30pm. Free. The proficient orchestra is joined by Vasily Lobanov providing a rare opportunity to hear Scriabin‘s Piano Concerto along with Montagues and (.‘apulers and Dance from Prokofiev‘s Romeo and Juliet and Rachmaninov‘s Symphony N o 2.


I Ward 5 Tramway Theatre Annexe. 7.30pm. £7 (£3.50 concession available Thursday only). The Moscow Pushkin Theatre Company improvise every performance of this fascinating production. Based on a short story by Chekhov. the action takes place within a four-sided set and the audience (limited to 65 people) sneaks a look in from the outside. Workers and patients in a mental hospital challenge our idea of physical and spiritual freedom.

I Cinzano Tron Theatre. 7.30pm. £5 (£4) (£2.50)

(£2).See Fri 10.


I The Snoggle or Green Blood Crawfurd Theatre. 1.30pm. £1. See Wed 22. I in Man All Should Be Robin Anderson Theatre. 7.30pm. £3.50 (£2.50). Aimed at an older audience. the experimental Leningrad Puppet Theatre use alive chamber orchestra to accompany these three farees by Chekhov. The manipulation is based on the Japanese Bunraku-style and each puppet is operated by two clearly visible people.


I Barbizon Gallery College Lands,4011igh Street. 553 1990. Mon—Sat 9.30am—5.30pm; Sun 11am—5pm. Free.

I Collins Gallery University ofStrathclydc. Richmond Street. 552 4400ext 4145. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm; Sat noon—4pm. Free.

I Crawlurd Theatre Jordanhill College. Southbrae Drive. 950 3437. Tickets: 950 3438. Ticket Centre and all Ticket Link outlets.

I Glasgow Film Theatre (GFT) 12 Rose Street. 332 6535. Mon-Sat noon—7pm or performance time; Sun 30mins before performance. Telephone bookings held until the doors open for the relevant performance. No credit card facility. Tickets: Evening £2.70 (£1 .70 Student & U840: £1 .2()OAP& Child under 15). Mats £2 (£1.20).

Special New Beginnings Ticket Dfler Buy a ticket for any of the shows in the Baltic Film Season in advance and you can collect one ticket for any of the other films in the Season absolutely free!

I Glasgow Sculpture Studios 8511anson Street, 551 ()562. Tue—Sun noon—7pm; closed Mons (except Mon 30 Oct). Free.

I Scotland/USSR Society Friendship House. 8 Belmont Crescent. 339 3008. Tickets for Morley Quartet from above number. exhibition free. Mon—Sun 10am—5pm.

I Robin Anderson Theatre The Scottish Ballet. 261 West Princes Street. 331 2931 . Tickets: 22" 5511 Ticket Centre. and all Ticket Link outlets.

I Rooftops 92 Sauehiehall Street. 332 5883. Tickets: Rat Records. 164 Buchanan Street. 332 2299.

I McCance Building Slrathclyde University. 552 4150.

I Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (BSAMD) 100 Renfrew Street, 332 5057. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm and performance nights until 8pm. Weekend performances noon—8pm. I Theatre Royal 282 Hope Street. 331 1234/332 9000. Tickets: Mon—Sat 10am—6pm. performance days until first interval. Bookings held for three days/45 mins (whichever is soonest) prior to performance. Accepts Access Amex. Diners. Style and Visa credit

I cards. Also from Ticket Centre and all Ticket Link


I Third Eye Centre 346-354 Sauehiehall Street. 332 7521 . Galleries: Tue—Sat 10am—6pm; Sun 2—5.30pm; closed Mons. Bookings held until 2pm on day of performance. Access and Visa credit cards accepted. Also from Ticket Centre and all Ticket Link outlets.

I Tramway Theatre Annexe 25 Albert Drive. Tickets and information from

Tron Theatre. 552 4267.

I Tron Theatre ()3 Trongate. 552 4267. Mon 11am—5pm; Tue—Sat Ham—7.30pm; Sun 6—730pm. Bookings held until three days’24

hours. 40 mins (whichever is soonest) prior to performance.

The List 10— 23 November 1989 9