Money. and is currently seeking a deal asa solo performer. I The Kennedy Pill Burnout Club.


Rooftops. 92 Sauehiehall Street. 332 5883. 11pm. £2.50. The ever-widening Mancunian boundary these days apparently encompasses Leeds. home FR I town of this bunch ofhard-edged.garage. dance. psychedelia merchants (you get the idea). Played the Glasgow and Edinburgh I Five Guys Named Moe Mayfair, 490 demo discos to favourable response. and a , ,2? Sauchiehall Street. 332 3872. 7.30pm. good choice to kick off Burnout. a new =5 1.. I 1 :I. _ .- a: 23:; 33:113. 1.5.53; :3; .... ,;E,_..:..__,;;.;. £4.50 plus booking fee from Just the club along the ‘Manchester— South of if: ‘1 3‘; 2;; 51.13:: '31-; E£3. {22:} ____ TEE-E Ticket. Virgin. Union Street. 2264679. Glasgow‘ lines. which hopestoprovidca 1131-: A :-_' in: "I-i Those oh-so-wacky Canadians/Scot have Scottish platform for unsigned English I 3‘23 j_ I': :_ ~ learnt their lessons about mountain-top bands. as well as spotlighting local talent. W v 2 V -_ gigs aftertheir recent Ben Nevis publicity See Clubs. :35. 'i; jaunt and settled for a more down-to~earth ' I Clockwork Monkeys Traders. Glassford . ‘1 1: ' venue to promote their eponymous debut Street. 552 5826. 9pm. Free. Glasgwegian LP. Glaswegian comedian Bruce Morton indie-pop from demo diSCO favourites. is unleashed for a guest spot with the Moes I Solomon Flynn llalt Bar. 160 Woodlands

foams-gig, Road. 332 1210. 10pm. Free. s -- ; -- 1.333;..3133. I Kill City Dragons King Tut's Wah Wah I Bard Studio. 12 Shuttle Street. Paisley. . - '2 .;. -:.;;:~ 11111372 31 Vincent gnu-1,221 5279. 889 6867. 3pm. Free. Residency. Weekly i . Midnight. £3.50. Formed out ofthe lam 50551011 remnants of Lordsofthe NewChurch. loan“ Dime Bands SlUdiOt Shumc ................ H following Stiv Bators‘ untimely death. this Street. Paisley. 889 6867. 6pm. crowd won‘t be on till late because Jonathan Woss has commandeered the Wah Wah llut for a live broadcast ofhis I Revenge Bay Hotel, Pier Head, ()475 i I. fadiO ShOw bCIWCCfl 6 and 7Pm- 31244. Despite the savagings meted out to Incidentally. Jonathan’s show will feature their live shows and the new album, this is a guest spot from a ‘major Scottish artiste‘. bound to be a well-attended gig thanks to if YOU‘I’C mime-510d. the presence of New Order bassman Peter I A y I ._ t:hi’fit‘ach County and The Wilderness llook. whose side-project this is. i ren Shelter. 7 Renfrew Court. 332 - 6231. 8pm. £3 (£2.50). A Stetson Club Edinburgh

presentation. with country 1)]. See Clubs. I Km‘ and Kin MOra H .. , ' y ousc. 11on mod ' Gull" Gamma" and "‘9 "mm" PST Road. 556 8455. £3 (£2). Now that the

Club. Studio. 12 Shuttle Street. Paisley. 889 6867. 9pm. £1.50. These two bandsare making a habit of gigging together at the moment. Guitar gangsters are from London and The Humour are from slightly less cosmopolitan Barrhead (which could explain why they‘re still playing grunge pop when everyone else is moving on. . .)

various injuries that have plagued the group since their inception have healed up. the fan base they have been building is starting to pay off. Originally growing out ofthe Swamp Trash/Critter llill Varmints scene. they have been developing a more mainstream rock/pop sound that fansof The Waterboys. for instance. might find

*5 I i 3*”

merits investigation. They can alsoclaim to be the only unsigned band to play atT he I Head in "'9 sand Ncgmiam5~ Lomlan Big Day and also the forthcoming Day for SlTCCl- 235 631} 9-45Pm- FTCC- Scotland at Stirling on 14July. UP-and-Coming young hand combining. as I The Matter Babies. Hauss on Fair and The they Pm lit the SWEV‘Tillng Values (“the Probes Basin Street. l-laymarket Terrace. 605 With "19 energy Of the 705 311980-53 337 1006. See Preview. From nowon. I "fly cmeke" and "'3 “Owens there should be a minimum of one support Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 act per week. 3816~£13f101 9Pm- Blue-533 I Dean Owens Negociants. Lothian Street. I the Rootsies Duo Globe. West Port. 229 225 6313, 9,45pm. Free. 4553- 9-30Pm- F190 RCSidch)'- A150"? I Little Wolves Preservation Hall. The ROOlfiiC TOOtSlC BlUCS 380d. Jim Victoria Street. 226 3816. £1 after 9pm. Condie on guitar and Ron Tate on vocals Rhythm‘n‘blucs. and harmonica play gospel. blues and a I Lag Filipinas BB‘S Basement Bar. him (“1311- Barony Street (off Broughton Street). 5.56 ILas FilipinasBB‘s BasementBar. 824()_ 5_7pm,iH1pm. see Frizt). . Eqaizinsyjtrcct (0ft Broquhsztrzct). 556 I Texas ereakiastJD. Walker's. South ' 1 st, 2nd OCTOBER - -- P014941 m. ~WC- L‘Si CDCF. Clerk Street. 662 4731. Blues. lavin r Straight from the P‘hilippines. and alternate Saturdays_ p ' E 1;: .- Heading the mgulog of their homeland I Live music Globe. West Port. 2294553. . GLASGOW wit a variet 'ofstvles.six ni htsaweek. 1'" "’ I7/11 Black)'s Bar. Portoheiioiitgh SUNDAY 1 Street.6695504.8.30—11.31 m. Residency. Rock and blues.)p

I Engine and Dawn Patrol Videodromc. 33—39 York Street. 221 0441. 8pm. £2. Engine are a bluesy bunch oflunatic Liverpudlians. while Glasgow‘s Dawn Patrol play melodic rock along the linesof Dokken and other bands with high snooze factors. Clearly a gig for those with eclectic tastes. | I The Reno Brothers Traders. Glassford Street. 552 5826. 9pm. Free. Glasgow-based five-piece.


I Phil Collins Exhibition Centre. lngliston. £17.50. £15. See Hit List.

I Bomb Everything Moshpit. Venue. Calton Road. 557 3073. Formerly Bomb

I Louise nutkottski King Tut‘s Wah Wah Disneyland Um” The Disney Organisation

Hut. 272 St Vincent Street. 221 5279. .EOEWW: 0f thm. All-Out rockers.

1 m. £3. Fit-Sunset Gunner with a lovelv . yup “'0 ROSS Theatre. PrinCCSSlrcet

ngCC. Since striking out on her ownin Gardens' 2-30Pm- Fch- A 30"Cn'PiCCC KETS AVAMBLE FROM VIRGlN GM GOW, R NG RECORDS 1988. Louise has worked with ThisMortal 8’09? {mm MOZamblquc whv blend BURGH AND All TOCTA OUILETS TH ' OUGHO T SCOTLAND. Coil. lt’s Immaterial and Love and "adm‘mal songst rhY‘th all" danCCS T CARDS 03T-557 6969 POSTAL 81 ' HER IN 031-556 1212

The List 29June 12 July 199043