I Polish Pertormance l

Earlynextyear. p a

Workshop expandsits I I

horizonswllenitorganises . _

farms-g i v DRAMA Edinburgh'sTheatre i the first ever large-scale ‘l love this building. ltind these

i communinperformance Pmlcct in Poland. 'i‘in‘ windows intensely exciting. It's a “mm? ‘5 :‘h"”“~“ m“ historical site, but Thompson's lacade :izilgi‘giiht‘énfgw"W" here has a bizarre energy- it’s very performance projects to NM, “'8 very sexual. I iind this Scotland in me. It will all architecture very sexually provocative. take place in the Klllh Zak There’s something very erotic about it- in (idansk where 150 very kinky. All the design motits that we’re bringing up irom the street are all Thompson’s.

people will explore the pertinent theme of

d‘m‘fi'm r m n , ‘We’re trying to tind some way to

f . 9°" ‘_ I . Q . ' . ' - . express how you ieel when you walk

l m appeam tormwmnmm i down Sauchiehall Street and you see

F including men, a - . this incredible, lloodlit, voluptuous

i productions in New York ' Neil Bartlett is sitting at a table in the building,’ he continues. ‘This building

i State and NoszScotia. middle ot a Itléirren‘blagk rooml." b is who're theiscene fit the show I New Theatre ompanv t Sauchiehal tree tra ic rum es y came rom. e ne int c opening

* Tin“ (‘inn'ifiid Aii‘ 2 outside, while the writer, performer scene is ‘Where did the money come

i 9""? "‘.t“_"‘"d’_fi"x‘ ““fl ; and director tries to recreate an air at irom?’ When you’re walking round

i r , iaded decadence within. Since it Glasgow and you see any oi the great can“, Shared BUM m. ' g ,. opened to great Festival acclaim at the buildings, you really thinkthat. Where “N pmducmn w, tuck , Edinburgh Traverse, Bartlett’s did the money come from and why is it in October and it is now i Sarrasine, the gothic tale ot a woman that we love them so much now? looking for project ; who talls in love with a Castrato, has ‘Aiter a very long time when buildings funding and sponsorship ; toured the country, playing everywhere like this were demolished and f‘” " “'5‘ “"50”: 1‘ ‘5 “'5” : irom studio theatres to crumbling neglected, they’re all being restored "Tl"? _"’(‘j’f","}” f"? i - ? music halls. Now returning to and we love them because they’re 53:21:25“ ; Scotland, Bartlett has created a special sexy. The show is about this gorgeous 3mm ,h‘cir pmrc‘sfimna. i site version which takes over two iacade and underneath there’s skills in a studio ; rooms and a staircase ot the Third Eye something else. That’s very exciting environment. Details on 3 Centre and in which he plays a minor and this building has a lot to do with the 0334 74610. i role himsell. show.’ (Mark Fisher) l nudionescrioed Theaiie é ’It’s a chance to do something that we Sarrasine is at The Third Eye Centre, The ("limit “Wm” can’t do anywhere else,’ he enthuses. Glasgow, until Sat 1 Dec.

Glasgow. is pioneerng Scotland's first audio descripitionsof performances for blind and visually impaired people. After a couple of very successful experiments. the project was properly launched at a recent pcrformanced of June Shaw during which volunteers provided costume and set descriptions and indications of significant moves. The system makes use of an induction loop

Blue moon

In the second broadside oi the year irom the original 7:84 camp, actor Elizabeth MacLennan has put together a biographical account at hertime on the road with Scotland’s ioremost

.' will?“ meal“? company "0"" "8 Elizabeth MacLennan: politically committed. ? origins in the early 703 to its Scottish


in co m U 2 < D to to .— u: a: < m < c.) N co cu m o o o and the company that 5 Arts Council-inspired statt shake-up ot details can scorn mawkisnr “Sis 0' afterthe initialcapital m g 1988. Like husband JOllll McGrath’s menus sen‘mdu'gem and m 9'“ outlay. it is very cheap to :1: a ‘The Bone won't Bteak' published details at dance classes and iamin i operate. It is hopetl that earlier in the year, ‘The Moon Belongs reunions alongside a comment like, ‘In 3 "WT lbw”? i" 5F“""““ v: To Everyone' is a mix oi subjective January 1967 the student Jan Palach : “"1".”"TMW‘ ""“"” g r anecdote, lactuai detail and political set himseli on lire in Czechoslovakia. “i “m” _ . commentary, based on her We were very concerned about what 3 M F ('7, experiences at initiating and would happen there,’ seems i Q 4 4/ :3 developing a small-scale theatre surrealistically incongruous. i S 4 ' company with a committed interest in MacLennan shares McGrath's , , , , , SE/Q ; coniioniing DUbiic issues. tendency tor seli- congratulation, Stuugdrt Ballet hdYe d : W ; There's a scrapbook leel to the which is maybe tair enough in the lace formidable reputation. J 0 l C m a volume and two misspellings oi the oi so much hostile political opposition, Roe talks to Marcia i Q ' name at Scotsman critic Allen Wright but it does make it harder to get a true H, d _ th - teadfast j Q ' > emphasise the home-made quality- as perspective on her story. Ody CC , elf S u i MacLennan intersperses herown But alteran uneven start and director, about two great i . recollections with newspaper reviews. hit-and-miss build up, the book Choreo ra hers. I Womenrsmrkshop \ = extracts irom her children’s diaries. . achieves a particular poignancy when g p . . N f I , Women :tititl has & poems, tour schedules, letters and MacLennan realises that the collective AS iii? Wit-king {Cellini $hU it?“ organised a tree \stlrkshop . play dialogue. The cumulative eiiect is she helped to loundwitll all its ideals “3 “:53; infidel} iniiinncnn on Sat Hun‘) Lu 1 otan active and busylite which and communaisplrit, had mutated into E ("Literati It ii WM y Dec. itlme‘d particularly ill conecuy places equaI value on "18 jus' another working organisation. (llingOW In IhC Silde SlUllfiiil’l women with no drama m : domestic and public spheres. Fm is not only a book abom the decnne 0' a Ballet. Although the company “i “‘ilt‘t’i'f'l‘i“: ""19 my ) . i i.- ' MacLennan the problems and joys of theatre company, it is also aboutthe Pmbfmlr" if“ 'gf‘f’fcfj‘t’?' ‘th , ‘d $213.5. in $3.53, th'rliieh < bringing up three children are inst its sad decline ot oppositional politics. "Putfmdi ‘f“.”"~‘“fg‘g?jl """f , dew ising anti m importantas learning the next role, (Mark Fisher) “fiihfniiilgifi 0‘“ lmprtn lszititm. store ; campaigning torthe next cause or The Moon Belongs To Everyone "I d L mil L L P‘ t . details irorn Jo on (I41 33: = touring to the next village. (Methuen £9.99) by Elizabeth “"F‘h “Wig- , _ l W in or 1 cm on (in I 33‘) '- But ‘The Moon Belongs To Everyone’ MacLennan is published on Thurs 29 F'l‘F‘c" Yea“ “g” Film,“ “"9"” l 8855 ext (i248. i l cries out for tighter editing. Family Nov. MarCla Haydee stepped into the J I ,_______ ,_

58'l‘he List 23 November - 6 December 1990