I Same Diherencelt'hannel J l 5 3H (ipni lhe programme \\ hieh takex a topieal loolx at lite tor lliitaiii'x 5 million dixaliled people pr‘exented h} l ilwh} ('roxx.

IThe Munro Show t Seottixhlti 3“ “pm Muriel ( ira} elamherx all m er Seottixh mountainx. thix u eek attempting x\n 'l'eallaeh and Ben \arnairn at the head ot l.oeh long. See pre\ ieu.

IThe Black Bag: India's AIDS Crisis ((‘hannelJtS S..‘~ttprii. lhedoeumentai} xeriex lookx at \xlu :\ll)S ix xpreading rapidh in India. and inter\ ieux a doetor whoixtrungtoineieaxe .>\ll)Sa\\aienexx amongxt proxtitutex.

I Twin Peaks 1 HI“ '2 ) ‘1 ll Fttpm. Agent (‘ooper undergoex the ‘xxhite glm e text‘ (don‘t axk me i. \\ hile llolilu llriggx litdlxe‘S a laxt huek. and the kid \\ ho pla_\x ('hrixtopher in 'l )allax' turnx up out ol the hlue.

I The Ugly Frog That Became A Prince ((‘hannelull‘tfstt lttpm .\ xomeu hat uneharitahh titled interx ieu mth ( ieiard Depardieu. laneied to \\ in ( )xearx tor ‘(i_\ I‘ano l)e Bergerac" or ‘( iieen ( aid. and alxo apparently iuxt tarieied. 'l he unlikely xe\ x_\ mhol tallxx altout hix tempextuoux } outli. hix lox e ol u me. and hix euriotix amhitionx tor the tuture,

I Play For One: Reunion l mu ‘ii 9 3H ltlpml lhe laxt in the aeelaimed xeriex ot one-pei xon platx xtarx .-\nne Ki‘ixten ax a woman looking liaelx‘ 51 } eaix In her xeltitttltla} x. alter attending a elaxx reunion lhe pla_\ \\ax \\ ritten h} .lexxie Kexxon who drew on her rm n e\perienee ot being brought up in an orphanage

I The Little World OtThe Little Pony

Hillel ) llt lll5tlpm Julian l’ettiler prexentx thix tilm ahout Shetland poniex He inti‘odueextixtoaxxoman \xhoelaimx her poniex eommunieate with her h} Ile’. and warm that next sear eould xee poniex heing Shipped «net lit the ( ~Htiltttelil lit await their late in the xlaughtei hoiixex. IBIeakMomentsu 'tiannetii

ltlpm lZVllFam. Mike [eighxdehut feature ix xo l).Plk‘Ltll_\ \lllKC leigh. it eould almoxt he a paxtiehe, .»\ xh} . intelligent elerk ( Anne Raitt l lix ex \Hlll her retarded elder xixter in drah South l\tilttltill.\\llll their li\ ex mil} oeeaxionalh hrightenedh} Raitt‘x inhihited teaehei liotlriend lhe hippie tte\t door eaiixex prohlemx. and CVL‘l‘Hltlngl‘L‘glltSIttgitL‘titl‘;tt'l.t\\lttgl\ wrong. Leigh. ax tixual. hrilliantl} eapturex the mundane and ti l\ ial tragediex oi loneh uneommunieatu e people.

58 'l'he l.ixt I: \lareh x1.-\pril l‘llll


IAction Replaylimei ) infill llpm lhe l‘ltill liiiropean ( ‘up i'lllitl at l lampden ix regarded ax one ot the tinext gameon xoeeer e\ er plated RL‘lH e the e\eitement. and “under at the xkillx ot l)i Stelanoand l’uxlxax. and rememher the \l;t}x \\ hen llampden eould attraet 13H} NNlpay ing


IExceSStllllell“ 1* Spin Riehaid lohxon i'eportx tiom the ( 'eltie l'ilm

i'L‘SIH al in lmer‘nexx. and iiieetxdexigneix \\ ho are trying to turn tartan into/mule

I Inspector Morse: Promised Land tSeottixh l S ltlpm, Streuth. \lorxe l)o\xn l‘nder . uhatew er ne\t l he eiagg) one and longrxuttei‘ingl L‘\\l\ are tianxpoited t( )K, xo thet get a thght l to the .-\uxtr‘a|ian outliaek. in xeai'eh ot a tor iiiei xupei giaxx. I OED: Granny‘s GreatestThriIl l iiiir'i l VSU lltpm. Sexentt—nine-}ear-old \liiiiel Santilli ti'iex out a neu eomputei xiniulatioii game ealled \‘ii tiial Realitx ()l'l)lool\xat the implieationxand illittgetx til \tlial eittilil lie one til the Iitiixl popular paxtimex ot the ‘lllxv ISportsceneitiiir'i l in it ‘xiipm .toetx "linpaitiality Brown eoiniiientatexon highlightxot Seotlandx erueiall uropean ('hampionxhip tie u ith llulgaiia. tiom

l lampden.

IVic Reeves‘ Big nghlUUlt(liaiiiiel~1l 1H3“ 1 1pm. l ex ix leeling \eii pooin 'l'he Man \Vith l he Stielx ix liaek lioiii llttlltllt} . and ( irahaml ixtei (lino. hixxl hax a next ally l [on \Hll \‘ieeope .’ IAmityvilIe II: The Possessionlseoiiixln ll.~1ttpm l .1tlam \ot xo mueh .txe‘iltlel. more a prequel to the original horror 1 he nalt Montelh tamih mm ex intothe Arnitu ille houxe. and the uxual lilood xtaitx eoriiingout ot the \\.tll\ eteete .'\lllll_\\ ille muxt haxe the \Mtl ld'x moxt

peixtiaxne extate agentx

lThe Real Eddy Englishit'tiannet-ii 11.55pm .25am .\ two part eoiiteiripoi;ir_\ thriller xtarriiig Stephen l’eixaud ax a _\oung man attempting to lind out uh} hix unele t l'iank \\ indxoi max murdered. and \\ ho the killeix \\ ei'e


IScottish Action ForYouthiSt-oiiixtn h 3'1 “pm Return ot the .t\\.’tltl-\\lllllllll_’

eampaigningprogramme \xithiepoiter lloli'lomlinxoii

IScottish Ouestionstxeoriixhi".3u Spm t'olin \1aekas and l ouixe lait duextion the [titlllleldllSdlltl[‘Hlle}-lil;tl\cl\“llllk‘ l)a\ id \Vhitton repoi tx trom \Vextminxter I City Lights l llll( ’2 l S S..‘t|piii ()ui haplexx hero \Villie hax iiixt tinixhed a l\ xeript. and h\ \llet rm eoiiieidenee. eneounterx a eieepi old elaxxmate. ( 'olin (amphell \xho ix no“ a l\' piodiieei, l)ol deteet the taint hint ot tell} peixonx~ iii-inkexhere'

IUpPompeiiitmt‘jw tt..‘~llpm \\ here did they dig thix one up tiom ’.-\pp'illingl_\ eheap "()iii} l )n' humour , onlx redeemed h\ the \xondeitnl l ianixie lloueid ax the innuendoridderi xla\ e l tllell‘ litter _\e prolialilx min-t

I 40 Minutes: The Entertainers t tint ‘2) WSH ltl. ltlpm l-l ll )l )S. l he lollxextone and l l_\lhe ( )peiatie and l)iaiii.itie Soeiet} . are putting on a xhou ()tt xtage there are hroken mar i iagex and keen i ll\ ali iex. on xtage talented hopeliilx. hax»lieenxand ne\er-ieal|}-\\eiex ITrue StorieszThe Emperor's Naked Army Marches Onlt'hannelti

ltl 3tlpm l_‘»15;iiii Kelltlii()l\ll/.il\l.lt ‘ttltllel in the .lapaiiexe .-\im\ diiiingthe uai . ix deter mined to pio\ e that the l'inpeioi'x '\lltl_\ eommitted aetxot hoiiiliel‘iutalitx.ineludingeannihalixm. l he doeumentau ix a eompulxn e tilm ot a man oxeiu lieliiied h} a xenxe ot hix riation‘x guilt. to the point ol madnexx INBtSeottixht I“ -i‘ ll 15pm llixan lliir iiett. l\llan ( ariipliell and .laniee l-orxt tli go out and almut. keeping _\ou up todate on the Seottixh ai tx and k'lllL'tlilllllllL‘lll\\k'llk'


ISammyGoing Southit’hannetti

~1 l<pin .-\iie\eitingaiidehaiming ad\entuie \lttl\ aliout a ten year oldliox'x ioiiinet liom l'gspt to l)uihan to reaeh hix aunt. alter hix parentx hax e heen lxllletl

duringtlieSueM iixix, I Rory Bremneriimr 12 l it w Kttpm. \toie topieal impiexxionixm llt‘llt tl e l'diiiliuigh


I Everyman Special: The Dream l tint St W 1* 1” 15pm .leierm lionxxtaixinan adaptation ot a l)oxto_\e\ xix} xtoi} . axa iiiaii \\ ho \\.tl\L'\ up to iealixe hix lile ix «ltlllL‘ ridieiiloux lle di'eanix oi a ( iarden ot l'den. \\ lieie he lieeomex the Set peiit \\ hi \ teaehex people to lie

I Cheers t ( "hannel »1 t ‘l lttpm lonight the lloxton l‘.tl xiteom ix :llllL‘l‘IStttle‘Sitltl. and in an hour »lr ing xpeeial. the eaxt .tll\\\el tiuextionx altout the xeriex. and xoine pie\ It‘llSl\ unxeen lootagu' ix dugout it the .tlellH e euphoard IRoseanneit‘tiamielli in In Hip,” Roxeaniiediexxexaxa lumheiiaekloi

l lallou een. and \\ hen xhe i~ llllSl.tl\L‘ll tor oiieot the gu\x. xhe deeidex to pla\ along. and tind out a ten xeeietx

I Omnibus: Tom Jones: Hitt'ii ltt ltl ll lt‘pm llte\'..ill\ iiotiitiie


\ alle_\x undergoex a eritieal appraisal trorii ‘( )mnihux'. \Vhat ix the xoeiologieal implieation ot a medalhonfl’ \Vhat doex ehext hair reall\ xignit} . and uh} . \xh).

\\ h} Delilah" Sorry . got eai'i'ied aua) there.

I Kiri Te KanawalSentlixhl

1“ 15pm 12.15am A South Bank Shoxx xpeeial. on Kiri the Kim. the operaxingei \\ ho eame trom huinhle originx in Nexx [ealand to gr aee the international xtage IWhose Line IsltAnywaylehamie-Hi

I“ W llpiii lhe impioxixerxaiextilliii the Statex. l’erhapx the .-\merieanx\\ ill tind Joxie la“ reiiee and Sandi 'l okx\ ig xo appealing the} "II want to keep them. lleie’xhoping I Jonathan Ross Presents For One Week Only: Pedro Almodovarlehamielit

ll ll 45pm ('iriematie geniuxoi xe\ixt nutter _' You are the |lll'_\ ax Roxx iiiter\ie\xxthe ettlllltt\e‘l\l‘.ll Spariixh diieetoi iexponxihle tor lie \le l'pfl :e We Do“ n‘ and ‘\\'omen ( )n 'l he Verge ( )t .~\ \enoux llr'eakdoun‘.

I Gilda ((haiinel «1) Midnight lam, .-\ elaxxie film Ilrlll tiom the Jtlx. xtarring Rita ll.i}\\iitllt ax the \\ ile ot a xinixter' Buenox _-\|[e‘\ eaxino on net ((ieorge MaeRead} \Vhen xhe ix reunited u ith tormer lm ei (ilenn l-ord. a dealer in the eaxinoxhe toolixhl_\ rekindlex the attaii'. Some \a/ix are throxx n in tor good meaxure ax \Vell. lThe Virgin SOldlBTSlSeUtltxhl

ll l5 2am. Yex. it‘x ratineh \\ eek on SL'ttlllSlll l exhe l'liomax'xtale ixa moderateh xalaeioux pieee ol titillation gtl‘lttll a gang ol airm ieeiuitx ;tll'l\ ingin Singapore. ax nan e almut \Hiiiteti axthe_\ are almtit \\.’tl.

lThe Heart OtSowetottitit 3i“._‘~u xpm l he third doetimentai'} in the xei iex litiilxlttg ill tltllet'e'ttl ttSPL‘eh t‘l the Sittlllt ,'\liiean xhant} toun

IArena: Billy Wilderltitit '_‘i

SSH Ultlpm‘ A pr'otile ot the impr‘exario aiitl lilm tlit'eeliii'. lollim ed later thix

exening u ith a xhou mg oi Sunxet

lloule\ ard. Wilder'x elaxxie xatiie oi llolhtxood'xxordidnexx.

I Heart On The Line t ( hannel-1)

.S ‘l ltlpm. llehind exei'} \axhxille eountr}. xtar ix a team ol xongn riterx.

\\ hoxe nork tor mx the haekhone and heart ot the eountr‘t muxie indiixtr}. l'ar lrom unxung. the} are nexerthelexx lllltlL'HLIlllL‘tl

I NearDeath(channel-1i

‘l l5pm 3 Jttam. .\ (i-hour (lttL‘lllllCllldt) looking at the work ot the llllL'llSHL‘ eare unit ot lloxton'x Hell] lxiael l loxpital.and e\p|or ing the inteiaetion ol \ei_\ ill people and \et'} lll\;lSl\ e inaehinex. :\ rid you thought ( ~omie Reliet \xaxgruelling.

I Rhythms Of The World: Seven Nights In NewYorkCityliiiir'jitmu tujnpm .\ tum—pail xpeetal Hit lhe \ at'tel_\ til ittttxle trom the immigrant eonimrnunitiexot New York

I Mortu Nega ( llllell lltlll ll 55pm. Another in the xeriex ol .-\lriean lilmx. thix ix a “at-time lm e xtoi }. .-\x the battle tor independenee drau x to a eloxe. a treedom liglitei xearehex tor her litixhand on the hunt line. \xondering \\ hether their loxe hax \lll\l\L‘tl the “at.

I RedStSeottixhl l l .llSpm 335am. lhree hourx t iemeiiiliei to alter your eloekx tolkx l ot impiexxn e lllSltillUglllpll} tiom Warren lleatt}. 'l'he tilm‘x halanee ol romanee and iexolution ix ditlieult to maintain. hut Beatt) managex it \I. ell in hix telling ot the tale ot iournalixtx John Reed and l.otiixe Bryant. and their in\ol\ement iii the Riixxian Rexolution. \\ ax thixthe xame man who made liii'A lmei' _’

lThe Servantlliiit .‘i lieu 2.35am, l)iik llogarde won a Britixh Aeadem)

:\\x ard tor hix role ax the IttitIlSCl‘Htltl \x ho gr aduall} gainx the upper hand in hix deeadent maxtei ~x houxe. 'l )pieall} iiienaeing dialogue h} Harold Pinter lailx to ewneeal the taet that thix hax dated l l‘.ttll}