HUNT BRIAN ART GALLERY ' FUNDRAISING UNIVERSITY of GLASGOW I e a AUCTION or . _ . PAINTINGS Avant-Garde British VI r I n Printmaking: 1914-1960 From the British Museum Five potential Leonardo Friday 5th June . . 2May-27 Junel992 da Vmcr Madonnas are 6pm for 7pm vying for authentrcrty Preview Mensa 9,305.00; Let’s face it: no work of art stands Admission Free . e edonna oi the Yamwinder, attributed abSOIUtet)’ 0" Its 0W” 0‘" response to Leonardo da Vinci, irom the collection oi from 29th May to a painting is often governed as the Duke oi Buccleuch 0) hb th lbl th 'II b zgfhegcs. is a :gggui:e“p:caas:o 2;, Madonna of the Yarnwinders that m Gallery Hours: . I merely the work of a pedantic have long vred for the Leonardo n noon_6pm Bless“! Extendedhmmw Di:th 6:503": ands admirer? Nothing brings a painting mantle: one belongmg t0 the DUt‘e to life like a doll0p of the right sort of 0t.Bueetetltlehi the 9t?" “3"”; history. This exhibition isachance to Pm’ate e0 eett‘?“ t“ CW '0’ ° ' contemplate oeuvre and histoire in What he tOtmd 1? eXtTaOTdmat’Yi m m equal measure, ‘The underdrawrngs are concrete m A letter written on 14 April 1501 thdenee that these two Ptetures reports that Leonardo da Vinci was were developed bx Leonardo in University of Edinburgh, on College, working on a ‘little picture’ of the Parallel, PTObath tn the same South Bridge Edinburgh EH8 9YL Madonna and Child. It was a StUdIO- _ T I ’03] 650 221 1 ° commission for a French nobleman Hung between two Other vemons e ' called Robertet. With its unusual Otthe Madonna and the . blend of old-style symbols and Earnngder, the “SWIY‘attl’lbuted May - June symbolic narrative, the Madonna of eon?“ .05 are ten er, tense, . the Yarnwinder was a watershed in enehantmg- They have "0t hung Side I Renaissance art. Raphael, by side since 1898; before that they Michelangelo and scores of other shared the same room in 16th European artists followed suit. In century Florence. You can imagine fact, the painting inspired so many the old master, his mind distracted _ m - m copy-cats that most people feared by flights of scientific fancy, flitting Tues the original had slipped away. Then back and forth between the two Admrssmn Free Martin Kemp went to work. easels, touching up a hand here, K A Leonardo scholar since the 60s, tinkering with the foreground there. SUDSIUISGU by the SCOIIISh ANS COUNCII Kemp is Professor of History and

The Mystery of the Madonna of the

Theory Of A" at St' Andrews Yarn winder is at the National Gallery

University. Using infra-red

reflectography,he analysed two ofSCOtland’ Edinburgh’ “millzjul' Banners of the World A unique and compelling art form _ I-3 I May

New Arts: Fellow Travellers Design For Music -

Concrete metaphors

When the Berlin Wall came tumbling down in 1989, it presaged the ! imminent collapse ol the communist regime in the east. Two years later the Scottish artist, Jock McFadyen, was sent to Berlin by the imperial War l V 1, Museum in London to document what

was lett oi the world’s most notorious m" "mm": 30'" '0 Shop

“Wt” 0' °°"°'°t°° three-dimensional work— a grim Mamet Steel my hackgtounds’ procession ol three-quarter-size

domtnated by a bum“ TV t'ansmttt" iigures marches down the centre oi the t

and with the setting sun hovering on the . horizon, McFadyen depicts the surreal {1:38:26gaggggxz’aegzglafle"ed' .

remains he lound there. Oils and trium hanti in sin le-iile throu h the etchings show gratliti scrawls in garish mm": clmzmng pg”, can.“ bags. A ' "mm" cgt’m' Sketch“ t" ""3: real, scaled~down Trabant car is all but "8 't "o" o h 9 “name a'ttis‘apes' 3- wrecked underthe pounding oi ieet. A 9' ""3 a“ "99' s t "9" child carried on a plank wears a pair oi E transparent laces. They are not smiling moo 8mm”, a “a, covering he,

‘Easties' drunk on ireedom, but prostitutes, buskers and manual giggle? nu” me cam 0'" 0' a “"‘m' n“ "my “t the "am" The suggestion is that these people

suggests a punk idealism, the bleak have become somehow distorted I, V Peeltte "We" the "3"", and "'9 events: they've literally lost their

unchanging grey concrete oi the wall heads m r . gments irom Berlin is "'8 "WNW “tot” °t t't‘toty- indeed a poweriul and an absorbing Perhaps the most enduring image show. (393mm, Conn) irom that time is oi people llowing irom Jock "mm"; mom...” "on. Bull" is at

the east. walking, running and driving to the we“. in 10mm Shop. __ a glam: Gallery 8: Museum Kelvingme, until

The Story ol‘an Album Campaign I May-7 June

Buying for the Future

Contemporary Art Purchases Until 7 june

Andrew Stark Portrait Photographs Until 7 june

British Gas Wildlife Photographer of the Year 8 May-7 june

Jock McFadyen Fragments from Berlin

9 May-2| June


MAYFEST at the

Admission Free Glasgow iVluseums Art Gallery and Museum, Kelvingrove. Glasgow G3 8AG Tel: 041-357 3929

The List 22 May - 4 June 1992 51