SPLIT SECOND ; ‘- 4 ellorts to emulate their US counterparts -‘ | (by swearing a lot, mainly) is latally

~ embarrassing lrom the opening lrames onwards. It tools as it they’d be lar happier settling down with a cuppa on

The Bill.

In this makeshift world, Butger Hauer plays Harley Stone, a kind oi international Mad Max, out to avenge the death at his partner who was done in by a mysterious serial killer. Stone’s Iilestyle is made so rigorously squalid - junk tood, little round shades, chopper-bike parked in the lounge- that when, at one point, he opens his lridge to lind a dripping human heart nestling within, It's no real surprise.

Split Second manages to be

So, the gardener starts having rumpy inside a computer? Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase floppy disk. Instead, we’ll just sit back and enjoy The List’s review of all the new films opening in Central

n l d h, f . h l undoubtedly revolting in parts, and ocot an t 18 ortm t. .. even a bit scary; but these virtues g. _ , Spmsocond' "m m" 0mm" disappear entirely when the lilm runs (warm I The Militia! ( 18) Stcprnothcrgmn forces in This attempt to iashion a home-grown out of steam in the final reel and grafts Night Talk: ‘pleasurabl Evmel/dlfctm “9"” f 3‘“ ?:“‘ld’°t" {sc'ncma , answerto the megabuck mainstream l on a many piece of 3m patents“ light chatm' sugrizgrglaot‘iisnaefigfgsing ssplergrgrup? :nimated 3 can "mu" '8 brave’ hm "Inmate" I "end'ammaflon in a despera‘e aliele In The (T ouch Trips an insurance ad' ' - t w l d°°m°d- 3"“ '" 3mm" mac" and l to give the climax a kick. It doesn’t mistaken identit ' and the luster, his fun from Australian , h" I h u h h t d u u I i I p ). film censor wife anda filmmaker Yoram Gross, ' er ' as a e as 3 'up a e“ on ; though; and while Rutger is Still a star, I Ulmmonscllsc altitude of kinky couple , and moulds who has a good track ‘0 production VGIIIBS— luturlstic SBIS, even he can’t save this one. (Andrew I mental patient Dan . them into a seductively record in delivering the ; lakes ol sewage, slx-barrelled blasters 1 pulver) ' Aykmyd landed him a Job beautiful and disturbing goods for the kids. -that comes naturally to an ad agency, . as a hugely popular radio whole. To some, I 0" and Running (12) l but mum’s a sinna| [3"an when it 3”]?kpswap eygkt:_oi\'d‘for indulge“; ‘9‘”, a" 3931‘?“ “MW comes to other aspects oi the leature : gs; dihé‘gx’cn ddsd} “31f” ' ‘"‘e'l‘gcf‘" "55"“ . 5:5; won?“ go'fpml‘gld lllm cralt. Little things like acting, tor a Split Second (18) (Tony Maylam, UK, 5 home gm Wm; a ready cc prcwcw' r c lsc cnrycar-O start. 1992) Rutger Hauer, Kim Cattrall Nell su l of no-no s s )Formcr get caught up in amadcap, , i pp y n on e Japanese mango artist screwball, chase/action, The line-up oi laces (the two I Duncan, Alun Armstrong. 90 mins. advtce. add a gender- [wamoto Kenchi turns his murder/mystery/eomedy, American leads apart) is at Glasgow: Cannon Sauchiehall Street, reversal tlnsc of Mr Deeds talented hand to live God save us from crap like bog-standard Brit variety, whose lame | Edinburgh: Cannon. (met 10 I own With J amcs action with this very this. Woods as the Journo strange tale of a I Ruby (15) The feigning romaine-em get to disillusioned laundry ever-reliable Danny his CXPO§C. and It S dCJa worker. With its unique Aiello stars as the man _ VlCWCd Ilmc. visual style and hyper- who shot the man who : {WON-8‘ filakca the best realistic soundtrack, it‘s shot JFK. Emphasising l 0 3 WW“ .V 1"} Clwrlucn probably closer to Ruby’s nightclub and I “"0 as thc CylllC lCdCt‘mCd , I _ by romance. while Griffen fefiizhsifilfil‘o‘ffiii Effci§f§§§3°£i23iiiiif “mm'°"tG°'"'a"tl°ca"s°°l ,l5unncmugshnnni1y East. shows how a smalmmc anti-Semitic Intimidation, the outbreak V the uptight opportunist I The Lawnmower Man crook got out of his depth 0' woud war II sees Jams" menu” A ngiflmmc dllCClOf (15) Backward gardener and round himselfat the Salomen Perel separated lrom the rest l worried lest his star, gets involved in centre of a conspiracy that 0' MS iamily and taken to a Soviet unhflPP)’ 1" PTCIFlldmg experiments with Virtual changed the lace ofworld orphanage in eastern Poland where he j She S if tinder; gives the Reality and an . ; pOlltlcs. See feature. ls Indoctrinath as a nood young ! mid)“ hr‘LU‘gT’it antellllgenge-enlhancmg l I Until The End OlThe communist When me "all army fl C(jrrn‘c’gv finish]; (12:23:, 5 3:325:85 a Yemnwo"- invades, however, his language skills i smiles: oddly evoking side effect. Bad acting and powered 0d d , and Nordic looks enable him to I flashes ofJulia Roberts- - t - ’5ch 965" ersuade them that he’s actually - and s t v f lame script dominate, and gum pull together “5 | p . .8 team 0 although they are indeed journey ofdiscovery and | German, and so a dangerous charade . nonsensical homespun stunning, ten minutes of seen constituent parts, By i begins, which is soon to see him \ ._ . homlllcs baffling all specialcfféctsaren‘t no meansatotal failure: posted oil to an exclusive Hitler Youth ~ s I around. P . I . Worth forking out your cult status is assured training school as an unlikely war hero. 'Etbciifif‘ftzlf‘ “Wt pocket money for. See thanks t9 Intriguing plot , Donnlng Nazi regalla, his task is both to r ingcmablc ggg 330m at?” Strandst "5 S'Oba' ' hide the tact oi his circumcision lrom - P. t , ..b0 ,b . b t euaglc Ridd|B(U) landscape anda ar t n s t .s u , . Cinderella Pinocchio the . M8 lellow students and WONG-b8 despite avmdlng anythln . . soundtrack to die for. See ' E Seven Dwarfs and the preview. girlfriend Lenl, a devout young iollower than sonnet!“ a lng o e rea e lcs

obligatory Wicked ol the Fuhrer, all the time knowing that h It his deception is discovered, the death camps surely await.

Agnieska Holland's lilm caused a good deal oi controversy in Germany, Whore "19 llllllllllailllll llallel “Mlle 2 The sufficiently high laugh Foreign Film Academy Award TOiIJSBd : percentage ensures that to put it in tor an Oscar despite the tact ' even the happy. sappy.

of phone-in therapy (and eventhcn witha l disgraceful cop-out). it i does havcitsown

V pleasurable light charm.

it had already won rave reviews and Em” Em”: “mam” P"‘°""""°" typically Touchstone done good business in the US. -try not to start giggling, lor instance, ending with all Chicnsn Accusations that the powers-that-be during the scene where our lresh-taced l honklng for Shlflcc '8" I were trying deliberater to ignore a lilm hero tries to sew up his ioreskin -that , ‘EE'IT‘D? blgw “00‘- that dealt with the uncomiortable you’d never get away with in a work of ~ ( ' ° N“) , - aspects 01 recent history inevitably llctlon. Unless your name’s Mel , Straight Talk (PG) . 9‘ ,T lollowed; but so lar as this viewer is Brooks, that Is. (Trevor Johnston) : $3905“; Killgwt, U5» "um. Bmh (15) An finds her integrity concerned, Europa Europa is certainly Europe Europa (15) (Agnleska Holland, l W001“. ‘aglmlegzvn Australian phow compromised. Sadly no prizewinner. By turns stodglly France/Germany, 1991) Marco mm Glasgow Cannon journalist (0mm Scacchi) uninvoiving melodrama narrated and lust plain absurd, the tllm Hotschnelder, Julie Delpy, Halina I The page. 0&0” sets out to expose me that many doesnvt uses the ‘Based on a true story' caption Labonarska. 112 mins. From Sun 14: ; Edinbmh, 0,180” plight of the Vietnamese understand its subject to excuse all manner oi unbelievable Glasgow Film Theatre, Edinburgh ) Strathclyde; Odwn A on Boat People, but soon matter at all. coincidences and laughable situations FlImhouse. ; All UCIs. '

16The List5— 18June 1992