I GLASGOW CONCERT I GLASGOW RSAMO (3327 “a HALL (227 551 l) Danish 5057) Anthony Halstead. i f a” ' concerts “fled are those Radio B'ig‘Band‘. .M'ar'. 2-1 l'feb'...BT§E..24-Feb; f .. t I at mam, venues, to, Hch Miller Orchestra. 1 Leda T110. -5 Feb. Usher Nail, Edinburgh, 5 Feb. ~ which tickets are on Apr. Paragon Ensemble. 26 Tonight, I've acquired two " ' 2: public sale at time or I GLASGOW RSAMO (332 Feb; SCO wind Ens. 3 lneradlcable memories before going to mess, £11157 )g'ILIJ'ligk gtlrltll. M gran] cgzrfemvgwrnul . ; ill“. . lg illlL . . 'ar. (lll . . '2le . COIIISI $1“? "a: eggfl'gfiefizgg' '" l " 2 ROCK I EDINBURGH FESTIVAL Voices. 5 Mar; ACO. 9 8. ar, ma 8 . ] THEATRE (529 6000) Mar; Wallace Collection. ded'cated "92 fan, Whose “'3‘ _ . I GLASGOW , Danish Radio Big Band. 5 10 Mar: GCO. l2 Mar; men” In finding 0“! Where IOIWF '5 i BARROWND (236 4671)) Mar; A Night at the Academy ()pera. l4—l8 to bind out ‘That’sr like, Pakk' CITY: ' g HOMO “f pain 37 pct); | Cotton Club. 10 Apr; Mar: Academy Wind isn’t It?’ Ten minutes later, there’s I Pi Harvey. 4 ‘MM. can“: I Andy Sheppard and John ()rch. 16 Mar; King's Mozzer’s intro tape: a choir singing 1; 5 E t) M”... gut-{Lime mg”... l liarle. ll May. , Consort. 17 Mar; SEMC. that reactionary anthem ‘Jerusalem’. i .1 17 Mar; Del Amitri. E I EDINBURGH “"55" 5 '7 Mi"? 5U Wind Band. It’s 1995, and - please tell me - what ' g ; 19—21) Mar; The Orb. 2t) 1 “All (663% 2019) Suzanne I8 _Mar; Afadcmi’fiross the fuck is going on? 1 . Mar; The Charlatans. 30 B‘mlni‘r; ~4'I'f‘bl THIOR QUHIICL ~-‘ It”; Singing looking like Elvis as imagined by 0.“. E fl: 3 App . (ruitu. .s M.11.'\.V.1yne | Dept Concert. -4 Mar; Lawrence the last rock star and his ' I I GLASGOWPONFERT I i‘éfilfig‘fihfih‘hsm jxc‘idtfnl":.5???st if”; crew emeige onto a stage dominated .3 I llAlLL (2273—1511}; Tillie . ? HALL mg mg) Herb .2,”;‘.’Tui 2115,82" a]??? :2; in“ .13- .‘r-r‘ ....t .. .. it... .. i. by the cheery, fresh-faced, bare- , r ’- 1 [filflfiluslhcslrl ‘1 Mtg“ Miller ()rchestra. 29 Mar. i The Pearl Fishers. 1—8 Apr. ShOlllde'ed lad 0" the haCNFOP- Once, ; clocks in at an hour. Morrissey says ; (inlet. Berry, 3 Mar; 1 FOLK ' I EDINBURGH FESTIVAL when Morrtssev toond it worth his . little. And the days of flaunting his 1 Jimmy Nail. 4 Apr; THEATRE (5,29 boom while to exploit his own sexual ' torso, it would appear, are over. Shakin'. Stevens. 8 Apr; I GLASGOWFONCEHT “arsaw‘ I’Illi; l2 hiar; ambiguity, such imagery would have Money’s onstage 93”, now makes it solid tier nos-.1: sent-z Him (22% 1 ) Christy 23:53:24]“) notify”.

- r ' ' ' lelILl l'ill‘llill. ll (IV; 1 0ter. - . El ’. t‘ ' - t seemed amp“ Jarmanesque' "ow, "wk hke “.8 s contemplatmfl mppmg ; Mlal'v (‘hapin Carpenter. I EDINBURGH FESTIVAL The Mum“? “I. H113“). the"! are ditteteht- darker overtones, out for a pint down the Legion. and he . 1.44 Mm. ( 539 6000) B...” 12 Apr; St John Passion. .seemingly. confirmed When the smger marks the peak 0' his emitement by GLASGOW IBHOX and Cunningham. 13 Apr; H Al”; Sinking “I. the ""0993 w'th deep regret abom ‘Ihe removing his jacket and handing it l STADIUM (337 551 1 ) Rm] (‘hi-iery Mom-c, 33 May Titanic. l5 Apr; ECO. 23 last truly British people you will ever carefully to a roadie, The material gm...“ 3 jun I gnmguncn queen’s Apr; (‘oronatiolt Mass. 10 ltnow’. swings from monochrome Mozalongs I GLASGOW PAVILION HALL (668 2019) Dougie AP“ “(it Shcl’l’m‘ “"d

The fans fling themselves at him in a to moments like ‘Now My Heart Is Full’ (33: 1846) Soul Maelean. 26 Feb. John H arle. 11 May. ritual which must long ago have lost and ‘The More You Ignore Me’ - brief : l‘fi",l"““""“ 3 31"“ Q“"“” i LIGHT I EDINBURGH K'NG’S 0' The ’I‘I'lIllIICHI 7 I TIIC security men work overtime and, after a" too few and far between. "is 81:1 l ' . . . .. . .-—~r . ' ~_ H Cg s. --c.- t. ian egdlesstprocesstontt'l‘f stage Impressive to hear an artist filling his FFGLASGOW PLAZ-A (01.3] g End gm likening 5 Mm: Carmen. H, Apr; Irene. "Va BPS. | S amazan 9'8 5 anyone songs with such bile more than a 557 6969) BC“). 5 Mm, I Charm Per H Mm- Pm 24—29 Apr. IEfl- decade after his debut; but when is he I GLASGOW secc (248 no...” 29 Mar: Al I EDINBURGH OUEEN’S But there’s a dreadful atmosphere of . going to get off the pot and come 9999) Foreigner and The MW”... 5 Apr; Hunky HALL (668 2019) E80. 25 the perfunctory. The gig, including a clean about its targets? (Alastair Doobie Brothers. I0 Mar; Tun... my“... H Am ' Feb; Paragon Ensemble. one-song encore of ‘Shoplifters’, Mabbott) M People. 12 Vi": I’I‘im‘cr I GLASGOW PAVILION 37 Feb: 5C0 CE. § Mar: 1?» 14 Mar; Gun. l Apr; (333 1346) green and Chamber Group of New American Music Mcigmy‘ 1 Mar; A Touch Scotland. 6 Mar; Jean- _ Tour. ()5. [-14 Apr; \Vet \Vc‘l ; 0f “clump 4 Mar; Sydney {Gaul ititlllchecmgt. 12 H WCL 30h" ' Devine. ‘) all Mal': I"; C Inger uanm‘ - I I EDINBURGH FESTIVAL Acwrdpm 95‘ 13 Mar; Mar; Monica Groop. 19 THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARG . THEATRE 1529 noon) ir'oster and Allen. [8 Mar; Mar; Rani Whelan. 25 24 January, Theatre Royal, Glasgow. » ' I [fluiiBt‘rE; Tnbum' i [Cfilcn‘li‘rg 151m“ 0f Eggbpggriiiirggco Scottish Opera have scored something " Efiiggupgn .‘E’Bflfiunfirusflgn Quarter. :10 ~Ahpr. ' of a coup in engaging the immensely f MURRAYFIELO (557 none) was ea - - . I EDINBURGH USHER talented theatre director David REM, 37 int. fi?,.t:j,;flelliz;ri HALL (228 1155) Leveaux for his first forays onto the : I EDINBURGH pmlc‘ H, Mar; 10,. Coldstrczmi Guards Band. operatic stage. His opera debut was I i PLAYHOUSE (557 2590) Longmmm 3| Oct. 18 Apr; IiRCU. 13 May. made to great acclaim with the ; Jimmy Nail. 3 Apr: Bob I SUBSCR'PT'O" company last Year in Britten’s ‘Turn Of . Dim” 7 "Pi CLASSICAL SEASONS P‘f’gmnm The Screw’ and now, with a new ~ 1 I ED'NBURG" PSHER . I GLASGOW CITY HALL dew“ and “Ck” for production of ‘The Marriage or I 7 m} (23.3, 1, ‘53) $193.2? (227 551 1) BBC 880. o ff,§§&§f§‘?;,,§i‘%§f;9 Figaro’, Leveaux has achieved a ' 1;”: n 0“ My 7i. U' M“ 6 A” 7v 'l'tl-t‘on L i L second rather brilliant success. I : Lilliicriitlfie"anti;- I GMSGOW CONCERT "Iicllteltdehltiel Glas row - - I . * HALL(2275511)l.elf()ve - ' ‘5 There are many refreshing ! ~ Sparks. :3 Mar; The x I i .n .x. ,7 F .b. Mm (227 .5511): Usher Hall. differences about his ‘Figaro’. First is ; Drifters. 17 Apr: Solid [flights {lilrfgt'uuév‘t Edinburgh (228 1155); his choice of cast, which is unusually ; . 1 Silver ()(ls. 20 Apr. },‘h”m~“‘.m(;m‘c MB}. Queen‘s HalleEdinburgh youthful the way that Mom“ t Joshua Bell. Apr; Melos (£68 72,019) Tlckcts for intended It to be. However, skilful l Ensemble. 4 May; lvo fiqliuwgpcrla , casting means that lack of years is 5 Pogorelich. 2 Jun; Cecilia . Ram “XL; . ‘I‘Sgow , . . . . (332 9000). Festival not to be equated Wlth lack 0t quality. a EgugiliflvgcnY "AI-I- lsilattolll. 7311111]; ljavt Theatre Edinburgh (529 name" there is a pulsating and (-_ . _ F)— .‘uzanne .‘ ran an ._ u ; essye 6000). ' “gowns flow 0' energy, used by Bonnar. -5 Feb. Norman. () Jul.

Leveaux to reveal more of the opera’s I ~ -. -‘ hard, cruel side than is normally performance from Claire Bradshaw, evident - we repeatedly see the worst still goes off to war; the count, and l

facets of human nature. In Susanna, particularly the Countess, still have

the twenty-something Scottish the trappings of their society, and the soprano Lisa Milne has found an ideal servants are still servants) and one role. Like the New Zealand baritone which is clearly made to focus

Paul Whelan, who plays Figaro, she l Leveaux’s wish for us to see the opera has masses of stage presence and a i in a new perspective. In the pit, natural ease with Mozart’s music, } Nicholas McGegan drew much whether in recitative, aria or 2 characterful and supportive playing ensemble. ; from the Scottish Opera Orchestra.

Leveaux has chosen not to keep this ; Highly recommended. (Carol Main) ‘Figaro’ in the 18th century of its 1 composition. but to update it to the I ‘The Marriage or Figaro’ can be seen 1930:. a period of comparable social E at The theatre Royal, Glasgow on 11 and political unrest. The move in time 1 February and 19 May; and at which works remarkably well I Edinburgh Festival Theatre on 7 and 9 . (Gherublno, In an endearing 1 June. Trilolt Gurtu

in The List 10-23 Feb 1995