The List’s at-a-glance guide to the highlights of the fortnight ahead.

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c .g 2‘: G. 1 Navigate yourself to the ‘f- “= -. Transmission Gallery for David Shrigley’s first solo show called Map of the Sewer. It’s a pretentious-sounding title for a collection of witty and accessible pieces which include the Glasgow- based artist’s Beavis and Butt- head influenced cartoons and, bizarrely, a giant Walnut Whip. Apparently this collection shows ‘a breakdown at the margins of culture’, but we reckon they’ll raise a smile too.

Transmission Gallery, Glasgow until 30$ept.

I Film: Braveheart The man with the inane. .\lel (iihson (swoon) stars in :r three-hour epic as Scottish licro William Wallace taking oti the linglish army while romancing the future Queen ol‘ lingland. Naughty. Spectacular and gory battle scenes make this one ol' the cinema events ol' the year. (it'iir'rri/ l't'lt'tl.\'(’_/I'UIII I'll .S‘. _ . I Art: Dark Lights New work ll't)lll tour a" " ;~; ~ ~ '_ i, ,. _ (ilasgow-hased artists comprising John gig ii -- . ' i x." ', Shankic. Jonathan Mark. Stephanie

23,. Kg "if Smith and lidward Stewart. l-‘ollowing y . - . g _ Q'le the previous and much maligned Trust 1 . v. v .‘iifiépfili group show at 'li‘ajirway. these artists -" v” .“' 1‘ . J: ind“ ha\e used video. liltn. photography and

sculpture to explore ideas ol~

cm ironiirent and identity 'l'i'rti/in trv. (i/(is‘goir. :nrlt/ Sol 3!) Sam. I Theatre: Don Carlos tc‘r-icttrich \on Schillcr's personal tragedy about the court ol‘ King Philip H. which encompasses a message ol‘ political liberation curiously pertinent to our own titties. (‘lllft’llx' 'li/lt‘rlll'r’. (i/usgmr‘. tni/i/ Sul 23’. I Music: Simple Minds Jittrbo and pals troop into their hometown l‘oi' what will no doubt he an emotional welcome. Their latest album. (imu/ News Hour I/n' .\'r'.\/ Him/d. even got a thuitihs-up lit)!” the critics. which makes In a kind of silk purse/sow’s ear transformation, “"“C‘l‘m? “' 1‘ Chim?” SM” “W” Clint Eastwood has created a remarkable movie “‘9le MC" "‘9 "N '9‘? Will-‘-

; "om me pulpiest of pulp fictions, Whether or not this tour signals the end A!" Robert James wallerrs novel of stadium gigslor the boys remains to maimdwl-m be seen but ll will make a pleasant can”. Eastwood plays change to be able to see them rather Robert Kincaid, 3 "ea, thantheii' images on a hank ol wheeling phomgrapher who monitors. lhen again . . .I drifts into the life of ( tiiit‘t'l'l l/(t/l. (I/tts'yuii; .SIIII /()~ll('(/

- - /.i’. Srrligglijigxfif$2233 I Theatre: the Trick Is To keep kind of stow mat would make Breathing Janice (ialloway s a great yilm,’ says groundbreaking novel ol personal and \ Eastwood. ‘I like social disintegration brought to the

lis-l)anny Wilson ligurehead (iary (‘lark is rediscovering his love ol guitars and melodies with King L. a mid—table supergi'oup comprising Liberty llorses' Neill .\lac(‘oll. indie producer Iirie l’i'essly and South (‘arolinan Matt Laug. who is curiously billed as the ‘druinmist‘. with The Bible's Boo Hewei'dine credited as eo-wi'iter. The project started out as Clark's l'ollow-up to the sophisticated pop ol'l'en Short Songs About Love. but the collaborative process flourished and King 1. was born. The group‘s sound is liberally daubed with Neil Young's fingerprints while (‘lark has leal'ed through his own back-catalogue l‘or soaraway tunes. As Clark indicates. a more distinctive sound may eventually seep through. ‘The band is capable of going so many places.‘ he says. Everybody wants to take it a step further but I'm just enjoying the present.‘ King L‘s first release (ireat Day for Gravity -- an early-iiior‘ning non-sequitur coined by l’i'essly coincides with what is known in the business as a whirlwind tour. (Brian Donaldson)

V\ Kincaid because stage as the culmination ol‘ a decade of Mia‘s he iS OWI'I successes by artistic director Michael person. He’s Boyd. \independent ‘/'rmi 'I‘hmm. (i/tlsgnit. l’ri .s’ Sui .in. j and creative, I Music: Don Giovanni Scottiin ()pet'a but he goes get stuck into Mir/art‘s tale ol‘ the , about his woiiranising l)on. his shining and the life quietly, price which. ultimately. he pays for his :* He has transgressions. (ilaswegian artist and j integrity] l'oi'niei‘ ol‘licial war painter l'oi' Bosnia Swapping l’eter‘ llowson has designed the set so his six- watch out lor some surprises Shootef for Ill/I(’(l/I'(' /\’(l‘\'(l/. (i/(ts‘r’nit; Sill ‘2, a Nikon, it in association with sounds like V Chnthas ' created an ar ' all-American hero for the 905.

Probably the best lager in the world.

The List 8-2] Sept 1995 3