I MGM PARKHEAD 'I‘llc l‘nt'gc. l’.ii'klit';it! 556 4233

Fri 23/Sat 24:

Trainspotting ( ls) l I snpm.

Casino ( IS) 11.40pm.

Sense And Sensibility )t'x 13.1mm). Jumanii rm) Itfinpm.

Seven t IS) IICUtun.


I CAMEO lltmtc ~Stt‘cct. 333.11“. litu'. '[|)]. (Hunt-t) 1: L315“ )cuncs £3.35): mnin "“"“”1~' l‘cil {-1.95 ‘llU cuucs). (‘umcn I und 3: Lil tcuncs LC ): mum cwmng pct)" £11.25 lllt) cnucs). lutc icp \llt)\\\ and Sun mnttnccs: unt- lilm U 1 £3). [\w lilms L3) (3). Mun: .-\ll scuts liull' pitcc (nu cuncs). \Vctl: l-‘nst slum lll llll scrccns L'l cuncs. 1. Trainspotting 1 IS) 13.35pm. 2.15pm. .lfiipm. THFpm. 0.25pm. ll.-l5;\m t\' lntc.

2. Leaving Las Vegas! IS) ruipm. 3.45pm. (1.20pm. 0pm A“ lutc.

3. Withnail & I t l5) |.l()[‘m )nut Sun). 3.40pm tnut Sun ). (l. | 5pm. 8.55pm. Braveheart ( l‘) Sun unl}. lfitlpm. Scc :tlst) l-Ztlinlwtugli lutcs.

I IN NCWINIIIIL‘ 'l‘ci't'ucc. 447 4771/2660. Restaurant. Bar. [D]. H ((‘lnltl/Sttulcnt/I’l%4()/():\I’ Sun Thurs: lust slum £3 ). Slum-s starting lwcl‘m'c 6pm: £2.()() )scrccns l and 3). £380 (scrccn 3). l’ullmnn scnts: £4.‘)l)/£-l 50 lcincmn I). £4.30 (cinema 3).

1. Sense And Sensibility )t') 3pm. 5pm. Spin.

2. Jumanjiu’m_..1t)pm.5.3t)pm.ssupm. 3. Babe t [7) l-‘ri/Sut only. noun.

Loch Nessu>(;)2.15pm.5.15pm. SilSpm. I MGM l2t)l.othi;1nRmdQZS HHS/23‘) 303i). Bur. ill] cincsz 2 t& 3. £4.10 (Lion lwcl'm'c (1pm Mon 7 Hi L Studcnt: £3.01). (‘liiltl/( )Al’: £3.00. l’nllmun scuts

Clllt‘llln l: HM) (£3.00 l‘t‘lult' (mm) tclnltl


Casino) IX) l-n/Snt: 3pm. 5.30pm. ‘).l5l‘lll;5tlllf .§.l()p:n.".15pm;

.\lt)n 'l'ltui's: 1.3))pii). 7.15pm. Desperado t Is) l'i'i: I.3t)pm. “pm. 041mm: Sat: 3.50pm. 7pm. 9.40pm;

Sun 'l'liurs: l 30pm (not Sun). 3.50pm. (YIISPIII. Sfitlpm.

Heat) 15) Hi: 1.30pm. 8.30pm; Sat: 4.40pm} 3t)[\t1);Stin: Jpn). 7.35pm; Mun 'l‘luusz 1 30pm. 7.25pm.

Babe )l') lfiHputtSunonl§L3.~15ptntSnt onl} ). 5.20pm.

A Little Princess 1 l ') l.-l()pu) tSut/Stttl unl_\ ). 5pm (not Sat/Sun ).

Tommy Boy t l’(}) Sat onl}. noun.

I ODEDN 7 (‘lct'k Strch. (167 733 l/(ms

2 10]. Btu. [l)] sci'ccns l. 2 and 3. Adults {4.5” 1 £3.75 l'm' sulc scnls sct‘ccn I and from SL".1[\ sct‘ccns 2. 3. 4 tk 5). £1 till all scnts. Iiil'xl slum. Mun -l‘l’i. ('hiltl/UAP/ Studcnt/l‘lHt) £1 till all slums cxccpt lntc night and linnl slum»

Jumanii tl’(}) 12.45pm. 3.25pm. (rpm. 8.35pm.

Loch Ness tl’(}) l_ll)pm. 3.35pm.

Heat t 15) 4pm. 7.35pm & lulc.

Seven 1 l.\') slopin & lttlc.

Sense And Sensibility t t ') 13.10pm. 3.35pm.5.25pin.8.15pma lutc. Babell7) 12.))5pm. lfifipm.

Braveheart ( )5.) 2pm x lutc.

Othello t 13) 5.40pm. 8.25pm.

Father (It The Bride 2 t l’( }) (1pm.

Scc also litlinhtn‘gh l.;ucs.

I UCI Kinnnirtl l’ut'k. NC\\CI';liglltlll Runtl. («100777. RL'CUI'tIL‘tI inttn'mnlinn (34 hours) not) 07] l. [D]. [D]. :\cccss/\‘is;u’.-\mcs/Switclt honking linc: l)()‘)() SSS (Nil. 24 hours tsct'x'icc clun'gc 40;) pct‘ tickcl). Bu\ ni'l‘icc upcn l'r'om llzun. L11tilStlenrc4pm). Child: €3.50.

Trainspotting t l8) llum. noun. l.l()pm. 2. ltlpm. 3.31)an 4.30pm. 5.50pm.

0 iln‘m. 7.)?l‘m. 8.10pm. 0.10pm. ‘HHpm. It)..‘5pm N lutc.

Casino ) l.\‘) l.-15pm. 5.30pm. l). ltlpm. Desperado l IS) l.55pm. 4.15pm. 7.20pm. 0.55pm t\' lutc.

Sense And Sensibility ( t?) 12.30pm. 3.15pm. txfiipm. 9.40pm.

Jumanii tl’(}) IIISum. ll.45;un. l..’-t)pm. 3.35pm.-lpm.~l.-lipm.(3.25))111. 7.05pm. 3-5pm. 0.35pm & lntc

Loch Ness tl’(i) noun. 2.15pm. 445an Heat) l5) 5pm. 8.40pm.

Father (II The Bride 21l’(i) I255pm. 3.45pm. (r-lllplll ‘lltll ’I'luu's).

Seven t IS) 0.35pm & lntc.

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls tl’m ll..‘\();un.

A Little Princess t l ') l()..‘\(l;un (Sat/Sun uni} ), l2.-15piii._‘.55pln.

The Pebble And The Penguin ) t ') ll.~l5tuu. Braveheart))5)5.I5p111.x.55pm.

Babe tl') ll. IFpm. 3.10pm.

Scc .tlst) litlinluu'glt l.;ttcs.


I nllltult lx’nntl. DIS 2().\'.\‘. Bur. Rcstnumnt. {ll {Ill .\l;ittnccs £2.31lt('t)iics UN) Sun I'll nul} ); slums cummcnclng l‘cl‘m‘c fi‘m Lift) I('\)nc\ {3.2051111 Hi mill} )1 .siimu cnnmicncing ullci‘ 7pm. £11.30. l\t)t>l\;tl‘lc lll tulmncc ((‘nncs £3.50

Mun 'l'liui's will} ); I'll mutinccs. nll

cincmn l scuts £1.


1. Desperado ( IS) 2.30pm. (>.3()pm. 8.45pm.

2. Les Miserables ( )2) 2pm.

Andrew Davies: Messing About With Jane Austen (r. 15pm.

Cinenova Shorts ( IS) 9pm.


1. Far From The Madding Crowd (U) 3.15pm.

Desperado ( )8) (1.30pm. 8.45pm.

2. Les Miserables ( 12) 2pm. 7.45pm. Cinenova Shorts ( IS) Hfipm. SUNDAY 25

1. Desperado ( IN) 2.30pm. 8.45pm. Taxi Driver) 18) (Him 5.30pm.

2. Les Misérablesr12) 2pm. 7.45pm. Cinenova Shorts ( 13) 5.45pm.

3. Angel Face (tit-‘6) 5.30pm. MONDAY 26

1. Desperado t IS) 3.30pm. (1.30pm. 5.45pm.

2. or Mice And Men (PU) 3pm.

No Skin 0" My Ass t IS) ()pm. 8.30an TUESDAY 27

1. Desperado ( IS) ().3()pm. 8.45pm.

2. N0 Skin 0" My Ass ( IS) (rpm. 8.30pm. WEDNESDAY 28

1. Desperado ( )8) 2.30pm. (1.30pm. 8.45pm.

i l l '1 l 2. L’eclisse ( l5) 3pm. (1pm. 8.30pm. THURSDAY 29 1. Desperado ( 18) 2.30pm. ().3()pm. 8.45pm. 2. L’eclisse ( )5) 3pm I Spanking The Monkey ( 18) (rpm. 3.30pm.

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