346 I405. lAccess: I’I’A. I.. ST. R. I'acilities: WC. \\'S. ('i. (‘l

Diamonds In Your Pocket Sat 2 Mar. Spin. £5 tL‘Bl. Inyentiye .\'rirthumberland-based physical theatre group 'I'heatre Sans I‘rontiei'es return to Iidinburgh with their latest show about bereay ed sisters. the web or late atid the National lottery.

I ST STEPHEH’S CHURCH St Stephen Street. Info and tickets: (i5() 3646. Gl’lngannati (The Deceived) Fri I/Sat 2 Mar. 8pm. £4 (£3). Iidinburgh University Italian I’layers present an Italian Renaissance coriiedy. which allegedly inspired Shakespeare‘s 'l'ii'i'ljt/i Night. I’erI‘oi‘med itr Italian. the show has been supported by I.'Istituto Italiano di (‘tiltura in lidinburgh. and l'eatures live music pei'l'orrned by the university‘s Italian Renaissance Band. Refreshments will be sold in the interval by Gourmet pasta.

I TRAVERSE THEATRE Cambridge Street. 228 I404. [Accessi |.. liacilities: WC. WS. II. (i. (‘l

The Architect Sat 34 lieb-Sun 10 Mar rI‘r‘ee preyiew Fri 23). Spin. £7 (8.50/13); hall-price Stilt 35 £3.50 (2) l .75/L'l ). World premiere of new play I'rom bright-spark yotitig Scottish writer I)a\ id (_it‘eig. whose preyious shows [Caro/iv and ()II(‘ Way Street haye beeti big hits at the 'l’rayerse. See I‘L‘tlllllt‘.

Development Work Tue 5 Mar. 7.30pm. I-‘ree. New Scottiin and international work under consideration for the 'I‘rayei‘se stage comes in for a ptiblic reading by protessional actors at this monthly eyent. This month: Il'urri'ory by Michel Garrieau lll conjunction with ll'i/ii/oii'x ()II The Iliir/t/.

Engender Dialogues Mott 4 Mar. 8pm. £3.50 (£3.50). The women-only talking shop at the 'l‘rayerse chew oyer l‘eminist angles on art. lite and letters.

Windows (in The World Hi 1 Sun 3 Mar. (‘all l\o\ oIIice I'or‘ titrll details. :\ chance to catch the latest in ()uebecois new writing. as a l'ollow -up to the autumn ‘)5 production oI Stu/tut .‘l/lt/ .'l\/lt'.\ by |)ariiel Harris.

I CUMBERHAULD THEATRE Is’ildruni. (‘unibertiauld 01336 73387. |.-\cces.s: I’I’.-\. I.. ST. R. l‘acrlities: \\'(‘. \\’S. H. (i. ('. Help: .»\. .-\.-\|

Cat‘s Cradle Hi 33 Sat 24 l’eb. 7.45pm. £4 til i. l.ocal amateur company the .-\pe.\ I’Iayeis team up with pt‘tilt‘ssltitlitl director Hob .\Ior'son to present l.eslie Sands deteclry e thriller starring Inspector l‘ltisl and an unsol\ed murder case [hats reopened alter many years.

Barking 'l huts 2‘} l'cb Sat 2 Mai. 7.45pm. 'I'hur's L5 tilflli; I'rixSat to n L5 I. See Touring

Dazzle 'lihurs 7 Sat ‘) .\Iai. 7,-I5pm. £4 :53 r. (‘uriibernauld Youth 'I'lteatze tackle the trnal I'rontier w rtli .lolm (iardrner's Star Trek parody about Starshin Sunburst and its mission to transport the Home World l’t'esident‘s daughter to linrshing school.

I MACRUBERT ARTS CENTRE I'niy ersrty ot' Strrhng. Stirling. (ll7So 4o It).\ I. [:‘xccess: I’. I’l’.-\. l.. R. I‘acilitres: \\'('. \\'S. II. (3|

Twelfth Night The :7 l-eb‘Sat 2 .\lat‘. 7.30pm: \Ved 2S mat 3pm. L“) it"? t; apes price LS tit) r Shakespeare‘s tale or one. cross-dressing and cross-gallel'ed stockings. as played by the ()sl‘ord Stage (’ompany under the direction or John Retallack. w ith original music by e\- l-lying I’icket I).i\id Brett. I‘ollows on hour the company 's li\ely. accessible I‘roduction ot' li’uiiim (Ult/ Juliet at \IacRobert iii autumn ()4. See preyiew. Mort 'I‘hurs 2‘) Feb-Sat 2 Mar. 7.45pm. £5 r23 t. Stirling llniyersity student company .\lot't do ’I‘er'ry I’t'atclie‘ltK show of the same name. adapted and directed by Margaret Ray. What would you do it. Death ol'l‘ered you a job'.’ .\Iort round out when he was let't holding the scythe and battling against his better judgement.

Grecian yearn: Isabella Jarrett weighs up the pros and cons of emigration in Shirley Valentine, on tour with the Brunton Theatre Company (see below)

This section lists shows that are touring the Central Belt. There is a phone number for each company should you require more information.

I Artist Unknown .-\ brand-new short play commissioned t'roin Sue [font/tigers

(ilti\ L‘l' b)” (ii;l\:_'ti\\ is 'i'.-\(i 'l‘llk‘dll'k‘ (’ornpany. In keeping with the .-\r't School \enue the play looks at Scottish women artists and attempts to draw parallels between late artists like Margaret \Iacdonald Mackintosh r Rennre's w llt‘l and loan Iiar'dley. and the new breed working today I'or ttnther inlo call: (ll-II 43‘) 3.577. See l'c'\ It‘\\.

[tit/stir .’./ ( 't Irir‘i'. (jot tin/rill lit 33 I'eb. 7.30pm,

Ali/It, /’i'tt/t i' l/ryt/Itri'i'. (iiiiit/i Sat 34 Iieb. 3pm.

/’ttI'l/r k Hurt/t //tt.’/, (ii'rlyg'iiit 'Iilltlts 3‘) I‘eb. Titlprii,

'I‘otir continues

I Barking l)a\e Anderson ot' stalwart Scottish company \\'rldcat t'ollows up the success ol‘ -/7 with a new orie—rnari musical coriredy about a singing. dancing. story telling busker‘. Written by l)a\e Anderson and Hay id .\lcl.ennan. l-'or ttii'ther into call: (ll-ll III (CS9. (ill/ll/lt’l’IItIII/r/ //.'( tlllt' 'l'liur's 2‘) I‘ei‘ Sat 2 Mar. 7.15pm.

li’rrgir/ir.’t' ( Ditto/t t. (lint/i Hit/A Mon 4 Mat. 7' /.i.'\.'tit .it.’ ( it'lir'lli’fli’ffi‘i (it .ll.'/t'_ 'l'tre ‘— .\lar. " /)( Irirt‘ (1... .\lat. 5. illptri. /’tri'/s .l/ti‘tity Hutu/i; /.'r\1_;/rt



('ttrtzrrsnfit/rg illprri

I/tr ..'.'ti', [lint/nut. 'll \Vcd ()

'l hats 5' \lat.

'I‘otir continues.

I The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui liettolt lir'echt's w ickedly tunny gangster tale

rw ritten as a parody or the .\'a/i (ierniany ol~ his time) is i'ey ryed by the 'rnrsed ability liri'ds ot' l’aradrse 'l'heatre (‘onipany in association with l’arsley :\ll's Centre. using a suitably Iiiechtian llll\ ot' tnusic. \ideo and nio\ernetit. I'or tutther info call: Ill-ll 552 2491 See rey rew (it‘ll/(’I' HIV/lt'tlll't'. (Ti',(l\'\'t‘l\ I'll :5 l'cl‘. Spin.

New trim/t (flit/1'. [filth/rural Sat 24 Feb. 7.30pm.

Iimt Kil/irri/t' :Irty (‘e/it/‘r .\lon It» l’eb. Spin; Tues 37 I‘eb. l._‘~t)pni.

I Shirley Valentine witty tttissctl's enduring lilt‘d‘t‘gllIs-ttlnil) comedy gets a new lease or tile hour the lirunton 'I‘heatre (‘oinpany w ith Isabella .lairett as the jaded w it‘e and mother who swaps daily drudge and grind t'or' l.atiibrusco nights. I‘or' ltll'lllc‘l‘ into call the liltlllitllt Theatre liti\ till'IL‘L‘i Ill 5] (iti5 33-1” Set rey iew.

.l/ttrrlli' Hotel. Non/t li't'i'ir rik l'ntil lit 3‘ Feb. 3.30pm; 7.3Ilpnr

'lirii'n Huttu’. HuJJrrtg/wr Wed IS Sat _‘ .\l'.tl‘. 7.30pm; Sat trial I illpni

exhibitions 0 performance 0 music video 0 talks 0 events atCCA + film at GFT and MGM cinemas

artists, scientists, inventors, philosophers and psychologists explore the miraculous, the magical and the unexplained


3 February 10 March 1996


Centre for Contemporary Arts 350 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow GZ 3JD

0141 332 7521

- Glasgow THE SCtYT’r‘lSH ARTS COUNCIL City - - (:OlJnCII

The List 35 l’cb 7 Mat I‘Nti 65