nice .\'oiman hoy. The Home dialogue (‘.\‘lothei"x not quite hel'xell' today' I make it a joy to catch anytime alound. (ilaxgou: (iI-‘l‘.

I Pulp Fiction I IS) (Quentin 'l'ai'antino. I'S. I99! I John 'l‘l'aiolta. Samuel Jackxon. l‘nla ’l'llitlmali. Bluce Willix. ISO minxp .\Iueh mole anthltloux than Rl'u'l'l'olr Dam. the tuox-t anaited second I'eatule ot' the ‘)()x hax many x'cenex' that clackle \\ itli 'l‘alantino \x it. and a lie“ otlleix that fall flat ax the \ilitet-dii'eetoi him-cl} expeiiiitentx. Intellockmg .xtoiiex in the pulp elime mallnel eoneeiii hitllleil. ailing Iioxeix. gang hoxxex alid theii mollx'. ding Iteiidx'. and axxoited tilt-tall. liditihuigh. (‘allieo

I The Quiet Man (I 'I tJolui l‘UItl. ('8. I952) John Wayne. .\Iauleen ()"llaia. Victor .\lcl.aglan Ill) llIlle, All immigiant ho\el' l'etiiinx to (‘ounty ('lalua} in l-’oid'x' iiox'talgic tomalltle coined}: ()iiixh xtei'eot}ping aplenty l-olloued h} a eellldh iii aid of the Adult l.ealnlng l’lo_iect. lidiiihuigli: St Bt'lde'x.

I Reservoir 0095l IS) (Quentin 'l‘aiantlno. I'S. l992i llal\e} Keitel. Tim Roth. Michael .\ladxen IIX) mltix. :\ gang of hoodx. kilo“ n old} to each othet h) colour coded tlickilaiiiex. meetx at an ahandoiied “alehouxe to t‘igiite hoxi out tlieil llgoloiix'l) planned heixt \H‘lll xo (llthllc‘ull) \\IUIlj_', 'I'lie hext dehiit in )Cnh I‘lom \xiitet tlllectol 'l'alailtiilo. \\'llUxL‘ xt_\|lxh \lolelice xediicex the audience into coltlplleit}. Illilliant ill e\et_\ xenxe oi the uold ladinhiligh: (’ameo

I nlChafdlllil531l{lxli.ttil l oilctailie. l'K. l995t laii \chellell. -\llliette lientiigz. Jim liioadhetlt Ill} iilmx. l‘pdated to lingland dining the 30x. Shakexpeale'x pl.i_\ ix xenxthly tiimmed to eoiieeiitiate lull} oil the etookhaeked kiiig'x illllideioilx iixe to the tlllone. \leKcllen gi\ ex a commanding pett'oinlancc amidxt xome \iondell'ill xuppoltlng: titlnx. \\llIlL' l.oncl.llne etlxtiiex that the haid liax lillL'l} heen tieated tn xtlch \|‘lL‘IItll(ll} ellieinatle teililx. ‘l‘he I'axelxtic look of the eoxltimex doex help elal ll} xotiie ol the (ll\ ixiolix tn the te\t, See plei W“ and ie\ iew (ilaxgou‘ \l(i.\l l'tlm (‘eiitie Izdlilhtilgh: .\l(i.\l. I Romeo and Juliet l l’( i) (titan-m /,elililellt. l'K/ltal). l‘)(i.\‘i ( >li\ ia llllxxe). l eoltald Whiting. .\lilo ()‘Shca. \llchael Yolk. John Melineiy l5: ltitnx'. .'\ll ell'ectixe tieattlient ot Slt.’tlxe\[\e.'tte\ \ol “CL‘I‘IL‘. made all the mole accexxihle h_\ the eaxting; oI teenage leadx l‘iil'oitunatel). it'x dill'ietilt to keep a xlialght Iaee Ito“ that the xoliiidttaek hax heen hi tacked h} Radio l'x ()iu Ill/51' xpot. l'iI'e: Adam Smith. I Safe t ISI t l'odd lla}nex. l '8. I995) Julianne \loole. l’etei l'tlediiian. Silxan \oimaii. llH

nunx. A i'acuoiix (‘alil‘oziiian hoilxeix il'e x'iicctnnhx to a II)_\’<ICI) em‘ii'onmental illiic‘xx and. iii the pi'oeex‘x ot' ll_\’lllg Ne“ Age thei'apiex‘. lx made to quexlioii hei i)\\ll identity. 'l'imely tn ltx xuhject inattei. chilling m itx conception. axxiiled in itx I'olm. thix ix one of tlie kc} .'\IllL'lIc‘.'lll I'llmx’ ol' the decade See plCVIC“ and IL‘HC“. (iltixgiixxz (il-‘l‘. lidinhuigh: l‘ilnihouxe. I Scotland On Screen (l’) A pioglamme of I'llnix \llU\\ in; the changex met the )eaix to xe\etal xitex of hixtoilc llitelext. lidlnhtiigh‘ St lllKlC‘x

I Sense And Sensibility it‘iiAn; S/l 'K. l995t limma ’l‘hollipxon. Kate \melet. :\lan Rlekmati. lliigh (ilaiit IRS tiittix. Denied thell inheiitaiice \\ hen the tathei til the houxehold diex. the lettulle lileiiiheix ot the Daxlmood I'aiillI) lace a piecaiioilx t'uttlie \x liieh eoiilplic.‘ltex tlte loliiailcex ol xelixthle l:ltnoi t'l’hollipxoiil and eillotlx e .\ latlne (\Viiixlet I. ‘l'hoiiipx‘oil'x adaptation keepx the \xoidpla) engagml) tau and xhaip wilted. hut IIC\CI loxex xight ol the pooeit'ill Iiiixtlationx ximiiieiing heneath the xilit'aee lnItnitel} mole xatlxlittig than yotn t}pteal lltil'l'} peliod piece. (ilaxgoix- (Ideon. lidiilhtilgh: Dominion. ()deolr l'(‘l Sllillllcl)thl l'('lx

I Seveni l.\'i tl)a\ id I'mehei. l'S. I995) Iliad l’ltt. \Ioigaii l‘ICL'IIIJII. (i\\}tiL‘llI l’altiou l3? minx The outline ix Iailiiliat l\\o eopx tlaelx do“ II a xellal hlllk‘l hilt Sl'l wt ix a xtep ahead ol itx li\alx. I‘iom itx opening title xeqtieilce olmatdx. it'x .m C\llClllt'l) daik movie “hieh uilldx thlough tlle liioxt tuixted teeex'x'ex oI' human nattile. liach death ix a giaphie inteipletatlon oI~ one ol. the xe\ en deadly xinx. go in: .-l/lul .i' diieetol l'mehet the mateiial I'm an intenxe \l}llxlle exetcixe in lioiiol~ (ilaxgoxx‘ ()deon lidlnhlligh' (‘ameo

I Sgt. Bilko tl’(it (Jonathan l.}illi. IS. l‘l‘lfli Steie .\lattln. l)an :\'\klo_\d. l’hil Ilaitmati. 95 miiix 'l‘hcie ate no xliiplixex m tlilx lolltme Stew .\laitill \ehicle. lil'ted limit the Phil Slhetx' 50x 'l‘\' xho“. llete tlle xealit-ho} .\laxtei Selgeant continitex lilx pi'lxate \endetta \xlth .\la|oi ‘l‘hoiii l3} tilinx limit) and hoi'ing. the xeiipt hax too much xheen and no teal I'ilepoiiel. (ilaxgmx- .\l(i.\lx, lidiilhuigh: l'(‘l. (‘ential: (‘annoit

I Small Faces i IR) t(}llliex Maekiililon. l'K. I995) lain Roheltxoii. Joxeph ~\lel‘adden. IS. Dull}. l().\‘ lilillx. (‘o-ixlitten \\llll ploducei hiothei Bill). (lilliex \laekinnon’x‘ iliaixellouxl} detailed xtud} ahout the gum in; palm ot' a ho} caught ill the Iiingex oI (ilaxgou 'x gangland

\ iolenee iii the (illx CIIIL‘lgL'S ax :1 “mm aiid

.icciilate pottia}al oI \\\‘llxlll:_'-Cl;|\\ Iaittil} liI‘e. ('entlln; on thiee hiotllelx. it a\oidx the [‘llliélllx ot‘ the (llaxgoxi haiil man IiliH'lt‘. illxtead lk‘c‘itlllm}: ;t \lllic‘ltiil lllL'\'\ll-'|‘.I\\.I}Ik' Inlet (iL‘llClal li'lCihL‘.

I Smoke 1 I5 t (\VJ) ne “any. [8. I995i llaixe} Kettel. \Villiam lltitt. llalold l’eliineall. lt'lo' liiinx_ .\o\eltxt lllilt otteix holiielexx lad l’eitliieau a place to xta} altei he ix xa\ ed I'lom hem}: iun oxei l‘.lxe\\heie. \\ell ohxei\ed llioolxlyt eliaiaeteix hang: ollt ill the tohacco xtoie v. heie Keitel \llxpetix'ex llotiiexptin plllloxoplliex. .-\ tleliithtl'ill and compelling: tleat. haxed on the \xotlx oI l‘aill .-\uxtel. Sec leatlite and lC\lL'\\. l‘dllihutgh: ('ameo.

I A Soul Divided By No 4 l5) tSlh to Soldinl. Ital). l‘Wit l-ahli/lo lientnoglio. .\1aiia llalxo. l’llillppine l elo} lleaiilieu ll-l mlnx .\ xeeulit} gualil. xepaiated tiom liix \\ iIe. applehettdx a 33px} gill I'ol xhopllltingt. l‘lll they decide to Hill oII together Soldml ix one ol ltallan cmema'x‘ loudext \oieex xpealxtli; .'t_‘.'.l|tI\l the iixe ol the \e\x lx’tgzlit ltaltali l‘llll‘. l-extlxal (ilaxgoiij (il‘l, lzdttihiilgh' l'iliiillollxe

I The Stolen Children t ISliUlaimi \melio. Ital}, l‘t‘lltl iilleo l.o \clxo. Valentina Scaltei. (iiilxeppe leiacitano Ill milix .\ lelatlloilxltlp deielopx hetueen an Italian polteeiiiati and too delinquent kltlx m hix ehalye aItel tlieil mothei ix aliexted Supeih lx-ilollllalieex gziac e thlx glelitle xlllil) ot the ltieanltigz ot genuine Ileedollt liuiopeall l'lllll ot' the Yeal a: the I993 l-e|i\ \\\aidx Italian l'lllil l C\lI‘.;tl (il.l\}1it\\.(il'l l'diuhuigrll: l‘illllliolixe

I Stonewall 4 l5) 1 \l;:el l'Illc‘ll.l NI '8. I‘I‘I5i (llllllk'llllt‘INJI.lilt'kl\\'1'!|Cl.[alk'llkhlll(.(‘lll.lll\ "9 liiilix (la) coillitix ho) \latt} l)eati t\\'elleil x‘itlll;‘\ to _\'e\\ Yolk in the xumniei ot '(i‘) and meetx lip \\llll a cl\‘\\\l ol diaj; queenx led h_\' "'\lll~§!\11lo"l“ll‘l)l|!/‘ l’ollx'e llalaxxiileilt aiid lllllhllcc‘ l‘IllI}..‘\ ahotit gal} Illele tleiitox. tliell itotx in the lla} x altet lull} (iallaildx tleallt. \ \olotliItll illox lil;:. x‘elehiatoi} lillll Itom the late \igel l inch lalilihlllgli' l-iltltllollxe

I Strange Daysi In I t K.lllll_\|l liigteloxel S. 1995i lx’alph l'ICIlIlC\. .\ii)_-ela liaxxett. liiliette l3" lllltix '\ clt‘\\ hlell h}hlid ol Illlii non. Ititilllxtle thllllel_ political continental} and iolllatlee. lllgtelov. 'x .lllegrol} \lltl“ x technical \lxlll, hut «loexn't \\e.i\e itx plot tliieadx llito .i x.ittxl}tli;: “hole l'telmex ix the \llexk'\\llll lL‘lJilCl ill liiiiillt‘; tlli'allix, ICx‘i‘ItlL'il ll\C llk'll Ltc'lxk‘cl lltli) h) we“ c‘lx k‘\[\‘llt'llc‘lll:_' lllL' \LllllL' adlenalln luxh. hilt e\ent~:lll} miltdel eiaxhex the ".‘lll_\ Scoiehlligz \ixualx, \xllatewl the linal


oilteoiite. lidinhuigh: (‘ameo

I Sudden Death ( IS) tl’etei ll}.imx. l'S. I‘MSi Jean-(‘laude Van Damme. l’oxxelx Boothe. Raymond J4 Bali}. llll minx :\etoi and ililectol leteaiil al'tei Thin-cup lot a hieatlilexx. it piedietahle. action iomp ‘\ cooll} el'ltclent e\toltiotlix't lioldx the \ ice l’iexltient and .i xtadtum oI ice hocke} Ialix hoxtage. hilt hitex otI mole than he can ehe“ \\ hen he giahx a little gzill - dallglttei ot iitaintetianc e man \ali l)aliiille

See le\'te\\. (ilaxgou: \l(i\l l’allxhead lidilihuigh: l'(‘l. Stlathclyle‘ l (’lx

I The Swan Princess it‘~ IRIelIJltl Rlx‘ll. t 8. I995) \Vith the \olcex ol lohll ( 'leexe. Jaclx l’alaliee. Steven \\'lt;_'ht ‘ll tiittix Snail lam m itx l.lil}t;lli‘ toiili. v. ltll all the expected itlgziedielltx that modein \ hlldlen'x anliliated Ieattllex contain talking: ailimalx. hland hut \ tite lleloex. mllxieal lotitmex_ -\ti e\ ll lliagleiall caxtx a xpell on a plmcexx. tuiiling: hei into a mail x\llil an} lIlIll that leatliiex l’alallc e doing: a xongz called ‘\’n “we \li \tee (ill_\' hax to he \\oith a \lxtt.(il.lx;1o\\: \l('l\l l’alillead

I to Have And Have Not l l'( '. i t t lo‘.\ ant llav. it

I S. l“15l lltlltlplile} llonait lattien liaeall. Wallet liteliliatl. llo.l_~_'_\ ('aiiillcliael llt‘t liilllx liogalt and Bacall \xoilxed togethei lot the tiixt time lll llaukx' lleittiiigzua} in tlie (‘alihhcali \lllllllj; the ‘.\.II. \x lleie liogalt'x lehliig hoat outlet ix ill.l\\ll tlito the conlllel l~\ lttx lieal lile) lo'x e tot Ilacall (tl.l\‘:!\i\\ (ill

I To Sit Will! love 'l’( it tlaillex ( 'la\el|.l K l')(i(ii SKlIIC} l’oitzei, (‘liilxtlatl Roheitx. Ind} (ieexon. HIS tiittix .\ hlaclx teaehci tianxtolmx .lit lIIIIlll} claxx iii a l.ondoli xluill xchool \loxtl} tineom mcm; plohlemx lapait liolli the xiiipiixiilgl) good lului liiali tliix attempt at eotil'iotititigr xelioux xo. lal txxuex liltiihliigh l'IllIlllUlle'.

I Unzipped l l5l l l )till;il.l\ KL'L‘\K'.I S. l‘l‘ISI ": liiiiix lt'x htteli eat hitch in the healipole \iolld ot‘ Iaxhioii. ax dexigznei lxaac \ll/ialll plepaiex tol liix .mtiiittil xhoxx .\lole than all elongated ('Iut/lm Slum . thtx enteltatning and leiilalkahl} candid dm‘tlittentai} goex hellittd the \xt‘llk‘x to eapttiie the egotixtteal pollipoxlt} and hieathlexx entltiixiaxli‘. ot the Illtlll\ll_\ l’lent} ol celehlitlex atld xilpeiiliixlelx to he xeeii See in IL'“ l-Idiiihtilizh' l-lliiihotixe

I Toy Story i l’(iitlohll l axxetei. I .\. l‘t‘h'i \\'ith the \oiecx oI' ‘l'oltl llalllxx. lllil \lleli. Iloil Rle'txlex. SI tilllix It ixli't tiixt the xtate ol the alt iitiagex‘ that dixtiiigziilxli l)ixiie_\ 'x Illxt ct‘llll‘lllt'l gellelated aiiltiiation teatllle. it'x grot .l clackltt; ad\enttite xtol} too '\ tale oI Ilieiiilxhlp and

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The List I9 Apr-2 May I996 29