[LOYD COLE is taking time off the goll' links to return to the L'K touring circuit. ‘Seycriano Ballesteros is like Picasso to me.‘ he says. ‘A complete genius] He's less flattering. however. about his own early solo recordings after the split of his band the (‘ommotions in MRS. ‘Some of it sounds a bit silly.' he confesses. ‘It sounds like a bloke trying to do sortiething that he‘s really not cttt out to do.‘ What he certainly wasn't shaped for was taking advice from record companies who released a single without his knowledge on the back of a recommendation from ’l'erry Wogan. Now Cole is happily recording in New York. where he has spent eight years constructing a new career and family base. His three-and-a-hall-year-old son William has already shown sigtis of follow itig in pop's lootsteps. ‘lle has a real Spanish guitar.‘ says Cole. 'Whiclt l tune to an open chord so when he bangs it. it sounds somewhat musical. It keeps him away from mine.‘ ll. you can't catch (‘ole senior at the Garage this fortnight you may sneak a glimpse of him teeing oil at a pro-am eyent near you soon. Makes you think. doesn't it'.’ (Brian Donaldson)

Howl ('o/e plays The Garage. Glasgow. on So! 27 April.

DONNIE BURNS AND GAYNOR FAIRWEATNER twelve times world latin American dance champions, television's most successful dancers and sequin-studded cover stars of last year’s Maytest brochure - are back to trip the spotlight tantastic as part of Maylest1996. Sharing the bill with Donnie’s tan and Gaynor’s legs in a three-tiered social dance extravaganza titled Maydance are the equally illustrious Marcus and Karen Hilton, world protessional ballroom champions, Deryck and Gareth Mitchelson, world Highland dance champions, and Andy Ross, with his everlasting orchestra. (Ellie Carr)

Maydance is at the King’s Theatre, Glasgow, Thurs 2—53! 4 May.

MIRA SORVINO might haye been cast as that ol' moyie cliche. the tart with a heart. but she tiianaged to moye the attdtence to tears. Not so much tor her role in Woody Allen's .llie/ttr .-lp/irm/itt'. but for her Best Supporting .-\ctress ()scar acceptance speech. w hich reduced her actor lather Paul to a blubbering wreck. That said. Quentin 'l’arantino‘s current untotir is probably the best thing in the moyie. "l‘his w as such all extreme character that 1 really wanted to make sure she was a seaworthy yesself she says. describing intense preparation that included a train trip. in character. to Philadelphia. 'l sat with other people and talked to these guys the whole way down. I think they were curious and thought i was sortie oil-duty ses trade person. l‘d say I had aspirations to be art actress. When they asked me outright. I

said I'd been an extra in Qui: Show.

()ne of the guys had seen it the night

before and asked me what I did in it.

He didn‘t remember me even though I actttally was in the lilm. playing a

character that you would temember il'

yoti had seen ll the night belore. .-\ll oi

that really helped me. and it made

l.mda the person she was on screen ' t;\nwar Brett)

.llig/tly Aphrodite opens on l-‘ri 3/)


2 The List 19 Apr-2 May I996