Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Alan Morrison.

I Babe II ') I('|rrix Norman. .-\tixtralia. l‘)‘)5i James ('i'ortryr. ell. w ith the \‘OiCCs‘ ol‘ (‘hrixiine (‘avanauglL .\Iiriarir Margolyes. Ilugo Weaving. ()2 mins. An oiphancd pig falls under the eye of a kindly collie and begins to think he's destined for glory at the regional trials. Talking animals suggest that this ix a kidx' movie: to an extent It is - and a great one but there's enough skewered humour Ihail the psycho mice?) for adults to discover air unexpected eult hit. A triumph lot the underprg. (ilax'gow: .\I(i.\l I’ai'klicad. Iidinlrurgh: .\l(i.\l. I ('l. lloiderx: I’avilion. Stiatlrelyde: (‘annorr (‘lydebanki l'(‘l. liast Kilbiitle

I Balto tI'iISimori \Vellx. I S. I‘I‘ISI With the voieex ol' Key in llaeon. Bridget I'oiida. Bob lonkinx Ts mmx When tlie medical xrippliex to an isolated Alaxkan town are threatened by a I‘ll/lttltl. hall-huxkylhalt vyyoll Ilalto an outxidei Ireearixe ol hrx rriongiel nature- III the rescue. Ittiplessn e aetton sequences enxrrre that .-\mblm'x teature-length cartoon gives Disney a run lor itx money l’iordeix: I’avilion. Ro\y,

I Barb Wire ( I5) (David IIogatI. I 'S. I‘IINH l’ainela Antler xon lee. 'I'errrrieia .\loii rxon. Victoria Row ell. ‘I-l minx. I’larlrov and Ifavwate/i babe .\ndei.xon turns into an on xereeir l’amho as she krekx axx ax a eomr; book xter heroine in the not too-distant ttittire 'I‘he aetrori xeqtreneex aren't bad and. v. title the xtai rxn‘t going to grv e \lein Streep triieaxy riiglitx. the supporting eaxt do their l‘lI in the acting xtalxex. lidinbtrigli' l (‘l

I The Birdcage r IF» r ( .\like \ic‘holxd S. I‘I‘ISI Robin \\'i|lr;rnix_ \'athan l ane. (ieiie Ilaeknian

I I‘) minx .\ remake ol la rat...- .‘Iltt l-u.'lr \ \r. ith plenty to xay about eorrterrrpoiaiy .v\meri.a'x Il_\[‘t\ll\} \Vrlliamx ix xriperb iaiid more iextiaiiiedr ax tlie gay nightclub on net \v lroxe attempts to rmprexx the right w rng parentx ot' lrrx xori'x trarieee go awry l-riiriiy and xCllslll‘. e. w tlll C\v‘ClIClll peitoiriian.ex (ieneral Release.

I Blue In The Face r IS, (Wayne wring. I 5. I095) Ilaryey Kertel. Is'oxeaiine. Victor Argo. S“) minx. I’x'rng Kertel'x cigar store manager 'x tangled Io\ e lite ax a Iooxe naii‘atry e thread. the maker x ol Sum/tr returned to the xet t'or' art improy ixetl portrait ot Brooklyn and itx lexideiitx Witty celebrity cameos aplenty t'iom Madonna. Jim .I.llllltl\\ll and \lielrael J. l-oy. in what ix nothing lexx than a party on screen See iev ieyy I'tlinburgh‘ ('arrieo

I Braveheart I Immth (itlrxtrtt. I‘.\’. was: \tt-t (iilrxon. l’atrrtk \lel ioolrarr Sophie \laieeau

I" 7 miirx \lel (irlrxoii‘x long and bloody aecount ol the lite rt Seottixh wairroi hero \Villiairr \\.III.I\\' Iroaxtx xorrie rettraikalrle battle xeenex and great peitoriiiangex. partreulaily .\Ie(iooh.iri'x mererlexx King: ltlyyard .\imrng to entertain on .r w relei xeale Il‘.;ltl tlte more literate

It'olr lx’or limit I l t arr'x SeotIrxli paxxroti rx tempered by a le\‘. Hollywood rrromentx touehex ot xentrriieritalrty and ‘tliairaatie' hrxterreal rriatetiraey. \t-yt'itlrt'lt-x. it'x .i line. lull-bloixletl attempt to tap into the xprrrt that lirex Scotlaiidx Irixroiy .md heroex I diiil‘-Iirj.:Ir ()deon

I Broken Arrow r I‘I‘Iolm wont s. IWSr John Il.‘t\ull.l.( hiixtian Slater. Sartrantha .\latlirx So mmx llad j'uy military prlot .lol.ri Irayolta eieetx III\ p.r:tiiei I hrrxtian Slater hour the v‘ix’kprt \\IIIII' . ri .r routine :rx~.i:'rrrrieiit and trips oll ‘-\III‘ two live titrelear rirrxxilex [he

s; iipt thy the writer ot Sm r .. r tallx oyer :txelt lli air atteiript to set up ax riiarrj. I‘IUI‘IUIII\ ..x Prixxll‘le' t'oi Slater to who l‘ttI it alxo I'Iit‘l\ plenty ot \III‘CIII'I ’\rrtl lraxolta ielrxltex playing the ‘. illain I‘tlllil‘tltp'll ()dei‘n. I‘t'l (‘lydelraiik I ('l I'.I\l Krllrirde' III

I Casino I IS: \lartrrr Seoixexed S. PMS; Riilk‘tl I)L‘ \llti. Sharon Stirllt‘. .IIK‘ I’Cxel l~\ mmx l itetmie _‘.';Itlll‘Iy‘t. .\ee Ix’olhxtern ix ehoxerr as the rrrob'x man lll \egax and irinx the taxrrro xrrioothly tllll'il thrngx tall .rpait during the “ox

\L‘I I‘Iext's

Seoixexex latext garrgxter epre hax a touch ot (iieek tragedy about rt'x dowrrtall ot the sell made man but rx too rrrtreli in Gum/It ."m' territory to be special ltlrirlrirrgh' (‘arrreo

I Copycatrrsrtitm v\riirel.l s. rrmm Sigouiney Weaver. Holly Hunter. llariv ('oirnrek Jr II.I rriirix .\ ellltttllal pxyeliologrxt l.\\t'.l\ er I. \\ ho xiill'erx liom acute .‘rgoiapliolria alter an attack. is threatened by a eopyeat killer I‘.\ly (ind. lie'x going to do led litrrrtly rreyt' i attei a l'eiirale eop illiiirter i triex to draw her out ot

retrierirent. .-\ redundant. reprehensible slice of sehloek that leavex a nasty taxte in the mouth. (ienetal releaxe

I Cutthroat Island I IS: rlx’eiiny IIaiIin. I'S. I‘I‘I5i(ieeria I)a\rx. \Iatthew \lodtne. I‘Iilllk’ Langella. l2}. nuns. The daughter (Day ix) of an irit‘ariiorix’ pirate inherits his xhip. crew and mean reputation ax she xearehex t'oi arr ixlarid and hrdden treaxiire. [he Haul 2 director IIarlin's ptet‘erenee for blow mg thrngx tip w hen the action xags showx laek ol~ imagination and he lets it all go on too long. I-oi a while. though. it‘s a matinee-style romp through all tlie peg—leg elrehex ol' the genre. l-rl'e. \ll r.\l Kirkealdy .\l(i.\I.

I Cyclo I Its) IIliltl .\iih llung. l-ianee’Vietnam. I005) I.e \'ari l.oe. l‘r an \ti Yen Khe. 'I‘ony I.eung (‘hiu War. II) tllltts‘. A teenage pedal-cab driver has Irix vehicle xtolen by a rival gang and. in order to pay back the on net. falls in w ith a group of eririiiirals. I'nlrke the director'x

x'enx'itiy e debut The Sir/r: Ur (item l’a/ram. this ix an tineornpiomrxing look into a moral abyxx that buildx to a teroeioux plane oi \ tolenee. (ilasgoyyt (il’l‘.

I Dead Man Walking l l4I I I rm Robbins. I‘S. l‘I‘I5) Stixati Saiandori. Sean l‘enn. Robert I’roxky. If: nirrrx \ ntrn ISaraiidorri begrrix her own drl‘tietilt xpirrtrzal tourney when xhe lreeoirrex religious adv ixoi to a brutal rrrurtleiei tl’enni taerng the death penalty Sarandori‘x’ piexenee ix unshowy arid eomriirtted. I’eriir'x vivid and deeply rnxiglrtl'ul. and Robhrnx'x aelrieyeiiient ix to make a lrlirr \vlioxe mtenxity and eornpax'xion ranks rt tar aboy e the usual rtrn ot Hollywood pulp. (ilaxgoyv: (iroxvenor. Borders: I’ayrltotr I-it'e: Robbinx.

I les Diaboliques I IS r (Ilenri (rt-org“ ('Ioti/ot. I'iance. I‘l55i Simone Signoiet. Vera (‘loti/ot. l’atil .‘~ICltllS\C. lll" Itltlts‘. I'rendixhly clever and mireh imitated thriller in \\ hteli a tyrannical xelroolrriaxter' rx mittdeied lry lirx w tie and inixtiexx. li‘yeept that he doexrr't xtay dead lor long. 'I he original and lrext (ilaxgo‘a‘ (il’l‘.

I Dr NOI I’(ii I'It'lt'ttt't' Young. I 'K. I‘JICI Scan (buttery. I'ix'ala .-\ndrexx. loxeplr \\'rxerriaii. Jack l.oid. It)i rriirix 'l'he trrxt Bond itiir\ re. and .r

\ intag'e one at that. .\ \ery yotiiig~looktng and Selli‘ xoiirrdrng (‘orrrieiy \yoikx hrx eliairrring Iaird irilrrndxrght through the dialmlreal bae k paxxageyyay x ol’ Ih \o'x ey rI eiriprie .llltl the reqtrrxrte number i~l lloo/iex. pausing only to take otrt the weaxional tarantula and take tn the (‘arrlrlrean xt ener lo say nothing ol .\lx -\ndtexx' xpettaetilar .‘rppeaianee on Ilre Ireaeh \\ rtli that tough xliell

. l‘hey don't make 'em like they uxed to (ilaxgoyv (il’l‘.

I Dunston Checks In I l’( i l I Ken Kwaprx. I S. l‘)‘)5‘i Jaxon .\le\andei. l'aye |)unaw :ry. litre I,ond SS mmx 'I‘here‘x irronkey brixiriexx

xoirrewhat eampr yyay

aplenty w hen a iew el tlrrel xrrrtigglex lrrx orarigrrtaii paitnei rn-eiim; into a poxlr hotel -\dultx \\lIl get even irrore out ol Ihrx than ktdx. Ireeatixe the humour ix lll"xl\ltI\lt'. the ehaiaeterx xrirtably loathxoirre or adorable. and Sam the (hang a xtai m the Itlaklttt' (Eerieial teleaxe

I Executive Decision « i< rsruuii IILIIIII,I s} l(l()§l Kurt Ix‘tixxull. llalle lieiry. I )lr‘.ei I‘latt III mmx \ team of \lrtlllc I..rxterir lariatrex sky rat k .i H 3 .llIrII S l;‘.tell":.‘eti.e pilot I\’l|'r\t‘ll reekorrx they Are f..'\ ii.;' to r.Ie.ixe :‘r‘lxilll gax over \Vaxlririgton Sneakth t rr board Ill iiiid all. he lallx out ol coma-ct v. rth lr‘x I‘oxxex. so xlroiild they Now try the plane as it ritrdjrex eloxer to v‘l'vtlhitllrill or not' \ food lreg-zniiiny noxedryex rrrto toimtrla \r. ith no hrrrt ot tongue in elieek Ilk‘lit‘lttl release

I The EXOTCISI t lSr l\\III1.tI I iietlkrn I \_ l‘l'dl I rrrda IIIJII. I Herr llrrrxtj.ri. \la\ \'oir Sydow ll’l rriirix l'arirext priest \trir Sydoxv xtepx in to x.i‘.e poor little poxxexxetl girl in thrx hugely elleetrw xeaiz'lest l)e.rtl got-d, dead \‘Jtly. dead prrext. I .ixt Kill‘irde I ( I

I Far From The Madding Crowd rt u lolm Selilexmger. I'K. l‘to‘ r .Iuli.~ ( 'lirixtie Ieren. e Stamp. I’etcr I melt, \Iair I’».r!ex Some ol the Sv. urging: \I‘Iltx Inniritttrd pet ple gather

" rrrrrtx

tor Ihorziax Hard). 'x l.rIe ol .l prir'. t:t III a siit't't‘ l.tlltl air-i the three men ti_;'I~t:rr.: tot he; attet Iiottx llze \‘r'exxe‘r. lands. ape ix Io" \IlI‘I I“x \le'trlas Ix‘oeg IiI.I\j.'r\.s III I I From Russia With LOVE I’( It lei-sir. e \«~t!rrt'. I K. I‘m 4 i Sean I 'oririery I).inrel.i Iliaru hi. l’edro .\l|lIL‘l‘.\I.1ll.’ I ottel Robert .SItay‘. llo rriirix llre xetr 11.! and among the I ext ot the Iloiitl lliekx. w ith the trxtral (‘oltl \\.ir xherrairrgaiix powered by atirroxplierrt xet pieeex.


a genuinely witty xtirpt and truly iirxpirel [K'rlormarreex all round Inn and Roy xltorrld

\y eep. (ilaxgoyy' ( ii I

I Get Shorty I IS) I lIaiiy Soiiiienleld. I 'S. l‘NSi John Ita\oll.t. I)anrry I)e\'ito. (iene llaekrrran. Rene Ruxxo Ill) minx. l.oan xhark (‘hili l’almei I'lrayoltal xlrrltx trorii .\lrami to I v\ and. berrig a trim ie brill. deerdex to get mto the lilm I‘tl\ltiC\\ Wth itx xhaip dialogue. quirky eharaeleix and olllreat litirrrotir. thrx ix probably the Irext adaptation yet ot an l.lmore l.eoirard novel

I'iavolta xhoyv x Iiix tirre xtar quality hth as

cool as milk and ax deadly ax a rattlesnake. Glasgow: ()deori.

I ooldtinger tl’G i ((iuy Ilamiltort. I‘K. WM) Sean (‘orinery. llonoi' Blaekiriarr. (iClI I'I’UI‘C. III minx. The one w ith Pussy Galore. ()dd Job. Shirley Ilassey belting it out. Shirley Iiaton covered in gold and a typically over-the-top plot as mad Aurie plans to break into l-‘ort Knox. Much better on the big xereen. when it doesn't have to be erairrmed into the IV frame. Glasgow: (SI-T.

I Hackers I III I lain Sot'tley. I'S. I‘I‘HI Jonny \lrller'. Angelina Jolie. I:l\llL‘l Stevens. IOS minx l'op haekei' Zero (‘ool tliar/i\polrrrre's Jorrny Miller) is the new kid in town who stumbles onto mega-ey'bei'ei‘iirie with his new mates. lreeorrirng the tall guys in the process. Sol‘tley 's' w ell brrilt teen movie guns along the rnt'obahn w ith Ireatbm pounding. exuding eool hour every frame and drsinixsrng the very idea ot the computer nerd. The theme of kids getting one or er on the eldeix rx anarchic lor' Hollywood xtandardx’. even it hacking is seen as a vietirriless erime. lidinlrirrgh: I‘(‘I. l'il‘e' Kiikealdy‘: .\l(i.\l I Heatr l5it\liehael .\lann. I'S. I‘NSI ~\l I’aerno. Robert De \iro. Val Kilmer. ITII minx‘. .\lanri'x xtai paqkage eopx arid robbers tale is head and \IIUIII(ICI\ .Ilmy e lltt‘ rex‘t III the gt‘lttk‘. Ihankx to an action packed screenplay that fully explorex itx thernex and givex depth to its :ltttletets. I’;iettio Is the dedicated detective

w lrose home lite is in ruins: I)e .\'iro is the reclusive criminal iii;rxteririiii(l. The two men‘s linely balanced xerrxe ol' horrotrr and mutual respect tx \yell dixxeeted. and tlte shoot-out x'et [Ilt'e ex are heart-stopping. Brilliant. l'it‘e‘ Adam Smith

I loontessr I5) I Altred lIrteheoek. I'S. I‘ISM \Iotitgoiiieiy (‘lil't. Karl \lalden. 95 mins. Quebec priest (‘litt hears a eonl'exxiorr hour a riirirderei'. but discretion and duty leads him to become the prime suxpeet. .~\t laxt llitcheoek's xtridy on the rratrrre ot’ guilt ix lClss‘llL‘tI in a new print. (ilaxgow' (il-‘I‘.

I I Know Where I'm Going! it r r .\lielrael t’tm ell t\' l-rnerie l’rexxbriigei. I'K. I‘l-ISI \Vendy' llillei. ly’ogei I.r\exey. I'ltilay (mire. l’amela Brown. >~airey l’iree. “I lllltlx lieautitiilly shot in black and \y lute. Illlx’ rx an intriguing eorrredy rorrrariee rth dark undertorrex. it] which the young. tontident \lx Ililler xetx out to marry her rich but eldein liariee in the Ilelrirdex. but lallx instead tor l.ivexey 'x xe\y young iiaval ottreei. IIIC

\ rxrral xy mlrolx. all draw it hour the ixlaridx' natural Iaridxeape. underline the xtory ‘x’ deeper iexonaneex Izdinlrurghf I'rlmhotixe

I Jumanji II t l Ioe Johrixton. I S. l‘)‘)5l Robin \\ illramx. .lonatlran llyde. Kristen I)trnxt lt)l rriirix Iiapped lot .To yearx in a itrngle boaid gariie. .\Ian I’aiirxh I\\'illiamxi ix IeIeaxed only \r. hen l‘.\tr modern day ktdx throw the dice rhemxel‘. ex llrit they alxo unleaxh a staiirpede of monkey x. crocodilex. elepliairtx. rhinos and other untairiilrai beaxtx into xiiiall town .\riieiiea. The story rrranagex to get beyond itx repetitive limits w ith a lrtrlltatilly original central idea and poxt- lwirutt l’ark eomputer elteetx that make it xtate ot’ the art emeiiia xpeetaele (ieneral release I Kids I IV itl .irry ('lark. I S. I‘I‘IV I.eo l'rt/patrrek. .ltixtiri l’ietee. (‘hioe Sey igny. ‘H rrunx l‘lrotog'rapher (‘lark brrrrgx a gritty yet Irip approach to hix portrait ol llll‘.tll youth oycrloxed on xe\ arid tlrtigx \erbally. but not r. ixrially. I"\|\Il;ll. the lrhrr ix .ix bleak ax rt getx. ax lll\' poxrti‘. e .Ierinre xperidx a day tracking .low ir .lIII'i‘JIII 'xrrgiir xrugeon‘ l'elly. Seiroux ixxrrex are roughed on in an uiiadorned laxlrroii, I‘tll Ilis up to us to tII\;lI\\ a way to liritl tlie onritroirx See teattire .IlItI rey rew (ilaxgow: \I(;\I I'llilt ('entre lilinlruigh I’lllllllt‘llst‘. I'('l. I King Kong \leiian ( ( 'oopei. I S. I‘IUI lx‘olreit x\iriixti riip', l'ay \\'r.ry Illtl rririix. .\ liIm producer on xataii I‘llllf.’\ hack a xotiyerrrr ttlrrtlslt'l \ylireli terror ixex \ew York. ()rie ol the .rII time great rrionxtei irrov iex. even thoriin the [lot ix ‘r‘lllt“.‘ llaw ed t'xvlry. tor eyample. it the It.Ilt\t'x I‘ll the l\I.tII'I wanted to keep Kong at Ira} 2‘. ith .1 grant wall. did they I‘IIIIKI .1 door Iii It‘e etiorreli tar IlllII to _-:et through (it I land And Freedom r t \' ~ r Kt'll I.I‘.‘Iell. I K Spain, l""5r lan llait. ix'oxaria I’oxtot. Itrar lIollattl \ llI.l“.'lltl‘et’lII. inoxiirg. polrtn rxed epi.‘ on the Spamxh ( ‘rv rl War by lliitairiK moxt eoriiiiittted duet tor on the I.elt \n unerrrployed iriair Illartr leayex .illx Liverpool to light with the l’()l ‘.\I \lilrtia. and xeex liixt Irarrd the betiayal ol‘ lirx cause by the Stalrnrxtx llix xtoiy is told in llaxlilraek. ax Iiix granddaughter readx hix hrdden letterx home a link to the piexent day that proyex tliexe eyeirtx ll.i\ e a xtroiig relevance to today (ilasgovv (ll-I. I Law of Desire I IS) I I’edro Alrruxloyar. Sparii. lltl irriirxi Izrrxelrio l‘oneela. (lumen .\laiira. \ntorrro lladerax llll minx. Notorious trlmmaker l’alrlo irroy ex through a decadent IIII xty le ot xeiixrral pIeaxtiie_ Iiix only real

I (ilaxjfitm’

I?” rriirix

torieerir tor lrix traiixxe\tial brother tiiineti xixter However. when Ire tallx lor goyeriimeiit

H I T L I S I catch the best Film this fortnight.-


I Kids A bleak. disturbing look inside the lives of a group of New York teenagers. whose lives revolve around sex and drugs. despite the threat of AIDS. Raises serious issues. See l'eatur and review. Glasgow: MGM Film Centre. Edinburgh: l’ilnr/raaxe. l/'(,'l.

I Things To Do In Denver When You‘re Dead He‘s only got 48 hours to get out of town or into a coffin. but Jimmy The Saint sticks around to help his gangster pals. Andy Garcia is quietly dignified in this superb modern film noir. General release.

I Stonewall The roots of the modern gay rights movement provide some food for thought in the late Nigel Finch‘s remarkable lilrn. made against the odds. Glasgow: Gl’li lz't/r'rilmrg/r: film/rouse.

I Sate A suburban woman‘s allergic reaction to the 20th century environment slides l’i'om satire into chilling medical horror in Todd l-laynes‘ remarkable examination ol~ eontciiipor‘ai'y' issues. Glasgow: GP]: lz‘rlr'ri/mrjvlr: I’ll/rrlmuse.

I 12 Monkeys Terry Gilliam brings his visual skills to an eccentric btrt intriguing tale of time travel. lethal viruses and psychosis. General release.


I Braveheart Honk your car horns as Mel cries l'recdorri. The ()scar—winncr gets the big screen drive-in treatment on the very day that Glasgow audiences first went to the movies IIIU years ago. Glasgow: Glasgow Green.

I Napoleon A rare chanee to see the restored version ol‘ Abel (iance‘s silent rirasterpiecc. with live music written and conducted by Carl Davis. Glasgow: Royal ('mrr‘ei't Hall.

mmixtei ‘x xoii \ntonio. .i irrz'htrriaie ot irraniprilatron and det ert rx to tollow I'larnboyarrt Spanixlr iconoglaxt \Irrrodoyar 'x e\a;_'geiated xe\ I.lll;t_‘.'l‘ Ix interexling as a xoit ot o\eilieated rirelodiarrra. though the lack ol irairatrye eotitiol near the end doex let the trliii down I.tlllll‘tllj..'ll l-rlrirhorrxe

I leaving [as Vegasi lsrmitc I'rggis. I ’s. I‘I‘ISI \reolax ( 'age. lilixalreth Shire. Jtrlran Saridx III) rriirix Saeketl lrom Iiix rob. lien 1(‘agei (ll t\t'\ It) I.a\ \iegtix \\ llll IIIL‘ sUIL‘ intention of drinking hrmxelt to death. but during hix dexeent eomex aeroxs hooker Seia (Shite). another lost xoirl. liiggis's neon-drenched movie capturex the iriexporisible euphoria and mental pain of alcoholism) hour a subjective viewpoint. while the axtonixhirrg peil'orirranees by the leads hpr it It 'rnxeeird the surface tawdiiness and delye deep into underlying erirotronx‘. liil'e: New l’retrrre House.

I A Little Princess t l’( it IAIloiixo ('uar‘ori. I'S. I‘I‘ISI Inleairor Ilroir. I.iam (’unninghairr. Liesel

The List l7-3() May I996 33