Se” centred

Just as his name hits the headlines for smoking heroin on the Prime Minister's election plane, journalist Will Self is publishing a novel. Great timing, Words Neil Cooper V‘/!li Self’s name has been in the pane-"s a lot lately Not for his at‘erhm, snipe ‘.\'()Ul(i «av VrilllqullOllS (olninm hat (tuned The (3.",v;vrt/<>r‘ rimx'siianer

ants! retenrly, hat for the anti-sorta! art ‘.‘.':"-:(ii brought about that Joh's

731.? that Self was (alight ‘~,.'Y‘.{)i.|.".(l tram“, wouldn't normally ban-:1 ras-fir.‘ an rarelrrwa.’ Self's former j..:2k n-a'o'n am: his penthant for Can A r‘..‘:'; OMS any we?! inown But We 23.: 2‘22: he partnolx ()f the (w: awed :‘r‘. ,nhn Major's plane unfit- . ;“.-:=r n:: no ("let tron tarnpaign tra.l ti)! The Observer was what ivoqrrht l2:"‘- all the unwarranted resultmr: lll his :2';:i‘t="ti‘-'w.:\ \afx‘nn

Rather Z".fi:1‘.{“ilié";l t!i<>.'..=rtai!i<)na mitt-uni; ta'm‘r on the Mr- of the (l’vdllt'U. 'zt-"|-;‘«rai (rieL’ann |.'l :iw a.*. has a<tualiy zitkz'il an, St) Slit-31L, this one tune vii" )in fry/viw'v'x {rains Just when

'\ alrnut to he

:‘ .i 1‘2: rat‘s. .;>rt\.~;\nwnt

Waterstone’s West End Branch

Great Apes, whizh S-ul? vii‘nctsmt to he talking almat, 18'} ':*l:i;.’-..r:<:, hedonistic fantasy uthzth St‘t‘K tnr London art srene'x fznvs: Ezi'YlOl‘ {ink-9K waking up from a 1(7".£‘-i;l(’iii‘{i bender to find hlll‘i‘>(,‘if litera‘“; an a world gone api‘: HIS sexy little girlfriend from the night hefcre nth. has more fatzal hair titan (inattttac: is What follows l8 a wry, r: . cross between Gui/aw". Train/x ann Planet Of The Apex, as 'i“.\7'?‘.-'l the hastarrl ()ifxivnnz: in? I). \- ;:‘-.x and the ivldltlllm {iv 1:", S()lll(‘lilllli] rm! “7' 'f'itn raw?“ 3.

'It Started as a T". ,tlnl‘t '1 when l was lwnnrz ain‘t-<- In ’tt;"r"i \Villlt‘ had] a Melt, h 21w 1


<()n<|n(ie(l an ear"; " "Elf"! (il)l)()lllllll{‘lli with. a Gt"?! rar‘ a," (row, ’li you're a <in ix», (zilli , .; roe

llVll‘Q OUI zn the toni‘try, ~,r‘.; \fart thinking about anrntal Kin 11:; iv- r: ' i started \\‘<)nrim.n': v.52): '.‘.. 1w: ternfy me most If it walla-if :I'w: .22“ the door, and thou/.27”. alwa‘. '92" : \. llater found an: ' :r‘f, adult male tf‘irripai‘..'t‘<=\ a't- agqmwsww, and are ‘s:-..’ stronci as an admit "at" in.“

The first it'l:!l\ 2)? (3M)? Arm ;:lf'

Vld <3 p‘letftltXl SM .1 'm ‘3' r:.'.

Broatllwnt’s (shimmy TI'T‘ mas l'(‘J(‘Ll("(i on the I;l;7:.."..l‘: :" : 1’? least filrnahlo with} ‘."‘va " at

over wen 'That's athw‘ “was. "123.2 novel,’ says inf, . str‘tlnn-ont macro the fai‘ mtk .‘. have you l‘t“!:(".(‘

Of his it"(t‘lt'. lil.".;‘:~'"}, in' surprised by TH" (T:

more than arwt‘oii‘. :1 ..";:n.v"'. 3' ;:

Thursday May 8th 7.00pm



“The entant terrible of the London Literary scene”, controversial author and journalist Will Self will be here to read from and sign copies

of his new novel “Great Apes’

: Bloomsbury £14.99.

Free tickets are available from the West End Branch.


Wednesday 4th June 7.00pm

Erica Jong

Author of “Fear of Flying” reading from her new novel. “Of Blessed Memory”

Free tickets from West End Branch.

128 Princes Street, Edinburgh 0131 226 2666

96 THE LIST . ':~ a. .‘

0141 632 9002 (£1.00 0 p)

Available now from all good bookshops priced £7.99 or by mail order Ringwood Publishing, 258 Kingsacre Road,

Glasgow, G73 28W. Tel

Monkey business: Will Self (left) is courting publicity, just as his

I \ I

new book Great Apes is published

’1'.' l‘llelit‘SS i‘lifl(l\ it its wake '.'~..- i The Thin: 'lrttl all n It‘lfliS 'xxha’. ? r at has? the lanes

gilt" "‘.'.E:ii, '.'."t‘ll‘<l% l:“l)*.'.".‘> ll'()ll‘

ul‘.’ .,." Lf'l‘: :l-' '7, Kt1:

in." Latvia ta" _l‘-ll(}"- my "fix nn'. so \«i";i‘.\;\ lit.“ tztzt R .r-e'm a'tgf am: the " View raw a hi: 7" " :g‘ Not

.'Y‘. ..r: .mnnnn, pl:

Great Apes by Will Self is published by Bloomsbury at £14.99. Self will be reading at Waterstone's, 128 Princes Street, Edinburgh Thurs 8 May, 7pm. See Book Events.



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