MUSIC rock & pop



Wed. 4th - FINLE Y QUAYE & 015 Fri. 6th - CABLE & Garage Land Sat. 7th - TARNATION & Dakota Suite Sun. 8th - REPRAZENT & Manga 015 Tues. 10th - MONORAIL & Support


lfl DBIIB flilfllilfl

Hastles Close 0” Guthrie St, Edinburgh : 0131 220 55 75


in Edinburgh and Glasgow will be hosting a playback of

OK Computer,

The new album by


on The evening of Tuesday iOTh June

Tickets are available from The sTores in Princes STreeT, - Argyle Street & Union STreeT for The evenT, which will feature ' Radiohead introducing Tracks from The album and prize draws fora signed copy of The album and a chance To meeT Radiohead.

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52 THE UST 30 May—12 Jun 1997

The Wallflowers (can you spot which one is Dylan's son) play King Tut's, Glasgow, Sun 1

ROCK 8i POPISAT31 EDINBURGH cont I Surf City Rockers The Tap

()‘l.auriston. Lauriston Place. 229-1041. 9pm. Free. This lot will he pleased to serve tip guitar-hased rock. yery much in a Ramones style.

I Space Monkey Mafia Henry is (‘ellai- Bar. Morrison Street. 22l I288.

()pm -|am. £4 i923). A healthy tusion ol‘ l'unk. reggae. dtih and rock. with additional hold lyrics and solid drumming.


I What A Feeling (ilttsgow Royal (‘oncert Hall. Satichiehall Street. 227 551 l. Rpm/8pm. t"l(i.5l)/£l4.5ll/£l2.5ll. A celehi‘ation ol' tlte songs li‘oiii all those l'ondly-i'eitieinheredhut-actually-quite- crap pop l‘ilm musicals oi the Nils. such as l‘ii/iit' and I‘ltix/it/ti/it (’. hrought to you hy late 30s disposalth pop ic‘itlls Sonia. Simtta arid luke (i()\.\.

I The Holmes Brothers Big Big Country. ()ld l‘rtiitmai'ket. .-\lhion Street. 227 55ll. 7.30pm. [8.5” i£(i.5tli. Virginian gospel and hlues trio now hased iii New York. who deliyer standards like ‘\\'ill The (‘ircle Be l'nhroken' in perfect three-part harmony.

I The Wall Flowers King Tut‘s w'ali Walt Hut. St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 8.3lliiiti. so. The goss to note here is that this hand lt‘illlll't‘ Boh Dylan's son.

I Butterfinger, Mellow, Aventene, Small Gentlemen and The Shining The Bt'ewhouse. .lohit Street. 552 Will. 9pm, Free.


I Room Stones. l-redei‘ick Street. 220 I226. lllpm. Free. Young local indie hand.


I Aerosmith SliCC. l‘innieston Quay. 287 7777. (v.3(lpm. £l7.5()/£l5. Still credible after all these years of mainstream rocking. with cheekhones still going strong.

I Hank Wangford and Reg Meuross Big Big Country. Ramshorn Theatre. Ingram Street. 552 348‘). 8pm. £5. The Brits haye their shout with legendary singing gynaecologist Hank \\'angt'ord and former Panic Brother Meuross. Expect a fair hit ot‘chat mixed in with the twanging sounds.

I Begbie and Bluetonic Cayei'n Bar. Strathelyde L'niyersity Student L'nion. John Street. 552 l8‘)5. ltlpm. l‘ree. Students and guests.

I Meth 0.0., No.9, Sensi arid The Strand The Brewhouse. John Street. 552 380i 9pm. Free. Druggy drone rock from Meth ().l).



I Bob Dylan and Van Morrison SliCC‘. l‘innieston Quay. 287 7777. (i.3()pm. £23.5(l/L'2l plus hooking lee. Two grumpy old men who hetween them have probably dotie more to influence the course ol pop and rock music than arty other individual perl‘ormei‘s. So now you know who to Name l‘or years of 'honest. real music.

I Rab Noakes Big Big Country. Raiiishorn 'l‘heatre. lngi'aiii Street. 552 348‘). 8pm. £5. Noakes performs a \‘ill'iL‘l_\' ol‘ iiiatei'ial with l’raser Spiers accompanying him on harmonica in this evening hilled as a 'country pop workshop.

I Star Ride, Pepper arid Late Night Foreign Radio The l ith Note. (ilassl‘ot'd Street. 553 lots S..‘~l)piii. ‘21.

I The Mystery Machine and The Extras (iloi'y Hos. Curlers. Byi'es Road. 334 I284. S_.‘~(lpiit. l-‘i‘ee.

I The Waltzers, Daydream and GfUfl‘ljit The Brew lttitlst‘. .lttllll Street. 552 .iSlll. ‘)..‘\llpin. l‘ree.

I Vagabonds ls'ilkeniiys. John Street. 552 5505. ‘)pm. l‘ree.

I Rubylove ('ul l)e Sac Southsitle. l)t)ll(tk\l];l\\ \ Road. (i-l‘) 47 l 7. 0pm. l'l'L‘t‘. I Glasgow Songwriters featuring Ian Davidson Blackl'riars. Bell Street. 552 592-1. ‘) 30pm. l-iee. l’lus opeit mic guest spot.


I Songwriters' Showcase 'l'i-on ’l'ayei'n. Hunter Square. .\..‘~(lpm. £1. Information: (\(\l 5275, Weekly t’oi'tiin tor lidiiihurgh-lmsed singer-songwritei's. with anyhody w elcome to pei'l'oi'm a l‘il‘teen-ininute set.



I Jean-Michel Jarre SliC'C'. l'iinnieston Quay. 28,7 7"". (i..‘itlpiii. :25 plus hooking lee. ll" liy inn and Morrison are to Name for the coin se ol' drah rock. then look no l'ui'ther than this man for a pioneer ol electronica. Cityen the si/e ot' the concerts Jane has mounted in his time. the Sli('(" is going to he an intimate show for him and his multiple key hoards. I Alison Krauss & Union Station and Carrie Newcomer Big Big Country. Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Sauchiehall Streeht. 227 55 I l. 7.30pm. £14.5(l/t‘l250. A regular w inner at the Country Music Aw aids and the (irammys. Krauss is known t'or her contemporary interpretation ot‘ hluegi'ass and country TOP.

I Shudder To Think and Elevate King Tut's Walt \\'ah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £5.50. lnlluential cult quartet l'i'om \\'ashington DC who haye charmed their tans with their angular

' songs and Craig Wedren's t'alsetto \‘Oc‘dls.