Sports personality of the year

Radiohead: how's their computer?

Which Spice Girl pisses you off the most? Which word or cliche sums up the year‘.’ Man of the year Are Oasis as good as they think they are? Should racing cars sport tohacco advcrtising'.’

Are the 'l‘elctuhhics good for children'.’

Being here now

Are they good for studcnts'.’

Scottish numpty ol‘ the year Do the drugs work? It. so. which ones‘.’

Most sadly missed individual who died this Should This Llft’ live on'.’ What are the best things to do and the best places to go in thc city where you livc‘.’


Did you buy ‘Candle In The Wind‘ al'tcr l/IUI ............................................... .l funeral?

Most significant event of the year Should thch hc tightcr privacy laws‘.’

Excessive hype of the year

Did you vote fora Scottish Parliamcnt '.’

What do we have to do to gct you to take out a year‘s subscription to The Li's/1’

ls Louise Woodward innocent?

ls Neil Hamilton innocent?

('I‘llt'fm'm on page (/7 (if/«n \ui lugs u] up In [20)

Name: ....................................................................................................... .. | Address: ..................................................................................................... .. '

READERS’ POLL, THE LIST, FREEPOST EH2877, 14 HIGH STREET, EDINBURGH EH 1 lTE. No stamp required. Deadline Tuesday 9 December 1997.

Diana: sorely missed

22 THEUST 5—18 Dec 1997