FILM listings


7('lt'11\ 81111111131 (017119.71.

11110 .001 (’(‘ 110010012: (108 2101.11.11‘.|1)] screens 2 .1101 3. .-\IIIlIl\: £180 .001 L11 (.11lel 71101 I‘ll/8.0 I; L-I.(10/L'3.‘)(I (.113Iel' 710118100 11110; {-1.5(I/L'385I11e1'01'e 7p01I1.1lI_\1: 1.3.5‘I/L285I11lxl[\el'l.

\100 I'll' (I.'\I’/l'11110/I\'1Il\' L3.5(I/L2.85 (I1el0le 7110100111 8l0I1el0: L 3.400.250 I.\100 1110 .10.1 I‘L'Illlt' 71101. 11111 L35II/L2.85I8.1I I\el'0le711111.111I1.111I1.1}‘ 81011 I..0e\‘:\11\e.0\ {-1.8(lelllI1e0lx L311 Odeon closed: ('IImIIIIIIs 11.11.

No last show: (“hummus I-.\e. 1101301000)

LR'.1_>.3_\‘I_’-‘I_EZ--‘_IL’, 1.. 1 LI Ell—LELLI‘I Tomorrow Never Dies I I21

1).0|}: 12.30. 3.10. 5.115.

I);lll}' It'\t't‘l‘l “1'11 1' N. 5.5.

1'11 8’ 8.01.10: 11 15.

Home Alone 3 11’“)

11.011: 1.00. 3.10. (110.

George Of The Jungle 0' I

I).01_\: 12.05. 2.05. 105. (115.

The Borrowers I l '1

11.01}. I: 30. 210. ~130.

H.011 Ie\I'e1\l\\'e.11: ’7 00

Alien Resurrection I I.\'I

H.111} Ie\ce1l Wall: 815.

LA. Confi ential I 181

H.111} Ie\ee|1I\\'eI11t 8 111

I'll Ik 8.01.0e: 11 III

C0p Land I 151

I).01_\ Ie\eepl \VeIlI‘ 8.50.

The Full Monty I 151

I).111_\: 1.00. 3.30. (1.1.5.

“.011 Iewepl \VI-III. 8 .10

Event Horizon I Is.

I'll Ik 8.01.0e 11.25

Babe II'I

8.0000: ‘1. 30.

Matilda II’( .1

8.0 01.0: I) 30

Muppet Treasure Island I I '1

8.0 01.0: ‘130.

E $212211 f2, .1 10011111111110 llkel} I011e \111111.11‘I0llle ple\ IIIlI\ \xeek. 1’1100e013l (1(18 2101 I01 IleI.01\.01Il IIIIII‘\

Ne“ 111111I111e100111-00111311\lllg1).1}: Spiceworld The Movie I I’( i I

H.111}: 12.20. 2 30. .1310. (1.50. 1100. .\'e\\ l'11111I111e l00pe0 011 111 2: Starship Troopers I 151


I0()l\\e11 '1'e11.1ce.01 31 3101-1115121.

311.115 215.32“

13(131121'1‘1/22 {if ScroogeIl'I I30.


K11111.111'I11’.Ilk. \e\\el'.llg_'11.111 R0.1I1.II|31 (1(1‘) (177-3

1010311131(0190711, (‘(' 110111.101: (1091) 888 011011)] III. 130\ I1Il'1ee011e11 110111 11.00. L125 IL3111'I'I11I' 3100101010: $2.81).

UCI closed: ( ‘1111\1111.1\ I).1}. Nev. Ye.ll'\ 1).1}.

N0 last show: ('1111\1111.1\ I'.\ 1'. 1101101000}.


Tomorrow Never Dies I I21

0.1111: 12.10. 1.00. 3.15. . (1.00. I).0|} (e\cepI\\'eI11: (1. ‘10. 8.115. 9.30. 1411 Ik 8.0 1.1le: II 30.

I Know What You Did Last Summer (18)

I).1l|}’: 11.30. 100. (1.15.

D011}: Ie\eepl Wed): 9.00.

I'll Ik 8.0100: 11.45.

Home Alone 3 mm

l).111_\: 12.30. 3.15. 5-15.

l).01_\ le\eepl \\'eI11: 8.20.

The Borrowers I l 71

I).Iil_\-: I130. 1115. I30. 200. 4.00. 4.30.

l).lll_\'(e\eepl\\‘eI11: 7.00. George Of The Jungle 0' I).01_\: 11.15. 1.15. 3,15. (1.00. 1X111)’(c‘.\c‘c‘pl \VL'IIIZ 8.3 The Full Monty I I51

l).1ll)': 12.45. 3.00. 5 I5.

42 THE LIST 19 [lot 1119/1 8 1.10 1998

l).111}' (ewepl Wed 1. 7.30. 1000. 1‘11 8 8.0 100‘: 12.05. Alien Resurrection I 181 1).01_\ Ie\eepl .\100 & \VeIII' 7 15 1);Ill}‘ IL‘\L'L‘[‘I \VL'III. V 15

1‘11 & 8.01.1le: 12 2”.

Cop Land 1 I<I

0.01.1; (1.15.

I).111_\ Ie\eepl “011: ‘100

I'll Ik 8.0 1.1Ie: II ‘10.

Prince Valiant I I’I‘II

H.111}: 11.10. 115. 330. Face/OffI 181 1).01_\ Ie\eel‘l \\'eI1I Mrs Brown Il’(‘11 H.111}: 145.

0.011 Ie\cepl \\'eIII: 7 5 Hercules I l '1

H.011: 2.30.

LA. Confidential I 18. “.1113 It‘\Ct‘pl \Vt‘lll‘ ‘1 ~15 lshq Il’(;1

H.111}: 1 1.110.


IBIL‘QZLL‘LI 1.2331113 5.1 " .1 Tomorrow Never Dies 1 I21 H.011: 2.30. 315. (1.110

H.111) Ie\eepll'111: 11-15. 12.30 H.11110weepl \VI-III' (1 30, (100, I) :11. I'll .k 8.0100: 11 15.

I Know What You Did Last Summer 1181

I).0|_\; (1.15.

I).01_\ Ie\eepl \VeIII: «1.00.

1'11 8 8.11 1.11e: || 30.

Home Alone 3 Il’( iI

H.111): 1.00. 315. (100

H.111} Ie\eepl\\'eI11' 8. 311.

The Borrowers II‘I

I).Iil_\: 1-15. 2.13. .100. <00. l).111} Incepl 1111: 11.30. 12 30. I).lll_\ (L‘\L‘t‘[11\\lt‘lll‘ -‘ 311 George Of The Jungle II'I H.111}: 21.5. -1 30. (1 ‘10 H.111}Ie\cepl11110000

H.013 le\c‘epl \VeIII 8 .15

The Full Monty I IS.

I).01_\: 3.00. 515

I).Ill} IL'\L'L'I‘1\\IL'III. " 311, 1111111. 111 I\' 8.01.1Ie. 1215.

Alien Resurrection I 1.81

11.01}: 1.15

H.111} Imeepl \\eIII' " 1.5. ‘I .15 Cop Land I 151

1).01\: 5.15.

I).lll_\ (L‘\L‘L‘I‘I \VL‘III‘ 815.

I'll .\- 8.01.10. I I 00.

Prince ValiantIl’(;1

H.111} Ie\eepl 1111: 1100. Face/OffI 181

“011) IL'\CL"1\\IL'(1" 1111111 Spiceworl The Movie I |’( I.

l).01_\: 1.15. 215. 315.115.1115 1).111§II'\t'I‘l\II'lll: 1100. 11000 1X01} Ie\eepl \\I-III' 00_ .\ 10

III I\' 8.01.01". 1100

Hercules I l '1

I).01_\ Ie\eepl 1111: 12 15

LA. Confidential I 18.

Hull) It‘\c‘t‘[‘l \1101 “(111‘ ‘I I5 Ghulam E Mustafa II’(;I .\1011I\"llle: ‘I (III

.13 125‘: Z _ .12: I 3:71;) l’l’0g_'1.01101eIlkel} l0 l1e \111111.0 I0 1111‘ 1‘1'e\1011\ \\ee1\.1’1100e013l (10110211 101 Ilel.111\.111I1l1l11e\

Key to Film Listings

[D] indicates that wheelchair access is available, though prior notification is advisable. [E] indicates the availability of an induction loop for the convenience of hearing aid users.

AMIPM is not given in Film Listings. 12.15 is between noon and 1pm.

00.30 is between midnight and 1am.

DAILY refers to screenings which take place on all seven days of the week.

MAT refers to an additional matinee screening. starting before 6pm.

EVE refers to an additional evening screening.

LATE refers to an additional late-night screening. starting after 10.30pm.


outside the cities

Film Listings are listed by town, then alphabeticall by cinema. Film Listings compiled y Helen Monaghan.


I3lll'll\ 8l.00e 8I111.11‘e.012‘)2 28-1 211. 101.0:01420970722.(011001.01001292 28-1244.|I)|Ic'l0el11.l\ 2. 3 I\' ~1001_\I. 13.0. L33)0(L31w101‘e 5.3011011.

(‘1111I1/( ):\I’/8luIIe11lt 1.3 (£2.50 l1el'01e 5.3011011. RL‘\L‘I'\L‘(1 sllpelllll' \e.0\: L1 50 IL.3.5(I l1el'01'e 5.3011111). 8.0111001 I;llt‘\i {-1.50 M01000; \Illt\\\2£2..311_ 510101.11: £2.5(IIsupel'l01'seals L3 I. 1.111111} llekel {10811111101 .IIIel'l1000.

Odeon closed: ('Ill‘lslnlux I).1} N0IaStSh0w2(‘101\Ill1.1\15w. 110301.010}.

FRIDAY 19 \'\’I§DNI§8DA‘I .’_~_1 Home Alone 3 II’(})

I).0|): 12.10. 2.30. 1.40.

H.111) Iewepl Wed): (1315. 8.011101: 10.00.

Tomorrow Never Dies I I21 l).111_\: 1.00. 3.30.

H.111}: Ie\eepl Wed 1: (1.00. 830. 8.0 1.1le: 1055.

George Of The Jungle I ('1 1).0|_\: 2.-15. -1.-15

I).01_\ 01.0 Ie\c‘epl 1"1'11: 1215 D011} (ewepl WM)" 045. 8.001.11: 10.30.

The Borrowers (1'1 1).01_\': 12.15. 2.45. -1.» l);ll1_\ It‘\c‘t'pl “10111 (1 8.11 111.0: 10.30

Cop Land I I51

1).01) Ie\ee|1I \Vedl: 8.15 8.01.0e: 11.00.

Alien Resurrection I 181 l);IlI}‘ IL‘\L‘L'[II \VCII II 8-1.5. 8.01.0e: 11.00.

The Full Monty I I51 l).lll_\ Ie\eepl \VeIlI: 11.00. 8.01.0e: 11.20.

Matilda Il’(;1

8.001.01 10.15.

FRIDAY 26 THURSDAY 8 I’l‘0gl'.1111111eIlkel} I011e \1011101' 1000‘ pl‘ex IUII\ xxeek. 1’11011e01~12(1‘)7‘) 722 I01 (111.018.1011lIlIIt‘x.

.\'e\\ 11101110e l0I1pe0 011 liming: l).1}: Spiceworld The Movie I I’( I I

.\'e\\ I'lIlllIllle 100100100 1‘11 2

Starship Troopers I 151



1010: 01 ‘18 3 (123 535 0011001001101 3.83 (12180801 1011011. L 3. 30 Ie00ex: L21 .\'0 e011ex 8.1le\ellll1g.51011:.lll\e.1l\ L2. Robins closed: (‘IlI-lenmx 0.11. .\'I-\I Year's 1).le.

No last show: (‘Inlxlnm I:\e. 110g01.111.1_\


Tomorrow Never Dies I I21

H.111} 111.1lIe\eeplI-ll.\ 8001; 3.00 I'II Tue 8 30

8.0 110' (100

George Of The Jungle I l I

1‘112 (100

8.0 01.0: 0000.

8110 111.0: 3.00. .\1011 Wed: Ill-15. The Borrowers I l 'I III: (1.1.5

8.001.1l: I2 15

8.0 \VeII 111.11: 3.15. .\1011 Wed 01.10: 11.00. 1.00.

I Know What You Did Last Summer I 181

I‘ll INC: 815.

8.0 110‘: (1.15

Home Alone 3 mm

I‘ll: (1.30

8.0 01.0: 12.30.

8.0 I\ 8110 01.0: 3.30.

.\1011-\\'eI1: 11.15. 1.30. 100.

Alien Resurrection I 181

I‘ll Tue: ‘)00.

8.0 Tue: (1.30.



I’l'0gl'.10101elikely101w\10111.1l‘I0111e I‘I'e\'10lls \xeek. 1’1100e01383(123 5.35 1301' Ilelg111.\.10II (lines.

New 111111 1110' I0 Iipen 011 11mm; I).1}': Spiceworld The Movie (l’(il

New 11101 due 10 0pe11 00 1411 2: Starship Troopers I I51

lsllsr KILBRIDE: ucl

()l_\'111111.1 51011.01 3552 40022.

111111. 013552 1111001) (‘(' 1100101111: 0000 888 ‘1‘)0. 11)]. L125 (£3 11e1'01'e 1111111. (11000 ).-\I’/I 11.10: {2.110 .111 .11),

UCI closed: ('111'l\101.1\ I).1_\'. New Year‘s H0).

NO last show: ('llllxllllnx I‘.\ e. 11011111000}.

{13:22.11 10 \\'I{DI\IESDAY 2.1

Home Alone 3 0’( 11

I‘ll Tue. 1 25. 3.55. (1.30. 8.0 110' 111.0: 11.00

Wed. 12.25. 2 55. 5.30 Miracle On 34th Street Il?1 \\’eI1111.0. 3.10.

Tomorrow Never Dies I 121


111 Illt'I 1.00. I 30. 3-10. -1 15. (1.20. 700. I110. I111

\Vt‘lli 010111. 12 311. 22111. 315. 5.211. (1111).

1'11 8‘ 8.01.0e: 11.50.

I Know What You Did Last Summer

1181 I‘ll Ille: 155. 7.15. 935. Wed; 3.55. (1.15.

11ch 8.01.1le: 11101013210. George Of The JungleIlii 1'11 110': 2.15. 125. (1.35. 8.0 1111' 111.0: \\’ed: 1100. 1.15. 325. 5.3 I'll Ik 8.01.1le' 11.15.

The BorrowersIl?1


I‘II luet 2.35. 4.115. 7.10. 8.0 'l'lle 01.0: 12.20. \Vetli 11.211. 1.3.5. 3.15. (1.11).

Cop Land I 1.31

I'll Tue: ‘).25.

The Full Monty I I51

1‘11 110': 1.50. 105. (1.115. Wed: 12.50. 3.05. 5 55. III I\' 8.111.0e: 11.10. Alien Resurrection I I31 1'11 Tue: 120. 9.20.

I‘ll '1'11eI00l M001: (1.50. \VeIl IIIII1\I 3.20. 5.50. 14118 8.01.0e: 11.55. Face/OffI 181

1‘11 8' 8.01.1le: 11.30. Hercules I I '1

I'll IIIL‘ 111.0: 2.05. 8.0 110‘ 111.11: 11.05. \\'eIllIl.0\: 10.51). 1.05.

Miracle On 34th Street I l '1 8.011101. 111.31). 8101 10.0: 0000.

9.0.11 25 110.031.1111 2;

1’10331.1l1011e111\el_\ I011e 0001.11 l0l11e I‘Ie\ IUII\ 11 eek. 1’1100e 013552 49099101 Ilel.0|\ .01II IIIIIL‘\.

\eu lllllltlllt'10011011011 1311\ll1g1).1_\': Spiceworld The Movie (I’( 11

.\'e\\ 11101 1110' I0 0pe0 011 1'11 2

Starship TroopersI ISI


I’ll0ee\\ 8ll'eeI. 0132-1 (131 731.

1100 0132.1 (123 805. ('(' 110010104: 01324 (131 731. £280.81011e0l: £2.20

I.\10l1 11101. (‘Illlll/UAI’: £1.80.

ABC closed: (‘11l'1xl01.1\ Day. New Ye.1l‘\ I).1_\.

N0 last show: (‘111'lsllll.1\ live. II0glll.10;1_\


Tomorrow Never Dies I I21 1).Il|}: 3.05. 5-15.

1).111_\' 111.11 leu‘epl 800): 12130. H.111} Iewepl \\'eIII: 8.25. Home Alone 3 II’(;1

1).01_\: 1.55. 4.20. (1.35. 1).0|}' 01.0 lewepl 8110): 11.55. The Borrowers (11)

H.111): 2.20. 140. (1.50.