

If, like Ally McCoist, you're not going to France this summer, you may have to turn to video games to satisfy those soccer cravings. To help you decide which ones to buy, The List presents the Football Video Games World Cup. '.'-.’o'<:x: Peter Ross

104 THE LIST )8 7‘ , “>08

SO IT'S FINALLY .xlimmer. lhe \Vorld ('lip‘x all o\'erl|1e lell} and il‘x plll _\ou righl in lhe mood for a kiekalwolll. 'l‘rolihle ix. you're holler llian Salan'x arxe aller a \ indaloo marathon and on} loo knaekered lo Llc‘lllilli) go oul in lhe lirein air and gel an} exereixe. 'l’hank (iod l‘or leelmolog).

lioolliall \ideo gamex are lop. 'l‘he lalexl lillex l‘ol' lhe I’laySlalion and \(i—l eonxolex eonlain dialogue l‘rom big—name eommenlalorx. xllper-realixlie graphiex and lolal l‘oolliall aelion. Bill \\illc‘il ix lhe hexl'.’ 'l‘liexe gamex don‘l eome elieap. xo \xliieli xliollld _\oli xplaxli lhe eain on'.’ In lhe inlerexlx oi _\oll. llie eonxumer. [Ii/1U [is] xc‘ll-lexxl} decided lo go down lhe pllli lo play gamex on a [wig .xereen lell). 'l'lie rexlill'.’ 'l'he l'irxl e\ er l‘oolliall Video (iamex \Vorld (lip.

.-\l'ler an e\eiling build-up in \xhieh lhe

barmaid til‘;l\\x xerapx ol paper l‘rom a l'illh} old axhlra}. lhe l‘irxl maleh kic‘lxx oil. ll'x an MA derli) ol‘ International Superstar Soccer 64 (Konami 934.9% againxl FIFA Road To The World Cup 98 llileell‘onie :\l'lx £39.09). ll‘x an eax} win l’or I’ll'I-l \l‘lioxe .xollndlraek. inelllding Blur’x Sng 3. eonl‘idenll} lilc‘kiLW lhe had lounge moxie ol'l‘el'ed l3} [XX ()4. \Vlloo. and indeed. ()ooo. .\'e\l lip ix World Cup 98 ilileelronie :\l'lx Lilli \erxllx Actua Soccer 2 l(iremlin £39.09). hlllil l‘or l’la)Slalion. 'l‘lie Ialler ix lhe Bra/ll ol' lliix eompelilion: a elaxxie game. ol‘l‘ering laxl. .xmoolh gamepla} \\liieli lelx _\ou hang in goalx l‘rom lhe hall-ua} line at Ul) mph. Sadl}. il‘x lerrihl} linglaml-hiaxed and ix linlikel} lo lind ltlHllll' \\illl lilix parlixan erou d. liar/(l ('up 98 ix an unknmm quanlil} and agonixing loading limex are a mark againxl il. Bill il‘x gol a lirillianl opening xeqnenee in \\illc‘ll a earloon eoekerel rlmx lllrollgli lhe l'reneh eolmlr) xide lo lhe xolmdx ol ('Illimliauamlia‘x 'Iii/illmmpme.