On Saturday 13 June, Scotland's lesbian. gay, bisexual and transgender community will assemble in Glasgow for PRIDE SCOTLAND, the fourth annual event celebrating the diversity of Scottish sexual identity. The List asked two of this year's performers what in particular fills their hearts with pride. Compiled by Andrew Burnet



.-l// «term are five rut/en (II/It'l'll l\t' \Itl/(’t/. Pride Scotland March Assemble Bhthxuood Square. ll..‘~0am; mox e oil' at noon. March east along \Vext (ieorge Street. south along South l‘r‘ederrck Street. east along lngrarn Street. south along (ilaxslord Street. then east along (,‘l}dc‘ Street to (ilaxgoxt (ireen. Donations can he e\changed lor \kllISIlL‘\.

Pride Scotland Festival (iltl\gtr\\ (ir'een. IINI "pm. lior Itir'tlier rnl'orirratron call tlHl 400 2640. Main stage exents ll\llll:_' does not reflect running order.

Main stage: Queenie Black lc‘xl‘lttll icon. based in London. \\llt‘l't‘ \lre launches her' on n cluh ne\t rrionth. Author of hit play Sm IMAM. Queenie I\ IIU\[c.\\ ol‘ the l.e\l\iart Beaut} (‘ontext and a performance poet to l‘tltil.

Main stage: Stellar (irrtt} guitar sounds and moon} irrelodres l'rom IIII\ t'emale— fronted arigxt-po i outlrt.

Main stage: Ch oe Poems (irrrgllatti-clad drag perl‘orrriance poet.

Main stage: Kate Copstick l'or'mer /’/a\ St lyim/ presenter. cornedienrre. docurrrentar'} lrlm producer and garrie-xhou llt\\l.

Main stage: Gina LeFaux 'I‘ranxgender t'olk llItl\lc‘l;lll from l.i\er'pool. pla} mg guitar and fiddle. and \Illg'lllg.

Main stage: Tin Tin Out Dance outlit \\ ho recentl) charted \\ itli a cox er \ er'sron ol The Sunday 'llere'x Where The Stor} landx’.

Main stage: Lorraine Jordan Iidrnhut‘gh- hased ('eltrc \iriger/gurtarrst kilo“ u lot delnerrrrg her songs ‘\\ rtlr tire and paxxroir‘. Main stage: Carol Laula (iltl\gtl\\ -ha\ed \rriger'-\orrg\\rrter \Hlll a huge local

lollou mg.

Main stage: Horse Rich-x oiced singer and song“ rrter \\ ho has worked \\ rllr \ .ll’lilth cornhrnatronx ol' llltl\lc’lilll\. including a chamber orchestra and her on n epoir) moux hand,

Main stage: Jimmy Somerville 'I‘Ire (ilaxgou -l\or'ri ga} \lllglllg‘ \L‘ll\.lllt‘ll comes home. l'rexlr lrom a \lll'l‘th‘ appearance at the Sxtlire} Maidi (il.l\ textual.

Smirnoff Dance Tent 3 "pm. l'otlt' hour'x ot Irot l\cal\ (irrext I).l\ are; 3 4pm (ieorge lion re «('l.\de I‘M r; 4 5pm III’ I l .ilrert} 'x. l)undeei;5 (rpm Stella; and (r "pm Maggie lrom .lo) Ilidllll‘lll‘g'lll .-\ chill-out area \\ ill al\o be open and includes a \tall ot't'er'mg ad\ ice on diugx

Amnesty International Coffee Tent In a romt llllll;lll\ e v. rtli .'\lIlIIL‘\I}. the theme ol llll\ _\cat ix l’lld'c‘ Sc'rrllalld l\ .-I lliilr'i/ ll‘illrurit l’rtx'rrt/rt e Drink collee. tea and other hexeragex and add _\ou name to .-\riine\t} '\ 50th anrmerxar} petition. \\IIIc‘ll almx to [‘lt’\\tllt‘ the l'.\' into enlorcrng the l'rirwrxal l)eclaratron ol lluman lx’iglitx. Women's Tent ('oirred}. llltlxlc‘ stalls and .r l‘ar open to all those \xlro regard {lit-irr\c'i\t‘\ a\ lerrraie.

Support Tent 'l'ramed prolexxional c«‘tlll\t‘ll\‘l\ otter conlidentral \ttpptrtl and ad\ ic e

Health Tent Stalls. ct‘lltlr‘llh. lulurcantx. rrr.i\\age and all krndx ot I.lclllllt‘\ to help l'c'\ll\al-:_'\‘t'l\ \la} lteallli_\

Safer Sex Cinema Salet \t-x \ rat-ox ii. in l’roxxler l’re\\. l’!rtle \‘rdeo and ('merioxa


Steve Retson Project Cabin lll\’ counselling and information.

Spiritual Area Wrtlr r'eprexentatnex I'rom \arrous spiritual corrrmunitrex. The Metropolitan (‘ommunru Church I\ oll'errng to bless I'L‘Iillltill\lllp\ h) prior arrangement. Contact Stephen on ()l.‘~l 332 7088.

Creche A limited l'ree facility for 3 S-_\ear- old children.


:‘l/l t’l err/s (ll't’ tree (Ult/ IuAt' p/irt (' rrr (I/tlxg'mr' t'tt't'pl lI/lt'lt' \lti'r't't/

Friday 12

Pre-Pride Pink Party & Pride Awards Delrrronica'x‘. (i8 \‘rrgmra Street. Ill-ll 553 4803. I)L‘Itlll\2 (ll-ll 33: SSW,

ltlpm midnight. I’ll:\(‘l-’. \Vc‘xl lI;I\ e organised the Pride Awards to honour the organisations and mdi\ idualx \\ ho lia\ e helped the cause or lL‘\l‘Itlll. ga_\ and gender ptIIlIICS. :‘oxar'dx’ are grxeri lour categories: health. acln l\llI. culture and arts k entertainment. l)re\\ tip in prnlc. drink pink champagne \tiillx up the pink atmosphere and compete for grx ea“ a) \ nrcludrrrg ()deon crnerna tickets. l)ie\el clothing and a camcorder.

Saturday 13

Romantic Lit Pride Supper t‘).(‘ (are. (ilaxgoxx (ia) ck l.e\l\rarr ('entre. ll l)r\on Street. (II-ll Ill-1 HIS Special exenmg menu, (‘).(‘. ('al'e I\ also open loi breaktaxt from 7am.

Post Pride Party 'l'm l’an .-\lle}. Mrtcliell Street. ()Hl 248 '3". No information \\.I\ axailahle \\ hen \\ e u ent to press.

Post Pride Lesbian Highland Fling llerrr'} \Vood Ilall. ('larerriont Street. Tickets: lllJl 55: 3345/01“ Ill "303. £0 (£5 unuagedt. Spin lam. ('erlrdh. lr\ e IIIUSIC. pr'r/e r‘all'lex and a drxco \\ III] \e\_\ \I‘IlI-tltk"lt\l" l).l .-\nrr.

Sunda 14

Pride T anksgiving Service ('entral (ilasgou Metropolitan ('ommunrt} (‘lrur'clL ll I)I\Ull Street. t)l4l III "203. 3pm. .-\ chance to celebrate \e\ual drxersrt} in a (‘hrixtran cortte\t.

Pride Thanksgiving Service tlolx 'l‘rrnit} Metropolitan (‘oirimunru (‘liurclr Quaker Meeting House. \‘rctoira 'l‘errace. Iidmhurglr. Illil 235 ~1825.(\pm, Izaxt-coaxt celebration of \e\tral di\ erxrt} ma (‘hristrau conte\t.

Dana International l’olo lounge. 54 \Vrlxon StreetlllJl 553 IZZI. llprii L5. Special appearance l‘} the l\l;lt‘ll tranxgerider' singer \\llt‘ hax rust \c‘oopcd I'ir'xt place in the I‘.lllt‘\ l\lr‘ll Song (‘ontext

Monday 15

Paul Burston \\'.iter\toire\ I51 Saucliieliall Street. Ill-ll ‘3: ‘) Ill.‘ "pm ‘4‘ iredeemahle against hooki l)r\cu\\ron ol \e\ualrt_\ and gender l\\tlc‘\ h) the author or ert'i'rri ( ~umrrrr an in depth e\ploratron ol ga} Britain

Thursday 18

Felice Picano and Ali Smith \\'.rit-r\ione\ I53 Saticliielrall Street. “HI “I ‘IIIIS “pm. L2 iredeerrial‘le agarmt ertlrer hook- l’icano is a loundrng memher ot the Violet ()urll (‘ltrh .rrid reads lrom lll\ ne\\ no\ cl Hie li’rmk (H I.“ \ He is romed Ii} Scottish- horn Smith. \\ll\‘\‘c‘ trrxt no\el lair rx non out rrr paperback

Starting Saturday 20

Freedom Of Expression Exhibition \larclimont (iallcr). 2‘) Marclrmont (‘rexcenL Izdrnl‘urglr. til ‘1 22‘) INN ()pen \Ved Sun. llalll "pm .-\n e\lirl\rtron to tre m \\ itli Amnest} lnternatronalk participation in llIl\ )ear \ l’rrde l c\Ir\al

Gina leFaux

'I‘rtr/iiet'rrtlt'r IIIIl\lt ltl/l. runner/r Arron/r iii (it'uret' I'tllll.

'l’ride means \llllllllg’ our right to he ourselxes. It is our” honesty that unites us. our positive viewpoint. approach and respect that gi\e U\ the lirgh ground. I am honoured to he pei'l'or‘riiirig at Pride Scotland. It’s nice to krioxx IIIL‘IL'-\ lllt‘ allt'l lll'c'


Jimmy Somerwlle (i/memi'-/mrri \r’iret'i: ‘It'x e\citing to he doriig Pride in (ilaxgou as it\ [he IU\\II (II III} l‘lt‘lll. \U " that makes it special. It's

r'eall_\ great that :\rrirre.\t_\ 's lll\ olx ed. because that \\ ill help to rnl'orm people that being able to celebrate as l‘r'eel} ttx xx e do i.\ something that gay and lesbians in so man} other countries can orin dream ol‘» and will ne\'er dare. through tear. IU speak OI. tipc‘llly.‘

Eurostar: transgender singer Dana International has caused controversy in her native Israel, but after winning the Eurovision Song Contest last month she can be assured a warm welcome at Glasgow's Polo Lounge (see Satellite Events)

To win Pride goodies, see page 112.