ART listings



(formerly IX King Street Gallery. lls’ King Street. Mon— I‘ri I Iain 5pm; Sat noon-«1pm.

Scotland Through My Eyes ttrii‘il Sun 2| Inn. A solo exhibition I)_\’ Malaysian- horn painter l.a_\' Ngo Kira). KELVINGROVE GALLERY 8r MUSEUM 2X7 269‘). Mon Sat l0amv-5pm; Sun Ham-«5pm. (‘ate |l)]. Voluntary guides are available free oI' charge to conduct parties or llttII\ iduals around the main galleries. Ask at the enquiry desk.

Scrolls From The Dead Sea ttrii‘rl Sun 30 Aug. £2.5(IILI t. The ottl_\' Bi'itisli showing of these manuscripts. important to both the Jewish and ('Iiristian Iaiths. The parchment. leather and copper scrolls are considered to he one ol' the most important archaeological l'inds ol' the 20th century and are believed to have been written 2000 )t‘tltS ago by the I€ssenes.

The Flower Fairies t’nnl Sun to Aug. ()riginal watercolours h}- (‘icel) Mar} Barker I'roiii her famous I’luii er run-m books. which new first published 75 years ago. See Kids listings.

Israel At 50 - Artistic Impressions Until Fri I‘) Jun. To mark the state of Israel‘s 50th annisersar)’. the less 1in National Fund arid the Linda Blackstone Gallery in I.otttlt)tt took l'il'teen British artists to \ isit Israel. The works produced as a result of this \ isit will he on display.


Station Road. Milngas'ie. 043 12-17 Tue-Fri I0am- Ipm. 2 5pm; Sat & Sun 2*5pnt

Milngavie Annual Art Club Exhibition lIntiI Sat 27 Jun. .\Ii.\ed media works by \‘tll‘ltitts artists in this annual display.


200 Bath Street. .‘x‘il 0722. Tue Sat ()aiiilrpiii; Thu Ilani Spin.

Delphine Charazac t'iiirl Mott :2 Jun The gallei‘} 's second eshilntioii ol nee. paintings by this )otitig l-iencli artist.


H4 \Vest Regent Street. Slit ii“ii.s

Mon I'll IIaiii (ipiii‘. Sat Ilaiii 2pm Twentieth Century Scottish Masters l'iittl Tue 30 .luii. A selection o! paintings by Joan Iiardle}. Anne Is'edpath. I) \' ('atnei‘ott. Sir William (iiIIies. lohii Byrne and man} others


8-10 (iovan Road. (io\ an. ~lsl5 1‘)le Mon I~'ri 8.30am 0pm; Sat 9am 5pm Man In A Bottle that Sat .1 Jul Photography by Jim .\Ic('ann. PROJECT ABILITY

(‘enti'e I‘or Developmental Aits. IS Albion Street. 552 2322. Mon I‘ll I0am 5pm.

New Sites l'iitil I'll I2 .Itlll. I’aiiitiiigs. printmaking and niteiioi's designed and created Its I einio\ ('astIe Hospital stall and residents.

Heads Of Grey Matter I II I” Inn I it I7 .Iul. large-scale paintings |\_\ ltlt‘llll‘t'IS of North 'I‘yneside Art Studio


I I3 I)0llgl;ts Street. 215' (i iSti \ltitl I'll l().30ain 5pm: Sat I0, ‘stlani lpiii

The Glasgow Group s-ai I} Sat 5.” tun Paintings" in mud media In xaiious artists


2nd I‘Ioor. I-l King Street. 552 70S0 Sat am Sun noon ~Ipm.

A permanent collection ol kinetic sculptures h_\' Iiduaid Beisudsk}.


20 Kttlg Street. .552 .2 I 5| l).ills l0ani 5.5llpttl.

Fortunes Of War t'riirl in la tun


Johan Grimonprez, Pierre Huyghe, John Waters

Forum; Reality and Representation 13 June, 2pm.

Christine Van Assche Curator. New Media Department. Centre Georges

Pompidou. Paris. RaymOnd Bellow, Writer and critic. Paris

Pavel Buchler, Artist and Research ProfeSSOr. Manchester

Johan Grimonprez. Artist from Ghent and Berlin (Participating in Wien

Werlds Collide')

Jim Harold. Artist and lecturer. Glasgow School of Art. ChrisSIe lles. CuratOr of Film and Video, Whitney Museum. New York. To book please contact CCA b0: office Tel 014i 332 0522

I I I 1 Metropolitan University.

84 THE LIST 11—25 Jun I998

Waiting for your boat to come in: a work by David Uwain on show at Project ability

\soiks Iv» I.I ic I estieiiia \\ Inch e\ploie the them} that \\.ii is iioiiicaII_\ linked to

l Belong To Glasgow t‘iint sat In Ill”. The iesnlts ot a cream e photograph} protect itiii It} Stieet I end \\IIII the pupils HI tInee (ilasgoxs schools. TRAMWAY

25 .\Il‘c‘ll Ilii\e. 2S2 iiooii tiprir

MFA 10th Anniversary Degree Show \\ed 2~I Iiiii Sat l Iiil \ \aiied presentation ol \noiks It} graduates o! the \Iastei ot I‘lllt‘ .»\it coinse. including

\ ideo. installation. peiloriiiance. paintings. pliotogiapli} and sculpture.


\\'ed Sun


2.\ King Stieet. 552 lSli In; Sat IIaiii 5pm

Never Been ln A Riot t'iinl s'ai ttttm, .-\ coIIec tioii ot research material including te\t. \ ideo and audio docaiiieiitiiig the liistois ol .iit .icti\isiii. Wheels Of Steel l'ntil Sat I i .lun I’auI (‘ailei .iiid Bill} .\lc('.ill e\ploie the disappointment ot tilts idealism

Mini Cinema \\ed I" Sat 2“ Iuii Insited .‘iiesis is ill select and introduce chosen llillls t‘ovii.;.t s'allei}. loi tuitliei details



2‘llill I’lllltlls‘~ll.l\‘.\ ls’o.i.l. (i-l‘l 5' I 5i \Ioii Sat Illatit 5pm 'Lll'\t'll Inc". Sun‘i. ‘prii

\ii \\i':Iiar;i Iliiiieil \ noild laiiiotis

let tioii ot l‘c'alillllll ait (tl‘lt'\l\ lioiii aioiiiid tlze f'lolic. Iioiised iii a speciall}

irt'\1,'|i.'iI. .t\‘..:I-l \s inning: hiiildiiig

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER lleIIaliotistoIi I’aik. Ill lliiriil\ie-_'.-. ls’ixril. “112W \it .\ Suit Iltaiii ‘it:

Hot: I :i_ t .ill loi ii.‘5.lll\ is tii.i '- (site and l.‘\l:'il shop ois'ii d. i. .‘ 5" IL: <lI|

I.iit:.iII\ -i.'s‘,“lrtnl In ( Iiailes Is’.‘

\lat Lintoin Ioi .i coiiii‘-etitioii iii Will. this iizzliiuslied \‘.iill\ has lie-en coriiplcted In. tltitilt‘llt .I.i\ architects and ilt‘sl}'li;‘ts EI‘. iltt \Iat knitwin ~.1\Ie See ( ilasgon (rallciip tor t ttlI.'I2I 'eiiipoiars


KELVINGROVE GALLERY 8r MUSEUM 2&7 20‘)" \li‘!: Sat Iltaiii 5pm; Sun llatii 5i‘iii tale. II)I

-\ pciiiiaiieiit collection ot \soik In. such names .is Is’eiiilnaiidt. .\Ionet .iiid \'aii (iogli. pins iiiriiieio'rs l"sIttllc;|I .iitelacts .iiid .iiuiiial displas s See ( ilasgou. (iaileiics Ioi current teiiipoiais eslnlntioiis

MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Is'elx in Hall. I)uml\ai’ton Road. 287 2720. Mon Sat I0aiii 5pm tclosed Inc); Sun

I Iain 5pm A museum desoted to the Iiistoi} ot transport.

PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM (il.l\}.'ll‘.‘. (it-cell. RSI “225. .\IUII Iltain 5pm ic Iosed ‘l'uei; Sun

I Iaiii 5pm Illl. (Kile. (ilasgov. is liest- Io\ed institution ie opens alter undergoing a inaioi lacelitt to celelnate its centeiiais _\e.n I lie ltc‘\\ displa}s are set out tIieiiiatic;iIl_\ \s ilIi suhiects

iiic ludiiig l/lt /’ril.'r'/; Iii/om ()I Hie ('rli' .iiid ('i'iriie .Iiit/ I’ll/titli/iir'nl.

Avril Paton I'ntil Sun IS ()ct. (her 25 paintings. iie\s and old. h} this (ilasgow



H'astle Street. 55% 2557. The museum is teiiipoiaiils closed due to stiucluial damage and \\ iII ie-open in April 199‘).


2 (‘astle Sheet. 55“ 2557. Mon Sat I0aiii 5pm iclosed 'I'uel; Sun

I Iaiii 5pm I'lc't‘. ID]. A iinisenin ot \‘.t\lltl Iaitlis. leatuiiiig a /.eii garden. priceless ait \soiks Iioiii the Worlds \l\ iiiaioi' ieligioiis, I).ili‘s ( tins] ()/ .Srri/il .lii/III (II //ie (‘imx .iiid the stoi_\ ot religion iii Scotland told through \soids and pictuies.

The Reformation In Europe t'rinl Sun I .\'o\ An eshilution looking at the religious tiiiiiioil oI Iotli aiid I7tlt ceiitiii} l'tiiope


225 Scot‘. nid Sheet-12‘) I202.

\Ion Sat lttaiii 5piii1Sun2 5pm. (‘ate |I)| Itesigiied Its (‘liailes Rennie .\Iackiiitesli .iiid tum home to aic'ii\e iiiatei l.ti on Scottish education troin HTI\\.tItI\

I Can't Paint Miss! I'iitil Sun 2| .lun. Students Iioiii (ilasgim School oI‘Ait and school pupils aged Itetneeii I-I IS teamed tip to create a rinsed media eshiliitioii including te\tiles. sculptuie. costume and painting See Kids listings


Atlas Square. 557 I-lll5. 'I'ue I‘ll

I0..‘s0aiii 5pm; Sat I0aiii 4.30pm. ll)]. Made In The North The rich disc-isit)‘ ol industiies in (ilasgoxs past and present is chronicled in this esliihition. Springburn Park, Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow A look at the changes met the seats to Spiiiiglnirn I’ai‘k.