On August the 8th and 22nd On September the 5th and 19th MN" "All e'e‘mr'cso'e h'

On October the 3rd17th and31st Speciai Guests (Soldefuiulml Ilmgms/Ilmulfl mum “August 22nd) an FAULun‘ouh'ennunERsuN(September19thl MIKEY STIRTUN

Goldman/Sm" nun) INDEMIND REWRUS Party

soul RENEGADES "'E W“ Sm°°Ve°m°VeS I" m: cnuu mama u... [October 3rd) Bnmsv

FRANKIE HINBH'I’tocmberwm and 11pm ~3am [Midnight -53m during August}

SAIURDAYS FORTNIGHTLY at THE HONEYCOMB. Blair st. Edinburgh. Denmmwwhmuw lnforrratlor‘ 07000 463 362 V

.m u‘ iUQL‘WW.

6—13 Aug 1998 we UST 85