rock & pop


Gigs are listed by date, then by cit . Performances will be listed, provi ed that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd 8: Peter Ross (Glasgow) and Rodger Evans (Edinburgh).

Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:

Virgin, :\i‘g}le Street. 204 SIS] Tower Records Argyle Street. 30.1 35nd.

Credit card bookings from: Ticket link: 287 SFI l.

Virgin Princes Street. 22(l 323-1. Ripping Records Smith liiitlge. 32b 7(llll

Assembly Rooms George Street. 220 434‘)



I Ben Lee \.:llc'lllc'll.;ll Sheet. 353 iiii ‘1“: Ll‘g‘:i:\l‘ll‘l1\lil:_'lL'k‘.il.lLyl\Cl5 litttt. \l‘:\\il.;.' l\’.'c'i\Z-.l~. \Vt‘lllllfllt)” Sll'cc‘l. .lllll l "l‘ ll."~ \l'._'ll‘t't:. to (iiatttl Royal.

lit-x :j"!f‘..‘ it ;: Elli ( latte Haiti‘s. lic's with list. l :s .:l'. \ttsllallatl singer- sitii::v.i;!.-' .i‘.:zt_-.f Ell \.'\‘. \ni-k \\llti once

~: ‘llt‘ lot i._\ llt't‘ aiitl llll exers' ‘ti‘azitii i-Z‘. 12:; \.\..i_\ ii l'\i\t‘c‘l material speltIt'lt.:.'i'.‘.'/1;' lit/lltlt/iH

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lz'ttii;?t1s alluik.

I David Gra \l \‘27 t.-::‘. li‘lils booking .:c

I Pellet, Sleepyhouse .ii.ti Scold's Bridle l'3;.- ikt‘i. \ii-t- t nit: lx’iiig Street.

Y l\".l:‘.' latk \\.:l3 \Vall lllll. \t:.~.-t .73; ‘3. “I \ Winn. Lb

I Voices, Nucleus .iii.l Mayonnaise liai l lily. l'iltiiltlitl. \llt't‘l. \lotltcinell. llllt‘,” :51 Ml _ I Rubber inc \let ‘iiiiills. High Street. “I I: x illl‘W‘. l l).ls ail-.l rappers. I Live Music 'l'l..‘ t‘.::l.ntist-. l‘iiitin

swig-t, gas mini n im

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c itil\ t tosst t'l L‘Ill c.;

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Edinburgh I Andy Neate l ‘.tii.iiioi; ( iioiiiitls. 3/3

\Uiill Hank b'h‘vfi 2:“ I ll() .7 Ull‘lll.

lIL" I Grits 'n' Gravy Trio l in .lt\1I.I. s \lwzrxitiz Macy: 221 ll” llll‘lll 3am.

..// .iiitl lu'caklwal. t.‘ .'.'.::;: ' \. "TIM. \wtiizz' \ltisiciaii ol' the Tea: l’ij. ill! l..‘\s

I Andy Neate ( Ruiiiiiitri ( ll(lll|ltl\. 3/3 \uztli l-‘..a:i. \llccl. fill l illi 7' illtiiii. l'It'i‘

I Rodeohead '\\ liistit' liiikics. \itltlt'}

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Glasgow I U340 \l (I f l :i.i.1.~~:it:i (‘)‘.|.l_\. 3.x“ “M ’» “'Z‘li. LE” all l‘itl\ l‘tltllxlllfJ lee.

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I Runrig ( ll.l\‘.,'\".‘. l<tt_\.il (.IlIIL’L'l‘l llilll. Kllk't'l. :5“, \\ttli lliiiiil.‘ \lllllltl It'll lot political l‘t'.\'.'.‘il.‘\ ':.'\'..

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I Orange Goblin lll.‘ ( '..tliotist'. lii’tmii Stu-5!. .' 1‘ (Will a: :‘i !* inlets l\t|()l\lll‘_'

ls: l:.1 ~fittz..\li-s::i\'l<.'t'ititls.



"Iii I

This issue’s best gigs


The Gentle Waves Belle and Sebastian's Isobel Campbell strikes out on her own in support of solo album The Green Fields Of Forever/and. But, you can bet that various members of 8&8 Will be turning up and playing on the night. Glasgow: Mitchell Theatre, Sat 70 Apr.


Stereophonics The continuing absence of Oasis probably explains the extraordinary success of this young Welsh trio. Alterall, the kids need catchy riff and Noel isn't around to prowde them, then these lads \Nlll. Glasgow Barrow/and, Thu 75 Apr

Dawn Of The Replicants The Galashiels band couldn't give a tinker’s cuss for being fashionable. They would much rather concentrate on making records, like Wrong Town, Wrong Planet, Three Hours Late, packed With invention, imagination and energy. Live, they’re a hoot. Glasgow. King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut, Sun 77 Apr -

Wellington Street. 400 I776 and Ripping Records. Edinburgh. CC booking: 0870 MM 0002. No age restriction on this show. Taking influence lTOlli Black Sabbath. Pink Floyd. Mountain anti 'l‘i'ouble. ()i‘ange Cioblin are a rock band on a mission to entertain. Their albutn l'i‘t't/ttt'lit'itci I’m/it l’ltt/tt'i 7271 was awarded nine out of ten by Mom! Htllilliic’l’.

I Wild Monkey and Buzzbomb King Tut's Wah Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £3.50 plus booking


I El Hombre Trajeado and James Orr

Complex The l3th Note Cale. King Street. 553 lots. 8pm.

I Life With Nixon Nice'n'Sleazy. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637 9pm. Simultaneous reunion and farewell from this local indie group. so it's bound to be emotional.

I Abba Disco Party Bourbon Street. George Street. 552 (ll-l l. 7pm. £5 (Ll-1.50 with dinner).

I Mellow Evolution McCltuills. High Street. 552 2l35. l()pm. Free.

Continued over page

rock & pop MUSIC


............. ..

A g . . . . M.“_MP“ ' +Tho Jongahoadggf Kola, I . _ _ . ' 'i H SGOWBARROWLAND t GLA FRIDAY 9th APRIL

?M}. {Mk i=5 -. vM 3:7 a .2 g: 52-»; 3 '

GLASGOW meowuwo FRIDAY 30th APRIL ' 2 l

a 2.15:1' .‘ " i ......... . .424“

‘-'-,Tuesday May. ?

Afro Celt Sound System

“A fruitful fusion of Traditional African percussion & Irish strings ".

;§_‘Gi._AsaowAHCHEs FRIDA Y 28th MA Y


l l‘iApr NOR THELIST45