
I Chas and Dave (‘ottrer‘ Theatre. 93 Hyndland Street. 357 3868, .S’pin. L' It) (£8 r. The 25th Annixersary 'l‘our ol these perennial knees-up merchants.

I Painbirds, Lifesize arid Glostar 'l‘lie l3lh Note (Kile. King Street. 555 Hth .Sprn. E l. Shim case ol' new hands. Painhirtlx are an lidinhtn‘gh tour-piece inlltrenced ht 'l‘eenage l’anchih. .\'erl Young arid 'l‘he \'el\'et l'nderground.

I Glasgow Songwriters Blackl'riars. Bell Street. 553 593-1. l). l5pnr. l'ree. l’lrr\ open mic guest spot. .-\rri\e early to hook your \paee: ptiorrt_\ \\ ill he gi\en to first- tiltre perlornters.

I Live Music (‘a\ern ('luh. Str'atlrclyh‘ Ulti\'c‘t'.\il_\' L’nion. John Street. 5o? 5023. ‘lprit. l‘ree. Students and guests.


I Colin Campbell ('ornrnon (ilttttlltlS. 2/3 North Bank Street. 230 lJlo. 7.30pm. l-‘t'ee. Acoustic halladx.

I The Dynamic Duo Show .la/l .loirrt. Morrhon Street. Ill IESS. lllplll aianr. £3. lireakheat and hip hop act including rappers and hr'eakdaneerx ()ltl xkool cool.

I Nick Harper and Nick and Jon Houldsworth l’leasance 'lilreatr‘e Hat. l’leasance. 55h l5| i. .Sprn. LtS/U/L‘h/U. The \on ol' Ro}. .\‘rcl\ Harper Irax \\Ul'l\t‘tl with the likes ol~ Jimmy Page and (ilelttt 'l‘tlhrook. Support cornex lionr the hrother's llouldsuorth \\ ho are otre hall ol' lfdrnhtrrgh haxed hand .‘Sora Kane.



I The Egg King 'l‘nt's \\.th \\alr lltrt. St Vincent Street. _‘_‘I 53“). .\ itlpnr. to I Switchblade Symphony and The Last Dance the Hui \olc (‘lutx (lute Street. 3-13 3177 ‘ll‘lll.1(‘llttltl\ll\\lltg Records and (Nuts (irg l'ollon ed h} a gotlt and llltlllSll'lill cltih tlllltl iarn.

I Lumber and Smackvan the I ill) .\'ote (are. King Street. 55‘ lo‘nS, 0pm. L2.

I Lowcraft, Subway, Starsky, Inner City Island and Stone Stra\\ herr} l‘ieldx. ()xnald Street. Ell "US" 1. 9pm. £3. l.o\\ cral’t gr\ e a poxl grunge spin to British glam and Sen Ronrantrcrxrn. lrnagrne a lexx droning Hand} \\;rrltol\ with a l);r\ id Bowie lt\.:ltolt. See

pre\ ie\\. page W

I Valuta Honkerx Shouhat. llope Street. l’r‘ee. 9 ‘ltt. See Sal l”.

I BrlC house l'lalt‘S. lialll Sll'c‘t‘l. iii 5 l()ll, ‘lptn. law

I Live Music Nice n' SIea/_\. Sauchrehall Street. iii‘lo *7 Upn. -\rrotltet neat tn the annual l‘attle ol the hand\_

I Live Music Ktlkenn} \, loirn Street.

552 3505 “pm. I tee.


I Colin Campbell (‘ornrnori (itotlntlS. 3/3 North Bank Street. 33o l-llo

7.30pm l-ree r\c'tlll\llc hallatlx.

I Cathie Rae's Jazz Singers Night ,la// .lornt. .\ :\l\|lll\t\|l Street. :22 IISS

.\l\ lx’ae' ilHSl‘ all L‘\C|llll“J lll Ytlc‘lltm \(llllltl\ \‘. llll .l\\()[[e'tl

lllpnr 1am Ll Lit

guestsjoining the Brian Kellock 'l‘rro. I Nick Harper arid Nick and Jon Houldsworth l’leasance Theatre liar. l’leasance. 55o l5l3. .Sprn. {WU/{NU SL‘L‘ The 30.



I The Beautiful South and The Barenaked Ladies Sli(‘('. l'irrntexton Qua}; LS7 7777. (i.3()pnr. S()l.l) ( )l'T. .\’o age restriction.

I The Complete Stone Roses arid Mani The Garage. Satrchielrall Street. $33 ||2(). "’pnr. L'o plus hooking lee. Tickets lron: Missing Records. Wellington Street. 4()() |77o and Ripping Recor'dx. lidrnhurgh. ('C hooking: ()870 (r()l 0003. No age restriction on this shim. Accomplished Stone Roses covers hand filling a monkey- xhaped hole in the music market, lneredihl}. Roxex and Primal Scream hassix‘t. Mani is the warm up l).l an event \o poxtnrodet'n )otr‘re prohahl} handed a pair of in\ erred contntax' at the door.

I Cornelius g3. Sauchiehall Street. 353 5] l l. 7pm. £0.50 Pith hooking tee ililChL‘l\ li'olll hliSSlllg Rc‘c‘ol'tlS. Wellington Street. Jill) I770 and Ripping Records. [{drnhtrrgh. ('(' hooking: ()870 (r()l ()tl(l2. .l;tp;tlt\ ttlt\\\ er to Brian Wilson hrings his luturixt pop schtrck to (ilasgow. Quick lact: (‘orneliux o\\n\ over 2()()() t-shirts. See l-rontlinex. page (i. I The Felsons King 'l‘ut'x Walt With Hot. St \'incent Street. III 537‘) .S‘._‘~t)prtr. in plus hooking lee. \Vell- connected Scottish countr} rocketx uho t'ecentl} got to hang ottt \\ rth lite .\la\errek\ in .\'a\lt\rlle .rnil \\!ll support them “hen the} plat Sl-(’(‘ on Sat 3‘) \la} \ort'tl do hettcr to we them at Tut‘s. \te reckon.

I John Hinshelwood Band Rn emitt- (’Itih. l'o\ Street. 248 {I‘ll .S itlprn

I Mixu, Stapleton, Anakin and Pellet Nice 'n' Sleax}. Sauchrehall Street. H“ 0037. 9pm.

I The Perfect Body (‘a\etn ('luh. Stratlrchde l’nnetxrt} l’nton. .lohn Street. 56" 503i, Uptn. l'iree. Students and guextx

I Live Music Krlkennp. lohn Street.

553 i505. 9pm, l‘lc‘k'.


I The Music Club 232 (Inton'x (iart. (‘anongate 55o .l‘ltx'l ‘lprn. liee, ()pen nrrc night or ol'lglllillS. I Jacquie Hanham (‘ornnzon (il'tlllll\l\. I": .\'oth Bank Street. In H In

7 ,illpnr. l't‘ee. .\'e\\ /ealand horn \rnger- \onguriler.

I Grits 'n' Gravy Trio .lal/ lornl. .\ \ltllllSUH Street. :3! llhh lllptn iarri c-l itir. |.attrr. ltrnk. ta// aid hreakheat. leattn'ing Scottrxlr Young .\lll\lc‘l.tll ol the Year. l’aul llill'l‘ISttlt on key.

I Alchemist, Monkey General and Boris Yeltsin Love XI The Venue. ('alton Road. 557 30"“. Spin ‘4 i. Three l‘.llltl\ lor three t|llltl nrrtrl three in the morning

ilL‘UllSllL‘ Lllltl L'lt‘c‘lllc‘. c'tHL‘lS

Continued Over page

Wt ::/>‘~." o‘flu. ~

want 10 meet ex pint drinking

KN //-\

yr; «'1 \ k tax/Hg k:\9ut_: upHK‘i.

tainted lovie

Marc Almond?

Turn to the book section for details of a special List/Borders event.


books rIIllHLVidOO't‘d/r

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