ART listings



ZS King Sircct. 553 JSlc“, 'ltic Sui

llam 5pm.

Bless Sui IS .\'o\. Sui Iii l)cc. I’dl'iS und Iic'l'liil-I‘ctsc'tl c‘tillL'c‘IHc' lilo“ hcgun ct\ .ill e\pci'iiiicniul collaboration bciwccn ihc designers l)c'sll’ec' llcixx und Incs Kugg in l‘)‘)5_ A iti~ion oi art and lctSIHtiii. ihc group Show ucccwii‘icx. liiiiitcd L'tlllltHlN and proicctx by young unknown tIL'Slg'iiei’S. l’til'l 0/ Iii I‘t‘ .Stl lit;

Mathieu Mercier Sui ix \m Sui It» l)cc. Rcccni Sli‘tlc‘ltii‘c‘S It} \Iulliieti .\Ici'cicr which coiiibinc construction und dccoruiion in humorous and absurd way \. l’cll‘l it] Ill I't' .Stl Iii:

Laurent Fetis Sui i.\ \‘in Sui It» l)cc. l‘roin dcxignx ior i'ccord co\cr~. c\hihiiion ll}ei‘\ ctiitl catalogues. l'cii~ PI'CSL‘HIS an c\hibition oi gi'uphic lllltigL‘S which combiiic popului‘ dcxign Sty lcx. l’tll'l u] Iii I‘t' Sci Ilt.

Frederick Wiseman Sui is .\‘m Sui It» l)cc \\'i\ciii;iii\ lilm oi the I);il'i\l;ill thcuii'c company. I.u (‘onicdic I‘l'iillL‘iilS. tlilc'SllUiiS thc c‘tilltlllltllh llt‘t'L'\\;il'} ioi' iti‘llSIIL‘ c‘i'c'cillttii. l’tll‘l til Ill I‘i Sit Iii.


(i3 'l'i'onguic. 5.53 43h" l)uil_\ lilum ‘lpin. Barbara Hodge I'ntil lhu 3i) .\'o\. New wot‘k.


lb' Albion Sii'cci. 553 3333, Mon l'ri Illuin 5pm.

Dreamscapes lliii it Not 'i'iiu 2| l)cc. Oil paintings by l.yiiii \lc(‘unn.


2(‘i'cxchll I.unc. 33‘) llll. I);ill}

liluin (ipin.

Heloise Lorimer and Emma Neilson l'niil Thu 30 .\'o\. Paintings by llcloixc l,oi‘iinci' and liininu \L'llxtili us puri oi ()i'bii. u \c'l'lc‘S oi iii'IISI-Clil‘dletl c\hihiiion\ \iicd across (ilusgow.


This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow City Life, page 93.


Arg} lc Strcct. Kcl\ ingrmc. 2S" INN. .\lon Sui liluin 5pm; Sun lluin 5pm. (iiilicl‘. I'i‘cc.

Lewis Lyons Bequest t'iiiii .\Ion 2i) .\'o\. .-\n c\hibiiion dcdicuicd to ihc incinory oi .Iulius Icw is I._\on\. u kccn ui‘i collector and ii‘icnd oi ( ilusgow museums irom ihc l‘llilx until his death lust ycui'. l.cwi\ Lyons gu\ c on long term loun to thc gallery u \ui'icty oi llt‘iih inciuding Scottish \ll\c‘i'. ()ch .\lu\tcr druwings. luic mcdic\ul wood cur\ ingx. Iigyptiun tilllltllllllL‘S and much more.

86 Wildlife Photographer Of The Year Mon 31) .\'o\ Inc 30 Jun. \ow in its \i\tccnlh ycur. ihc unnuul w ildliic photography c\hibition icuturing o\cr liltl winning and coiniiicndcd t'llll’lt‘S.


'l‘hc (toss. Kii‘kinlilloch. 5'8 ill44.

'l‘uc Sui liluin lpin ck 2 5pm. l‘rcc. Picture Postcards Of The Past t‘niil Sui IS .\'o\. .'\n c\|iibiiion oi picture PUSIL‘All'tI\ depicting old \ii'cct \ccncs oi Kii‘kiniilloch und

Child's Play t'niil Sui l.\ .\'o\_ .\ cclcbrution oi childhood icuturing u selection oi to} s and board gtilllt‘S limit the intixcum'x collection.

Annual Christmas Art And Craft Exhibition Sui 25 .\'o\ l-‘ri 32 l)cc. .-\ \clling c\liibition oi art and ci'uit work by local artists.


:IHTII I’ollokxhuwx Road. 3S5 3550.

Mon 'l'hu ck Sat lilum 5pm; l‘ri ck Stiii

l luin 5pm. lircc.

Wild Tigers 0f Bandhavgarh t'niil Sun

I” \o‘ \ lll.'.lt\i c‘\hihiiion oi puiniingx.


sculpture and lHSIitlliillUll highlighting the plight oi ihc w ild tigci' by iii'tccn inicrnutionul contemporary and wildliic cil’IISIS iiic‘ltitliiig' I’eict' Howmn. \icolu IIlc‘I'\\ uncl llock .-\un-'Ich,

Joseph Crawhall: Animal Magic t'niii Sun l‘) .\'o\, ('omplcincnting ihc \Vilcl 'l‘igcix ()i‘ Bundhm gurh c\hibition. u sclcction oi works by Joxcph ('i'uwull ilxol l‘)l3 i. u passionuic til‘\L‘l'\L'l' oi cillllll;tl\ and I‘il‘tlx

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER liclluhotiston Park. Ill l)uinbi‘cck Road. 353 '73. Sun 'l‘hti liluin .1piti;Sut llluinm3pin. £3.5lllil5iii

Compass Gallery i'iiiil Sui 3o l)c-c: .-\ \clcction oi contcinpoi'ury works on loan iroiii ihc ('oinpuss (iullcry


Kchin Hall. I Burnhousc Road. IS" 272”. Mon 'l‘hti ck Sui Ilium 5pm; I’l'i ck Sun lluin 5pm. I'l'L‘L‘.

Exploring Space i'iitil Sui 15 NM. li\cry thing you c\cr wantch to know about space comes to thc .\ltiscum. on loun irom tlic Sic\cnugc .\lu\cuin. \\ ith support irom .\lutru .\lui'coni Spucc and llcriioi‘dxhii'c \Itixcuins. 'l'hc c\hibiiion iocuxcx on uxii'onoin}. \pucc c\ploruiion. c‘oii\lc‘ll;ilitiii\. the planets LilltI ihc poxxibilii} oic\ti'uici'i'cxii‘iuI lilc

PAISLEY MUSEUM 81 ART GALLERIES lligh Sti'cct. SN) 3l5 l. The Sui

liiuin— 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. l-‘rcc.

Scottish Drawing Competition t‘iiiil Stiii Io .\‘o\. .-\n c\hibiiion oi the cntricx to thc l’uixlcy .>\i'i Insiiiuic‘x bicnniul druw iiig compciition.

Pioneering Pottery t‘iiiil Sun 20 \tn. .\ \clcciion oi l’uixlcy \ important studio cci‘uinicx incltiding “01'le by Bcrnurd l.cuch. l.ucic Ric uncl Ilunx ('oopci'. Paisley Annual Exhibition i'ntil Sui it» l)cc. .-\nnuul c\hibiiion oi artist incinbcrx' work with many llc‘llix ior \ulc.

PEOPLE'S PALACE & WINTER GARDEN (iluxgow (irccn. 55-10333. .\lon 'I'hu ck Sui liluni 5pm: I-‘ri ck Sun lluin 5pm. Moving Pictures That Now Stand Still l'ntil Stiii 3 l)cc. I’;liilliilg‘\ uncl sculpture by .-\ndrcw Ila} inspirch by his childhood iliL‘liitil'lc‘S oi going to the cincinu in thc l‘)5tl\ and his Irish ('utholic background.

Photos For The Future 2 [mil Sun in l)cc. .-\n c\hibitioii oi w inning photographs irom The History ('hunncl‘x nutionul photographic proicct which l'L‘L‘Ul'tIS ihc II\L‘\ oi ordinary pcoplc ior iiiiiii'c gcnci'uiionx.

SCOTLAND STREET SCHOOL MUSEUM .\lti\ctiin ()i Iiclucuiion. 335 Scotland Street. 387 0500. Mon 'l'htl ck Sui

llluin 75pm: l-ii cy Sun lluin 5pm. l-‘rcc. Showcase 2000 I'niil Sun 7 Jan. A \howcuSe oi the pri/c-w inning works irom ihc 'l'rudcx llousc oi (iluxgow \ cruii coiiipctition. icuturing icwcllci'y. lashion. iurniturc. product design. iloi‘ul ui‘t. iiitlllSli'liiI dcxign. cukc decoration and photogruphy


Kings Inch Road. 880 lill3. .\lon Sui liluin- (ipm: Sun I lum- 5pm.

Bringing Home The Bacon - 100 Years In The Lives Of Scottish Merchant Seamen I'ntil Sun 4 licb. An c\hibiiion looking ui ihc c\pci'icncc\ oi Scotland’s merchant \cumcn o\cr thc lust century


.-\ll;i\ Sillliil’e. .-\) i' Strcct. 5.57 I405,

Ille- liri lil.3(luin ~5pin: Sui

ltlum 4.30pm.

Tenement Folk: Paintings By Andrew C. Little I'niil Sun 31 l)cc. A look at liic in the tcncmcnis.


3 ('ustlc Sheet. 553 2557. .\lon—'l'hu ck; Sui Ilium—5pm; l-'i'i ck Sun lluin-5ptn. lace

The Man Walks Among Us t'iiiii Sun I

:\l‘l‘. To mark the millennium. Kcnny Hunter's \pcciully commissioned liic \l/C sculpture oi .chus goe\ on display lluntci' won the Jesus Itititl (‘ommisxion li'tiiii it \IIUI'IIISI Ul‘ lc‘ctclllig‘ cii‘IISISc Scc


lIlII Sitil‘c‘l'tiSS Rti‘cicl. 33‘) HO.“ I. I)'cill_\ lilum 5pm. £3.50 t £2.95 i; accompanied L‘Ililcli‘c‘ii ll‘c‘e.

Five Thousand Days At Sea .-\n c\hibition on board the only ('lydcbuilt \uiling \Illll \Illl uilout in the LR. documenting hcr cttl\c‘illili‘e\ on ihc high seas bctwccn lS‘l' and I‘ll‘).

Story In The Stones tl’tiinphouxc .\luin (iullcry it ;\n c\hibition looking at ihc impuct oi thc inclustriul ugcx on (iluxgow harbour

Morse And More il’uinphouxc Lowcr (iullcry i. A hunch-on c\hibition. uiincd ut childrcn. looking at thc world oi ctiniinunicuiion. You can opcrutc a state- oi-thc-urt optical iclcgruph used in thc .\'upolconic wars. tr} otii ihc iixc-nccdlc tclcgruph and crank tip \Voi'ld \Vur ll lieltl iclcphoiics.



Zilu I)tiiitlcl\ Strcct. 557' 5(lil2. .\Ion I'iri lluin 5pm. Sat Ilium lpiii.

Summer Days, Winter Nights Sui

IS Ilill .30 \m. (ilaxgow '\ Iiwun .\lund_\ I‘inc :\i'i conics to Iidinhurgh with an c\hibition oi paintings by \lc'l‘uggurt. l).\'. ('umcron. :\nnc Rcdpuih and Iili/abcth Bluckuddcr.


3o Bi'idgc Sti‘cct. \Iiixxc‘lhtii‘gh. («5 8473. Sui \Vch l lilllir 5pm,

Sharon Robertson Sui iS Sui 25 .\'o\. I.und\cupc and iiguruti\ c draw ings and paintings c\ploriiig ihc thcmc oi nature and thc \tihcoitxciotix.


(Formerly 'l'hc Sublc (iullcry l. 39b I)undu\ Sircci. 407 3037. 'I‘ucw liri llum 7pm; Sui lluin 2pm.

Sex, Drugs And Rock ‘n’ Roll the 2| .\'o\ l‘i'i l l)cc. ,-\ Ini\cd cxhbiiion oi work by Scottish and linglixh artists icuttii'ing painting» “illc‘l'c‘tiltiill'S. sculpture. hotin and much morc.


(i l)undu\ Strcct. 557 405“. Mott l-‘i'i lilum (ipm; Sui lluin 2pm.

John McLean Thu lo .\'o\ Tue 5 l)cc. .\'c\\ paintings by onc oi Scotland's lcuding abstract painters.


It) Royal 'l'ci'i'acc. 556 lillil. .\lon I'iri l()uin (ipm; Sui by appointment.

Mixed Exhibition t'niil\\‘c~c12t).\'m. l’uintingx irom stock including work'\ by (icorgc Houston. .I.l). I-‘crguxxon. \Iucluuchlun .\lilnc and I’.\\'_ Adam. Christmas Exhibition 'i‘hu 3t) Not ~ Thu 21 l)cc. Scottish I‘lih and 20th century pilllllillgx.


77 ('Icrk Street. (332 7236. .\Ion Sui noon lain; Sun 12.30pm lain. Mixed Exhibition A changing c\hibition oi goihic art including sculpture. druw ing. photography uiid paintings by local artists.


2 Market Street. 52‘) 3093. Mon vSat ltluni- 5pm. Free.

Old Town, New Story t'niil Sui (T .lan. chidcntx oi Iidinburgh's 0ch low it workch with artists irom home and ubi'oud to create a new map oi the city I'sing puppet-making. iclt-inaking. butik. photography. digital technology und \ iclco. the past. present and ititurc oi the ()ch low it is represented. Carnivalesque t'ntii Sui iii l)cc. 'I'hc curni\ul atmosphcrc in Western Art irom ihc middle ach to the present day is c\plorccl in this c\hibition. Featured in the display ui'c incdic\al woodcuts.

paintings and prints by Bruegel. James (iillury and Francisco Goya and contemporary work in the iorm oi Video [‘lL‘CL‘S by Leigh Bow er} and Paul McCarthy and sculpture by Louise Bourgeois.

To Boldly Sew I'ntil Sat 6 Jun. An c\hibition oi tc\tiles irom throughout Britain with a strong presentation oi Scottish work. combining silk. \elxet. pupcr. plastic. wood. wax and w irc. l-cuturcd artists include .\'orah Lcyai irom Hungary and Joluniu Habisiak‘ and l’roicssor Ku/imicra Blus/cyk irom Poland.


22 - ZS (‘ockburn Street. 220 1260. \Vcd—Sut l 'um~(ipm; Sun 1—5pm. Glassbox/Duplex Sui lcS‘ Nov—Sui to l)cc. In their lirst c\er \ iin to the LR. artist-run initiatixc (ilassbox irom Paris create new work ior the gallery space. During their residency at the Collecthe. part two oi the exhibition ieattires an appeal to all artists resident in Scotland to propoxc a new projcct ior Glassbox. l’url (If Iii'l‘t' .Sci Iit'.

Marine Hugonnier Sui i8 .\'o\-~Sut l6 l)cc. Critically acclaimed ior her iiliti and \ idco works. Highlights. .Ilooijuuic’ Station and Highlights. London Bridge. .\lurinc Hugonnici' presents recent iilm/\ iclco projection. Re\ isiting early film work\ oi the (TIIS and 70s. her new loinin looped iilm Sky (‘yc/c introduces u SUITiCL‘IhL‘ camera that spies oi the aciiy itics oi a boy at night. l’ciri ofl'i'i'rc' .Stl Ilt'.


l‘) Blair Street. 320 (ll25. Daily

ltlam’ lain.

She L'ntil .\lon l Jan. Black and white icmalc portraits by photographer .lannica lloncy


(irindluy (‘ourt Centre. (irindlay Street Lane. 22‘) 79-”. Mon—Thu l()am—~lpm: l’i'i loam—2pm.

Elements Mon 27 Soy—Fri 22 l)cc. A liiillli-SCiiStii'} exploration oi our beautiitil world by students oi ()rcadia (‘rcatiyc Learning Centre.

CYBERIA INTERNET CAFE SS Ilunmcr Street. 22() 4-103. Mon—Sat ltlum —l()pm; Sun noon—7pm.

Morag Wilson L'niii Fri I l)cc. Paintings.


3 l)ounc 'l‘crracc. 225 7 l 8‘). Mon—Fri ltluin —5pm.

Intense Scotland t'niil Wed 20 Dec. Photographer ('hrixtoiier Rigeld (Itic‘lliiieiilx all aspects oi Scottish culture ranging irom photographs oi landscapes to iumily Iiic.


Marie (‘urie House. 2‘) Albany Street. 478 7050. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun

I Spin.

Sweetness And Strength i'ntil Tue 2i .\'o\’. \Valei‘eolout's. oils and prints by the prominent Scottish artist Elizabeth Weiny as liycrill.


Beliord Road. (324 6200 (recorded iniormuiion 332 2266i. Mon—Sat lilam—5pm; Sun noon—5pm. Caie.

The Scottish Colourists 1900-1930 L'ntil Sun 28 Jan. £3.50 (£3). A major \lli'UJ} oi the work oi Cadell. Fergusson. Hunter and Peploe. colleciiyely known as the Scottish Colourists. The exhibition. curated by Philip Long. was Iii'Sl shown at the Royal Academy oi Arts in London. attracting 80,000

\ ixitors. The most admired oi Scottish artists. but oiten merinoked by art historians. all iour were greatly influenced by France and exposure to poxt-Impressionism and the early Fauyc works oi Matisse. not only shaped their at} le. btit saturated their paintings with tremendous colour. A irce audio guide narrated by Tom Conti accompanies the exhibition.