" classical &



The following details are for regular free weekl dates: see main listings for one-o or ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by cit , then by day. Residencies wil be listed, provided that up-to-date details are supplied to us. Folk & World Residencies listings are compiled by Norman Chalmers



I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Royal ('onccit Hall. 3 Saucriichall Strcct. 2r 5511."..1iipni, Link‘s cgi. \Iiolltiist lidwin l’aling dirccts thc orclicstra llT a candlclit conccrt icaturing l’achcllicl's cycr-popular ( tUlH/l. ('orclli's ('iii‘isinitis (Ullt'i’l'ii) and Hach's Air on (1 (/ siri/ig. Young Scottish Violinist \lc‘lissa l‘orsliaw' and Amcrican ccllist \Vcndy \Varncr arc llic giicst soloists.

I The Very Best Of Csardas .\lcrchants Housc. 7 \N'cst (icorgc Sticct. 334 955.". 13.45pm. L-1.5li (£1.5iii-li. Slicila ()shornc and co hring thcir own spccial hrand oi music and mirth to .‘ylcrchants llousc.

I University Carol Service llic (liapcl. l'iilycrsity oi (ilasgow, l'niy'crsity Aycnuc. 33“ ll “)5. ~1pm. l‘rcc. An altcrnoon oi carols and scripturc rcadings to which cycryoiic is in\ itcd.

I Dinner Concert Series 2000 The Twelve Days Of Christmas lltillSL‘ l-‘or An Art loycr. Hcllahoiiston l’ark. lli l)uinhrcck Road. 35.1 4773. Tfstipm. £33.5ll L‘sS5ti. A (’hristmas conccrt in thc music room, iollowcd hy dinncr in thc Main Hall.


I Madama Butterfly l’t‘Slthtl 'l'ticairc, l3~39 .‘Slc‘tilSUti Slicct. 52‘) (ilillli 7.15pm. £‘).5ti Lit) (£7.5ilr 1.113). l)ayid McVicar tlirccts PliL‘c‘llll‘S tragic loy c story ahout thc young lapancsc girl hctraycd hy thc mcan old .-\mcrican sailor. Russian soprano Natalia l)crcho takcs on thc rolc oi (‘io—(‘io-San and tcnor lan Storcy plays hci' long-lost loyc l’inkcrton.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()ticcii‘s llall. ('lcrk Strcct, (HMS Zill‘). 7.45pm. £5.50 Ll”. Conductor Harry Hickct is ioiiicd hy thc S(‘() ('horus, sopranos Roscmary Joshua and Sarah Connolly. tcnor lolly Spcncc and bass haritonc .\'cal l)a\'ics ior Ramcau's .Siiiic. [cs Hort'tit/i's and llaydn's [INF/Illllllt’lllt’SH’.

I Mediaeval Baebes lray L‘fSC ’l‘hcatrc. (‘amhridgc Strcct. 22S” Hill ".Rllpm. ill (L1H). l)uhhcd thc Spicc (iirls oi thc classical music sccnc tc\‘cn though thcrc’s a lot morc oi thcm i. thc twclyc-

l‘lccc ic..i_i.c .1 ca, go a, .c.i....

their ctlicrcai tt‘ici- will".

~FIIIMY15 ' Glasgow I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (it; llall. ('andlcriggs. ZS" 5511.".Ftipm. 1.5.5‘17Llw. Scc lliti l-i. I Cappella Nova Carols By Candlelight Haroiiy llall. (listlc Strcct. 2S" ".Fllpm. L5 L1“ (L5 L‘ii. llic \ocal cnscmhlc arc ioincd liy l‘irst Hrass ior a sclcction oi ('hiistmas music l‘olll old and ncw. including ihc world prcmicrc oi a ncw carol h} l’ctcr .\lc( iail'. .‘ylullcd w inc and mincc pics ill h; on salc prior to thc pcriormancc to gct you in a icstiy c mood. I Melvyn Tan RSAMI). loo Rciiircw Strcct. 532 5H5", lpm.L-1i1.3.5l'i,.-\rart- chancc to catch this csccptioiial Singaporcan pianist as hc pcriorins Hrahms‘ .Si'liimiti/i/i lii/‘itiiio/is and Sonata III (' Vii/or. plus l)cl\tissy 's l’l'i’ltlt/i’s Him/V /. I Opera On A Shoestring (iiltiiotc‘liillU1:.Al l'niy crsiiy Ax cnuc. 33“ 5522. ".3lipm. L13 (Lo Ellli. 'l‘hc opcra company gct in a icstiy c mood with thcir ncw show titlcd ‘\\‘ith ('hristmas ln .‘slind‘. Drawing on scasonal sccncs irom a \ariciy oi opcras. thc cycning will icaturc c.\ccrpts iiom l’uccini‘s /.i1 ho/it'nit'. \Vcrtlich .lltisst'iici and .‘ylciiotti‘s siliiti/i/A/itl Hit' \ig/ii lisiiril‘s. I The Glasgow Phoenix Choir Royal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Saticlilcliall Strcct. :55 55 l l. 7.3llpm. L" ill. .‘ylarily nl Smith conducts tlic choir in a programmc oi (‘hristmas works. with acctimpanimcnt irom l.aura .‘ylacdonald and licr trio. I Glasgow Cathedral Choral Society (ilasgow' (‘athcdral (‘atlicdral Strcct. 55 8105'. 7.3lipm. LU" (£5). (‘arol conccrt with thc choir joincd hy hass haritonc Stcw art ls'cmpstcr and harpist lan Hood ior pcrioimanccs oi Hiittcn's ( crcnio/iy‘ oft 'tmi/s. Vaughan Williams l'tl/lliflld on ('lirismitis (am/s.» and (ialiricliK


.lulii/tiic lh'o.


I Christmas Concert National (iallcry til Sc‘tillttlltl. llic \ltitllitl, (ill (illlll. 12:15pm. l7rcc. ’l‘hc Hrass linscmhlc irom tlic RSANH) pcriorm a sclcctioti oi scasonal layouritcs irom thc chaissancc pcriod to thc prcscnt day.

I Piano Quartet St Mark‘s Church. (‘astlc ’l'crracc. lnio (ms titijj. 7._‘stipin_ L." ( E4). Violinist l'lrikc l‘cnncr. yiolist Andrcw l.ccs. cclllSt Rohin \lasoii and pianist .‘ylichacl l.cstcr—(‘rihh pcriorm works liy Hrahnis. Mozart and thc prcmicr oi l.cstcr-( ‘rihh's String hit).

I The Faculty Of Advocates Choir Carol Concert ()uccn‘s llall. (‘lcrk Strcct. hiss Zitl‘). Spin. £5.5li (Lo). An cycning oi icstiyc music and song with accompanicd rcadings, in aid oi lidinhurgh (‘in .‘ylission.

Denise Borland plays Queens Hall, Edinburgh, Sun 17 Dec


Glasgow I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Rid-.1: t izcgr'. llail. L Sauchiciial': Sircc't.

(itlt‘illicf llcit‘tg ct ndacts tlic orchcstra in \l i'art‘s .\\ ":Ajiip iizx .\o Vi.

'l'chaikt ski. ‘s Rt it it o lamax." ins. Hruch‘s A} Asa’i't': and w ith gucst ccllist \‘scndy \\.ir:icr. ll'c‘l‘HSS} 's l .llt'i.

I BT Scottish Ensemble Royal t‘onccii Hall. 3 Sauchicliail Strcct. SS“ ".J5pin. 111 lift (iticsl icnor lain liaton _ioiiis tlic orclicstra tor chiamin Hiittcns / i's /.'.'.'mi:iia:.wiris. pcrioinicd hy i‘calllllHl candlcltght. Also on tlic ltill arc llllllcllS airaiigcmcnt oi l’uiccll's ( fiat . 'Il‘» ii: (i iris/tor and l'rank llridgc's .Siiiro'i ir .Sxi'titc ().'t'/'.'('\["t1..‘\ l‘t;‘-c«‘tlc‘c'li talk iroin lain Pat in w ill take placc .it t\,-15pni.

I Opera On A Shoestring

(lilmoichillt } 12. ‘i l‘iiis ci\ll\ Ax critic. 53H 552:. ".Rl'pm. L15 1U» Ellii. Scc l-‘ri



I Junior Academy Christmas Concert RSANH). llill chiicw Stun-1.333 5H5”. 3pm A; "..‘\tlpiii. L“ til i. lhc Junior Acadcmy. conducch hy lamcs l)urrant. play a sclcctioti ol appropriatcly icsliyc classical numhcrs.

Edinburgh I Madama Butterfly l'cstl\;il lllcaliL‘.

l3? 2‘) \lcolsoii Strcct. 5:" Will“. “.l5pm. 1}).5ll Lit» t.i_".5lt 1-is i, Scc lhii 14.

I Cappella Nova Carols By Candlelight ()iiccn's Hall. ('lcrk Strcct. (ms Zill‘i. ".Rilpm. i5 Ll‘l it}? E”). Scc l’i‘i l5.

I The Bach Players St ('ccilia‘s llall. Nltltlry Strcct. litiS :lil‘). “,45pm_ thl (LS—L"). llic harotiuc cnscnihlc pcriorm somc oi Hach‘s most popular works. including his ()rc/icsirti/ Suiic .\'o 3 and lfi'ii/ii/cIi/iiirig (‘iiiii't'rim

I Helen Philips lidinhurgii (lisilc. 225 ‘lS-lh. lpm. 3pm tk 3pm. lzntry to ('astlc LC (L:~L5 ). .-\ sclcctliiii ol mcdicyal Christmas carols sung in thc atmosphcric surroundings oi ltdinhurgh Castlc.


I Pops At The Phil Christmas Cracker Royal (‘oiiccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 2S," 5511.”.3llpm. L‘l.5llv£ l “.5li. (iraham lay lor conducts tlic ('ity oi (iltngoyy‘ (‘liortis and Symphony ()rchcstra in a programmc oi scasoiial music and song. Audicncc participation during thc carols is hcartily cncouragcd.

I Winter Wonderland ('aic Cossacliiils'. lli ls'ing Strcci. 553 H733. Sfilipm. Violinist l.c\' Atlas and iricnds prcscnt thcir (’hristmas programmc. comhining iolk, Via/.7. and classical.

I Sunday Music Recital llousc l'or An Art l.o\cr. Hcllahouston l’arlt. lll l)umhrcck Road. 353 4""3. l~3pm. L3.5ll tL:.5lli. A classical piano rccital in tlic striking surroundings ol thc music room, just as Mackintosh originally ititcridcd.

I Chapel Choir Carol Service llic (liapcl, l'iiiycrsity oi (ilasgow'. liiiycrsity Ayciiuc. 33H ~lli‘i5. 3pm. l‘rcc. (iilcs Hrightwcll dirccts thc choir in a programmc oi icsiiyc tuncs.


I Denise Borland and Friends ()uccn‘s Hall. ('lcik Strcct. oos Zlil‘l. "Sllpm.

LS. lidinhurgh-horn singcr l)cnisc Borland. a postgraduatc irom thc Royal Acadcmy oi Music in l.ondon. pcitorms hcr own st) 1'; oi popular songs and musical tlicatrc in aid oi 'l hc Sick Kids l‘ilCllle l'otitidatioti and lch Scottish Actors Stutlio.

I Christmas Organ Recital La Nativite St Mary 's (athcdr.il. 23 l’altiicrsloti l’lacc. Ni— —_—O.

ASH 5.5ltpm. l’rcc. \l'c‘SSlactiS Hit' [fin/i (iiilzir lord is pcriormcd hy St Mary ‘s T'c'sltlclll organist. .‘ylatthcw' ()wcns.

I City Carol Service (Ventral llall. \Vcsl lollcross. :2" "V3". "Flipm. L3. l’ctcr

.‘slorrison introduccs lzdinhurgh (iorgic

cissirai & opera MUSIC

mi N vls } ..1 . l liinx. .lits. t.‘-\ \i.\i\\lii‘u‘ C...ii.t~ A .lil\l.ll»i\\\\tl\\ll

I Jubilo Choir tircy lit.ti\ isnk.

tircy triars l‘lacc. “NS 4".” Spin. lhc

siiigcis in th:s

crioii a; and .‘. tfic l dial‘uigti l lauis

tor this traditional Christmas conccit.


I The Stirling Christmas Concert Alhcrt Halls. lltiittl‘atloti Road. iIlESo 45154-1. ".Mtpm .\ tcsti\c conccit icatuiing thc \Vhitl‘uin Hand. :\nnc lornc (iillics and tit: Stirling \lalc \oicc t‘hoir

' MONDAY 18 -


I West End Christmas Gala Roy al t‘tiitccit Hall. : Saucliichall Sticct. IV 5511. 5 Fltpin. {13.511 .i.j_‘.5ll. \laitin \atcs coiitlticts tlic (.ity oi tilasgow (horns. thc (lichcstia oi Scottish tipcia and tour soloists in an cscning oi musical tax cs.


I BT Scottish Ensemble t‘luccii‘s llall. Clcrk Strcct. ooS llil‘l. “915pm. ill if». Scc Sat to.

I St Mary's Music School Christmas Concert l’almciston l’lacc ('hurch. lll l’alnicrston l’lacc. Slit lo‘N'. ".3l't‘iii. 15 ii: i. l lic schools ()ichcstia and Siting lillSL'iiil‘lc arc ioincd l~y thc choiistcis oi St Mary ‘s ("athcdial lot a night ol (‘hiistnias caiols. music and song



I Christmas Gala Concert Roy al ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichail Strcct. EST 55 l l. 7.3lipm. LlZ.5il L235H. \Vcaihcrinan lan \lct‘askill aitcmpts to warm up thc crowd during this icstiyc cycning oi classical tuncs and popular carols. l’criormcd liy llic Scottish ('oncci't ()rchcstra, w ith hclp lioni soprano Janis ls'clly and tcnor Antoni (iariicld llcnry. thc programmc will includc Strauss‘s .l/ii i/ I’o/Ati. csccipts lroni 'l‘cliaikoysky ‘s .N'iiit'rtit’kcr and (iounod's .Al‘t' .lltiriti.

I Christmas Concert RSAMI ). liiii chircw Strcct. 333 5H5". "..‘~lipiii. to

(L3 (H.5H). (olin Suckling and Alan 'laycncr conduct tlic Stiathclytlc l niycisity (‘oitccrt Hand. Hiass ts \Vind ltnscmhlcs and (liamlicr (‘lioii in tlicir annual Christmas conccrt. light classical lltlliil‘icis and popular icsiiyc tuncs makc up ihc hill.

Edinburgh I Carols By Candlelight t‘slicr llall.

l.othian Road. 22S ll55. 7.3tipm. LUV-£22.5ll. llic .\lo/.art l'icstiyal ()rchcstra pull on thcir iiill pcriod garh ior this cyocatiyc conccrt hathcd in candlclight. Yulctidc turns on thc hill liicltidc \iyaldiS (i/iil'iti. llacli‘sii'siiJiiy oil/t1!) 's lh'sii'iiig and .‘ylo/artK '/’/i<' .li’iisit‘ti/.S/cig/i/‘iu’c. Joining thc orchcstra \Vlll lic llic (‘oiisotl til \iiiccs \‘.lio. along with thc audicncc. w ill sing a sclcction oi popular carols.

I Scottish Concert Choir Royal .‘yluscum. 2 (‘hanihcrs Strcct, 2-17 431‘). (rial-5.15pm. l’rcc. 'l hc choir pci‘iorm a scasoiial iiilxcd liag ol songs.

I Liberton High School Family Carol Concert ()uccn's llall. ('lcrk Strcct, ()(lfi Still). 7.3lipm. if» t L2). 'l‘hc annual conccrt oi carols arid scasoiial iiitisic pcriormcd by pupils lrom l.ihcrton High School.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra (‘aird Hall. (‘ity Stiuarc, HUS: amino. “filipm. E1275 No.25. ('hristophcr Hcll conducts thc iiill orchcstra and chorus in thcir annual programmc oi icstiy c music and song.

I Discovery Carol Concert l)iscti\ cry l’oint ()uaysidc. HUS: lel 115. 7pm. l’rcc. 'lhc atmosphcric tpiaysidc pro‘. idcs thc sctting lor this lL'slly'c musical cclchration.

Continued over page

7-1 1.9; .1 .4" .711? THELISTGS