I Russell's III RIIsseII's. ()plll rnidnrghl. I'TL‘L‘I \Vc‘c'kl}. I).I YIN klc'ks IIIll IIIL’ Ik'sl RIK'II. hlp hnp IInd sII rngbeIII.

I Soaterama III Nice 'n' SleII/y Igr'nund I'Innr). Hprn Inrdnighl. I'I'ee. Weekly An IIernss-Ihe anIr'd blend with an eInphIIsis nn Ihe une\peeled. lr'nln punk In druln ck bIIss.

I Stateside Sounds IIl Ihe State Bar.

4 7pm. I'I’I'I‘. \VL'L'kI). I’IIIII Shields \L‘Ic'c‘ls IIll.enIIIIlr'y lIIynurites. r‘nek eIIIssies and blues cuts.

I Straight Ahead III Spy IIIII‘. ‘)prn IIIIe. l'r‘ee. \Veekly Ihe superb SII‘IIlghI .'\Ilc‘;ttl er'eyy spin Northern snul. lunk IInd dIIneellnnr III//.

I Tap-Moi-La III 'l’he 'l'IIp. Uprn Inidnighl. \Veekly. .-\ neyy preIlub lrnln. III Iheir \Inrds. ‘lusl l\\I) Innre blnkes play ing their r'eenr‘ds lll II pubf l-anIInIIlely llush l’uppy nl l)i\ ine lame and (hits 'lleIIns‘ (ieddes lIIc"\ in some indie band. IIppIIr‘enIIy ) hII\ e enr'king enlleetinns taking in (Ms pnp, \\'IgIIrI—eerilr're stilII. rnnd VIII/l and Latin gl-(l()\L'\.

I Tektronic III IIIII‘ ll). llprn |IIte. I'I'ee. Weekly. llIIl'king back In the may it used In be III IIIII‘ It) \\ ilh .\'ik ('r'IIig IS) nIII\) and DI Il'dL‘c' I.\IIId l)ng) supplying II rni\ nl' deep house. Ieehnn. psyeliedeliII IInd spIIeerI)ek/kI‘IIuIrI)ek.

Club I The Ark III The 'l‘unnel. III.5IIplIl .iIIrn.

£7 (£5). Weekly. The Inigth Irinnn ir'IIte nl‘

Senll .\lIIekIIy. \IiehIIel Kilkie IInd XIIIIIIIIn keep the L‘l'nystl IIII their Ines \\ ilII top quality IIIIrd hnuse. \Ihile Sirnnn l‘ny kieks nlrl srnnnlh \neIII hnuse and garage in the buck I'IIIIIII.

I Big Daddy III Ihe I5III .\'nle (‘luh

Uprn .iIInI. £4 I£3). \Veekly. l-‘unk IInd _iII// lrnrn Graham and Daniel. e\cepl they call it bullerIIek beIIIs. ring-slinging lunk IInd .\'IIgIIsIIki nnndlings. Quite.

I Buddasole III ('luh liuddII. I lpnI .‘IIIIII. £5. Weekly. SnlelnIIsie heIId hnnehn Sley ie .\IiddIeInn lIIIIns Ihe hnnth III his sel'inusly high calibre snull'ul hnuse and garage night.

I Bughouse III Substitute Venue II’IIInel l’eIIelI). .\Innlhly. .\'e\l date 3 Mar.

I Bump 'n’ Hustle III IiIIbII/II. (Iprn .iIIIn II).ls l'rnrn I Ipni). l‘ree helnre I lprn; £5 IIlIer. Weekly. l’IIIIl 'I‘I'IIynnr and Ray rnnnd \\'nnds \\ ilh line and l'unky RIUI euls. hip hnp and some classic soul and lunk lhr'nys II in In keep the capacity ernyyd gning. :\l'l‘l\ e eIIrIy In Innid disIIppninlnIenI IIs this is one III the busiest regulIIr I‘IIIIII} nighters IIrnund.

I Caliente! III llIIyIInII. (Ipni .iIIrn. l’ree. Weekly. l.nen l.IIIin IIelinn l'rnln the SIIlsII SIIbrnsII ere“ l‘rnni (spin thrnugh tn the \Iee small hours.

I The Cathouse III IIIL‘ (‘IIIlinuse ltl.3l)prn ,iIIIII. £l bel'nre llprn; £4 IU) IIl‘ler. Weekly. Rnek. grunge. indie and II dIIsII nl' breIIkbeIII IIernss Ihr'ee Ilnnrs III (ilIIsgnIy ‘s Inp \enue l'nr rnekers IInd IIlIer‘nIIIeens.

I Electric Bogey III SIIhsIIIIIIe Venue Il’lIIneI l’eIIelI) I lprn .‘IIIII. £3. In lieb. Monthly. The .IengIIheIIds hII\ e been packing the ‘IernpanIry' Sub l‘nr nne \shnle )L‘III' III)“. II) L‘L‘IL‘III‘IIII‘. IIIL‘) 'ye rolled in reknnyy ned beIIls pr'ndueel' llnu ie B. See “MN.

I Ethos III Q. 5pm .iIInI. l‘r‘ee before

I lpnI: £5 IIlIer'. \Veekly. Ne“ lIIee III the decks l)nnlinie .\lIIrIin supplies the snull'ul l.IIIin hnuse and garage gl'nm es.

I EuPhonic III The 'l‘eruple.

I lpru 3.30am. I £4). Weekly. 'l‘reynr Reilly. Billy .\lIIe.-\Iee and Paul .\Iende/ spin trance and hard hnuse \\ iIh II l'unky edge In II pIIeked-nul elub nl' IIp—l'nr-it kids. I Fresh III The l’nln I.nunge. llprn .iIIrn. £5. \Veekly. MIL‘IIL‘IIL‘ pI'IH iIIc‘s II Innse IIII\ nl' hnuse IInd Indie elIIssies dnyy nslIIirs. \shile Andy rneks Ihe ’l‘rnphy Rnnni \Iilh Nils IIrId Utls hits III the top gIIy \enue.

I G 'n' D III .»\rehIIns. llprn 3IIrn. £5 I£4). \Veekly. I)I'L‘\\ smart and prepare In party in the main rnnni \\ ilh I)II\ id (iilrnnre spinning dIInee elIIssies. garage and house l‘rnrn the enrnlner'eiIIl end nl' the spectrum. I Goodfoot III The Riserside ('lub. .\'e\t date 3 Mar.

I Life III l.il'e. lllpni 3am. £5. \Veekly. SIIIIIrI .\le('II|lunI and \\'II_\ ne l)i\nn man the deeks \\ ith II bulk and soul selection.

I LIVE III Ihe (iIIIsgnys Sehnnl nl .-\I'I Ill.,‘\llprri .“Itlll. £Ibe. In I-‘eb. l’IIul Reset. \lnl‘phy IInd Sunnn I) drsh out the drum Ik bIIss upslIIrrs. \shlle Ilessle Ik l-elr\ dn their per'yy \lIIIlIII Bass Ilnng In the Vita 'l‘her‘e's II speelIIl guest Inn. III the tnl'rn nl 'l'eeh lleh Il'Illll .\In\ in: ShIIans Reenrds. See IIllIl\I. I Loose Joints III 'l'he l.‘~Ih \IIII- ('Iub. See l~ri. llprn .‘Mllll. l'ree belnre llprn; £4 .ItIer. \VL'L'kI}. Rc‘sltlellls Ic‘} c‘IM‘L‘) IIIIII ILICCCCL'I hIIy e been upgraded In lhls neyy I'll slnl so they ‘ll nnys be IIltel'rIIIIIng their bread rni\ nl IIIIneellnnr elIIssIc-s on .In upsIIIrrs, dnu nsIIIIr's bIIsIs \\ tilt the SIileIIn er‘eys.

I Mad Dog III Ihe SnunthIus. I lpln lIIIe, £II‘L'. Int) r‘nnrlls nl L‘Ic'clr‘t). lc‘c‘II IIIIII IIIII'II Ilttllw Il'Illll \lk ('I'Itlg. \Ic‘II‘IIII. I).I RI‘III. ’l'rIIee IInd linrg.

I Manga III Substitute Venue Il’lIInel l’eIIeh). Monthly. \eu date the.

I Media III .\lediII. llprn .iIIrn. £4 I£.i). \Veekly. .\IediII abandon their InIIInsIreIIrn dIInee policy in IIIHIUI' nl‘ 70s and Hus eIIIssies. st) grab your shnulder-pIIdded suits IIIId gel on dnu n.

I Ill IIIL‘ (ildsgtm SL'IIIIIII HI :\I'I. New date 3 Mar.

I Mystec Beats III Rneksy \ IIIIsemt-nl. Ill..‘~llprn 3.3llIIrn. Iliuses Ir‘anI the Variety BIII‘ III Illfillpln). £5. It) l‘eb. \Innlhly. lileetr'n. bnnly bIIss IInd \snnky eleelrnnles \Iilh l)irly Wriggles and guest l)l .IIIn.R.Snle. IIIn‘s quite the legend nn the Dutch eleeIrn scene and My stee IIre mighty prnud In giy e him II slot in Scotland. l’nr details on buses and l'ulur’e guests rnIIil

rny slee beIIlsIIl hntnIIIil.enrn.

I Octane III :\IIthI. Itlfillprn .iIIrn. £IS’ I£(i). 33 l'eb. .\lnnthly. I’rng hnuse IIeIian lrnrn l)erek Wallis and Sley en \Ielx‘eery.

I Pressure III The Arches. ll)..‘~tlpnr 4IIln. £l4. .-\nnthel‘ rnnnIh. IInnlher bellel'. SIIIIIrl Ik ()l'de \Ielenrne nne-tune Bny \ ()yy net's l-IIr'ley Ik Heller and L‘\-Kis\ l".\l IeehnrI/Ieeh-hnuse \eIel'IIn (‘nlin l)IIle. See I’I'L‘\ it“.

I Radar Ill (iIIlsgIm Sc‘ltnnl I)I.-\I'l. \c‘u dIIIe ‘) .\IIIr \\ ith the RephIe\.

I Reds III Reds. llprn ,iIInI. £5 t£5.5lll. \VL'L‘kI}. (‘IIIII L'IItsstc‘s IIIIII L'tlltllllc‘t‘c'iIlI IIIlllsc‘ snunds l'rnrn :\I;lll Ronald.

I Relief III :\lIIskII. lllprn .‘sIIrn. £h'. \Veekly. Silienne Snul prn\ iding the best house in In“ II \\ ilh II little help Irnln Billy Woods and (‘nlin .\lel.IIren.

I Sabotage III (iIIIsgnyy Sehnnl I)I:\I‘I. Next date Ihe.

I Soulsa III :\d-l.ib. 9pm .iInn. £3. Weekly. Srnnnlh disen enurtesy nl‘.-\ndy l'nger'. Rndger. I’ele Murphy and Wayne l)i\nn.

\\ III) are keen In slum IIIIII disen dnesn'I iusl IneIIn liller-hIIppy l-‘renelunen. prelerring insIeIId the genuine eIIIssies the re\ inrlisIs sample.

I Stiletto III The I.‘~lh .\'nle ('lub.

lllprn .iIInI £4 (£5). In l’eb. l‘nrtnighlly. SIIdie and Anna] plIIy IIII IIndelinIIble selectian nl pnp. eleelrn hip hnp IInd eightee/ ItlHllll'llCS. The club nnu rnlIItes or) II Inrtnightly bIIsis \Iilh l.nnse Jninls. “ilh SIileIIn IIpslIIirs on In l‘eb. jnined by Anne and Mark III SII|I\ ('elIIII‘. IIIId dnyy nsIIIirs nn 2.: III-II. '

I Tantra III II‘IISII. lllprn .5Illll. £5 I£4). \Veekly. l’urnping hnuse IIelInn Il'anI 'l'he 'l‘unnel‘s (‘nlin 'l‘e\endIIle IInd l.isII l.iIIle\Innd. \I iIh Innre Illellnys house and disco in rnnrn [\sn l'rnrn H] Robert.

I Traxx III Substitute Venue Il’lIIneI l’eIIeh). I lprn .iIIrII. £8 IL?) The much requested return nl l).l llIIryey. II rnIIn lIuned Inr blending deliciously deep house \\ ith disen delights. Suppnrt enrnes l'rnrn Sillian (\II‘IIIIIL‘I‘.

I Velvet Rooms III The \‘ehel Rnnrns. lllprn 3IIIII. £7 I£5). Weekly. Inhn l.ynns

\\ ilh smnnth RIkB dnysnsIIIirs. plus

RIIy rnnnd l)IIr\nn spinning elub elIIssies IIpstIIIrs.

I Vapour III The .'\I'ehes. .\’e\l date 2 Mar \yilh KNIS Reenrds.

I Yang III YIIng. l lpIn 3IIIII. l-‘ree bel‘nl'e midnight; £5 IIl'ter. Weekly. linllnyt ing the enl‘kel' nl~ IIn IIl'lershnyy l'nr their l.n\ e BnIII l’IIrIy. 'I‘IIngent are all set to blend up disen. soul and \\ hIIle\ er IIIkes their tune} eyery \seek. .\IiehIIel l’eek is oil hand In \\Ill'lll things up \\ iIh blistering hip hnp IInd lunk in the top bar. bel'nre the mighty (inndtnnt gel \nr'tllern nn ynur Ilsses. KIrshi. lneIInyyhile. \\ Ill continue In take it deep in the buck r'nnln. sn In speIIk.

I Yum Yum III Ihe ISIh \‘IIIe ('Iub IhIIselnenl ). ‘IPIII .‘nIrn. l-ree bel'nre llprn; £5 IIller. \\eekl_\. l.IIun grnn\c‘\. III/l. hip hnp and the like pl‘ednlnrnIIle. but pretty much anything goes. including Isrggy prnreetinn IIetinn lr‘nln RIIy Su/ukr.

Chart & Party

I Carwash .Il g2. llprn .‘~IInI. £3 I£2). Weekly. .-\ night nt disen. IllllIk and soul c'IIlsle‘\. dilutes} III IIIL‘ (iIII'IIgC\ .IL‘I‘I‘} l.ynns.

I Cheesy Pop III ()udns t(‘).\lI l.

Illprn IIIIII. £2 I£| I. Students and up In lnur guests. \Veekly. Seyen yeIIrs nn IInd I‘IIIanInI hnrdes nl rnueky -rnrnded. \ndeI—luelled urchins still l’lnek In heIIr I).I ’l‘nIIsI‘s lidIIIn seleetlnn. .-\ r'rnlnus e\ening. \y ith the ernphIIsis on pure IInIIshIIIIIed t'un.

I Envy III Destiny. lllprn .‘Nllll. £5 bet'nre l 1pm: £6 IIl'Ier. Weekly. 'l'hrnbbiltg hnuse IIeIinn III the city centre InegII-yenue. \VL'III. Ilic‘c‘ \Iltlc‘s,

I Love Bug III The Garage.

Ill.3llprn .‘Nllll. £4 t£5l. \Veekly. lnsIInely busy night nl pIIrIy tunes lnr' students and youngsters.

I Pink Cadillac III Betty 's I.-\l‘ehIIns). llpnI ,iIIln. £5 I£.‘~). Weekly. Break out ynur l'eIIther hnIIs. ludiernus IIIIres. PIIIIIIH‘III bnnls and :\l'rn \\ igs IInd gl‘nny e In eIIIssic‘ Ilisc‘n IIIIII se\_\ I‘Illlk. L‘ntll'les} nl' I).l Shall.

I The Shack IIt ShIIek (IUl'lllc‘l‘I) 'l'he ‘l‘ernpler Ill.3llprn .5tllll. £5 (£4). ('heer'lul ehIIrI tunes.

I Shag III l-‘ury Murry 's. I Iprn .5IIIII. £5 IU). Weekly. Drunken pIIr'Iy tunes Il‘nrll Mark and .lIInIes (i. ‘.\'n nne l'nrgets Iheir lirsl ShIIg'. they IIssuI‘e Us.

I Strawberry Fields III SIIImherI-y l‘ields. 0pm 3am. £5. Weekly. .\ pIIr'ty -up set taking in dIIneelInnr l'II\ es l'rnln the (ills It) the present IIII}.



I Anti-Bar III the 13m .\'nle ('IIl'e. Nexl date 3 MIII‘.

I b.ding III thII. ()pni rnidnlght. New date 3 Mar.

I Budda III Bur BuddII. .S’prn midnight. I'Iee. \Veekly Steyie Middleton III Snlernusie \y ilh deep house and garage. I Buff Club III lirel. ()pm midnight. l-‘r'ee. Weekly. Snlid bulk and soul \L‘IL'L'IIUII.

I The Corinthian III The ('nrinlhiIIn. ‘)prn lIIIe. liree. \Veekly. \VII} ne |)i\nn takes care nl the main bar in this InegII leisure L‘nrllple\ \\ iIII II selectian ()I- elIIssie soul and disen IInd ennlenipanIry ‘grnnye' tie prnper) RIKB.

I Cul De Sac III the (‘III l)e SIIe.

9pm midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly. .lirn llutehisnn l'rnnl SnlnII \\ ilh I'IInked-up Ieehnn and deep house.

I Dirty Wriggles III the Variety IIIII. Upln midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. A Ieehnn ‘n' eleetrn pre-elub set II‘IHII l)irly \Vl‘iggles III .\l_\ stec‘ lic‘Illl.

I Fourward Thinking III II‘nIIr (‘IIl‘e BIII' I(‘(';\). ‘lpIII midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly. l’r'e-elub \\ ilh an emphasis on breaks and beats.

I Kenny H III Russell's (‘IIt‘e BIII'.

Uprn midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. l-‘IInky house. \\ ilh II slnIIIIering nl' soul.

I Nico's III Nien's. 9pm midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly. (IIIyin Snrner'yille \\ ilh II pungent blend III cheesy house.

I Nomad III .\'nnIIId. 7.30pm midnight. liree. Weekly. linjny some quality house l'rnrn Kris KeegIIn. lIIn 'l'hnrnpsnn and .'\..l. um/ you can capture those eheeky grins \\ ith the tree eIIlnerII hire nl'l‘er.

I Poptones III The Lighthouse.

ts’pln midnight. £4. 24 l-'eb nnly. Alan .\le(Iee nnee IIsaniIlletl \yilll (‘rCIIlinII nnu hIIs II he“ lIIbel going by the name nl~ l’nplnnes and In prnrnnte sIIid label and the musical rnIIesIrns III’liliIIted In it. Mr .\le(iee is gning In play some reenrds l‘nr nIIr listening pleasure. l.iye perl'nrlnIInees IIre IIlsn likely from some III the bands closely linked In ('reIIIinn so it’s all yery. yery exciting. See llillist. Continued over page

listings CLUBS

The best clubs in Glasgow this fortnight

Electric Bogey Ihe Jengaheads IIIl‘.I‘ been around srnce the damn nt Illllt' ryyell, nearly) but then Substitute reSIdency rs but a year old In celebrate, they've roped In renowned beats producer Home 8 Planet Peach, Fr) )6 Feb

Fusion A brand new rnrxed night armed at the kind of people who (‘IIJOV a seamless rnusrc al odvss w from one end of the house spet trurn to the other and back again Ken lerguson (that's lergre's big brother, fact Ians) Robin, Mick P and DJ (net; are the men wnh the records The Renfrew Ferry, Sat 7/ Ieb

LIVE Classy Visual ac tron from ()n- l_r(ense 8r Noplex, breaks, beats and scratching from Qulux 8r (net o 828, nasty-ass drum and bass courtesy of resrdents Paul Reset, Morphy and Srmon D, And, as If that wasn’t enough, Tech-Itch of Movrnr; Shadow guests Glasgow School of Art, Fr/ 76 Feb.

Poptones Ex-(freatron boss Alan McGee (pictured) plays some records and Introduces some lIve performances from bands once Intrmately assocrated wrth the label Arrrve early as this event wrll no doubt be over-subscribed The Lrghthouse, Sat 24 Feb

Pressure Another month another guaranteed nrght to remember Stuart & Orde welcome one—tune Boy's Owners Farley & Heller and ex— Krss FM techno/tec h—house veteran Colin Dale, who's celebratrng the launch of his Excmsrons mix CD The Arches, Fr/ 23 Feb

Peace Is Tough Not as tough as war, one assumes. Jamie Reid, the man who put a safety prn through the Queen's lip for The Sex Prstols, Jorns forces wrth gratrttr artist Banlrsy, Mark Barret from Future Loop Foondatron and MC D-Flava and Russian 3D-Iazer-artist Aleer to form a multI-lrmbed cross-genre behemoth for the FuncT festrval. The Arches, Thu I Mar.

Universal The first leg of the new prolect brrngrng together the disparate worlds of tradrtronal CeltIc sIngIng, bhangra and good old house mu5Ic. Bhangra chart-toppers Trgerstyle, DJ Mal and those ubrqurtous Jengaheads are behrnd the fusion. The Shack, Sun 78 Feb,

IS Feb—l Mar 2001 THE lIST77