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RENlAl. THE CELL (18) 109 mins 00

'JE. more 5, ,,.LE '

This absolutely ludicrous load of bollocks is so very bad it's good. It's also an opportunity to dress up dumb dolly Jennifer Lopez in a range of designer bondage gear. Jenny is a social worker who's part of a seientific research team who have developed the technology to enter the minds of psychiatric patients. Meanwhile. Vince Vaughn's FBI grey suits have caught a really perverted serial killer (Vincent D'Onofrio) who promptly falls into a coma. leavmg his final VlCIllil missing but not yet dead. Tnter into his head Jenny and go Surreal special effects. Daft but fun. (Miles Fielder)

RENTAL SCARY MOVIE (18) 85 mins 00

This was a movie just waiting to happen after the glut of Scream imitators and the current trend for gross out movies. A loose stery is constructed around a ghost face serial killer preying on teens in small town America. But this is Just a thread to hang a succession of bad taste geiy Jokes from. kind of a cross between Arrp/ane and Scream, but without the sephistication. This

Girl, Interrupted

0.... Excellent 0... Good 0..

CRlME DRAMA CHOPPER (18) 90 mins .00.

They say if you can’t laugh, you’ll cry. Watching Chopper, the only alternative to a bout of chuckling is to puke your guts on the sofa. Within 90 minutes there are at least three prolonged scenes of surreal brutality bathed in hot blood and jaw- slackening agony, including one moment which shows you the bits you didn’t see when Quentin Tarantino had his

reservoir cop strapped to a chair.

A big hit at last year’s Edinburgh International Film Festival, Chopper tells the almost-true tale of Mark Read (played by stand-up comic Eric Bana), Australia’s most notorious criminal of the last twenty years. Burdened by the ability to cause grotesque carnage one minute and feel utter remorse for his crime the next, we see ‘Chopper’ Read’s spree of violence both in and out of prison. ‘You think I’m a freakshow.

Average 0.

Flawed O


Well, I’m a normal bloke,’ he insists to a TV news journalist at the beginning. When you find out exactly why he’s nicknamed chopper, your mind will be made up on that one.

The sense of seething tension is palpable, as is the sour taste prompted by the tension erupting into brutality. The power of Andrew Dominik’s film comes from stopping short when a torrent of violence seems inevitable, and in the genuinely horrific moments arriving when you least expect. The speeded-up and slow-burning stylistic effects give the film a cartoon feel, at serious odds with its frank portrayal of the damage one person can do to the human frame. This contradiction merely helps make watching Chopper an unsettling, often hilarious and, ultimately, deeply rewarding experience. (Brian Donaldson) I Avar/ab/e to rent on Video and buy on DVD at 5? 79.99 from rt/letror/ome.

makes Porky 's look like high art. but the depths it SllikS to do eth a few good belly laughs. However. it's generally too childish to be genuinely funny. (Buena Vista) (Henry NOithmorel

RENTAL. CHUCK & BUCK (15) 92 mins 00..

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This won't appeal to everyone. but it‘s a real low budget gem concerning two childhood friends who used to . . well they had a "special relationship. They have

The Cell

since grown apart and Chuck lChris Weil/i is now a high-wheeling record exec. Meanwhile. Buck lMlkO White. also scririitwiterl is stuck in the past. and when they are reunited at Buck's mum's funeral Buck wants to rekindle the relationship and so follows Chuck tO LA where he starts a stalking campaign. it's funny in the most un- conventional. taboo- breaking way. but there is real pathos for the mentally retarded Buck. Tvvisted yet strangely heart—warming. (Metrodome; $719.99 on DVD) (Henry NOrthmorei


(15) 112 mins .00

Proving that the term Outrageous can still be lived up to in moves. the Dumb And Dumber Farrelly brothers return to propel Jim Carrey. Renee Zellweger. a dying cow. a


Mission. To Mars

Love 8. Sex

Bruce Springsteen -


100 THE LIST 1—15 Mar 2001

Hi l/\H black midget. a breast FINAL feeding mother and their DESTINATION

audience headfirst (15) 94 mins .00

tlirouglt the barrier marked ‘taste and decency". Carrey plays mild—mannered career cop Charlie Baileygates. who. having been left by his wife to take charge of three sons which are not his ithey grow up to be a trio of cussing itOllllCSl. develops a split personality disorder. This unfOrtunate condition sees him periodically transformed into foul- mouthed. Dirty Harry wannabe. Hank. And the line between Hank and Charlie is a pretty thin one as Zellweger's on-the-run lrene Waters discovers to her displeasure. Toe— Curlingly funny in parts. but With a weak script that's only good for gags. the weight placed on Carrey's sheiilders to carry the film was too much for even him to bear. (Fox Pathei

lBrian DonaIdSOni

l I l lxl /\ l

l.) l - .‘1'l ll titty-W 0

What lifts this teen chiller. directed by X Fl/es regular

examples of this generally unimaginative genre is the intriguing baSic cericeit combined with a v.eli staged series of gruesome rleatl‘s. Six flit-ill‘IlKETS; o‘ a E;(.".’)‘)i trap to Paris abandon titer" outgoing flight at JFK. New York after one of then: has a pretiionitaoc of disaster. The plane

explodes on take off Ell‘-(l X-Men

Rage Against The Machine - Battle Of Mexico

The Cider House Rules

James Wong. above other

E t l ‘l‘ \‘ I " i .l: l‘.“ I '3} if)“.

(15) 97 mins 00.

times, ‘<tT\' .t

inhibit! . \.’-ii;iriii- l »-:t;»,p-iy Yliiidlztll‘, u'trlirtg -lli .r‘. {lr'li .'.itr‘ lit-v A?‘ if“-f3r- l 'i-r“ l‘ ’llttll, (Earl ,lc i%\ltl’('.it't illlllltiffiltrf» at; thr- ply-ii .'.'ifi‘: (lllfl l erlcyw‘fi tw'l"; Heat‘t‘ star (itllihtdllW' Cartel :3; till: litigll‘, your; boyfrleti'l ir‘ [)Ur'fi’J'... ll‘w film has a fatal-stir fee. but Joint): kwéar‘s. l.f3 guessiwg as 1’;‘.'.li<;"| fi'l‘tfhf: the last (law? )lfw ll’i';x 9152.93)!

ll ouisa Pearson

ALSO RELEASED Boys Don’t Cry in).

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Tra'tsgen'lereri ’gcrr‘mtiirit. Man On The Moon

llv‘resa: no Hit.“ \l 'f‘

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