
Saturday 17 March 2001


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We rise and enjoy a hearty breakfast before taking statements from staff. In particular, Debbie Husband. an employee for over five years. tells of some inexplicable events: ‘Four years ago we had a party from a popular travel agency in for a conference. One of the delegates stayed in room 309. The delegate showed up at reception in the middle of the night to say she hadn't seen anything but had felt a "presence" on top of her.

‘By this time she was pretty hysterical and the night porter had a look and could find nothing. The police were also called. A few weeks later we had a psychic fair at the hotel and asked one of the psychics to go and take a look at the third floor. As soon as the lift dOOrS opened on the floor she said. the place was "buzzing with energy" and there was Spirits there but they were friendly. espeCially a woman. It was thought she lived in the flats that were there before the hotel. So really the woman c0u|d just have been gOing ab0ut her busmess in her room from many years preVIOUS.

“Other guests have asked. WithOut prompting, if that floor was haunted. as they were conscrous of a “fOrce” in the room With them. I. on the other hand. have seen nothing in my five years here.‘

I turn to Robertson. He looks pale.


We observe the seventeen tiny coffins containing dolls that were found on Arthur‘s Seat in 1836. l have to admit

they are creepy. COUld these macabre boxes be a mystical shrine. a form of Witchcraft. even a Sicko Victorian child's game? Or, as US anthropologist Dr Sam Menefee suggests. something to do Wllh the crimes

of grave robbers Burke and Hare;

seventeen being the number of bodies sold to anatomists. Standing here in broad daylight I am more disturbed than I have been for the whole of this investigation. I believe this is the pOint where hard eVidence meets paranormal uncertainty. Robertson is manic. staring. Wild-eyed and lunging, growling at imaginary grave robbers.


In an attempt to further ourselves both culturally and extra-terrestrially. we iburney west to a theatre said to be haunted by a number of phenomena. We speak to a former insider. who states for our records: ‘Some years ago there was a man Sitting in the dress Circle. He came down the stairs and was looking a bit uptight and off colour. He looked at me and said: “Is there a ghost in this theatre?" I Just laughed: I didn't want to say anything. He said he saw a man in formal dress Sitting on the balcony of the dress Circle. He got the impreSSion he was an actor but couldn't place him. YOU never think anything of it at the time but it happened twice again with this smart dressed man.’

The theatre lS built on the Site of a hospital from many hundreds of years ago. This w0uld also make sense of the 'monk' who is alleged to have roamed the upper circle. Stories and events w0uld seem to connect. Robertson is sent apoplectic by this revelation.


Strange phenomena special

lifts the lid on the spooky activity in your favourite haunts

15:55 MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT, GLASGOW Hungry for more history. but now without a driver of sound mind. we walk to the Kelvinbridge museum. Site of ghostly apparitions and unexplained OCCUrrences. dark shadowy figures and wailing children. We see some lovely trams and a beautiful old steam train, but fail to detect anything more Jarring than the eXCitable Cry from a child in a school party. Robertson looks despondent.


AlthOUgh those big blue lights do give the natives a pe0uliar deathly pallor, Buchanan Street iS not Glasgow city centre's most spectral thoroughfare. The honour of ‘haunted highway' goes to Sauchiehall Street. where many have claimed to see a phantom tram career along. Tonight. however, only the cabs behave like phantoms. Robertson wanders off dejectedly. If the truth is

out there. he is too inept

to find it.

Note: both Dana Dale and Fox Robertson have been missing since this report was found on the floor of the Horseshoe Bar. It is believed they set off on another investigation and never returned.