Rock & pop

Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Mark Robertson/ Henry Northmore (Edinburgh).

Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:

Glasgow Virgin, Buchanan Galleries. 332 «1400

Credit card bookings from: '1 icket Link: 987 5:311. Way Ahead: (339 8383.


Virgin Princes Street. 220 323.1. Ripping Records South Bridge. 220 7010.

Assembly Rooms George Street. 220 «13110

Way Ahead 01:11 330 8383

Thursday 10 .


I Sunna, Biffy Clyro and Hell Is For Heroes King 'l'ui‘x Walt \Vali lllll. SI Vittt‘cttl SII'L‘L‘I. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £0.51) plux booking lcc. A night of ovcrw rought grungcy rock with Bcggai'x Baiiquct-xigncd localx Bill} (‘1)i'o prm idiiig thc local highlight.

I The Australian Pink Floyd 'l'hc li‘l'l'}. ('l)’dc l’lacc. 42‘) 8676. 8pm. £12. Ho} d xoundalikcx with tlic obvioux l'a\'otii'itcx 1101]] Dark Sit/c ()1' Hit .Umm. 1175/1 )im lli'l'r’ llr'n'. ctc.

I Voulez Vous l’a\ ilioit ’I‘hcati-c. chlicld Sti‘cct. 332 1840. 7.30pm. £11) £12. Abba tributc combo.

I Bozilla, Akira, Nova Express, Smuj, Pentothal, Cheetaras attd Micronesia the 1311i .\'otc (‘al'ci King Strcct. 55.3 1038. 8pm. £3. tip of local bandx participating in Pop (iocx 'l'hc (’alc. an m citing ol claxxic pop co\ cr \ci‘xionx which muxt tlicrcl'orc includc 1)a\ id Soul'x .S'i'li'cr l.ml_\‘.

I Vagabonds '1‘1’IL‘ Scolia. Stock“ Cll SII‘L‘CI. 5.5.2 3631. 8.30pm. l'il'L‘C. l’opular co\ crx.

I Jam Session Samucl Dow 'x, .\'i1h.xdalc Road. 423 0107. 8.311pm. 1’1'CL‘. \Vcclxl} xcxxion.

I Live Music The (‘athouxc. t'nion SII'L‘L‘I. 243 (i(i(1(i. 8pm. £5. ()Vcr- 14x .xhow. l‘nxigncd band .xhowcaxc.


I Orbital (‘oi'n l'.\changc. \cw \larkct Road. (iorgic. 443 2437. £14.'1‘hc bi‘othcrx llai'tnoll ptit a li\ c xpin on thcii' II‘I‘C\L‘1‘L‘lll ncw album [In .‘l/IUL’FI/It'l' including thcir \ci'xion o1 thc /)U('IHI‘ ll’liu tltcinc inuxic.

I Singleskin aitd Ellis Murat—wait l'nixci'xit} l'nion. Riccarton. 451 5333. 0pm. 1*rcc. l)oub|c bill ol local indic actx.


I Orbital Barrow land. (iallowgatc. 552 4(illl. 7.3llpiti. 501.1) ()1 "1‘. \o agc i‘cxti'iction on thix xhow l’ltix Radio Bab} loii l).lx. Scc Thu 11).

I Marty Wilde & The Wildcats l’a\ ilion '1'hcati'c. Rcttlicld Sti‘cct. 332 1840. 7.30pm. £111.51) £12,511.Rockin' and rollin' lathcr o1 thx bop xtai'lct Kim. I Jim White 1110 13111 \otc (‘lub. ('l}dc Sti‘ccl. 243 2177. Split. £X.\\'hi1c ix a 1‘loi'ida-baxcdall. countr} rockcr with a black xcnxc ot' humour. ax xhowcaxcd on liix two albunix ll'I'UII'J- litr'i/Jc'xiii and .\'n Stir/i I’liai'. Scc Big Big ('ountr} prc\ icw

I Kevin Montgomery 8- Pettibone and Trish Murphy King 'l‘ut‘x \Vah Walt llut. St \‘inccnt Strcct. 221 527‘). 8.311pm. £9 plux bookiitg 1'cc. :\mcrican xingcr-xoitgw i'itcr Montgomcr) ix joincd b} a backing band coiiiprixiitg gtiitai'ixt l’cttibonc and Robcrt Rc)noldx and Paul l)cakin o1”l'lic .\lil\ct‘iL‘l\\.

I Red Sky Coven 'l‘lic ('ailiouxc. l'nion Strch 248 (mile. Hpin. £0 plux booking 13cc. ()\cr- 14x xhow l‘caturing Jtixtin from .\'cw Motch Arm} and ltix llamc—luiircd poct mixxux Jool/.

I Stellar, Mr Underhill and Glitterball Vegas 1"tii'_\ .\luri‘} x. .\1a\wcll Strcct. 221 051 1.1)pni. £4. including L‘llll‘} to poxt-gig club.

I Read It And Weep, Blueprint and Plan B Strawbcri'} 1"icldx. ()xwald Strcct. 221 7871. 7.30pm. £4.

I Little Rock (ii'and ()lc ()pr}. l’aixlc') Road To”. 42‘) 53‘)(i. 7.3(lpni. £3 l£2 mcmbcrx). ('ounti'} xoundx.

I Abba Disco Party Bourbon Strcct. (icorgc Strcct. 552 (1141. 7pm. £5 (£14.50 with diiiitci'l. 1"catui'ing art :\bba ti‘ibutc act.

I The Drivets Saitiucl l)ow ’x. \itltxdalc Road. 423 (1107. 8.30pm. 15rcc. I The Searchers Sir John \Vilxon Town Hall. Stirling Strcct. :\irdric. (11098 207 515. 8pm. £12 (£101. \‘ctci'an .\lcrxc_\ bcat combo w lioxc hitx includcd SH‘UUM /'in‘ .1/_\' SHIT] and /.nt'¢' PHI/rm 3.0.9.


I Bespoke l’riiiccx Sir-cci wc-xi Backpackci‘x. 3 Quccnd'crry Sti'cct. 220 203‘). 9.30pm. l‘i'cc. lidinbtii'gh band

\\ ho ltavc mox‘cd ot‘ latc in a darkcr. morc rocky dircction than thcii' lunk) originx xuggcxt

".31 1pm.

second wave promotions presents


MAY 24 - EDINBURGH Liquid Room Tickets €10.00 adv (subject to bookin feel from: Ripping Records: 0131 226 7010 / Virgin Records: 0131 220 3234 Way Ahead: 0141 339 8383 wwwwayaheadcom wwwticketwebcouk

MAY 25 - GLASGOW Renfrew Ferry Tickets £10.00 adv (subject to bookin feel from: BO: 014.1 287 551 1 Virgin Records: 0141 332 41400 Missing Records: 0141 248 8089 Way Ahead: 0141 330 8383

mwr. \‘i/ayahead .Com


I The Amphetameanies and Newtown Grunts King 'l‘iii'x \\‘.ili \Vali llut. Si \‘iiicciii Sti'cci. 221 52“). .\'.3tlpiii. £4.50 plux booking tcc. Scottixlt xka punk bill including that c\ccllcnt man} -lcggcd groox c machinc 'l‘hc .'\lllplk‘litlllt‘dltlLW and thc ladinburgh kingx o1 xcti// xka pttitk. 'l‘hc (ii‘untx.

I Spear Of Destiny and The Red Eyes \icc 'n' Slaw}. Sattchicltall Strcct. 333 903". 0pm. £1». Run tor tlic ltillx Kirk lii‘andon'x .\'llx rockci'x ha\ c t‘cl'ot'tttt‘tl.

I Rex 84, Oil, Divide, Unique Freak and Ultimo Dragon 'l‘lic lfiili \iitc ('ltib. ('l}dc Strcct. 243 2177. .\‘pm. £4. .-\ bit ol' inctal. a hit ol’ pi'ogg} rock. a bit ol‘ hardcorc and a bit o1 punk on thix quintuplc bill. .\'o liiititia Bunton or Slclk lltt‘li.’

I The Radio Sweethearts and Dean Owens Inc 15111 .\'oic ('atc. King Strccl. 553 1038'. .\'pm. £2. (ilaxgow ‘x Sw cclhcartx arc ioincd b_\ l‘clxonx \ocalixt ()wcnx tor an cxcning o1 alt.countr_\ magic.

I Itchycoo Park and Sticky Fingers llillt' l‘icl‘t‘}. ('l}dc 1’1tlt'L'. 42‘) 30%. 0pm. £0. (itlx night t‘caturing tlic lirxt band ax 'l‘ltc licatlcx and thc latlci' ax 11.110 Stoncx.

I Sparkling Calm Sti'awbct't‘} l-‘icltlx. ()xwald Strcct. 221 7871. 7.30pm. £4.

I Tuff Dog (ii'and ()lc ()pr}. l’aixlc} Road 1011. 42‘) 5390. 7.3111111]. £3 l£2 iiiciitbci‘xl. (‘ouiitr_\.

I Tom Jones Tribute Bourbon Strccl. (icorgc Strcct. 552 (1141. 7pm. £5 (£10.51) with diiiitcrl. lmpcrxoitation o1 IllL‘ lL‘illlit‘l‘} 01d I'UL'le'l‘.

I The Hugh Reed Explosion .\lc('huillx. 11iin Strch 552 2135. 10pm. l-‘i'cc.

I Dogs Die In Hot Cars .\1c('huillx Wit} Out \chI. Kch inhaugh Sti'cct. 576 51113. 9.3011111. l'il'L‘L'.

I Open Stage 'l'hc Halt Bar. \\'oodlandx Road. 504 1527. 4—8pm. l't‘cc. \Vcckl} xcxxion l'ot‘ local itiuxicianx.

I Monkey Butlers 'l‘hc llalt Bar. \Voodlitltdx Road. 5(i4 1527. 8.30pm. l'il'L‘L‘.

I Mistreated Samucl 1)o\\ 'x. .\'itlixdalc Road. 423 ()1117. 8.30pm.



I Catcher, Loomis and Eskimo 111C \it‘t'cul. .23 \cht Maitland SII'L‘L‘I. 225 3801. 7.3(1pnt. £2.5(l. l’owcr pop with a punk cdgc lroni (‘atclicr and indic rock l'i‘om Iidinburgh bandx 1.oomix and lixk'ittto.

I Electric Voice 3 ()uccii'x llall. (‘lci‘k Strcct. (m8 2011). 7.45pm. £0 1 £31. Billcd ax a ‘mullimcdia c\tra\agan/ao1 clccti'onic. inxti‘uiiicntal and intcractix c muxic'. tliix cutting cdgc c\cning o1 clcctroacouxtic xotiitd ix accompanicd b}


BOX OFFICE OPEN 9.30 am - 5.30 pm Mon - Sat

0|S92 6| l IOI Rothes Square, Glenrothes, Fife Saturday 19th May at 8.00 pm


With Special Guests UGHTS OUT BY NINE

Friday 25th May at 8.00 pm


Saturday 26th May at 8.00 pm


Friday 22nd June at 8.00 pm


54 THE LIST ‘0—2-1 Ma\ 203‘.

a xci'icx o1 \idco pi‘oicctionx. \cw woikx b) loiidoii .ii'tixlx 1)ixintoi'ittatton xit alongxidc homc grow it work b_\ Scotx Robci't How and l’ctci \k‘1\\‘ll. plux \\t‘lttl_\ (itll'1\‘\l\lllllk'Ptlk‘lll. [1th \lr'I'H. writtcn toi thc tilm .\ ('lockwoi'k (liangc. I l..l liL‘llL‘ .‘\1l:_'L'1C. 11.1xllc\ (.1\‘\t‘. 225 “Silt-511111. £11K

St‘t‘ ill 11.


I Top Of The Rocks (‘tmaiic (‘cltll'tfl (‘\\\\ .Illk‘ Sll'k‘k‘l.111-804-3544. .\pm. £3i£2 i. .»\ i'cgular night pi'ox iding a plattoi'iii loi' tip and—coming local bandx to pci'toi'iti.


I Jason Ringenberg Raiiixlioi-n lhcati‘c. liigi'aiit Strch 2.37 5511. .\'pm. £7.51) i£hr lx’ingctibci‘g ix thc cixtw hilc \ocalixt \\llll.l;1\tl11t\ 'lhc Scoichci‘x. oncc lippcd toi grcat tltmgx in thc carl_\ .\'t)x with 18‘ ctintciiiporaricx 'l‘hc long l{_\dci‘x. lhc Rain l’ai‘adc and .t littlc combo callcd R1551. Scc 111g Big ('ouittr} pi‘c\ icw.

I The Diamond Dogs, Kain and Delaware .\'icc 'ii‘ Slut/t. Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘1037. ‘lpm. £4. ()l'l'xltoot band lot Hoba 1'c11 o1 llcllacoptci‘x. lt‘dllll'lllf.‘ a poxxibl} c\ccxxi\ c tour guitai'ixtx rcplicating thc rock 'it' to” boogic ol' 'l'lic l'accx and thc likc.

I See Saw, Regular Slinky and The Pedestrians '1'Iit- ('ailioiixc. l'lllttll Sll‘t‘t'l. 24H (ihllh. “Millpm. [5.5” lad\ancc1.()\cr 14x xhow.

I Induced 'l‘hc 13th \otc (arc. King 541111.555 1038 Rpm. £2.

I The Blues Poets 'l‘lic Scoiia. Stockwcll Strccl. 552 8081. 4pm. l‘i‘cc. 1-‘ortnightl_\ i'cxidcnc}.


I STML, August81 and Charley’s Boat ‘l‘lic \‘ciiuc. 17 2| ('arlton Road 557 31173. 8.3tlpm. £3. Local iiidic pop rock.

OMr McFaIIs Chamber, Elspeth Cowie and The Burt MacDonald Quartet Bongo (lab. 14 \cw Sti'cct. 558 7011-1. H.3(lpm. £7 (£5). .\'onc ()1 'l‘hc :\bo\ c pi'cxcnt anoth— L‘l‘ L'L‘lct‘lic ttigltl (ll-11Hth ttx \ll‘ \lt‘l'illlx ('liambcr arc joincd b} \'alciitina Martinc/ 1111‘ a xclcclion ol' tangox. 'l‘onight alxo xccx l‘olk trom xingcr

(‘ow ic and im cnth c iii/I and blucx lrom thc Burt .\1acl)oitald ()uartct. Scc prc-

\ icw tor .\1i‘ .\1cl‘allx ('ltaittbci'.

Monday 1 4


I The Day I Snapped, Ducks, Kirby, Cnut, Police Chief and Summersalt King 'l'iii‘x \Vali with lltit. St Vinccnt Strccl. 221 527‘). 8pm. £3. '1‘ Bi'cak hcat to liitd tltc gi'otipx who will p1a_\ thc .\'cw Bandx Stagc at '1' 1n 'l'hc Park.

I Strain of Acid, Dweezil Jones and Octavia 'liltc 13111 Notc (iiilc. King Sti'cct. 553 1033. 8pm. £2.

I The Magic Blues Surfers Studio 1. B}i'cx Road. 341 0510. 9pm. l-‘rcc. ()pcning night lot' thix ncw cht lind \cnuc. lixpcct a \arict} ol' muxical xt} lcx on xliow but blucx and alt.countr_\' arc on tltc bill for thc IIL'\1 couplc ()1 “0016. (‘1lL‘L'l’x 11\Iingx liil‘ morc dctailx on upcoming nightx.

I Acoustic Jam .\'icc ‘ii' Slcal}. Sauclticltall Strcct. 333 9037. 9pm. \Vcck‘l} xcxxion hoxtcd b_\ (it'l'l') 1._\'()nx with t‘i'cc boo/c tor pci't'oi'mcrx.


I The Grim Northern Social, Josephine, Bangtwister, Bozilla and Nibushi Shanghong King ’l‘ui‘x Walt Walt llut. St \inccnt Strcct. 221 527‘). 3pm. £3. .-\nothcr ’1‘ Brcak‘ lical.