vl saw you laxl iii l‘ehruat‘} all in} linnurite ll‘t)ll\. llnpe that _\nu are all \\ ell and nnI llll\\|llj_' the Inn iiiueh \Ihile I'm in ()x. I.nnking lnruard In \nine era/_\ parties a hen I get haek. .\Il\\ _\'nu all \n niueli & ean't \xait In he haek in (ilawegax all tngetlier again. l.n\e )nu all. 'I‘araraptnr \\\\ Bn\ .\'n

l'/4 l n/S‘).

OI saw you Inn late at the ligg Inn time In speak). (‘hrix (ieddex \Htx l)_ling. Ynu \hnrt hrnuii hair. all in hlaek. .\le \IIHVL‘II head \ll’lpe} \hirt. l)id )‘titl \ee tne'.’ lln\ \n l'/~Il(i/(1(I.

0| saw you tall gnntl- Innking gu_\ in \Iriped I-\Illl'l at lidinhurgh l‘ni\er\it_\ dnetnrx either Tue 3‘) ni' Wed 3“ .\I.I}. I

“ax Ihe gu} \\llli \Iittl'l dark hair

and hlue pnln \Illl'l. 'I‘here \xax Intx nl e}e enntaet hetueen U\. l \hnuld ha\ e ga\e _\nu Iii} nuniher. Ix it Inn late .' l£n\ .\'n li/4 l (i/(i I.

OI saw you at I)L‘gt‘;t\\l \VL‘L' Red Ilttl‘. I)tttiil ;t\l\ lite WHY l'ltl \tititin quietl nt’ .. _\nu'll haxe a run nn )t'i' handxl \\ lIn\ .\'n [VIM/(12.

V I saw you \illttig (iii the hint nutxide SI .Iaine\ (‘entie l \\a\ xteainin'. )nu \\ ere \u eet. l.et'\ get aequainted \\ itli nIher hnd} pulhl “In NH li—Illi/(ik vl saw you ('edi-ie. | \a\\ )nu nearing aii ni'ange \Itlt'l. II \uited )nu. \Vant In ineeI Inr

L'Clilll'\ \nttieliltle \nnii'.’ l\nl\ell;i.

lin\ \n l'/—II(i/(i~l.

9 I saw you petite girl in (IL‘IlIIlI\ \killt \Ittil'l I'k‘tltll\ll hall” and eute \niile I let )nu L‘l'ti\\ at Saughtnn Iraliie ixland. .\Ie. lnnking dark and liltlitIMIlIlL‘ dri\ing light hlue ear. lane} a III-l'.’ llnx NI) [WHO/()5.

How To Place an



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O I saw you .tenttn. .lnnt hah_\. Katie Knnl. I when and Ruthie age\ agn Snnn the lli‘ll\ ‘-\lll he reunited and \x e ean \ll up all night drinking \llt‘dl‘ Mine and “ateliing tiiendx \xhile Iiungmei l'\ e \n inan_\ \Inrie\ In tell _\nu all lla\ e great \llllillit‘h and III we )ntt in Septeinher. l n\ e lara Iling Iin\ \Ii III) (iii

0 I saw you \e\§ 1e“ at .In} nr “ax iI 'l'axte nn the ‘lth ni

llllli nl' .lune II \\a\ Inn \III;I\IICII In reineinlwri Ilie lixlinetx \inuld lt)\ C It) tlttliet‘ I‘L‘II} IH hell) \\ ill] _\nu nnee again. Iln\ .\'n I-/-II(1/(iq.

U I saw you nn Illaeklni‘d IIilI. ll~ ln\e ix nuI nl Ilie queuinn. and _\ntt iuxt \xant a ltt\ L'l' llhlt‘tttl. I'll \t‘lllL‘ I'Ut' heian )nut' ln\ er. and lxeep the ln\ e nn Ill) \ide nl the hed. Hm .\'n h/JIli/(ifi.

Q I saw you 'Rtinning .'\rnund Ix’nhhing Banle at Ilerintr\\'att Student'x l'ninn. Hut “ax iI lx’ieeai'tnn ni‘ (ialaxhielxi’ Well. I l\l1H\\I Il' _\nn \xant In knnu _\nu need In re\eal )titll‘u'll. IIIH \II l./~II(i/(i‘). .l saw you ((1 Setinxli in St .\Iar_\ \ Street again? .’\re _\nu

e\ er gning In hii_\ \IIIIIL‘lIilIlg )nu lelt)“ _\nu \\ltlil tnI Ynu Innked \n gnnd in that IIIIetI tnp. ()II gn ntil IIn\ \n l'/-<II(i/7t). O I saw you 'Radgie' ('alltini. hangin' llp\ltlc dnnii in a \hne \hnp. I.n\t _\nur nuniherl ’I'hix 'ueegie' ix gaggin l'nr a drink \\illl )e. l£n\ .\'n HIM/7t.

Q I saw you in l’rineex SI (iardenx. Ynu \\ ere learning In ride a tune} ele & _\nu \ang ‘hrnun e}ed girl In nie' tnenn pinki. Hm .\'n [lilo/72.

v I saw you Sit-)eaivnld ia/I-lm ing lad}. (’nnie In the (‘hiek (‘nrea enneert \\ ith ine nn (1 Jul. Iln\ \n l'/—I “1/73.

0| saw you 'l'rae). hang _\nur head nil the “all in tlie (ireat “all. .\'n\\ that \\a\ train}. lake eare nl~ )nurxell and the dnnlte}. Ila Iia \\Iin readx Iliexe‘.’ K \ l£n\ .\'n l'/J|(i/7J.

Q I saw you in an enipt} .\leadn\\ \ har nn Sat alternnnn l3 .-\pi'. .\Ie Inng—Iiaired pnxter hn_\. )nu e\ntie ehiea \\ ith the da//|ed \Iare. .v\re )nu Spanixh/ Greek”? l&n\ .\'n [kiln/75.

U I saw you in Su/ie\ l)inei'. \VC\I \ICUIMIII SlI'L‘L'l Ill [L‘tillltiL‘ nn l3 .Iun. .\le: tIar/ani \er} tall \\ iIIi dark hair. Ynu: heautiiul dark e}e\. 'I‘hat'x hnu it \\a\. Bn\ \n li/JIn/Wi.

0| saw you 'i‘rax har l/(w/nl ttlltl \IIICC. S“ L'L‘IL‘\I \lliL‘L‘l‘L‘ I'll \inile. l.n\el_\ hlniid indie student har hn}. Ynu xerx ed dark-haired inale adinirer. Stunned nie. 'l‘urn Iii} \xnrld upxide dim n. (ienuine. l’leaxe I'L‘pl}. lln\ NU l'/—II(i/77.

O I saw you \eit I mm \m )nu. hut l Itneu _\nii untild he iealnm II I nexei g.i\ e )nu a inentinn See )nn \nnn l\n_\\ lux (‘liiixtie Iln\ \n l' lln "\ U I saw you making pix/ax Ini ntii girlx lnnking gnrgenth in _\nui Iraekmtt I‘Ullr‘llh ln\e )nti \Illl paxxinnatel} .l Iln\ \n l"-lln "‘l.

.I saw you lat \Iatt \\ni‘l.ing at the l iIniIinuxe \niii hieaIli \nielt. had _\nu heen eating inlliiinpx Iln\ \n I‘ III» .\II_

v I saw you I)nhh\ie. _\nu ginger \peed lieak .\re )iiii ga} nr [lt\l I‘lx‘lll'ltflh ' I n\e lItixter \\\ lln\ \n l' -lln .\l_

v I saw you Ill 1:! Harlin lnnking gnnd in _\nui \andalx. I think \\ e \hnuld take \alxa ela\\e\ hut l'\ e gnt tun IelI leet. IIII\ \Itl -II()r.\2.

0| saw you w Ina. \ladnnna nn the IurnIahlex. )nii‘ie lint. need I \a} ninie. I'll needle _\nu an}tinie \i\t.i' lln\ \n l'LI Iii/H I.

O I saw you at Igiiana'x \nu \\ ere a taxi} \ingle girl I IN I-li. l \\a\ the man nl _\nur tII'L‘IIIIIN. lln\ \n l'/-I III/NI.

VI saw you gthpllig‘ tni e\Ii'a lnnd (It hlue ('all me and I ean guarantee I'll lill )nu tip. HU\ \ti li-Illi/HS.

O I saw you Raynnnd .\I. Ynu are the higgext hunk in lidinhurgh. l.n\e + \\\ + pnn. I’lttll. IIIH \II l./»I I(i/H(i.

OI saw you .Ieaiieiie Innkiiig \e\} in hlue hut \till he \n nineli hettei‘ iii red. Yniii‘x lll'Hlll a tll\l;tllL‘L‘l. IIII\ \U ll/JIII/NT.

Q I saw you .\IatI ni' \Iittllltll eall _\nu l'tidge . . . I llil\\ _\nu alread} linne_\ \\\. l’ing pnng pig. IIn\ \n [HM/NH.

.I saw you \tigtlellig aim the l'lnrentinax in _\ntir lieree Iit'\\ \IIUL'\. SL'C _\Ull III IIIC Madnnrmthnn l'll he the nne in the trend) ne\\ nrange haxehall eap. IIn\ \n l'/-I In/IW,

9| saw you \a}ing 5 Hail .\lar_\\ in lilll. Ynu‘ll \pend a lil'etinie repenting l‘nr all ihn\e \inx. Ilnndle. IIn\ Nn l'/-Il(i/‘)Il. O I saw you and _\nu ean danee. I'nr iiixpiratinn. geI iiitn lIIL‘ gl‘titn e. gII‘I \Itim tl\ )titlt' l'urr} hnntx. 'I'i'aee _\nu aee. deelare _\nur\eli hankrupt and mine In .\'/.. IIn\ \ii L/Jln/UI. 9 I saw you l.uea\ ninnd} \ntt. and tell the urge tn write a \npp} elaxxilied. l.L'l.\ (ion In liidia. )nu \e\) thing.an lll\\it_\\ .\I}I‘IIL‘. l3n\ \n lo/JIh/UZ.

v I saw you Iat‘ging tl tip alter the \Vandiex :\( i.\l at Sigln nn Sat In .Itin. I.n\e _\nu all. Iln\ \n l'/~I I (i/‘U.

U I saw you nuinher Inn peneilx llll\Ii;tl‘PL‘liL'tl tnr u ere the} L‘l‘ttu‘t‘xili (III )titlt' L'IlL‘\l ltl Iguana. I'in _\nur paper. \xrite nie nnl lln\ \n [Min/()4.


U I saw you and )niii' red \Iiipe in .i leathei eat \tlll iiiIIing h\ the iaiI\\.i\ Iiaek' lln\ \n li-I III "5. i

O I saw you nini'hid. nutxide Hella I’.i\l.i \\llll _\I\lll nnnging Ieeth' \nu'\e gnt pinpei \t_\le\' lla\ e a gnnd \uniinei the \llelu lil\. IIH\ \ti liUI Iliilltr

0 I saw you gtaittle t'nekx. )IllIdC a eiti n1 _\uiniir\ hn}\' See _\nu in \ugiixt and we‘ll iip ll “1" IIII\ \ti limIlh/‘lq

9 I saw you \lieltehn. _\nu he Ilia liunnie\ that iip \llll tip in lzdinhurgli' lla\e tun giiIee/e' ltn\ \n l' lln‘ix

OI saw you lx’nuan. \\;Illt‘l at hlue. .\le eagle \u eater. )titi nne hunk a litinka hiiiiiiiig |n\e. IIn\ \H l I (VIII),

0 I saw you Raynnnd. \e\) heaxt. I ln\e _\nu liniii alai. Iln\ \U III III/IIIII

.I saw you I‘t‘ll} glitltlt‘\\. enine and light lll_\ lii'e \\|Ill _\niii iiiangrnxe \\\;tll|[\. lIn\ .\'n l‘Mln/ltil.

U I saw you girl in hlaek. \\\ll'llll:_‘ \peaix tlirnugli )Iilll eai'x. \\llli _\nur e\ntie llllt‘t'\ at the har did _\nu \ee nie'.’ llnx .\'n HIM/In:

Q I saw you Rnhhie \\'illiain\ \trnlling dnu n l’i'inee\ Street. the “Hill hlnuing thi'nugh )nut‘ niullet. lnnlnng line and \tiutting _\nur \tulll Ilet _\nu'i'e eliulled' IIIH \ti l'/-Il(i/'III_‘\.

OI saw you lnnking like a dng. let me he _\nu hiteli. unnl unnl. ll )nu put me nn a lead. I'll let )nu ha\e lll_\ hnne. llnx NI) I '/-I I (i/IlII.

OI saw you Ill ('(‘\ I/(i/Ul. l' new the hext lnnking gu) there and I \xax lnnking at _\nul Blue \lilll. hlue e_\e\ hltie lnr )iitl. Iltu \n l'/—II(i/Il)5.

O I saw you llnpp} haired aetnr dude a lllt‘itllll'llillig angel nn \tage at the 'It‘.‘i\er\e. Ynu are heautilul and _\nu are .\l|.\'lil l't‘tilil )Htll‘ IlitlliL'AIlllll'L'tl \upei'\i\en \ Ilnx .\'n l'/4l(i/l()n.

O I saw you in l’npp. hlnnde and \M}. l kllll“ punk'x nnt dead? lane} a drink in ()\}geii ItllL‘t‘ \Hit'le.’ I‘ll \xail . llnx NI) l'/4ln/lti7.

U I saw you Rininnnd. _\nu are eute and I lnxe _\ntlt‘ \tlittll \paee and dixnrganised head. \\\ Viek). Hm NI) l'/-II(i/III3. LIVINGSTON

. We saw you (iraig nn H .Iune. Ynu drnx e nur hux tn & l'rnin the Bnn .In\i enneert. Juxt uanted In \a} thanks? tYnu knnu what 1an) Ynu are a \lttt'll llugx & kisses l'rnni .\In. Slings & I._\li. .\\ an .\'n l'/4l(i/ll)‘).


O I saw you (iraenie Ii during a ennga iii l'llapnnl and delixeriiig milk in Aehiltihuie. nn )‘ntu‘ \Na) In seeing the Ill(illl..~\.\'l) BANAXAS. \Vnnder u here we“ turn up next.”.".’ link NI) l'/~Il(i/I II).

211.," 8 I, 27/1 THE LIST 127