
We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Glasgow Life listings compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Book events

Book Discussion Group Hliillctui l.ihrar_\. lbrcx Rililti. 35‘) 7333. .5plll. l'rcc. Pick up a lll}\lL‘l'_\ hnnk lrnni Ihc lihrar} and Iakc part in a grnup t|i\L‘II\\iiiIl.

What Is Enlightenment? Hul'tit‘l‘x Hill)l\\. 335 Buchanan Sll'L'L'l. .333 Tfiilll, 7pm. i‘Il'L'L'. H'lml /\ l',Il/IL’/l/('IIIH('III ' UllL'l'\ :l L‘llttllcllglllg til\k'll\\lilll ;l\ it) whether nr nnl cnlipliIL-nnicnl can \aw lilt‘ “Mild.

Carl McDougall Hnl'ilcrx Hnnk\. 335 Buchanan Street. 333 7700. 7pm. l-rcc. ('arl \lt‘l)nug_'al| rcadx lrnni Ill\ latex! nl'l't‘ring I’ll/Him: 'I'ln' l-an/i li’rii/ur': .-\ Smut/I lur Si UNIX/l /r/r'IIIl/\.

The Future In Your Hands? Hillht'ad lilirar}. Hum Ix’nad. 55‘) 7333. 7pm. l‘rcc. .\ ilcrnnanraIinn and (il\k'll\\l()ll till i". ltnnlo.

To The Woods HIK‘. .\I.iin Ru‘cplinri. ()nccn Margarcl l)ri\c. 357 0053. 7.l5pni. U». .\ lilcrar} cwnl Iinxlctl h) \\'rilcr\ Anon) llllllh. Poetry In Partick I’arlick liltrar}. Dinnharlnn Rnail. 33‘) l3ll3. 7M)an live. The lil'\l Inccliny nl l’artn‘k pnclr) kil\L'll\\lUll grnnp.


Bat Walk I'allx nl' ( lulu \'i\ilnr (‘cnlrtx \cu l.anark. ll|555 005303. 8pm. £35“ Il‘rt‘t'l. lanjn) lill\ \lrnll at duxk \\ itli llic nppnrtnnil} In learn almul halx l'nnnd on [he rcwru‘.

The Longest Day l.inn l’ark. Sinixhill Rnail. 033 039‘). ‘)pm. learn ahnnl the ancient lll_\lll\ \urrnundingg the Innng da} and him it al'l'cclx nur

\\ litiili-L‘.


West End Festival \arinm \cnnc\. .i-ll llX-l—l. 'lilic l'cxlnal ix laxl cnniing In an end but llicrc‘x \lill Ihcalrc. ninxic and \Hll'ixxllnpx In cnin). l'nIil Sun 3-l .lun.


Glasgow School Of Art MFA Degree Show ‘l‘ranmay Albert l)ri\c. 387 .Wllll. .\'nnn Spin. l’rcc. .\ll".'\ chrcc \linu liighliglning no“ “(Mix in a \aricl} nl' media It} eighteen nulxtaniling .ll'll\l\.

Moscow State Circus ()uccm l’ark. (l773l 5(i5557/h’. 5pm & 8pm.

L3 L3” If.“ E l 5 l. 'l‘hL‘ L‘il’L‘ll\ i\ hack ill Inun \\ iIh nian jugglcrx. nape/c tll'll\l\ and c|n\\ n\ and all the UlllL‘l' Ihrillx and \plii\ IhaI gn nn undcr the hi; tnp.

\.()|ilf\,l.\)ll I)? {itrtlliilltil (ll:


Munros Through The Windows

I IV) ( ilaxgnv. I )Iittlnni l,\pci icngc. 5H (’nupcr SIrch. 55‘) 545“. (i..5ll[‘lll. l‘rcc. .i\n illuxIrach prcwnIannn h} thc crcaInr til Ihc lalml \L'l‘\lnll Hl lilh lk‘\l \L‘lilllg (‘l)-R().\l bringing lilL' liiglicxt pcakx lll Scntlantl In )niir l’('_


How To Learn A Language In An Hour Hilllicad Lil‘rar}. Hum Road. 33‘) “333. ll” 3pm. l‘rcc. i.lllj_‘lll\l Derek Rngux .IllL‘lllph In haw )nn \pcaking an unlannliar lnrcign l.in_~;n.i;_'c \\ itli nnl_\ nnc hnur nl (Hilt'illll;

Other events

Friends Of Glasgow West, Guided Walks (‘nnrat-i S-ll HM 1, "pin. L5 in ilti\;lll(k' lrnni Harrth

\L'“ \agcnlx 303 Hum lx’natl. _lnIn Ra} \lackcn/ic lnr Ihix Inni nl xiggnilitant \t‘nlplnrc in the Kk'h ingrnw l’ark .tl'L'a.


Degree Show (i|;t\:_'n\\ St‘lliml HI .-\rI. chlrcu Slrccl. 355' 353‘).

Want "pin. l’rcc. l'liix )t-arK «legit-c \lllkik'lll\ \ilU\\ the rcxullx nl all lilL‘ll' iilcax. ilt‘xignx and hard unrk. Glasgow School Of Art MFA Degree Show 'l'miima}. .\llwrl |)ri\c. 387 Milli). .\'nnn Spin. l'rcc. Soc Thu 3 l.

Moscow State Circus ()nccnx l’ark. (I773I 5055578. 5pm & Spin. LN {301% U5), Su- lliu 3|.


Bill Paterson l<8.\.\ll). Inn RL‘llil'C“ Slrccl. 333 5ll57. (ipni. live but lickclctl. Bill l’alcrxnn \xill he iii\k'll\\ill}_’ Ill\ lilt- and \\nrk ax an aclnr ax part nl' IhL‘ RSAMI )\ 5llIli .\nni\cr\ar}



Are You Re-lnventing The Wheel? l’arlick liltrar}. Hurnharlnn Rnail. 3.“) I303. lllani 3pm. l'ru'. Practical aih icc nn palcnlx l'rnni .lHlllI .\lc(iuirc.


Scotfest - Calling Women To Prayer And Action (luk- .-\uiliInriuIn. l‘inniwlnn Qua). llh7ll (Ht) 4000. £7.50 L'lll. .\lulli-rlcnnininalinnal niccting nl' “nincn.


One, Two, Tree (‘i-nnkann ('a\llc. IiiUiiCl'U\\ l’ark. 35—Hi \VclhllUl Rimtl. Th5 ISM. 1.30 3.3llpni. l)i\cn\cr \\ll} Irm‘x arc \n ania/ing \\ iIh tlic (‘nunIrx \itit' Rangcrx.

11am» imr'r lair). SJ \'."’i'.‘1l“. :;-'--- ". y" :i '

tin'mll'f; ‘.‘.'<‘ri<i ‘giliions;

Glasgow Cathedral

Glasgow Life

éLAsico’w‘ science CENTRE Opens Thu 21 Jun.

w 3,1 unit." 3

More than a feat of engineering splendour

The Glasgow Science Centre has changed the landscape of Glasgow irrevocably. The Bilbao-inspired bulbous structures of the IMAX cinema and Science Mall glisten like diamond domes, while the Glasgow Tower transcends the skyline a beacon of Glasgow's innovative engineering prowess. These are the striking images which sum up the centre, yet for anyone who has not visited the IMAX, what lurks inside is a mystery.

That is, until now. What was once solely a feat of engineering splendour will become a utilitarian mine of scientific exploration; charting the progress of man through a series of interactive exhibits.

The Science Mall is aimed predominantly at children aged 5—12, but holds enough ingenious exhibits to amaze and inspire all ages. Inside it is split into four levels, each with its own specific theme where the emphasis is placed on interaction and making science interesting. The ground level is free to everyone and holds a temporary exhibition of traditional science centre wares; there’s a copy-cat cycling skeleton, a laser beam harp and intriguing Pepper‘s Ghost mirror.

Moving up one level, ‘exploration and discovery’ looks at how we experience the world using practical tests of human abilities alongside activities illustrating abstract concepts of flight and gravity. “Science in action‘ on level two explores solutions to problems such as communication, while level three looks at the impact science has on everyday life in areas such as the environment and medicine.

Only in the Glasgow Tower does science locate itself within the city. In the base of the tower a series of films delineate Glasgow’s development. Then comes the fun bit: two glass lifts majestically ascend over 100 metres to the cabin, affording astounding views of the city which, on a clear day, span almost 40 miles from Tinto hills to Ben Lomond. Much has been made of the tower’s 360° rotational capability which should make the experience all the more stimulating.

The centre’s ambition to educate doesn’t stop at getting a few hundred thousand people through its doors. With a space initiative involving local schoolchildren, touring exhibitions and a business development programme, the centre looks set to change far more than the mere physical landscape. (Maureen Ellis)

I 80%} I’nrmxi'rn'i? x‘iffl't’it‘fvrr'ir, for contact (iota/l}; and open/rig hon/‘8.

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permanent collection of nanrk l>\ E§Ll\‘ll'ltilllt?5.if1RV'WI‘YIE'Wit. Botticelli, W’izstlnr anti (:Jtlt‘i‘.

Burrell Collection

3,5 'T l‘l"‘.."i nears; Glasgow Botanic Gardens

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2550. Mon it‘ll .R 8.1? '.‘.‘1ni~:5iim. F' .R

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" l. THE LIST 91