Art listings

Edinburgh galleries continued


25 .\larchlnont ('l'cxccnl. 33‘) lilo}. .\lon l‘ri 0am 5.30pm: Sat Illam 2pm. Inaugural Exhibition .\ pllolographic gallcr} and training \xorkxhop l'caturing a rangc ol' lraulcd nlountcd imagcx \\lll1 \pacc lor local photogl'aphcrx to \ho“ thcir “Ul'k.


('lcrk Strcct. no" 777). Mon Sat

lllaln 5.30pm.

Angela Bell Inn] Still 7 ()ct ll.othian and llopc Scott Room). Rcccnt \Mll'k h} .v\ngcla llcll rcl‘lccling hcr intcrcxt ill colour. pattcrn alld harmon). llxing a rangc ol' nlcdia including collagc. \\a\. \and. glitlcr and tiwllc.


(l5 l)uhlin Strcct. 55," llJSll. 'l'uc Sat llam 5pm.

Australian Landscapes l'nlil Sat () ()cl. Vic“ \ ol'.-\u\tralia h} K) lll \ccdlc and Bidd} \icolxou.


l5 Rutland Squarc. 22‘) 7545. Mon l’ri ‘Ianl 5pm: Sat Illanl 4pm.

Art Works: Projects For Public

Space l‘ntil l‘ri 2 .\'o\. .'\n c\hillilion ol~

artile [ll‘tlptl\;ll\ arrangcd ll} .'\l'l in l’artncrxhip rmcaling \omc ol~ thc illno\ali\ c idcax artixtx ha\ c dc\ clopcd in l'c\pon\t‘ to hriclx. l’l'tlllilSHlS l'caturcd ill lhc c\hihition includc .thrdccll Bcach h} \ito ;\cconci and Sculpturc at 'l'_\rchaggcr h} .\lark Dion and Simon llc‘cvlll.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lmcrlcith llouxc. lmcl‘lcith Ron. 553

A l " l.

0 Ed Ruscha - The Mountains l'ntil Still I-l ()ct. £3 it'll illncrlcith llouxcz 'l‘uc Still I lam ~l.5ll]lllll. .\ Icadv- illg ligurc in thc (‘alil'ol'nia l’op x\rl mowmcnt. l.U\.'\ll;1L‘lt‘\-l\;l\t‘tl artixl lid l\)ll\c'll;l prcxcntx an c\hihition ol' rcccnl [l;lllllllig\. lll\|)ll't‘tl h} road \ignx and llilllloardx ax hc dro\ c through lhc dra-- matic lillltl\t‘;l]k‘\ ol' .'\lllcrica\ \xcxl coaxt. l<tl\c'll;l'\ h_\pcr—rcali\l paintingx ol' xnou ~cappcd lllountain rangcx arc cucod— cd \\ itll hix tradclllark cl'_\ptic tc\t. Scc llllll\l.

Franz West - Meeting Points l’ntil l—l ()ct l(iardcn\: dail}

‘Hllanl (lplui. chou llcd lor hix illtcractn c art and \culpturcx. onc ol' liuropc\ Icadillg contcnlporar} \culptoh. .I\u\trian artixt l'l'dll/ \chl. lll\l;lll\ tour aluminium \ctllpturcx \\ ithin lhc (iardcnx. l’lacing l\\lt ill uatcr. No on land. \cht dclillcratcl} clllplo} \ artilicial colour\ in all attcmpt to claxh \\ ith thc natural

cn\ irollnlcnl.

Onetree l'ntil Still 33 Scp ili\hillition llall: dail_\ 9.30am (lpllli. .\ touring c\hillitioll ol' \xork h} o\cl' ."(l cxtahlixhcd :ll'll\l\. dcxigllcrx and cralhpcoplc crcatlng \xork ll‘onl a \inglc nati\ c oak lrcc lcllcd at latton l’al‘k ill I‘NS. Paper Over The Cracks Sal 3‘) Scp Still IS ()ct (Inhibition Hall:

\lon l’ri Illaln 4.30pm: Sat tk Still

noon --l.3llpm l. .\n mhihition rcwaling thc di\ cl'xc and lllllo\;tli\ c lle‘x ol' papcl' lcaturing tllc \\ot‘k til \i\ Scotlalld-llaxcd ;ll'll\l\ \\ ho arc lllt‘llllk‘l'S ol l’apcr\\cight \xhich includc .-\nua King. .loanllc Kaar. l.a\ inia Hard}. Karin .\lulllcrt. (‘llrixxic llcughan and .lcnnilcr .v\lc\andcr. NE

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE l.;llltllllg\ (i;lllt‘l'_\. lllll I’l'lllt'L‘S Stl‘cct. 335 l5lll. l)ail_\ Illam (lpm.

Reflected Glories - Adrian Davidson l'ntil l‘ri 3S Scp, .'\n c\hil\ltion ol lllll‘l'lih h} .'\tll'l;lll l)a\id\on on thc thcnlc ol grcat \\ rilcrx including l)anlc. Shakcxpcarc. Rollcrt l.oui\ Slc\cn\oll. lltll‘lh and lit} L‘L‘. Superhuman Thu .1 ()ct Hi 33 .\‘m. Rcccllt \HH'lx ll} lhc auardwxinning Solltll .'\|ricau arlixt \igcl .\lullin\.


Four Leaf Screen by master textile designer Serizawa on show at the Royal Museum


lo l)unda\ Strccl. 55S 13”“. Mon l‘ri lllaln (1pm; Sat lilanl 4pm.

The History Of Scottish Landscapes l‘lllil \Vcd 3 ()cl. .-\ lll\lt3l‘} ol' thc Scottixh landxcapc dating l'l'om thc I‘lth cclltul'} to thc prcwnl da).

lcaturing uorkx ll} Sir William (iillcx. Sir

.lamcx (itllhric. .loan liardlc). l’hilip lirallanl. .lohn lltlll\l(lll and Barbara Rac. One Step Beyond l'nlil \\‘cd 3 ()cl. .'\n c\hihition ol' applicd ;ll'l\ ll} mach ll'olll \Valcx and Scotland including tapcxtr} h} Sarah Hrcnnan. ccramicx ll} ('lairc ('urnccll and loll} l’rankx. glaxx h) ;\li\on Kinnaird and lc\lilc\ h} lilcri .\llll\. SL‘L‘ l‘L‘\ it“.


5 Baron} Stl'ccl. .173 "-lll), 'l‘uc Sal Illam (\pnl.

Contemporary Scottish Art And Design .\ gallcr} alld \hop lcaturing a changing \clcclion ol' hand—xxoxcn alld cmhroldcrcd rug\ and tc\lilc\ lrom thc 'l'urkmcn. l'/hck. Bchlcll and .'\imaq trihcx ol' ( ‘cntral .’\\ia.


Rciacll and Hall .r\rchilccl\. (l l)arna\\a_\ Strccl. 225 S-lll. .\lon l‘ri 2 5pm. Thomas Lawson t'mil Hi 5 ()cl. 'l'homax l.a\\\on\ inxtallation conlinucx hix ill\c\tig;ltioll on thc lil'c ol' Ihc political ligurc ‘l'honlax \ltlir. ()n onc \xall. Ian \on hax painch a draxx illg ol a \xorld nlap alld on thc lacing “all. a ll\l ol llalcx :ltltl L'll'lll'tllllillt‘S.


~l-l lligll Strcct. 557 Slot). l)ail_\

Illam (rpm.

Mixed Exhibition ;\ changing \clcction ol' paintillgx ll} prcdominantl_\ Italian artixtx. lcaturing \till lilc. landxcapcx alld ligul‘ati\ c. \xilh all \\Ul'l\\ lol‘ \alc.


SS Ralclil'lc lliL‘lil'llt'L‘. (l(l7 l‘)(l(l. Mon 0am 5pm: 'l‘llc l-‘l‘i ‘lam (rpm; Sal lllanl 5pm.

Mixed Show l'nlil \Vcd 3| ()cl. ()riginal art. \crccnprinlx and ctchingx.


33 (‘ockhurn Strcct. ()2: (CM). 'lllc Sat lllam 5pm.

Face On l'nlil Sal to .\'o\. (“malt-d h) (‘l‘aig Ricllardxon and Mark Hurdcn. thix mhihition L‘\;lllllllc\ and rccontcvualixcx nc\\ and c\i\ting photographic alld lcnx~ llaxcd £ll'l\\lll'k\ \\ hicll ill\ol\c a \ocial c\challgc hcluccll lllc al'ti\l alld thcir

human \uhicctx. l5cattlrcd tll‘llNlS incltldc Rodcrick Buchanan. Philip-Lorca

di( ‘ol'cia. .’\|c\a Wright. Jcnnilcr Bornxtcin. :\llrcdo Jail and Adam (illod/ko.

Collaborative Work Hi 21 Scp Sal () ()ct l('alc ()dilc l. .\ collallol'atiw digital art\ proicct cxploring Scottish natix c \\oodlalld ll} young pcoplc lronl l’ilton Youth and ('hildrcn’x l’roicct and tll‘ll\l\ l.ind\a_\ l’crth alld Sophic Scott.


l’lli\cr\it_\ ol' lidinhurgh. South liridgc. (u5l) Ill 1. Mon Sat Illam 5pm: Still

2 5pm.

Chinese Contemporary Art Sat 2‘) Scp Sat 3 .\’o\ l\\'hitc (iallcryi. ’l‘hc lil'\l \hou illg ol conlclllporar} painting and \culpturc hrollght dircctl} l'ronl ('hina

\\ hicll rc\ cal a lllcnd ol' both traditional and modcrn thcnlcx and [L‘L‘lllllt|llt‘\. Nl 8‘ ‘(Z“.‘..

Curators Talk \Vcd 3 ()ct. 5.15pm. 'l‘hc cut’atorx l'rom Bciiing talk about thc currcnt ('hiucxc (‘outclnporala .'\rt c\hihition.

Jacqueline Donachie Sat 2‘)

Scp Sat 3 \m (round roollll. (ilaxgou - haxcd artixt Jacquclinc Donachic'x ncu \iork lit/I'll/llu'u/i Sorry/l lookx at thc mall} \tudcut chills alld \ocicticx ol‘ thc l'lliwrxit} ol‘ lidinllurgh. For thc shou. l)onachic \\ ill crcatc a \mall podium and \Hlllx u ith tllc l1;llllL‘\UlL‘;lCll oltllc \ocicticx in alphahctic ordcr in all attcmpl to \cc \\ hcthcr lidiuhurgh'x \ludcntx lit thc \talldard \lcrcot) pcx. Scc prc\ icu.

Nl Sl i()\.'..


.io Dundax Strcct. 556 (i360. .\lon l’ri llalll (rpm; Sat lllfillam 4pm.

Peter McOermott and Elizabeth McCrindle l'lllil Sat 22 Scp. Rcccnl painting»

Joyce Borland and Doreen Williams Sat 3‘) Scp Sat 13 ()ct. Rcccnt paintingx.


'l'l‘awl'xc 'l'hcalrc. ll) (’amhridgc Strch 228 5383.

The Wonderful Colourful World Of Zap 2 l'lltil Still 7 ()ct. Rcccnl \ml'k h} Kicran (iorman doculncntillg tllc lar oll' cartoon planct ol '/.ap 3. itx crcaturcx and hahitatx.


lo South l‘ort Strcct. 47S 78“). Mon Sat l lam l|.-l5pnl: Sllll IBM) |l.-l5pm. The Adventures Of A Little Mexican Dog l'nlil Sat 27 Oct. (‘onlputcr lllllSll‘llllUllS h) Stcphallic

Salldcrxon documcnting lhc lil'c ol timcx ()l' ‘lllL‘ litllc .\lc\ican dog. \tllicll \hc cncountcrcd on hcl' tra\cl\ around liuropc.


il'ornlcrl} Malcolm lllllt‘\ (iallcr) t. 4 l)unda\ Strcct. 55S 0544/5. .\lon l-ri lllam opnl: Sat llanl lpnl.

Mixed Exhibition .-\n ongoing \clcctioll ol‘ Scottish landxcapcx. \porling painting» nlilitar} oil\. “alcrcolollrx alld pl'iIIIS.

A Scottish Panorama t‘lllil Sat 2‘) Scp. :\ \L'lL'CllUll (ll thc gallcr} \ lincxl Scottixh landxcapcx and \t‘t‘llL‘\ ol' sporting lilc lrom thc l‘)th and call} leth L‘L‘llllll‘}.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh City Life, page 95.

THE DRAWING ROOM GALLERY ZS (‘harlottc Squarc. ladillhurgh. 2—13 9365. .\lon Sat lllam 5pnl1Sun

nooll 5pm. l‘rcc. .\'ot on|_\ thc llcad ()llicc lor tllc National 'l'ruxt llll' Scotland. 2S ('llarloltc Stiuarc alxo houwx a pcrmancnt collcction ol' leth ccntur} Scottixh paintingx l'caturing \xork h} l’cploc. lluntcr and ('adcll. l)i\pla_\cd ill a dollllelc \L‘lllng. lllc \\ork\ arc colllplcmcntcd h} a collcction ol' chcnc} l'urniturc.


Shorc Road. South ()uccnxl'crr}. 331 2-l5l. l)ail_\ lllanl 5.30pm. [37” ‘5. Silver Linings l‘luil Sun so Scp. .v\cr_\ lic painlillgx h} .'\ric \ardl plux oilx h} (icol'lrc) Ropcr. “alcrcolotlrx h} .llmc Morgan and botanical clchingx ll} .\largarct Ronald.


~13 lligh Strch 53‘) ~ll-12. .\lon Sat lllam 5pm.

All Aboard For Toyland l'nlll Sal 3 .\’m. .\n c\hihilion highlighting thc cnduring poptllal‘ll} ol' l-.nid liltton’x .\'odd_\ and hix lo} lalld lricndx.

MUSEUM OF EDINBURGH ll’orlllcrl} lllllill} lltlthcl. l-lZ ('auongatc. 53‘) .1143. Mon Sat

Illanl 5pm.

Thomas Nelson And Sons - Spreading The Word t'nnl Sal In Jail. .-\n c\hihilioll on thc importancc ol' \clxon'x l’rintillg \Vorkx ol~ thc ()ld low it and Southxidc ol~ lidinhul'gh.