Music folk & world listings

rC'laS'sicali:..-f -




I Indian Music And Dance Collective SI Bl‘idc'x (t‘ltlt'c‘. ()ruell 'I‘errace. 346 I405. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). A colourful program of Bharatanat)am and Kathak dance. u ith muxic on tabla. harmonium and \‘oc‘alx.

I Ceilidhs At The Caley (‘aledonian Brewer}. Slatel‘ord Road. 623 8066. 7pm 1am. £6 (£5). ('eilidh in Iidinhurgh'x laxt Victorian brewer};


GJock Tamson’s Bairns Itomlcn l’ark ('entre. llowden. 01506 433634. 8pm. £8 (£5). With guext xingerx. the Bairnx headline the main concert ol‘ the weekend xonglcxt. Part of" the Sinur'rx' (fut/twine. Sec l’ri 22.


OTony McManus St Andi-cu \ In The Square. ()t'l‘ Saltmarlx'ct. St

Andre“ ’x Street. 548 6020. 7.30pm. £8 (£6). I’aixle} 'x acouxtic gttilar xtat'. accompanied h)‘ [in en Vernel ((‘apercaillie) on haxx and (my Nicholxon (Salxa ('cltica) on tzthlttx. ililtc night will alxo we the launch of .\Ic.\lanu.x' next-('1) ‘('eol More.

I Kesha (‘al'e ('oxxachok. Rtixxian (‘ultural ('entre. King Street. 5530733. 8.30pm. £3. (i}‘[)x}-_i;t// I‘uxion l'rom \'i()lini.xtx I.e\' .'\tla.x and ()Ieg I’onomareV. and guitarixt Nigel ('Iark.


I Open Mic Southern Bar. South ('Ierk Street. 66 228‘). 7pm. I’ree. Sec Sun 17.

I The Listening Room The Blue Blazer. Spittal Street. 22‘) 5030 8pm. £2 xuggexted donation. See Sun I7.


OFarewell Gathering Ht)“ den Park (‘entre. llouden. 0I506 433634. 2 5pm. £5 (£5). The finale to the Singerx' \tcekend ix hoxted h} xupcrh xingerx Alison and Kirny .\Ic.\Iorland with (ieordie .\Iclnt) re. Part of the Singt'rx ' (fut/twine. Sn' I'i'i 22.


I Acoustic Underground \\'hixtlchinkiex. South Bridge. 557 5| I4. l0pm 2.30am. lirce. See .\lon l8.


I Wired To The Moon Stirling l-‘ulk ('ltlh. 'l‘crraccx llotcl. .\lel\ illc 'l‘crracc. 01786 472268. 8pm. £5 (£4). Popular live-piece hand MIX 1! \\()t'ld ()I. influencex in with traditional inuxic and xong.

Wednesday 27


OTony McManus and Ewan Vernal Iidinhurgh l’olk ('Iuh. ('aharet Bar. 60 The I’lcaxancc. 650 234‘). 8pm. £6 (£4 £5). (iuitarixt .\lc.\lanux ix joined by (‘apercaiIIie‘x haxx pla} er to perform muxic trom hix new ('1). ('m/ .llu/‘c.

I Absolute Beginners Ceilidh Dance Boroughmuir High School. \'ic\\'lorth. Bt'untxlicld. 7.30 ‘)pm. £2.50 (5.. l .50). Sec Wed 20.

Thursday 28


I Kenny Speirs and Joe Wright The Star ('Iuh. Ri\crxide ('Iul). I‘o\ Street. 560 7287. 8pm. £6 (£4). Songx \\ ith gttitar. fiddle and mandolin.


I Out Of The Bedroom the Winnie}. St Mar} ‘x Street. 557 I050. 9pm. I‘rcc. Sec ’l‘hu I4.

54 THE LIST '-1 k", I wt, 7 xi?

Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


I lain Paton and Julia Lynch Merchantx llouxc. 7 “ext (ieorge Street. 33 ()757. l2.45pm. £4.50(£l.50 £4). ()ne of" the I'K'x linext tenorx. Iain l’aton ixjoined by pianixt I.}lic‘lt tor a programme of muxic xpcciall} xelectcd It)!‘ \ttlc‘llllllc‘K Du}.

I Benjamin Frith ('oncert Ilall. l'nixerxit} ol'(ilaxgo\\. l'niwrxit} .-\\enuc. 330 4002. I.l0pm. I’rec. l’ianixt l‘rith continucx the l'nixerxit} 'x ‘l’iano .\Ionth‘ programme \\ ith a lunchtime recital.

I Scottish Light Music .'\tIL‘Ittl(lc"x. 20‘) Bath SII‘L‘CI. 248 4970. 7.30pm. .'\n ex ening ol’ Scottixh I.ight .\quic \\ ith the Old (ilaxgoxx ('luh.

I Valentine’s Concert (‘al'e (‘oxxachok 10 King Street. 5530733. 8.30pm. Free. Romantic claxxicx and folk melodicx Irom accordionixt (ieorgic (iajjic.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra QUL‘L‘IYx Hall. (‘Ict‘k Street. ()68 20l‘). 7.45pm. £6 £20 ( £2.50). Nicholax .\lc(icgan ix at the baton l'or Becthmcn‘x c‘\ cr-populat‘ .S'i'm/I/mm' mi /) 'l’mlum/ '. \Veher'x entertaining A'mirt'rlxtuck and DittcrxdorI'x action-packed .S‘_\'/)1/)/mnn'\ tiller (mt/x .llt'Iu/nur/ilnm'i.‘ no 4 Elm/mnu’r/u ‘\ Rt'u'ut' In I’t'ru'm '.

I Edinburgh University Chamber Music Club Reid (‘oncert IlaII. Iidinhurgh I'nixcrxit}. Brion Square. 668 20l‘). I.l0pm. l‘ree. Studentx I'rom the l‘acult} ot' .\quic perform a xelection of chamber \HH'ixx. I Music With A View Rotal ()\et‘- Scax League. I00 i’l‘lliL‘cW SII‘L‘L'I. 225 l50l. 6.30pm. £7.50 ( £5). l’upilx trom the renouncd Yehudi Menuhin School [)L‘l'lttl‘llt :t xclcction ()l' xolo \xot'lxx [or piano. \ iolin and cello. ()\cl‘l()t)l\ing I’l'iltc‘c‘x SII‘L‘L‘I (iitl'tlc‘ltx.


I Fonnem - Splinter / Section/ Broken / AI‘Ch 'I'he .Xt'c‘ltc‘x. 255 Arg} Ie Street, 090] 0220300. 6.25pm (& l0pm. An interpretation ol' Sle\e Rcich'x l‘)()8 conceptual \\()l'l\. I’r'Iu/u/um .lluxn'. I’art ol' the National Re\ icu oI' I.i\c :\rt.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ('it} Ilall.('andlcriggx. 3538000. 7.30pm. £6 £l8 (£2.50). Sec 'I‘Itu I4. I The Hebrides Ensemble RS:\.\II). I00 Renl'reu Street. 332 5057. Ipm. £5 (£3). 'l‘he linxemhlc pct‘ltn'ttt a tie“ \xork h} Wit) nc Duncan and Ra\el'x I’itum 'l'rin.

I Opera Night \lugtlock (‘ounirx I’arlx. ('raigallian Road. .\lilnga\ ic. 956 6I()(). 7.30pm. £l2. :\n melting of operatic claxxicx perl'ormed h} l'our xoloixtx. 'l'ickct price includex a light xupper during the interml.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xhcr Ilall. l.othian Road. 228 I I55. 7.30pm. £8.50 £22. ('onductor (iunthcr IIcrhig \\elcomcx

\ iolinixt ('hantal .luillet to the xtagc tor Iicrg'x tin/in (inn-writ). Iicethmcn’x ()l'('l'llll'('.' lag/mull and .S‘i'm/i/inut In) J' xtart and end proceedingx.

I Forth Valley Chorus St Iiridc' (.c‘ltll'c. I0 ()t'\\ ell lcl‘l‘ac‘c. 340 I405. 7.30pm. £7.50 (£6). .\ harher xhop-xt} Ic Iterl'ormance entitled ‘.'\ 'I‘imc I‘or Romancc'.


I Freight Train The Archex. 253

Arg) Ie Street. 090] 022 0300. 0pm. The I’olixh muxic group prcxent lit/en. an experimental concert performed alongxidc a ximultaneoux projection of an animated film h} .-\ndr/.ei ('Iec/ot. Part of the National Review of" Live Art.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro}a| ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. U050 £23. Sec I'il'i I5.

I Total Action Heroes Roytl ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 3pm. £10.50 (£4); lamil} ticket £18. The xecond in the RS.\'()’x Sound Station xeriex promixcx to he another hellcr ol‘ a concert. 'l‘hix time the emphaxix ix on action heroex. u ith John \Villiamx' 'I‘lmm' It‘um Superman ruhhing xhoulderx \\ ith Jamex Ilorner'x BI‘tll't’ht’U/‘I and the traditional .St‘uli ll'lnt line.

I Renfield Recitals Renl‘icltl St Stephen’x ('hurch (’entre. 260 Bath Street. 332 2826. lpm. I-‘ree. l-icc Saturday lunchtime concertx h} \arioux artixtx.


I Forth Valley Chorus St Britle'x Centre. If) ()ru ell 'I'errace. 346 I405. 7.30pm. £7.50 (£6). Scc Hi 15.


I RSAMD Afternoon Concert l’ollok Ilotixc. I’ollolx ('ountr} Park. 2060 l’ollokxhau x Road. ()l6 64l0. 2pm. £4 (£3 ). Soprano Kate Valentine and pianixt \Vai Sum ('hong perl’orm xongx h} Purcell. Schumann. |)ehtixx} and a xelection ol' Scotx xongx.

I Take Note St Iinoch ('cntre. 55 St linoch Square. 204 3000. 2pm. I-‘rec. ()ne ()I(ilitxgo\\ ‘x lilic‘xl (ioxpcl cltoil‘x xillg Io\ ing lamentx ax part of the ('it} ol' I.o\'c i'iL'Sii\ili.

I Happy Birthday, Cossachok! (‘ulc ('oxxacholx. I0 King Street. 553 0733. 8.30pm. £3. (‘elchrating the cal'e'x l'ourth hirthda}. \ iolinixt I.e\ .'\Il;tx and pianixt Stephen Adam pla_\ a xelection oI IIlCiUtiiL‘S.


I SCO Chamber Ensemble Quecn'x Ilall. ('lerk Street. 668 20I‘). 2.30pm. £7 £|3 (£2.50). l’ianixt Stephen llough joinx xoloixtx from the Scottixh ('hamhcr ()rchextra for an afternoon ot’ uorkx h} l)\ot‘alx. Brahmx. Schumann and \ic‘lttlclxxoltll.

I Total Action Heroes t'xhcr Ilall. l.othian Road. 228 l I55. 3pm. £8 (£4: lttlilil) llclx‘L'l l8). SL‘L‘ Sill l().

Tuesday 1 9


OCamerata Salzburg Rt)_\aI ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l0.50 £23. llouard SthlL‘} conduch one (it the \iorld'x lincxt exponentx oI chamher muxic in lla_\dn\ Sim/thorn m) 87 altd .\Io/art\ l’imm (‘om‘r'rlu m) 22. Part ol‘ the Ro}aI ('oitcci‘t llall'x International Seriex.

I Scottish Voices lluichcxnnx‘ Hall. I58 Ingram Street. 552 83‘)I. I.l5pm. £2.50. .\ piano duct and three xopranox perform an interexting mi\ of xongx h} Schumann. Brahmx. Iidtxard .\Ic(iuire and (‘UIC l’ortcr.


I Gusztav Fenyo Reid ('oncct't llall. Iidinhurgh I'nixerxit}. Brion Square. 668 20I‘). I.l0pm. l-"ree. 'l‘he Illglll) acclaimed pianixt perI‘ormx \mi'kx h} Mozart. Schubert and Schoenberg.

Wednesday 20


0 Dunedin Consort (ire) l'i-iarx Kirk. (ire)lriarx Place. 53‘) 8877. 7.45pm. £9 (£4). Ilcn I’arr} ix at the baton and John

Monster Scottish Opera delve inside the fascinating mind of 19th century author Mary Shelley. in this exciting new piece by contemporary composer Sally Bearnish and popular novelist Janice Galloway. See feature. Theatre Royal. Glasgow. Thu 28 Feb <3 Sat 2 Mar.

Camerata Salzburg The RCH continue their impressive International Series with a visit from one of Europe's foremost chamber ensembles. accompanied by piano maestro Howard Shelley. Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow. Tue 79 Feb.

Dunedin Consort The wonderful. uplifting sound of James MacMillan's choral music fills the kirk and cathedral. including three Scottish premieres. Greyfriars Kirk. Edinburgh. Wed 20 Feb: Glasgow Cathedral. Thu 27 Feb.

BT Scottish Ensemble The already funky ensemble get even tunkier with the arrival of jazz musician. Tommy Smith. Expect a heady mix of Chick Corea. Ravel and more. Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow. Fri 22 Feb; Queen '3 Hall. Edinburgh. Sat 23 Feb.

' Paragon Ensemble The contemporary ensemble head back in time to the Middle Ages for this eclectic mix featuring James MacMillan. Peter Maxwell Davies and Gorecki. Queen's Hall. Edinburgh. Mon 25 Feb.

Kitchen ix at the organ for an ex ening demted to the choral muxic of Jamex .\Iac.\Iillan. including three Scottixh pre- lllIL‘l'L‘\. .-\ll i'.(‘:\'ii Pl'L‘SClllilliUlI.

I Lunchtime Concert Quecn‘x Hall. ('Ierk Street. 668 200). l2.45pm. £5. A performance from .xoprano Majhritt

B} xkox and pianixt (‘acilia Schueeli in axxociation \\ ith the Ro}al Scottixh Academ} ol' .\ltixic and Drama.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro}al ('oncct‘t Hall. 2 Sauchichall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l0.50 £23. (iuext pianixt (ii'igoi‘) Sokolox joinx the orchcxtra I'or

'l‘chaikm xk) 'x l’num (‘um‘crlu no /. iii a programme \\ hicli alxo featurex Janacek‘x luv/Ila” l)(lII(‘(’.\ and (ila/unm 'x .Si‘m/I/Iuni no 5. Walter \Vcllcr ix at the baton.

0 Dunedin Consort (ilaxgtm ('athcdral. ('ttxtlc Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £ll (£7). See Wed 20.

I Kenneth Hamilton ('onccrt lIall. l'ni\ci‘xit_\ Uliilihgti“. l'ni\erxit} .-\\enuc. 330 4002. I.l0pm. liree. I’ianixt llamilton gii ex a ltmchtimc concert ax part of" the t'nixcrxit} 'x ‘I’iano Month’.