FramespOtting .

Every issue, The List in association with Beck’s highlights the work of a young Scottish-based photographer.

Christina Reenberg Jensen

Born in Denmark, Christina Reenberg Jensen is in her third year studying fine art

photography at Glasgow School of Art. Her main interest lies in portrait photography and in

particular, distortion of the appearance of the face. The featured photographs are of an

installation she created at the Cottier Theatre last year as part of the Burnt Out Festival, in Supported by which images were projected onto latex masks. If you would like to get in touch with her,

call 0141 337 6057 or email

REG. How to enter work Applicants should be students in the second year or beyond of a photography or relevant degree, or those who have graduated in the last three years. To arrange a time for The 9 I i _ List to see your portfolio call Helen Monaghan on 0131 550 3076. Each of the chosen S photographers will receive $100, courtesy of Beck’s and The List.