Theatre listings

Locals by Stephen Carella

- not necessarily in that order! Tickets {8/4 from the Ramshorn


by Kathleen Oliver

Lips. hips and rhyming qus'

viSit to a Sapphic Forest of Arden. t secrets UK for the writing . the acting,

and the production.

'A delightful two hour's entertainment

plays‘ wry understandin

love and lust.‘ ime Out

usually only men get to play‘ What's On in London

Tickets 28/5 from Collins Gallery tel: 0141 548 2558

3AMer )R‘l .‘ *

Private Joke Productions

directed by Jacqui Somerville


A new comedy from a new comedy company about two llatmates. one from Glasgow and one from Motherwelt ,.One lives for Celtic. and One would die for Motherwell‘ this adds an edge to the question of where is the best place to belong. ..Combining sketch show and Sit-com. what results is a comic SWlpe at family, religion. politics. sex and football

Off the Cuff Theatre Company Swollen Tongues

Thomas and his sister Catherine. aspiring poets. are both in love Wllh Sonia This modern RestOration comedy embrOils Shakespearean gender-bending Molieresque rapier thrusts of comic verse. and a Cyrano style faith in poetic panache in the powers of woomg by proxy. In a flurry of disguises. tricks and revelations. and 3

characters discover that no-one is Without Rave reViews in Canada and the


(our strong cast are expertly atttuned to their of the Currents of

'lt's wonderful to see women performers relishing the kind of sexed-up comedy that

Edinburgh Drama continued

NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE 43—45 High Street. 556 957‘). [W(‘. WAI Turning Tides L‘niil Sat 27 Apr. 8pm. £6 (£4). A new play by Blue Shoes in which a man and woman find themselves entwined in the past. but looking to the future.

Love Song Of The Electric Bear Sun 28—Tue 30 Apr. 7.30pm; Sun 5pm & 8pm. £5 (£4). Iidinburgh-based Blueprint Productions presents this .story of Alan Turing. creator of the modern computer. See preview in (iay section. Jessie Kesson - A Good Crack At Life Wed l—Sat 4 May. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). Attic Theatre’s humorous and poignant look at the life of Scottish author Jessie Kesson.

The Emerald City Thu 9 Sat 1 I May. 7.30pm (Sat mat 2.30pm). £6 (£4). Napier Drama Society adapts l’i'ank Baum's T/lt’ ll'imn/ tilt): and The Marvellous Lam] oft);


Iii-~22 (irecnside Place. ()870 6063424. IH. W('. WA]

The King And I t‘niil Sat 18 May (not Sun). 7.30pm (Wed & Sat mat 2.30pm). £7V-‘£3(). Lavish production of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. with none other than ex-Hur! Io Hurt star Stefanie Powers taking on the role of governess Anna Leonowens. See review.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE Grindlay Street. 248 4848. ll’. ll. 'l"'I'. WC‘. WA]

OVictory Sill 27 Apr- Sill l8 May (not Sun/Mon). 7.45pm (Sat ck Wed niat 2.30pm). £7~—£l7.5() (£l --£l3). Howard Barker‘s provocative and witty play set in 17th century post-revolution lingland. See preview.


Comely Batik. Tickets: 553 l54‘). Canterbury Tales (Chaucer Made Modern) .\Ion 2‘) Apr —Sat 4

May. 7.30pm (Sat iiiat 3.30pm). £7 (£5). lidinbui‘gh ‘l'lieatre Arts presents Phil Woods' non-academic reworking of (‘iilltlL‘L‘l"\ classic [C\i\.


ll) ()i'w ell ’l‘ci'i'acc. 34b l4()5. |W('. WAI Medea l'ntil Sat 27 Apr. 7.45pm. £(i.5(). Ai'kle 'I‘heati'e (‘onipany stage l.i/ l.ochl‘iead's modern rc-telling of the classical lauripides myth.


3 ("hey llL‘ Sil'L‘L‘l Ii). \\'(.. \\'.v\]

Rags 'l'hu ‘) Sat ll .\la_\. Spin. £7.50 (£6.50). t'oncei't \ei‘sion of the Strotise and Scliwai't/ musical (the guy s behind Annie and (;(’(/\/’('/li. which follow s a group of Rtissian .lew s as they attempt to

Perfect Days, touring

build a new life in New York. Performed by Strictly Songtime. the music runs the gamut ol’jan. blues and ragtime to traditional Yiddish tunes.


('ainbi‘idge Street. 338 I404. ll’. H. Ti. W('. WAI

Green Field l‘ri 2(i Apr Sal IS May (not .\lonl. Spin. £9 (£4.5(ll. l’reyiew sliows l'ii Io Still IS Apr. tickets £5 (£3). Riccardo (ialgani's sharply obsery ed comedy about a couple who move to a luxurious new housing estate but fail to find happiness there. See prey iew. Monday Lizard Mon 2‘) Apr. 8pm. Free. An evening of new Scottish work. performed in a i'ela\ed atmosphere in the bar. with liye music and



Citizens Main

_ Citizens Circle Cottler Theatre GilmorehillGT 2


.,B§!!l§!!9_m Tramway Ti'on

Singles Night

Des ()'(’onnor

Arabian Night

Animal Farm

.\io\ement ls l’reedom

Sec Rock 3; Pop

List! “Kills

Theatre Guide

' Thursday 25

Friday 26

Animal Farm Willian Burroughs

Singles Night

.‘yioyeinent ls l-"reedom See Rock & Pop . (‘hi'is .\lc(‘lui'e Story See Jal/ l.isa Watts/Signal

Arabian Night

7 Saturday 27

Four Dogs And A Bone l‘our Dogs And A Bone l-oiii Dogs \iid .\ Bone l'oiii‘ Dogs And .\ [lone i’tllil Dogs \nd \ Hone l-oiir Dogs .\nil .\ lione

Singles Night

(‘hiis .\lc(‘luie Stoiy


Arabian Night

Sunday 28

Willian Burroughs

Singles \iglil

.\i()\ eincnl is i'l'L‘Ctinlli

“Illl‘ti “It‘liit‘l\

(’hiis \lc('ltiic Story \llseiy

l.isa Watts Signal

Monday 29

Tuesday 30 Wednesday 1

,iI\L‘_.ll\t'.il\t‘ _li\\eJi\e

Singles Night \iziglcs Night

iiiiii‘ii B!“iilk'|\ Blimti “ll‘iili'l\

\lisciy \lisciy

Scenes l ioiii Scenes i‘iliiil.

Church Hill Festival Theatre Gateway Theatre King’s

7 Netherbow Playhouse

Royal Lyceum

St Bride’s Traverse 1


The linsemble (iroup

'l‘uming Tides

The King & l


Des ()'(‘onnor

'lurning Titles

The Kliig ck 1



(it‘t'clt i:lL'iti\

'l'uniing 'l'idcs

'llie King «k l


(iicen l'ields

See Rock «k l’op

Woman Of No importance Woman ()I' No lmixinance Woman ()1 No linixiitance

loye Song ( if life loye Song ( )l Ilie

'llic King .\I

(iiceii l icltls

i ‘C‘ \ilst'ldi‘ics

Nitalctl \ng‘L"

Roscnciant/ Rosenciant/

l.o\e Song ( )l liic Jessie Kk'\\\‘li llic King t\' l llic King & l \ ic‘loiy


(iiceii l ielils (iieen l iclds

66 THE LIST 2‘3 Apr—9 May 2002